This patch adds the ability to specify a cleaning and provisioning network for Ironic. If none are specified then Ironic continues to function as it does now. Ironic role will calculate the UUID of the neutron network assuming a network name is provided. Additionally, this is added to testing by configuring a network to add with the network-name. Change-Id: I9be6f351c0da292ac8b861d2168e73d1861e1603
18 lines
807 B
18 lines
807 B
- Add support for ``neutron`` as an
- The ``ironic_neutron_provisioning_network_name`` and
``ironic_neutron_cleaning_network_name`` variable can
be set to the name of the neutron network to use for
provisioning and cleaning. The ansible tasks will
determine the appropriate UUID for that network.
``ironic_neutron_provisioning_network_uuid`` or
``ironic_neutron_cleaning_network`` can be used to
directly specify the UUID of the networks. If both
``ironic_neutron_provisioning_network_name`` and
``ironic_neutron_provisioning_network_uuid`` are
specified, the specified UUID will be used.
If only the provisioning network is specified, the
cleaning network will default to the same network.