ansible-lint 2.7.0 was recently released, update the role's test requirements to use it. The tox test has been changed to run ansible-lint against this role, rather than the test playbook which would only apply to this role's dependencies. Also update the 'Drop fernet key auto rotate script' task to use mode "0755", matching the comment above the task and to resolve a violation of new rule, [ANSIBLE0009] Octal file permissions must contain leading zero. Change-Id: I09396f8938cf8f0b5d48bc5b7215ecea2c426e94
134 lines
4.5 KiB
134 lines
4.5 KiB
minversion = 1.6
skipsdist = True
envlist = docs,linters,functional
usedevelop = True
install_command = pip install -U {opts} {packages}
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
commands = /usr/bin/find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
passenv =
whitelist_externals =
setenv =
# TODO (odyssey4me) These are only here as they are non-standard folder
# names for Ansible 1.9.x. We are using the standard folder names for
# Ansible v2.x. We can remove this when we move to Ansible 2.x.
ANSIBLE_ACTION_PLUGINS = {homedir}/.ansible/plugins/action
ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS = {homedir}/.ansible/plugins/callback
ANSIBLE_FILTER_PLUGINS = {homedir}/.ansible/plugins/filter
ANSIBLE_LOOKUP_PLUGINS = {homedir}/.ansible/plugins/lookup
# This is required as the default is the current path or a path specified
# in ansible.cfg
ANSIBLE_LIBRARY = {homedir}/.ansible/plugins/library
# This is required as the default is '/etc/ansible/roles' or a path
# specified in ansible.cfg
ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH = {homedir}/.ansible/roles:{toxinidir}/..
python setup.py build_sphinx
# environment used by the -infra templated docs job
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
commands = {posargs}
commands =
# Run hacking/flake8 check for all python files
bash -c "grep --recursive --binary-files=without-match \
--files-with-match '^.!.*python$' \
--exclude-dir .eggs \
--exclude-dir .git \
--exclude-dir .tox \
--exclude-dir *.egg-info \
--exclude-dir doc \
{toxinidir} | xargs flake8 --verbose"
# Ignores the following rules due to how ansible modules work in general
# F403 'from ansible.module_utils.basic import *' used;
# unable to detect undefined names
# H303 No wildcard (*) import.
commands =
# Run bashate check for all bash scripts
# Ignores the following rules:
# E003: Indent not multiple of 4 (we prefer to use multiples of 2)
# E006: Line longer than 79 columns (as many scripts use jinja
# templating, this is very difficult)
# E040: Syntax error determined using `bash -n` (as many scripts
# use jinja templating, this will often fail and the syntax
# error will be discovered in execution anyway)
bash -c "grep --recursive --binary-files=without-match \
--files-with-match '^.!.*\(ba\)\?sh$' \
--exclude-dir .tox \
--exclude-dir .git \
{toxinidir} | xargs bashate --error . --verbose --ignore=E003,E006,E040"
commands =
rm -rf {homedir}/.ansible
git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins \
ansible-galaxy install \
--role-file={toxinidir}/tests/ansible-role-requirements.yml \
--ignore-errors \
ansible-playbook -i {toxinidir}/tests/inventory \
--syntax-check \
--list-tasks \
-e "rolename={toxinidir}" \
commands =
ansible-lint {toxinidir}
commands =
rm -rf {homedir}/.ansible
git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins \
# This plugin makes the ansible-playbook output easier to read
wget -O {homedir}/.ansible/plugins/callback/human_log.py \
ansible-galaxy install \
--role-file={toxinidir}/tests/ansible-role-requirements.yml \
--ignore-errors \
ansible-playbook -i {toxinidir}/tests/inventory \
-e "rolename={toxinidir}" \
-vvvv \
commands =
commands = sphinx-build -a -E -d releasenotes/build/doctrees -b html releasenotes/source releasenotes/build/html