[uwsgi] uid = {{ octavia_system_user_name }} gid = {{ octavia_system_group_name }} {% if octavia_install_method == 'source' %} virtualenv = /openstack/venvs/octavia-{{ octavia_venv_tag }} {% endif %} wsgi-file = {{ octavia_bin }}/{{ item.wsgi_name }} http-socket = {{ item.uwsgi_bind_address }}:{{ item.uwsgi_port }} master = true enable-threads = true processes = {{ octavia_wsgi_processes }} threads = {{ octavia_wsgi_threads }} exit-on-reload = true die-on-term = true lazy-apps = true add-header = Connection: close buffer-size = {{ octavia_wsgi_buffer_size }} thunder-lock = true logfile-chmod = 644 pidfile = /var/run/{{ item.service_name }}/{{ item.service_name }}.pid # Avoid filling up the logs with health check requests from haproxy. route-user-agent = ^osa-haproxy-healthcheck$ donotlog: