The log directory for neutron has the default_t SELinux context and this prevents rsyslog from accessing neutron's logs. This patch ensures that the file contexts are set properly for neutron's logs. This change also makes neutron's log directory configurable using the `neutron_log_dir` variable. Closes-Bug: 1748968 Change-Id: Ifbcca131435c8963cc9c1b85c000cc040fab27ab
283 lines
9.8 KiB
283 lines
9.8 KiB
# {{ ansible_managed }}
{% set neutron_plugin_loaded_base = [] %}
{% for plugin in neutron_plugin_base %}
{% if plugin != 'dns' %}
{% set _ = neutron_plugin_loaded_base.append(plugin) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if (neutron_lbaasv2|bool) and ('neutron_lbaas.services.loadbalancer.plugin.LoadBalancerPluginv2' not in neutron_plugin_base) %}
{% if neutron_octavia_proxy_plugin|bool %}
{% set _ = neutron_plugin_loaded_base.append("lbaasv2-proxy") %}
{% else %}
{% set _ = neutron_plugin_loaded_base.append("lbaasv2") %}
{% endif %}
{%- endif -%}
# General, applies to all host groups
# Disable stderr logging
use_stderr = False
debug = {{ debug }}
fatal_deprecations = {{ neutron_fatal_deprecations }}
log_file = {{ neutron_log_dir }}/neutron.log
## Rpc all
executor_thread_pool_size = {{ neutron_rpc_thread_pool_size }}
rpc_response_timeout = {{ neutron_rpc_response_timeout }}
transport_url = rabbit://{% for host in neutron_rabbitmq_servers.split(',') %}{{ neutron_rabbitmq_userid }}:{{ neutron_rabbitmq_password }}@{{ host }}:{{ neutron_rabbitmq_port }}{% if not loop.last %},{% else %}/{{ neutron_rabbitmq_vhost }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
# Domain to use for building hostnames
dns_domain = {{ neutron_dns_domain }}
{% if neutron_services['neutron-server']['group'] in group_names %}
# General, only applies to neutron server host group
allow_overlapping_ips = True
vlan_transparent = False
# Plugins
core_plugin = {{ neutron_plugin_core }}
{% if neutron_plugin_type.split('.')[0] == 'ml2' %}
service_plugins = {{ neutron_plugin_loaded_base | join(',') }}
{% endif %}
# MAC address generation for VIFs
base_mac = fa:16:3e:00:00:00
mac_generation_retries = 16
# Authentication method
auth_strategy = keystone
# Drivers
network_scheduler_driver = {{ neutron_driver_network_scheduler }}
router_scheduler_driver = {{ neutron_driver_router_scheduler }}
loadbalancer_pool_scheduler_driver = {{ neutron_driver_loadbalancer_pool_scheduler }}
# Schedulers
network_auto_schedule = True
router_auto_schedule = True
# Distributed virtual routing
router_distributed = {{ neutron_plugins[neutron_plugin_type].router_distributed | default('False') }}
enable_dvr = {{ neutron_plugins[neutron_plugin_type].router_distributed | default('False') }}
# Agents
agent_down_time = {{ neutron_agent_down_time }}
{% set num_agent = groups[neutron_services['neutron-dhcp-agent']['group']] | length %}
{% if neutron_plugin_type.split('.')[0] == 'ml2' and num_agent >= 2 %}
{% if neutron_services['neutron-linuxbridge-agent']['service_en'] | bool or neutron_services['neutron-openvswitch-agent']['service_en'] | bool %}
{% set max_l3_router = num_agent if num_agent > 2 else 2 %}
# L3HA
l3_ha = True
l3_ha_net_cidr = {{ neutron_l3_ha_net_cidr }}
max_l3_agents_per_router = {{ max_l3_router }}
{% if neutron_provider_networks.network_mappings_list is defined and ((neutron_provider_networks.network_mappings_list | length) > 0) %}
ha_network_type = {{ neutron_provider_networks.network_mappings_list[0].split(':')[0] }}
ha_network_physical_name = {{ neutron_provider_networks.network_mappings_list[0].split(':')[-1] }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
bind_port = 9696
bind_host =
# Workers
api_workers = {{ neutron_api_workers | default(neutron_api_threads) }}
rpc_workers = {{ neutron_rpc_workers }}
{% set dhcp_agents_max = num_agent if num_agent > 2 else 2 %}
{% if neutron_plugin_type == 'ml2.dragonflow' %}
# In dragonflow, DHCP is fully distributed, and DHCP agents are not used
dhcp_agent_notification = False
{% else %}
dhcp_agent_notification = True
dhcp_agents_per_network = {{ dhcp_agents_max }}
dhcp_lease_duration = 86400
{% endif %}
# Driver for external DNS integration. (string value)
{% if neutron_designate_enabled %}
external_dns_driver = designate
{% else %}
#external_dns_driver = <None>
{% endif %}
# Nova notifications
notify_nova_on_port_status_changes = True
notify_nova_on_port_data_changes = True
send_events_interval = 2
# End of [DEFAULT] section
{% if neutron_designate_enabled %}
# required by current dns integration implementation
url = {{ designate_service_adminurl }}
auth_type = {{ designate_keystone_auth_plugin }}
auth_uri = {{ keystone_service_adminuri }}
auth_url = {{ keystone_service_adminurl }}
region_name = {{ designate_service_region }}
project_domain_id = {{ designate_service_project_domain_id }}
user_domain_id = {{ designate_service_user_domain_id }}
project_name = {{ designate_service_project_name }}
username = {{ designate_service_user_name }}
password = {{ designate_service_password }}
allow_reverse_dns_lookup = {{ neutron_allow_reverse_dns_lookup }}
ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size = {{ neutron_ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size }}
ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size = {{ neutron_ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size }}
{% endif %}
auth_type = {{ nova_keystone_auth_plugin }}
auth_url = {{ keystone_service_adminurl }}
region_name = {{ nova_service_region }}
project_domain_id = {{ nova_service_project_domain_id }}
user_domain_id = {{ nova_service_user_domain_id }}
project_name = {{ nova_service_project_name }}
username = {{ nova_service_user_name }}
password = {{ nova_service_password }}
endpoint_type = internal
# Quotas
quota_driver = {{ neutron_driver_quota }}
quota_items = network,subnet,port
default_quota = {{ neutron_default_quota }}
quota_floatingip = {{ neutron_quota_floatingip }}
quota_health_monitor = {{ neutron_quota_health_monitor }}
quota_member = {{ neutron_quota_member }}
quota_network = {{ neutron_quota_network }}
quota_network_gateway = {{ neutron_quota_network_gateway }}
quota_packet_filter = {{ neutron_quota_packet_filter }}
quota_pool = {{ neutron_quota_pool }}
quota_port = {{ neutron_quota_port }}
quota_router = {{ neutron_quota_router }}
quota_security_group = {{ neutron_quota_security_group }}
quota_security_group_rule = {{ neutron_quota_security_group_rule }}
quota_subnet = {{ neutron_quota_subnet }}
quota_vip = {{ neutron_quota_vip }}
# Keystone authentication
insecure = {{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | bool }}
auth_type = {{ neutron_keystone_auth_plugin }}
auth_url = {{ keystone_service_adminuri }}
auth_uri = {{ keystone_service_internaluri }}
project_domain_id = {{ neutron_service_project_domain_id }}
user_domain_id = {{ neutron_service_user_domain_id }}
project_name = {{ neutron_service_project_name }}
username = {{ neutron_service_user_name }}
password = {{ neutron_service_password }}
region_name = {{ keystone_service_region }}
memcached_servers = {{ memcached_servers }}
token_cache_time = 300
# Prevent cache poisoning if sharing a memcached server
memcache_security_strategy = ENCRYPT
memcache_secret_key = {{ memcached_encryption_key }}
# Database
connection = mysql+pymysql://{{ neutron_galera_user }}:{{ neutron_container_mysql_password }}@{{ neutron_galera_address }}/{{ neutron_galera_database }}?charset=utf8{% if neutron_galera_use_ssl | bool %}&ssl_ca={{ neutron_galera_ssl_ca_cert }}{% endif %}
max_overflow = {{ neutron_db_max_overflow }}
max_pool_size = {{ neutron_db_pool_size }}
pool_timeout = {{ neutron_db_pool_timeout }}
# Service providers
{% if neutron_lbaasv2 | bool %}
{% for service_provider in neutron_lbaasv2_service_provider.split(',') %}
service_provider = {{ service_provider }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if neutron_vpnaas| bool %}
service_provider = {{ neutron_vpnaas_service_provider }}
{% endif %}
{% if neutron_lbaasv2 | bool %}
{% if neutron_lbaas_octavia | bool %}
base_url= {{ octavia_service_url }}
request_poll_timeout = {{ neutron_octavia_request_poll_timeout }}
{% endif %}
# Configure Barbican - TLS will not work if Barbican is misisng
# Certificate Manager plugin. Defaults to barbican. (string value)
cert_manager_type = barbican
# Name of the Barbican authentication method to use (string value)
#barbican_auth = barbican_acl_auth
insecure = {{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | bool }}
auth_plugin = {{ neutron_keystone_auth_plugin }}
# this needs to have a v3 added manually :-(
auth_url = {{ keystone_service_internaluri }}/v3
admin_project_domain = {{ neutron_service_project_domain_id }}
admin_user_domain = {{ neutron_service_user_domain_id }}
admin_tenant_name = {{ neutron_service_project_name }}
admin_user = {{ neutron_service_user_name }}
admin_password = {{ neutron_service_password }}
region = {{ keystone_service_region }}
endpoint_type = internalURL
service_name = neutron
auth_version = 3
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
# Agent
polling_interval = {{ neutron_agent_polling_interval|default(5) }}
report_interval = {{ neutron_report_interval|int }}
root_helper = sudo {{ neutron_bin }}/neutron-rootwrap {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/rootwrap.conf
# Messaging
ssl = {{ neutron_rabbitmq_use_ssl }}
rpc_conn_pool_size = {{ neutron_rpc_conn_pool_size }}
# Notifications
{% if neutron_ceilometer_enabled or neutron_designate_enabled %}
{% set notification_topics = [] %}
{% if neutron_ceilometer_enabled %}
{% set _ = notification_topics.append('notifications') %}
{% endif %}
{% if neutron_designate_enabled %}
{% set _ = notification_topics.append(neutron_notifications_designate) %}
{% endif %}
notification_topics = {{ notification_topics | join(',') }}
driver = messagingv2
transport_url = rabbit://{% for host in neutron_rabbitmq_telemetry_servers.split(',') %}{{ neutron_rabbitmq_telemetry_userid }}:{{ neutron_rabbitmq_telemetry_password }}@{{ host }}:{{ neutron_rabbitmq_telemetry_port }}{% if not loop.last %},{% else %}/{{ neutron_rabbitmq_telemetry_vhost }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
# Concurrency (locking mechanisms)
lock_path = {{ neutron_lock_path }}
{% if neutron_services['neutron-server']['group'] in group_names and 'networking_sfc.services.sfc.plugin.SfcPlugin' in neutron_plugin_base %}
drivers = odl
drivers = odl
{% endif %}