# {{ ansible_managed }} # Linux bridge agent physical interface mappings [linux_bridge] {% if neutron_provider_networks.network_mappings is defined and ((neutron_provider_networks.network_mappings | length) > 0) %} physical_interface_mappings = {{ neutron_provider_networks.network_mappings }} {% endif %} # Linux bridge agent VXLAN networks [vxlan] {% if neutron_vxlan_enabled | bool %} enable_vxlan = True vxlan_group = {{ neutron_vxlan_group }} # VXLAN local tunnel endpoint local_ip = {{ neutron_local_ip }} l2_population = {{ neutron_plugins[neutron_plugin_type].l2_population }} {% else %} # Disable VXLAN for deployments with only flat or VLAN networks enable_vxlan = False {% endif %} # Agent [agent] {# If we're deploying this template to a hypervisor, we should make a list #} {# of extensions that need to be enabled in the agent. #} {% if 'nova_compute' in group_names %} {% set _extensions = [] %} {% if 'ml2.sriov' in neutron_plugin_types %} {% set _ = _extensions.append['fdb'] %} {% endif %} {% if 'qos' in neutron_plugin_base %} {% set _ = _extensions.append['qos'] %} {% endif %} extensions = {{ _extensions | join(',') }} {% if 'ml2.sriov' in neutron_plugin_types %} # If an interface is shared between sriov ports and normal ports, it must be defined here # to allow traffic between the two ports on the same host [FDB] shared_physical_device_mappings = {{ neutron_provider_networks.network_sriov_mappings }} {% endif %} {% endif %} # Security groups [securitygroup] firewall_driver = {{ neutron_plugins[neutron_plugin_type].driver_firewall }} enable_security_group = True