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-OpenStack-Ansible Keystone
+OpenStack-Ansible keystone
Ansible role that installs and configures OpenStack Keystone. Keystone is
installed behind the Apache webserver listening on port 5000 and port 35357 by
-Default Variables
-.. literalinclude:: ../../defaults/main.yml
- :language: yaml
- :start-after: under the License.
-Required Variables
-This list is not exhaustive at present. See role internals for further
-.. code-block:: yaml
- # hostname or IP of load balancer providing external network
- # access to Keystone
- external_lb_vip_address:
- # hostname or IP of load balancer providing internal network
- # access to Keystone
- internal_lb_vip_address:
- # password used by the keystone service to interact with Galera
- keystone_container_mysql_password: "YourPassword"
- keystone_auth_admin_password: "SuperSecretePassword"
- keystone_service_password: "secrete"
- keystone_rabbitmq_password: "secrete"
- keystone_container_mysql_password: "SuperSecrete"
-Example Playbook
-.. code-block:: yaml
- - name: Installation and setup of Keystone
- hosts: keystone_all
- user: root
- pre_tasks:
- - name: Create DB for service
- mysql_db:
- login_user: "root"
- login_password: "secrete"
- login_host: "localhost"
- name: "{{ keystone_galera_database }}"
- state: "present"
- delegate_to: "{{ keystone_galera_address }}"
- when: inventory_hostname == groups['keystone_all'][0]
- - name: Grant access to the DB for the service
- mysql_user:
- login_user: "root"
- login_password: "secrete"
- login_host: "localhost"
- name: "{{ keystone_galera_database }}"
- password: "{{ keystone_container_mysql_password }}"
- host: "{{ item }}"
- state: "present"
- priv: "{{ keystone_galera_database }}.*:ALL"
- with_items:
- - "localhost"
- - "%"
- delegate_to: "{{ keystone_galera_address }}"
- when: inventory_hostname == groups['keystone_all'][0]
- roles:
- - { role: "os_keystone", tags: [ "os-keystone" ] }
- vars:
- external_lb_vip_address:
- internal_lb_vip_address:
- keystone_galera_address:
- keystone_galera_database: keystone
- keystone_venv_tag: "testing"
- keystone_developer_mode: true
- keystone_git_install_branch: master
- keystone_auth_admin_password: "SuperSecretePassword"
- keystone_service_password: "secrete"
- keystone_rabbitmq_password: "secrete"
- keystone_container_mysql_password: "SuperSecrete"
- keystone_rabbitmq_port: 5671
- keystone_rabbitmq_userid: keystone
- keystone_rabbitmq_vhost: /keystone
- keystone_rabbitmq_servers:
- keystone_rabbitmq_use_ssl: true
- galera_client_drop_config_file: false
-This role supports two tags: ``keystone-install`` and ``keystone-config``
-The ``keystone-install`` tag can be used to install and upgrade.
-The ``keystone-config`` tag can be used to maintain configuration of the
+Documentation for the project can be found at:
+The project home is at:
diff --git a/doc/source/configure-federation-idp.rst b/doc/source/configure-federation-idp.rst
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+Configure keystone as a federated Identity Provider
+The IdP configuration for keystone provides a
+dictionary attribute with the key ``keystone_idp``. The following is a
+complete example:
+.. code::
+ keystone_idp:
+ certfile: "/etc/keystone/ssl/idp_signing_cert.pem"
+ keyfile: "/etc/keystone/ssl/idp_signing_key.pem"
+ self_signed_cert_subject: "/C=US/ST=Texas/L=San Antonio/O=IT/CN={{ external_lb_vip_address }}"
+ regen_cert: false
+ idp_entity_id: "{{ keystone_service_publicurl_v3 }}/OS-FEDERATION/saml2/idp"
+ idp_sso_endpoint: "{{ keystone_service_publicurl_v3 }}/OS-FEDERATION/saml2/sso"
+ idp_metadata_path: /etc/keystone/saml2_idp_metadata.xml
+ service_providers:
+ - id: "sp_1"
+ auth_url: https://example.com:5000/v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/idp/protocols/saml2/auth
+ sp_url: https://example.com:5000/Shibboleth.sso/SAML2/ECP
+ organization_name: example_company
+ organization_display_name: Example Corp.
