Travis Truman c2f95902f3 Rely on namespaced vars for rabbitmq
The namespaced vars already exist and should be used.

Further, doing so provides additional deployment flexibility
so that we may support multi-RabbitMQ cluster environments.

Change-Id: I3a481f523beea3029b392be88199b07d932edef0
2016-07-08 16:33:12 -04:00

193 lines
6.5 KiB

# {{ ansible_managed }}
{% set _api_threads = ansible_processor_vcpus|default(2) // 2 %}
{% set api_threads = _api_threads if _api_threads > 0 else 1 %}
# General, applies to all host groups
debug = {{ debug }}
fatal_deprecations = {{ neutron_fatal_deprecations }}
log_file = /var/log/neutron/neutron.log
{% if inventory_hostname in groups[neutron_services['neutron-server']['group']] %}
# General, only applies to neutron server host group
allow_overlapping_ips = True
vlan_transparent = False
# Plugins
core_plugin = {{ neutron_plugin_core }}
{% if neutron_plugin_type.split('.')[0] == 'ml2' %}
service_plugins = {{ neutron_plugin_loaded_base }}
{% endif %}
# MAC address generation for VIFs
base_mac = fa:16:3e:00:00:00
mac_generation_retries = 16
# Authentication method
auth_strategy = keystone
# Drivers
network_scheduler_driver = {{ neutron_driver_network_scheduler }}
router_scheduler_driver = {{ neutron_driver_router_scheduler }}
loadbalancer_pool_scheduler_driver = {{ neutron_driver_loadbalancer_pool_scheduler }}
{% if neutron_ceilometer_enabled %}
notification_driver = messagingv2
{% endif %}
# Schedulers
network_auto_schedule = True
router_auto_schedule = True
# Distributed virtual routing (disable by default)
router_distributed = False
# Agents
agent_down_time = {{ neutron_agent_down_time }}
{% set num_agent = groups[neutron_services['neutron-dhcp-agent']['group']] | length %}
{% if neutron_plugin_type.split('.')[0] == 'ml2' and num_agent >= 2 %}
{% if neutron_services['neutron-linuxbridge-agent']['service_en'] | bool %}
{% set max_l3_router = num_agent if num_agent > 2 else 2 %}
{% set min_l3_router = num_agent if (num_agent > 2 and num_agent < max_l3_router) else 2 %}
# L3HA
l3_ha = True
l3_ha_net_cidr = {{ neutron_l3_ha_net_cidr }}
min_l3_agents_per_router = {{ min_l3_router }}
max_l3_agents_per_router = {{ max_l3_router }}
ha_network_type = {{ neutron_provider_networks.network_mappings_list[0].split(':')[0] }}
ha_network_physical_name = {{ neutron_provider_networks.network_mappings_list[0].split(':')[-1] }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
bind_port = 9696
bind_host =
# Workers
api_workers = {{ neutron_api_workers | default(api_threads) }}
rpc_workers = {{ neutron_rpc_workers }}
{% set dhcp_agents_max = num_agent if num_agent > 2 else 2 %}
dhcp_agent_notification = True
dhcp_agents_per_network = {{ dhcp_agents_max }}
dhcp_lease_duration = 86400
# Nova notifications
notify_nova_on_port_status_changes = True
notify_nova_on_port_data_changes = True
send_events_interval = 2
nova_url = {{ nova_service_adminurl|replace('/%(tenant_id)s', '') }}
## Rpc all
rpc_backend = {{ neutron_rpc_backend }}
executor_thread_pool_size = {{ neutron_rpc_thread_pool_size }}
rpc_conn_pool_size = {{ neutron_rpc_conn_pool_size }}
rpc_response_timeout = {{ neutron_rpc_response_timeout }}
auth_plugin = {{ nova_keystone_auth_plugin }}
auth_url = {{ keystone_service_adminurl }}
region_name = {{ nova_service_region }}
project_domain_id = {{ nova_service_project_domain_id }}
user_domain_id = {{ nova_service_user_domain_id }}
project_name = {{ nova_service_project_name }}
username = {{ nova_service_user_name }}
password = {{ nova_service_password }}
endpoint_type = internal
# Quotas
quota_driver = {{ neutron_driver_quota }}
quota_items = network,subnet,port
default_quota = {{ neutron_default_quota }}
quota_floatingip = {{ neutron_quota_floatingip }}
quota_health_monitor = {{ neutron_quota_health_monitor }}
quota_member = {{ neutron_quota_member }}
quota_network = {{ neutron_quota_network }}
quota_network_gateway = {{ neutron_quota_network_gateway }}
quota_packet_filter = {{ neutron_quota_packet_filter }}
quota_pool = {{ neutron_quota_pool }}
quota_port = {{ neutron_quota_port }}
quota_router = {{ neutron_quota_router }}
quota_security_group = {{ neutron_quota_security_group }}
quota_security_group_rule = {{ neutron_quota_security_group_rule }}
quota_subnet = {{ neutron_quota_subnet }}
quota_vip = {{ neutron_quota_vip }}
# Keystone authentication
insecure = {{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | bool }}
auth_plugin = {{ neutron_keystone_auth_plugin }}
signing_dir = /var/cache/neutron
auth_url = {{ keystone_service_adminuri }}
auth_uri = {{ keystone_service_internaluri }}
project_domain_id = {{ neutron_service_project_domain_id }}
user_domain_id = {{ neutron_service_user_domain_id }}
project_name = {{ neutron_service_project_name }}
username = {{ neutron_service_user_name }}
password = {{ neutron_service_password }}
memcached_servers = {{ memcached_servers }}
token_cache_time = 300
revocation_cache_time = 60
# Prevent cache poisoning if sharing a memcached server
memcache_security_strategy = ENCRYPT
memcache_secret_key = {{ memcached_encryption_key }}
# Enable if your keystone deployment uses PKI and you prefer security over
# performance (disable by default)
check_revocations_for_cached = False
# Database
connection = mysql+pymysql://{{ neutron_galera_user }}:{{ neutron_container_mysql_password }}@{{ neutron_galera_address }}/{{ neutron_galera_database }}?charset=utf8
max_overflow = {{ neutron_db_max_overflow }}
max_pool_size = {{ neutron_db_pool_size }}
pool_timeout = {{ neutron_db_pool_timeout }}
# Service providers
{% if neutron_lbaas | bool %}
service_provider =
{% elif neutron_lbaasv2 | bool %}
service_provider = LOADBALANCERV2:Haproxy:neutron_lbaas.drivers.haproxy.plugin_driver.HaproxyOnHostPluginDriver:default
{% endif %}
{% if neutron_vpnaas| bool %}
service_provider =
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if neutron_fwaas | bool and neutron_plugin_type != 'plumgrid' %}
enabled = true
driver =
{% endif %}
# Agent
polling_interval = {{ neutron_agent_polling_interval|default(5) }}
report_interval = {{ neutron_report_interval|int }}
root_helper = sudo {{ neutron_bin }}/neutron-rootwrap /etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf
# Messaging service
rabbit_port = {{ neutron_rabbitmq_port }}
rabbit_userid = {{ neutron_rabbitmq_userid }}
rabbit_password = {{ neutron_rabbitmq_password }}
rabbit_virtual_host = {{ neutron_rabbitmq_vhost }}
rabbit_hosts = {{ neutron_rabbitmq_servers }}
rabbit_use_ssl = {{ neutron_rabbitmq_use_ssl }}
# Concurrency (locking mechanisms)
lock_path = /var/lock/neutron