# {{ ansible_managed }} # [DEFAULT] [df] # The remote db server ip address (IP address value) remote_db_ip = {{ dragonflow_remote_db_ip }} remote_db_port = {{ dragonflow_remote_db_port }} remote_db_hosts = $remote_db_ip:$remote_db_port # The driver to use for the NB database (string value) nb_db_class = {{ dragonflow_nb_db_class }} # Local host VTEP IP (IP address value) local_ip = {{ neutron_local_ip }} # Local host management IP management_ip = {{ neutron_management_ip }} # List of openflow applications classes to load (string value) apps_list = {{ dragonflow_apps | join(",") }} # Enable use of Dragonflow built-in pub/sub (boolean value) enable_df_pub_sub = {{ dragonflow_pub_sub_driver | default('', True) | length > 0 }} # Drivers to use for the Dragonflow pub/sub (string value) pub_sub_driver = {{ dragonflow_pub_sub_driver | default('', True) }} # Drivers to use for the Dragonflow pub/sub (string value) pub_sub_multiproc_driver = {{ dragonflow_pub_sub_multiproc_driver }} # Enable notifier for the Dragonflow port status (boolean value) enable_port_status_notifier = {{ dragonflow_port_status_notifier | default('', True) | length > 0 }} # Notifier for the Dragonflow port status (string value) port_status_notifier = {{ dragonflow_port_status_notifier | default('', True) }} # Neutron Server Publishers bind address (string value) publisher_bind_address = {{ dragonflow_publisher_bind_address }} # Use inter-process publish/subscribe. pub_sub_use_multiproc = {{ dragonflow_pub_sub_multiproc_enabled }} {%if dragonflow_pub_sub_multiproc_enabled | bool %} publisher_multiproc_socket = /var/run/dragonflow/dragonflow-publisher-socket {% endif %} # Have each controller get only the part of the topology relevant to it. enable_selective_topology_distribution = True [df_dnat_app] ex_peer_patch_port = {{ dragonflow_ex_peer_patch_port }} int_peer_patch_port = {{ dragonflow_int_peer_patch_port }} external_network_bridge = {{ dragonflow_external_network_bridge }} [df_l2_app] l2_responder = True