![Logan V](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
Based on discussion in the Ocata backport of I9c3cb1a11319f692113badf4d49bc8903effcbd7, these vars are being moved to the defaults so they can be more easily overridden. This will be combined into the backport patch for consistency. Change-Id: I42a68601b3e3c6035080650caaf30ce9bc2bf712
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370 lines
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# Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
### Verbosity Options
debug: False
### Packages Options
# Set the package install state for distribution
# Options are 'present' and 'latest'
neutron_package_state: "latest"
### Python code details
# Set the package install state for pip_package
# Options are 'present' and 'latest'
neutron_pip_package_state: "latest"
# Source git repo/branch settings
neutron_git_repo: https://git.openstack.org/openstack/neutron
neutron_git_install_branch: master
neutron_fwaas_git_repo: https://git.openstack.org/openstack/neutron-fwaas
neutron_fwaas_git_install_branch: master
neutron_lbaas_git_repo: https://git.openstack.org/openstack/neutron-lbaas
neutron_lbaas_git_install_branch: master
neutron_vpnaas_git_repo: https://git.openstack.org/openstack/neutron-vpnaas
neutron_vpnaas_git_install_branch: master
neutron_dynamic_routing_git_repo: https://git.openstack.org/openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing
neutron_dynamic_routing_git_install_branch: master
networking_calico_git_repo: https://git.openstack.org/openstack/networking-calico
networking_calico_git_install_branch: master
dragonflow_git_repo: https://git.openstack.org/openstack/dragonflow
dragonflow_git_install_branch: master
# Developer mode
neutron_developer_mode: false
# Name of the virtual env to deploy into
neutron_venv_tag: untagged
# venv_download, even when true, will use the fallback method of building the
# venv from scratch if the venv download fails.
### Generic Neutron Config
# Fatal Deprecations
neutron_fatal_deprecations: False
# If ``neutron_api_workers`` is unset the system will use half the number of available VCPUs to
# compute the number of api workers to use with a default capping value of 16.
# neutron_api_workers: 16
## Cap the maximun number of threads / workers when a user value is unspecified.
neutron_api_threads_max: 16
neutron_api_threads: "{{ [[ansible_processor_vcpus|default(2) // 2, 1] | max, neutron_api_threads_max] | min }}"
neutron_agent_down_time: 120
neutron_agent_polling_interval: 5
neutron_report_interval: "{{ neutron_agent_down_time | int / 2 | int }}"
neutron_external_network_bridge: ""
neutron_dns_domain: openstacklocal
# If ``neutron_num_sync_threads`` is unset, the system will use the value of
# neutron_api_threads in templates/dhcp_agent.ini.j2 for num_sync_threads.
# neutron_num_sync_threads: 4
### Tunable Overrides (Sorted alphabetically)
# These variables facilitate adding config file entries
# for anything supported by the service. See the section
# 'Overriding OpenStack configuration defaults' in the
# 'Advanced configuration' appendix of the Deploy Guide.
neutron_api_paste_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_bgp_dragent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_bgp_dragent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_calico_dhcp_agent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_calico_dhcp_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_calico_felix_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_calico_felix_init_overrides: {}
neutron_dhcp_agent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_dhcp_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_dnsmasq_neutron_conf_overrides: {}
neutron_dragonflow_controller_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_dragonflow_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_dragonflow_l3_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_dragonflow_pubsub_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_l3_agent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_l3_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_lbaas_agent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_lbaas_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_linuxbridge_agent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_linuxbridge_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_metadata_agent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_metadata_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_metering_agent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_metering_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_ml2_conf_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_neutron_conf_overrides: {}
neutron_nuage_conf_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_openvswitch_agent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_openvswitch_agent_init_overrides: {}
# Provide a list of access controls to update the default policy.json with.
# These changes will be merged
# with the access controls in the default policy.json. E.g.
# "create_subnet": "rule:admin_or_network_owner"
# "get_subnet": "rule:admin_or_owner or rule:shared"
neutron_policy_overrides: {}
neutron_rootwrap_conf_overrides: {}
neutron_server_init_overrides: {}
neutron_sriov_nic_agent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_sriov_nic_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_vpn_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_vpnaas_agent_ini_overrides: {}
### Quotas
neutron_default_quota: -1
neutron_quota_floatingip: 50
neutron_quota_health_monitor: -1
neutron_quota_member: -1
neutron_quota_network: 10
neutron_quota_network_gateway: 5
neutron_quota_packet_filter: 100
neutron_quota_pool: 10
neutron_quota_port: 50
neutron_quota_router: 10
neutron_quota_security_group: 10
neutron_quota_security_group_rule: 100
neutron_quota_subnet: 10
neutron_quota_vip: 10
### DB (Galera) integration
neutron_galera_user: neutron
neutron_galera_database: neutron
neutron_db_max_overflow: 20
neutron_db_pool_size: 120
neutron_db_pool_timeout: 30
### RPC (RabbitMQ) integration
neutron_rabbitmq_userid: neutron
neutron_rabbitmq_vhost: /neutron
neutron_rabbitmq_port: 5672
neutron_rabbitmq_use_ssl: False
neutron_rpc_thread_pool_size: 64
neutron_rpc_conn_pool_size: 30
neutron_rpc_response_timeout: 60
neutron_rpc_workers: 1
### Identity (Keystone) integration
neutron_service_project_name: service
neutron_service_project_domain_id: default
neutron_service_user_domain_id: default
neutron_service_role_name: admin
neutron_service_user_name: neutron
neutron_service_name: neutron
neutron_service_type: network
neutron_service_description: "OpenStack Networking"
neutron_service_port: 9696
neutron_service_proto: http
neutron_service_publicuri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_publicuri_proto | default(neutron_service_proto) }}"
neutron_service_adminuri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_adminuri_proto | default(neutron_service_proto) }}"
neutron_service_internaluri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_internaluri_proto | default(neutron_service_proto) }}"
neutron_service_publicuri: "{{ neutron_service_publicuri_proto }}://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}:{{ neutron_service_port }}"
neutron_service_publicurl: "{{ neutron_service_publicuri }}"
neutron_service_adminuri: "{{ neutron_service_adminuri_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ neutron_service_port }}"
neutron_service_adminurl: "{{ neutron_service_adminuri }}"
neutron_service_internaluri: "{{ neutron_service_internaluri_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ neutron_service_port }}"
neutron_service_internalurl: "{{ neutron_service_internaluri }}"
neutron_service_region: RegionOne
neutron_keystone_auth_plugin: "{{ neutron_keystone_auth_type }}"
neutron_keystone_auth_type: password
neutron_service_in_ldap: false
### Telemetry integration
neutron_ceilometer_enabled: False
# Configuration for notifications communication, i.e. [oslo_messaging_notifications]
neutron_rabbitmq_telemetry_userid: "{{ neutron_rabbitmq_userid }}"
neutron_rabbitmq_telemetry_password: "{{ neutron_rabbitmq_password }}"
neutron_rabbitmq_telemetry_vhost: "{{ neutron_rabbitmq_vhost }}"
neutron_rabbitmq_telemetry_port: "{{ neutron_rabbitmq_port }}"
neutron_rabbitmq_telemetry_servers: "{{ neutron_rabbitmq_servers }}"
neutron_rabbitmq_telemetry_use_ssl: "{{ neutron_rabbitmq_use_ssl }}"
### Designate integration
neutron_designate_enabled: False
# Notifications topic for designate
neutron_notifications_designate: notifications_designate
### Plugins Loading
# Other plugins can be added to the system by simply extending the list `neutron_plugin_base`.
# neutron_plugin_base:
# - router
# - firewall
# - lbaas
# - neutron_dynamic_routing.services.bgp.bgp_plugin.BgpPlugin
# - vpnaas
# - metering
# - qos
# - dns
- router
- metering
### ML2 Plugin Configuration
# The neutron core plugin (ML2) is defined with neutron_plugin_type,
# you can not load multiple ML2 plugins as core.
neutron_plugin_type: 'ml2.lxb'
# Additional ML2 plugins can be loaded with neutron_plugin_types (as list)
neutron_plugin_types: []
# ml2 network type drivers to load
neutron_ml2_drivers_type: "flat,vlan,vxlan,local"
# Enable or disable L2 Population.
neutron_l2_population: "False"
neutron_vxlan_enabled: true
## The neutron multicast group address. This should be set as a host variable if used.
neutron_vxlan_group: ""
neutron_sriov_excluded_devices: ""
# neutron_local_ip is used for the VXLAN local tunnel endpoint
## Set this variable to configure the provider networks that will be available
## When setting up networking in things like the ml2_conf.ini file. Normally
## this will be defined as a host variable used within neutron as network configuration
## are likely to differ in between hosts.
# neutron_provider_networks:
# network_flat_networks: "flat"
# network_mappings: "flat:eth12,vlan:eth11"
# network_types: "vxlan,flat,vlan"
# network_vlan_ranges: "vlan:1:1,vlan:1024:1025"
# network_vxlan_ranges: "1:1000"
# network_sriov_mappings: "vlan:p4p1"
### L3 Agent Plugin Configuration
neutron_gateway_external_network_id: ""
# Set this option to "true" to enable legacy neutron L3HA tool support
# TODO(cloudnull): Remove this in the Ocata cycle
neutron_legacy_ha_tool_enabled: false
# L3HA configuration options
neutron_ha_vrrp_auth_type: PASS
### DHCP Agent Plugin Configuration
# Comma-separated list of DNS servers which will be used by dnsmasq as forwarders.
neutron_dnsmasq_dns_servers: ""
# Limit number of leases to prevent a denial-of-service.
neutron_dnsmasq_lease_max: 16777216
### Metadata Agent Plugin Configuration
# If ``neutron_metadata_workers`` is unset the system will use half the number of available VCPUs to
# compute the number of api workers to use with a default capping value of 16.
# neutron_metadata_workers: 16
neutron_metadata_backlog: 4096
# When running in an AIO, we need to implement an iptables rule in any
# neutron_agent containers to that ensure instances can communicate with
# the neutron metadata service. This is necessary because in an AIO
# environment there are no physical interfaces involved in instance ->
# metadata requests, and this results in the checksums being incorrect.
neutron_metadata_checksum_fix: False
### LBaaS Configuration
# See documentation section titled "Configuring the Network Load Balancing
# Service (Optional)" for more details.
neutron_octavia_request_poll_timeout: 100
### Dragonflow Configuration
# neutron_management_ip is used to configure the location (IP) of the
# neutron-server
# Calico Felix agent upstream settings
calico_felix_url: "https://github.com/projectcalico/felix/releases/download/{{ calico_felix_version }}/calico-felix"
calico_felix_version: 2.3.0
calico_felix_sha256: 6cc538d6d93d2b5e732841769f427ce61a4e7d9a6eedf4ca8d33c4df42cf6419
calico_felix_validate_certs: yes
# Database specific configuration
dragonflow_remote_db_ip: # etcd has local proxy installed
dragonflow_remote_db_port: 4001
- l2_app.L2App
- l3_proactive_app.L3ProactiveApp
- dhcp_app.DHCPApp
- dnat_app.DNATApp
- sg_app.SGApp
- portsec_app.PortSecApp
dragonflow_ex_peer_patch_port: patch-int
dragonflow_int_peer_patch_port: patch-ex
dragonflow_external_network_bridge: br-ex
dragonflow_publisher_bind_address: "*"