This change introduces node_exporter into the monitoring stack. The role from cloudalchemi is used for the bulk of the deployment. Change-Id: I1343db378f9dee056a5fb67e0dc9e89e11bc7e28
Install Prometheus
- tags
openstack, ansible
About this repository
This set of playbooks will deploy Prometheus. If this is being deployed as part of an OpenStack all of the inventory needs will be provided for.
These playbooks require Ansible 2.4+.
Deployment Process
Clone the repo
cd /opt
git clone https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-ops
Downloading role dependencies
cd /opt/openstack-ansible-ops/prometheus
ansible-galaxy install -r ansible-role-requirements.yml
Install node_exporter
cd /opt/openstack-ansible-ops/prometheus
openstack-ansible installNodeExporter.yml