+ organization_url: example.com
+ contact_company: example_company
+ contact_name: John
+ contact_surname: Smith
+ contact_email: jsmith@example.com
+ contact_telephone: 555-55-5555
+ contact_type: technical
+The following list is a reference of allowed settings:
+* ``certfile`` defines the location and filename of the SSL certificate that
+ the IdP uses to sign assertions. This file must be in a location that is
+ accessible to the keystone system user.
+* ``keyfile`` defines the location and filename of the SSL private key that
+ the IdP uses to sign assertions. This file must be in a location that is
+ accessible to the keystone system user.
+* ``self_signed_cert_subject`` is the subject in the SSL signing
+ certificate. The common name of the certificate
+ must match the hostname configuration in the service provider(s) for
+ this IdP.
+* ``regen_cert`` by default is set to ``False``. When set to ``True``, the
+ next Ansible run replaces the existing signing certificate with a new one.
+ This setting is added as a convenience mechanism to renew a certificate when
+ it is close to its expiration date.
+* ``idp_entity_id`` is the entity ID. The service providers
+ use this as a unique identifier for each IdP.
+ ``/OS-FEDERATION/saml2/idp`` is the value we
+ recommend for this setting.
+* ``idp_sso_endpoint`` is the single sign-on endpoint for this IdP.
+ ``/OS-FEDERATION/saml2/sso>`` is the value
+ we recommend for this setting.
+* ``idp_metadata_path`` is the location and filename where the metadata for
+ this IdP is cached. The keystone system user must have access to this
+ location.
+* ``service_providers`` is a list of the known SPs that
+ use the keystone instance as IdP. For each SP, provide
+ three values: ``id`` as a unique identifier,
+ ``auth_url`` as the authentication endpoint of the SP, and ``sp_url``
+ endpoint for posting SAML2 assertions.
+* ``organization_name``, ``organization_display_name``, ``organization_url``,
+ ``contact_company``, ``contact_name``, ``contact_surname``,
+ ``contact_email``, ``contact_telephone`` and ``contact_type`` are
+ settings that describe the identity provider. These settings are all
+ optional.
+Configuring ADFS 3.0 as an identity provider
+To install ADFS:
+* `Prerequisites for ADFS from Microsoft Technet `_
+* `ADFS installation procedure from Microsoft Technet `_
+Configuring ADFS
+#. Ensure the ADFS server trusts the SP's keystone
+ certificate. We recommend to have the ADFS CA (or a
+ public CA) sign a certificate request for the keystone service.
+#. In the ADFS Management Console, choose ``Add Relying Party Trust``.
+#. Select ``Import data about the relying party published online or on a
+ local network`` and enter the URL for the SP Metadata (
+ for example, ``https://:5000/Shibboleth.sso/Metadata``)
+ .. note::
+ ADFS may give a warning message. The message states that ADFS skipped
+ some of the content gathered from metadata because it is not supported by ADFS
+#. Continuing the wizard, select ``Permit all users to access this
+ relying party``.
+#. In the ``Add Transform Claim Rule Wizard``, select ``Pass Through or
+ Filter an Incoming Claim``.
+#. Name the rule (for example, ``Pass Through UPN``) and select the ``UPN``
+ Incoming claim type.
+#. Click :guilabel:`OK` to apply the rule and finalize the setup.
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+Configure keystone mappings
+The following is an example SP mapping configuration for an ADFS IdP:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ federated_identities:
+ - domain: Default
+ project: fedproject
+ group: fedgroup
+ role: _member_
+Each IdP trusted by an SP must have the following configuration:
+#. ``project``: The project that federation users have access to.
+ If the project does not already exist, create it in the
+ domain with the name, ``domain``.
+#. ``group``: The keystone group that federation users
+ belong. If the group does not already exist, create it in
+ the domain with the name, ``domain``.
+#. ``role``: The role that federation users use in that project.
+ Create the role if it does not already exist.
+#. ``domain``: The domain where the ``project`` lives, and where
+ the you assign roles. Create the domain if it does not already exist.
