Georgina e3294f0f91 Add CADF notifications for federated keystone
Event notifications are useful for those that need to keep an audit
trail. Turned off by default as these logs contain user specific data
and local data protection laws should be considered.
The default notificiation_opt_outs follow the keystone documentation.
Please see here for more information on CADF notifications:

Change-Id: Id1867b6b50fc769757781eabc208ee9ead65f4c9
2020-07-27 19:02:45 +00:00

165 lines
5.7 KiB

# {{ ansible_managed }}
use_journal = True
# Disable stderr logging
use_stderr = False
debug = {{ debug }}
{% if keystone_public_endpoint is defined %}
public_endpoint = {{ keystone_public_endpoint }}
{% endif %}
fatal_deprecations = {{ keystone_fatal_deprecations }}
{% if keystone_sp != {} and (keystone_sp.cadf_notifications is defined) and (keystone_sp.cadf_notifications | bool) %}
{% set cadf_notifications = true %}
{% else %}
{% set cadf_notifications = false %}
{% endif %}
{% if cadf_notifications | bool %}
notification_format = cadf
{% if keystone_sp.cadf_notifications_opt_out is defined %}
{% for opt_out in keystone_sp.cadf_notifications_opt_out %}
notification_opt_out = {{ opt_out }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
## Oslo.Messaging RPC
transport_url = {{ keystone_oslomsg_rpc_transport }}://{% for host in keystone_oslomsg_rpc_servers.split(',') %}{{ keystone_oslomsg_rpc_userid }}:{{ keystone_oslomsg_rpc_password }}@{{ host }}:{{ keystone_oslomsg_rpc_port }}{% if not loop.last %},{% else %}/{{ keystone_oslomsg_rpc_vhost }}{% if keystone_oslomsg_rpc_use_ssl | bool %}?ssl=1{% else %}?ssl=0{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
ssl = {{ keystone_oslomsg_rpc_use_ssl }}
{% if keystone_ceilometer_enabled | bool %}
driver = messagingv2
{% set notification_driver = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if cadf_notifications | bool %}
driver = log
{% set notification_driver = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if notification_driver is not defined or notification_driver == false | bool %}
driver = noop
{% endif %}
transport_url = {{ keystone_oslomsg_notify_transport }}://{% for host in keystone_oslomsg_notify_servers.split(',') %}{{ keystone_oslomsg_notify_userid }}:{{ keystone_oslomsg_notify_password }}@{{ host }}:{{ keystone_oslomsg_notify_port }}{% if not loop.last %},{% else %}/{{ keystone_oslomsg_notify_vhost }}{% if keystone_oslomsg_notify_use_ssl | bool %}?ssl=1{% else %}?ssl=0{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% if keystone_cache_servers | length > 0 %}
backend = oslo_cache.memcache_pool
# FIXME(lbragstad): Some strange behaviors have been reported when using
# multiple memcached instances with backend_argument. This has been documented
# in
# For the time being, memcache_servers works with a single memcached instance
# and multiple instances.
memcache_servers = {{ keystone_cache_servers | join(',') }}
config_prefix = cache.keystone
distributed_lock = True
enabled = true
{% endif %}
driver = {{ keystone_revocation_driver }}
expiration_buffer = {{ keystone_revocation_expiration_buffer }}
cache_time = {{ keystone_revocation_cache_time }}
methods = {{ keystone_auth_methods }}{% if keystone_sp_apache_mod_shib %},saml2{% endif %}{% if keystone_sp_apache_mod_auth_openidc %},openid{% endif %}
{% if keystone_database_enabled | bool %}
connection = {{ keystone_database_connection_string }}
connection_recycle_time = {{ keystone_database_idle_timeout }}
min_pool_size = {{ keystone_database_min_pool_size }}
max_pool_size = {{ keystone_database_max_pool_size }}
pool_timeout = {{ keystone_database_pool_timeout }}
{% endif %}
{% if 'fernet' in keystone_token_provider %}
key_repository = {{ keystone_fernet_tokens_key_repository }}
max_active_keys = {{ keystone_fernet_tokens_max_active_keys }}
{% endif %}
{% if keystone_ldap.Default is not defined %}
driver = sql
{% endif %}
{% if keystone_ldap | length > 0 %}
domain_config_dir = {{ keystone_ldap_domain_config_dir }}
domain_specific_drivers_enabled = True
{% endif %}
driver = {{ keystone_assignment_driver }}
cache_time = {{ keystone_resource_cache_time }}
driver = {{ keystone_resource_driver }}
enforce_token_bind = permissive
expiration = {{ keystone_token_expiration }}
cache_time = {{ keystone_token_cache_time }}
provider = {{ keystone_token_provider }}
{% if keystone_idp != {} %}
certfile = "{{ keystone_idp.certfile }}"
keyfile = "{{ keystone_idp.keyfile }}"
idp_entity_id = "{{ keystone_idp.idp_entity_id }}"
idp_sso_endpoint = "{{ keystone_idp.idp_sso_endpoint }}"
idp_metadata_path = "{{ keystone_idp.idp_metadata_path }}"
{% if keystone_idp.organization_name is defined %}
idp_organization_name = {{ keystone_idp.organization_name }}
{% endif %}
{% if keystone_idp.organization_display_name is defined %}
idp_organization_display_name = {{ keystone_idp.organization_display_name }}
{% endif %}
{% if keystone_idp.organization_url is defined %}
idp_organization_url = {{ keystone_idp.organization_url }}
{% endif %}
{% if keystone_idp.contact_company is defined %}
idp_contact_company = {{ keystone_idp.contact_company }}
{% endif %}
{% if keystone_idp.contact_name is defined %}
idp_contact_name = {{ keystone_idp.contact_name }}
{% endif %}
{% if keystone_idp.contact_surname is defined %}
idp_contact_surname = {{ keystone_idp.contact_surname }}
{% endif %}
{% if keystone_idp.contact_email is defined %}
idp_contact_email = {{ keystone_idp.contact_email }}
{% endif %}
{% if keystone_idp.contact_telephone is defined %}
idp_contact_telephone = {{ keystone_idp.contact_telephone }}
{% endif %}
{% if keystone_idp.contact_type is defined %}
idp_contact_type = {{ keystone_idp.contact_type }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
key_repository = {{ keystone_credential_key_repository }}
{% if keystone_sp != {} %}
{% if keystone_sp_apache_mod_auth_openidc %}
remote_id_attribute = HTTP_OIDC_ISS
{% elif keystone_sp_apache_mod_shib %}
remote_id_attribute = Shib-Identity-Provider
{% endif %}
{% if keystone_sp.trusted_dashboard_list is defined %}
{% for item in keystone_sp.trusted_dashboard_list %}
trusted_dashboard = {{ item }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}