This set of playbooks install an Elasticsearch cluster, Logstash and a kibana dashboard inside containers and then install Topbeat in your cloud to ship system metrics to the Elastic cluster. Change-Id: I0c8c853ee48bd9278bd7b08719be4bde5f8c3df6
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- name: install ElK stack
hosts: "{{ elk_hosts }}"
become: true
- vars/variables.yml
- name: elasticsearch datapath bind mount
name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
container_command: |
[[ ! -d "/var/lib/elasticsearch" ]] && mkdir -p "/var/lib/elasticsearch"
[[ ! -d "/var/lib/elasticsearch-olddata" ]] && mkdir -p "/var/lib/elasticsearch-olddata"
- "lxc.mount.entry=/openstack/{{ inventory_hostname }} var/lib/elasticsearch none bind 0 0"
delegate_to: "{{ physical_host }}"
- name: Add Oracle Java PPA to apt sources list
apt_repository: repo='ppa:webupd8team/java' state=present
- name: Accept Java 8 License
debconf: name='oracle-java8-installer' question='shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1' value='true' vtype='select'
- name: Ensure Java is installed.
apt: name=oracle-java8-installer state=present install_recommends=yes update_cache=yes
- name: add Elastic search public GPG key
url: "https://packages.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch"
state: "present"
- name: add Elastic search repo to apt sources list
apt_repository: repo='deb http://packages.elastic.co/elasticsearch/2.x/debian stable main' state=present
- name: Ensure Elastic search is installed.
apt: name=elasticsearch state=present update_cache=yes
- name: Drop elastic search conf file
src: templates/elasticsearch.yml.j2
dest: /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
- name: Enable and restart elastic
name: "elasticsearch"
enabled: true
state: restarted
- name: copy elk-data rotater script
copy: src=templates/rotate-topbeatdata.sh dest=/root/rotate-topbeatdata.sh mode=0755
when: node_data | bool
- name: setup a cron job to use topbeat-data rotater script daily
cron: name="compress old topbeat data" minute="55" hour="23" job="/root/rotate-topbeatdata.sh"
when: node_data | bool