+Ansible implements the equivalent of the following OpenStack CLI commands:
+.. code-block:: shell-session
+ # if the domain does not already exist
+ openstack domain create Default
+ # if the group does not already exist
+ openstack group create fedgroup --domain Default
+ # if the role does not already exist
+ openstack role create _member_
+ # if the project does not already exist
+ openstack project create --domain Default fedproject
+ # map the role to the project and user group in the domain
+ openstack role add --project fedproject --group fedgroup _member_
+To add more mappings, add options to the list.
+For example:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ federated_identities:
+ - domain: Default
+ project: fedproject
+ group: fedgroup
+ role: _member_
+ - domain: Default
+ project: fedproject2
+ group: fedgroup2
+ role: _member_
+Keystone federation attribute mapping
+Attribute mapping adds a set of rules to map federation attributes to keystone
+users and groups. IdP specifies one mapping per protocol.
+Use mapping objects multiple times by different combinations of
+IdP and protocol.
+The details of how the mapping engine works, the schema, and various rule
+examples are in the `keystone developer documentation
+For example, SP attribute mapping configuration for an ADFS IdP:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ mapping:
+ name: adfs-IdP-mapping
+ rules:
+ - remote:
+ - type: upn
+ local:
+ - group:
+ name: fedgroup
+ domain:
+ name: Default
+ - user:
+ name: '{0}'
+ attributes:
+ - name: 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/upn'
+ id: upn
+Each IdP for an SP needs to be set up with a mapping. This tells the SP how
+to interpret the attributes provided to the SP from the IdP.
+In this example, the IdP publishes the ``upn`` attribute. As this
+is not in the standard Shibboleth attribute map (see
+``/etc/shibboleth/attribute-map.xml`` in the keystone containers), the configuration
+of the IdP has extra mapping through the ``attributes`` dictionary.
+The ``mapping`` dictionary is a YAML representation similar to the
+keystone mapping property which Ansible uploads. The above mapping
+produces the following in keystone.
+.. code-block:: shell-session
+ root@aio1_keystone_container-783aa4c0:~# openstack mapping list
+ +------------------+
+ | ID |
+ +------------------+
+ | adfs-IdP-mapping |
+ +------------------+
+ root@aio1_keystone_container-783aa4c0:~# openstack mapping show adfs-IdP-mapping
+ +-------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Field | Value |
+ +-------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | id | adfs-IdP-mapping |
+ | rules | [{"remote": [{"type": "upn"}], "local": [{"group": {"domain": {"name": "Default"}, "name": "fedgroup"}}, {"user": {"name": "{0}"}}]}] |
+ +-------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ root@aio1_keystone_container-783aa4c0:~# openstack mapping show adfs-IdP-mapping | awk -F\| '/rules/ {print $3}' | python -mjson.tool
+ [
+ {
+ "remote": [
+ {
+ "type": "upn"
+ }
+ ],
+ "local": [
+ {
+ "group": {
+ "domain": {
+ "name": "Default"
+ },
+ "name": "fedgroup"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "user": {
+ "name": "{0}"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+The interpretation of the above mapping rule is that any federation user
+authenticated by the IdP maps to an ``ephemeral`` (non-existant) user in
+keystone. The user is a member of a group named ``fedgroup``. This is
+in a domain called ``Default``. The user's ID and Name (federation uses
+the same value for both properties) for all OpenStack services is
+the value of ``upn``.
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+Configure keystone as a federated Service Provider
+In OpenStack-Ansible, keystone is set up to use Apache with ``mod_wsgi``.
+The additional configuration of keystone as a federation service provider
+adds Apache ``mod_shib`` and configures it to respond to specific locations
+requests from a client.
+.. note::
+ There are alternative methods of implementing
+ federation, but at this time only SAML2-based federation using
+ the Shibboleth SP is instrumented in Openstack-Ansible.
+When requests are sent to those locations, Apache hands off the
+request to the ``shibd`` service.
+.. note::
+ Handing off happens only with requests pertaining to authentication.
