--- # Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. - name: Ensure horizon dirs are accessible by user file: path: "{{ item.path }}" state: directory owner: "{{ horizon_system_user_name }}" group: "{{ horizon_system_group_name }}" mode: "0755" recurse: yes with_items: - { path: "{{ horizon_lib_dir }}", fixup: True } - { path: "/etc/openstack-dashboard", fixup: "{{ (ansible_facts['os_family'] | lower) == 'redhat' }}" } when: item.fixup # TODO(hwoarang): See if we can use local_settings.py from the distribution packages # when horizon_install_method == 'distro' - name: Setup Horizon config(s) template: src: "{{ item.src }}" dest: "{{ item.dest }}" owner: "{{ item.owner|default(horizon_system_user_name) }}" group: "{{ horizon_system_group_name }}" mode: "{{ item.mode }}" with_items: - { src: "horizon_local_settings.py.j2", dest: "/etc/horizon/local_settings.py", owner: "root", mode: "0640", always_install: True } - { src: "horizon-manage.py.j2", dest: "{{ horizon_bin }}/horizon-manage.py", mode: "0755", always_install: "{{ (horizon_install_method == 'source') }}" } - { src: "80_admin_default_panel.py.j2", dest: "{{ horizon_lib_dir }}/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/_80_admin_default_panel.py", mode: "0755", always_install: True } when: item.always_install notify: Restart apache2 - name: Uploading horizon custom files copy: src: "{{ item.value.src }}" dest: "{{ horizon_lib_dir }}/openstack_dashboard/static/dashboard/{{ item.value.dest }}" with_dict: "{{ horizon_custom_uploads | default({}) }}" - name: Create horizon links file: src: "{{ item.src }}" dest: "{{ item.dest }}" owner: "{{ horizon_system_user_name }}" group: "{{ horizon_system_group_name }}" state: "link" force: yes with_items: - { src: "/etc/horizon/local_settings.py", dest: "{{ horizon_lib_dir }}/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py" } - name: Create customization module directory file: path: "{{ horizon_lib_dir }}/horizon_customization" state: directory owner: "{{ horizon_system_user_name }}" group: "{{ horizon_system_group_name }}" mode: "0755" when: horizon_customization_module is defined - name: Drop horizon customization module template: src: "{{ horizon_customization_module }}" dest: "{{ horizon_lib_dir }}/horizon_customization/__init__.py" owner: "{{ horizon_system_user_name }}" group: "{{ horizon_system_group_name }}" mode: "0644" notify: Restart apache2 when: horizon_customization_module is defined - name: Creating horizon custom theme path file: path: "{{ horizon_lib_dir }}/openstack_dashboard/{{ item.value.theme_path }}/" state: directory owner: "{{ horizon_system_user_name }}" group: "{{ horizon_system_group_name }}" mode: "0755" with_dict: "{{ horizon_custom_themes }}" - name: Drop horizon custom themes unarchive: src: "{{ item.value.theme_src_archive }}" dest: "{{ horizon_lib_dir }}/openstack_dashboard/{{ item.value.theme_path }}/" owner: "{{ horizon_system_user_name }}" group: "{{ horizon_system_group_name }}" with_dict: "{{ horizon_custom_themes }}" when: item.value.theme_src_archive is defined notify: Restart apache2 - name: Collect static files command: "{{ horizon_manage }} collectstatic --noinput" become: yes become_user: "{{ horizon_system_user_name }}" changed_when: false notify: Restart apache2 - name: Compress static files command: "{{ horizon_manage }} compress --force" become: yes become_user: "{{ horizon_system_user_name }}" changed_when: false notify: Restart apache2 register: async_compress_static_files async: 600 poll: 0 - name: Register DB session cleanup cron cron: name: "Clear out expired sessions" minute: "{{ 58 | random(seed=inventory_hostname, start=2) }}" hour: "21" job: "{{ horizon_manage }} clearsessions" user: "{{ horizon_system_user_name }}" state: present when: inventory_hostname == ansible_play_hosts[0]