+Handle the ``shibd`` service configuration through
+the following files in ``/etc/shibboleth/`` in the keystone
+* ``sp-cert.pem``, ``sp-key.pem``: The ``os-keystone-install.yml`` playbook
+ uses these files generated on the first keystone container to replicate
+ them to the other keystone containers. The SP and the IdP use these files
+ as signing credentials in communications.
+* ``shibboleth2.xml``: The ``os-keystone-install.yml`` playbook writes the
+ file's contents, basing on the structure of the configuration
+ of the ``keystone_sp`` attribute in the
+ ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` file. It contains
+ the list of trusted IdP's, the entityID by which the SP is known,
+ and other facilitating configurations.
+* ``attribute-map.xml``: The ``os-keystone-install.yml`` playbook writes
+ the file's contents, basing on the structure of the configuration
+ of the ``keystone_sp`` attribute in the
+ ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` file. It contains
+ the default attribute mappings that work for any basic
+ Shibboleth-type IDP setup, but also contains any additional
+ attribute mappings set out in the structure of the ``keystone_sp``
+ attribute.
+* ``shibd.logger``: This file is left alone by OpenStack-Ansible. It is useful
+ when troubleshooting issues with federated authentication, or
+ when discovering what attributes published by an IdP
+ are not currently being understood by your SP's attribute map.
+ To enable debug logging, change ``log4j.rootCategory=INFO`` to
+ ``log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG`` at the top of the file. The
+ log file is output to ``/var/log/shibboleth/shibd.log``.
+Configure keystone-to-keystone (k2k)
+The following settings must be set to configure a service provider (SP):
+#. ``keystone_public_endpoint`` is automatically set by default
+ to the public endpoint's URI. This performs redirections and
+ ensures token references refer to the public endpoint.
+#. ``horizon_keystone_endpoint`` is automatically set by default
+ to the public v3 API endpoint URL for keystone. Web-based single
+ sign-on for horizon requires the use of the keystone v3 API.
+ The value for this must use the same DNS name or IP address
+ registered in the SSL certificate used for the endpoint.
+#. It is a requirement to have a HTTPS public endpoint for the
+ keystone endpoint if the IdP is ADFS.
+ Keystone or an SSL offloading load balancer provides the endpoint.
+#. Set ``keystone_service_publicuri_proto`` to https.
+ This ensures keystone publishes https in its references
+ and ensures that Shibboleth is configured to know that it
+ expects SSL URL's in the assertions (otherwise it will invalidate
+ the assertions).
+#. ADFS requires that a trusted SP have a trusted certificate that
+ is not self-signed.
+#. Ensure the endpoint URI and the certificate match when using SSL for the
+ keystone endpoint. For example, if the certificate does not have
+ the IP address of the endpoint, then the endpoint must be published with
+ the appropriate name registered on the certificate. When
+ using a DNS name for the keystone endpoint, both
+ ``keystone_public_endpoint`` and ``horizon_keystone_endpoint`` must
+ be set to use the DNS name.
+#. ``horizon_endpoint_type`` must be set to ``publicURL`` to ensure that
+ horizon uses the public endpoint for all its references and
+ queries.
+#. ``keystone_sp`` is a dictionary attribute which contains various
+ settings that describe both the SP and the IDP's it trusts. For example:
+ .. code-block:: yaml
+ keystone_sp:
+ cert_duration_years: 5
+ trusted_dashboard_list:
+ - "https://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}/auth/websso/"
+ trusted_idp_list:
+ - name: 'testshib-idp'
+ entity_ids:
+ - 'https://idp.testshib.org/idp/shibboleth'
+ metadata_uri: 'http://www.testshib.org/metadata/testshib-providers.xml'
+ metadata_file: 'metadata-testshib-idp.xml'
+ metadata_reload: 1800
+ federated_identities:
+ - domain: Default
+ project: fedproject
+ group: fedgroup
+ role: _member_
+ protocols:
+ - name: saml2
+ mapping:
+ name: testshib-idp-mapping
+ rules:
+ - remote:
+ - type: eppn
+ local:
+ - group:
+ name: fedgroup
+ domain:
+ name: Default
+ - user:
+ name: '{0}'
+#. ``cert_duration_years`` designates the valid duration for the SP's
+ signing certificate (for example, ``/etc/shibboleth/sp-key.pem``).
+#. ``trusted_dashboard_list`` designates the list of trusted URLs that
+ keystone accepts redirects for Web Single-Sign. This
+ list contains all URLs that horizon is presented on,
+ suffixed by ``/auth/websso/``. This is the path for horizon's WebSSO
+ component.
+#. ``trusted_idp_list`` is a dictionary attribute containing the list
+ of settings which pertain to each trusted IdP for the SP.
+#. ``trusted_idp_list.name`` is IDP's name. Configure this in
+ in keystone and list in horizon's login selection.
+#. ``entity_ids`` is a list of reference entity IDs. This specify's the
+ redirection of the login request to the SP when authenticating to
+ IdP.
+#. ``metadata_uri`` is the location of the IdP's metadata. This provides
+ the SP with the signing key and all the IdP's supported endpoints.
+#. ``metadata_file`` is the file name of the local cached version of
+ the metadata which will be stored in ``/var/cache/shibboleth/``.
+#. ``metadata_reload`` is the number of seconds between metadata
+ refresh polls.
+#. ``federated_identities`` is a mapping list of domain, project, group, and
+ users. See
+ `Configure Identity Service (keystone) mappings`_
+ for more information.
+#. ``protocols`` is a list of protocols supported for the IdP and the set
+ of mappings and attributes for each protocol. This only supports protocols
+ with the name ``saml2``.
+#. ``mapping`` is the local to remote mapping configuration for federated
+ users. See `Configure Identity Service (keystone) mappings`_
+ for more information.
+.. _Configure Identity Service (keystone) mappings: configure-federation-mapping.html
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+Configuring keystone-to-keystone federation
+In keystone-to-keystone federation (k2k), the IdP and SP
+keystone instances exchange information securely to enable a user on
+the IdP cloud to access resources of the SP cloud.
+.. important::
+ This section applies only to federation between keystone IdP
+ and keystone SP. It does not apply to non-keystone IdP.
+The k2k authentication flow involves the following steps:
+#. Log in to the IdP with your credentials.
+#. Send a request to the IdP to generate an assertion for a given SP.
+#. Submit the assertion to the SP on the configured ``sp_url``
+ endpoint. The Shibboleth service running on the SP receives the assertion
+ and verifies it. If it is valid, a session with the client starts and
+ returns the session ID in a cookie.
+#. Connect to the SP on the configured ``auth_url`` endpoint,
+ providing the Shibboleth cookie with the session ID. The SP responds with
+ an unscoped token that you use to access the SP.
+#. You connect to the keystone service on the SP with the unscoped
+ token, and the desired domain and project, and receive a scoped token
+ and the service catalog.
+#. With your token, you can now make API requests to the endpoints in the
+ catalog.
+Keystone-to-keystone federation authentication wrapper
+The following steps above involve manually sending API requests.
+.. note::
+ The infrastructure for the command line utilities that performs these steps
+ for the user does not exist.
+To obtain access to a SP cloud, OpenStack-Ansible provides a script that wraps
+the above steps. The script is called ``federated-login.sh`` and is
+used as follows:
+.. code::
+ # ./scripts/federated-login.sh -p project [-d domain] sp_id
+* ``project`` is the project in the SP cloud that you want to access.
+* ``domain`` is the domain in which the project lives (the default domain is
+ used if this argument is not given).
+* ``sp_id`` is the unique ID of the SP. This is given in the IdP configuration.
+The script outputs the results of all the steps in the authentication flow to
+the console. At the end, it prints the available endpoints from the catalog
+and the scoped token provided by the SP.
+Use the endpoints and token with the openstack command line client as follows:
+.. code::
+ # openstack --os-token= --os-url= [options]
+Or, alternatively:
+.. code::
+ # export OS_TOKEN=
+ # export OS_URL=
+ # openstack [options]
+Ensure you select the appropriate endpoint for your operation.
+For example, if you want to work with servers, the ``OS_URL``
+argument must be set to the compute endpoint.
+.. note::
+ At this time, the OpenStack client is unable to find endpoints in
+ the service catalog when using a federated login.
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+Scenario - Configuring keystone federation
+Federation for keystone can be utilised in two ways:
+* Supporting keystone as a Service Provider (SP): consuming identity
+ assertions issued by an external Identity Provider, such as SAML
+ assertions or OpenID Connect claims.
+* Supporting keystone as an Identity Provider (IdP): fulfilling authentication
+ requests on behalf of Service Providers.
+ .. important::
+ It is also possible to have one keystone act as an SP that
+ consumes Identity from another keystone acting as an IdP.
+ This will be discussed further in this document.
+In keystone federation, the IdP and SP exchange information securely to
+enable a user on the IdP cloud to access resources of the SP cloud.
+The following procedure describes how to set up federation:
+#. Configure keystone SPs.
+#. Configure the IdP:
+ * Configure keystone as an IdP.
+ * Configure Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) 3.0 as an IdP.
+#. Configure the service provider:
+ * Configure keystone as a federated service provider.
+ * Configure keystone mappings.
+#. Run the authentication wrapper to use keystone-as-a-Service-Provider
+ federation.
+.. toctree::
+ configure-federation-wrapper
+ configure-federation-sp.rst
+ configure-federation-idp.rst
+ configure-federation-mapping.rst
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+Configuring the Identity service (keystone) (optional)
+Customize your keystone deployment in
+Securing keystone communication with SSL certificates
+The OpenStack-Ansible project provides the ability to secure keystone
+communications with self-signed or user-provided SSL certificates. By default,
+self-signed certificates are in use. However, you can
+provide your own certificates by using the following Ansible variables in
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ keystone_user_ssl_cert: # Path to certificate
+ keystone_user_ssl_key: # Path to private key
+ keystone_user_ssl_ca_cert: # Path to CA certificate
+.. note::
+ If you are providing certificates, keys, and CA file for a
+ CA without chain of trust (or an invalid/self-generated ca), the variables
+ ``keystone_service_internaluri_insecure`` and
+ ``keystone_service_adminuri_insecure`` should be set to ``True``.
+Refer to `Securing services with SSL certificates
+for more information on these configuration options and how you can provide
+your own certificates and keys to use with keystone.
+Implementing LDAP (or Active Directory) backends
+You can use the built-in keystone support for services if you already have
+LDAP or Active Directory (AD) infrastructure on your deployment.
+Keystone uses the existing users, groups, and user-group relationships to
+handle authentication and access control in an OpenStack deployment.
+.. note::
+ We do not recommend configuring the default domain in keystone to use
+ LDAP or AD identity backends. Create additional domains
+ in keystone and configure either LDAP or active directory backends for
+ that domain.
+ This is critical in situations where the identity backend cannot
+ be reached due to network issues or other problems. In those situations,
+ the administrative users in the default domain would still be able to
+ authenticate to keystone using the default domain which is not backed by
+ LDAP or AD.
+You can add domains with LDAP backends by adding variables in
+``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml``. For example, this dictionary
+adds a new keystone domain called ``Users`` that is backed by an LDAP server:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ keystone_ldap:
+ Users:
+ url: "ldap://"
+ user: "root"
+ password: "secrete"
+Adding the YAML block above causes the keystone playbook to create a
+``/etc/keystone/domains/keystone.Users.conf`` file within each keystone service
+container that configures the LDAP-backed domain called ``Users``.
+You can create more complex configurations that use LDAP filtering and
+consume LDAP as a read-only resource. The following example shows how to apply
+these configurations:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ keystone_ldap:
+ MyCorporation:
+ url: "ldaps://ldap.example.com"
+ user_tree_dn: "ou=Users,o=MyCorporation"
+ group_tree_dn: "cn=openstack-users,ou=Users,o=MyCorporation"
+ user_objectclass: "inetOrgPerson"
+ user_allow_create: "False"
+ user_allow_update: "False"
+ user_allow_delete: "False"
+ group_allow_create: "False"
+ group_allow_update: "False"
+ group_allow_delete: "False"
+ user_id_attribute: "cn"
+ user_name_attribute: "uid"
+ user_filter: "(groupMembership=cn=openstack-users,ou=Users,o=MyCorporation)"
+In the `MyCorporation` example above, keystone uses the LDAP server as a
+read-only resource. The configuration also ensures that keystone filters the
+list of possible users to the ones that exist in the
+``cn=openstack-users,ou=Users,o=MyCorporation`` group.
+Horizon offers multi-domain support that can be enabled with an Ansible
+variable during deployment:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ horizon_keystone_multidomain_support: True
+Enabling multi-domain support in horizon adds the ``Domain`` input field on
+the horizon login page and it adds other domain-specific features in the
+keystone section.
+More details regarding valid configuration for the LDAP Identity backend can
+be found in the `Keystone Developer Documentation`_ and the
+`OpenStack Administrator Guide`_.
+.. _Keystone Developer Documentation: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystone/configuration.html#configuring-the-ldap-identity-provider
+.. _OpenStack Administrator Guide: http://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide/keystone_integrate_identity_backend_ldap.html
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
index a6210d3d..173e82ad 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -1 +1,61 @@
-.. include:: ../../README.rst
+Keystone role for OpenStack-Ansible
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ configure-keystone.rst
+ configure-federation.rst
+ configure-federation-wrapper.rst
+ configure-federation-sp.rst
+ configure-federation-idp.rst
+ configure-federation-mapping.rst
+Default variables
+.. literalinclude:: ../../defaults/main.yml
+ :language: yaml
+ :start-after: under the License.
+Required variables
+This list is not exhaustive at present. See role internals for further
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ # hostname or IP of load balancer providing external network
+ # access to Keystone
+ external_lb_vip_address:
+ # hostname or IP of load balancer providing internal network
+ # access to Keystone
+ internal_lb_vip_address:
+ # password used by the keystone service to interact with Galera
+ keystone_container_mysql_password: "YourPassword"
+ keystone_auth_admin_password: "SuperSecretePassword"
+ keystone_service_password: "secrete"
+ keystone_rabbitmq_password: "secrete"
+ keystone_container_mysql_password: "SuperSecrete"
+Example playbook
+.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/playbook.yml
+ :language: yaml
+This role supports two tags: ``keystone-install`` and ``keystone-config``
+The ``keystone-install`` tag can be used to install and upgrade.
+The ``keystone-config`` tag can be used to maintain configuration of the
diff --git a/examples/playbook.yml b/examples/playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d16e0bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ - name: Installation and setup of Keystone
+ hosts: keystone_all
+ user: root
+ pre_tasks:
+ - name: Create DB for service
+ mysql_db:
+ login_user: "root"
+ login_password: "secrete"
+ login_host: "localhost"
+ name: "{{ keystone_galera_database }}"
+ state: "present"
+ delegate_to: "{{ keystone_galera_address }}"
+ when: inventory_hostname == groups['keystone_all'][0]
+ - name: Grant access to the DB for the service
+ mysql_user:
+ login_user: "root"
+ login_password: "secrete"
+ login_host: "localhost"
+ name: "{{ keystone_galera_database }}"
+ password: "{{ keystone_container_mysql_password }}"
+ host: "{{ item }}"
+ state: "present"
+ priv: "{{ keystone_galera_database }}.*:ALL"
+ with_items:
+ - "localhost"
+ - "%"
+ delegate_to: "{{ keystone_galera_address }}"
+ when: inventory_hostname == groups['keystone_all'][0]
+ roles:
+ - { role: "os_keystone", tags: [ "os-keystone" ] }
+ vars:
+ external_lb_vip_address:
+ internal_lb_vip_address:
+ keystone_galera_address:
+ keystone_galera_database: keystone
+ keystone_venv_tag: "testing"
+ keystone_developer_mode: true
+ keystone_git_install_branch: master
+ keystone_auth_admin_password: "SuperSecretePassword"
+ keystone_service_password: "secrete"
+ keystone_rabbitmq_password: "secrete"
+ keystone_container_mysql_password: "SuperSecrete"
+ keystone_rabbitmq_port: 5671
+ keystone_rabbitmq_userid: keystone
+ keystone_rabbitmq_vhost: /keystone
+ keystone_rabbitmq_servers:
+ keystone_rabbitmq_use_ssl: true
+ galera_client_drop_config_file: false