Merge "Simplify"

This commit is contained in:
Zuul 2018-08-03 18:05:20 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit a9e6d6536d
2 changed files with 15 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -73,11 +73,7 @@ case ${DISTRO_ID} in
git curl autoconf gcc gcc-c++ nc \
python2 python2-devel \
openssl-devel libffi-devel \
# CentOS base does not include a recent
# enough version of virtualenv or pip,
# so we do not bother trying to install
# them.
libselinux-python python-virtualenv
apt-get update
@ -103,6 +99,9 @@ case ${DISTRO_ID} in
# Ensure that our shell knows about the new virtualenv
hash -r virtualenv
# Ensure we use the HTTPS/HTTP proxy with pip if it is specified
if [ -n "$HTTPS_PROXY" ]; then
@ -122,47 +121,15 @@ UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_PROTO=$([ "$PYTHON_VERSION" == $(echo -e "$PYTHON_VERSION\n2.7
# Set the location of the constraints to use for all pip installations
export UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE=${UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE:-"$UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_PROTO://$(awk '/requirements_git_install_branch:/ {print $2}' playbooks/defaults/repo_packages/openstack_services.yml)"}
# Install virtualenv if it is not already installed,
# but also make sure it is at least version 13.x or above
# so that it supports using the no-pip, no-setuptools
# and no-wheels options (the last one was added in v13.0.0).
VIRTUALENV_VERSION=$(virtualenv --version 2>/dev/null | cut -d. -f1)
if [[ "${VIRTUALENV_VERSION}" -lt "13" ]]; then
# All distros have a python-virtualenv > 13.
# - Centos 7 has 15.1, which holds pip 9.0.1, setuptools 28.8, wheel 0.29
# See also:
# - openSUSE 42.3 has 13.1.2, which holds pip 7.1.2, setuptools 18.2, wheel 0.24.
# See also:
# - Ubuntu Xenial has 15.0.1, holding pip 8.1.1, setuptools 20.3, wheel 0.29
# See also:
# Install pip on the host if it is not already installed,
# but also make sure that it is at least version 7.x or above
# so that it supports the use of the constraint option which
# was added in pip 7.1.
PIP_VERSION=$(pip --version 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d. -f1)
if [[ "${PIP_VERSION}" -lt "7" ]]; then
# Ensure that our shell knows about the new pip
hash -r pip
pip install ${PIP_OPTS} \
--constraint ${UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE} \
--isolated \
# Ensure that our shell knows about the new pip
hash -r virtualenv
# Create a Virtualenv for the Ansible runtime
if [ -f "/opt/ansible-runtime/bin/python" ]; then
VENV_PYTHON_VERSION="$(/opt/ansible-runtime/bin/python -c 'import sys; print(".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3])))')"
rm -rf /opt/ansible-runtime
virtualenv --python=${PYTHON_EXEC_PATH} \
--clear \
--no-pip --no-setuptools --no-wheel \
# Install pip, setuptools and wheel into the venv
get_pip /opt/ansible-runtime/bin/python
virtualenv --python=${PYTHON_EXEC_PATH} --clear /opt/ansible-runtime
# The vars used to prepare the Ansible runtime venv
@ -175,6 +142,9 @@ PIP_OPTS+=" --constraint ${UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE}"
# a different version of Ansible to the one we want to install. As such, we
# use --isolated so that the config file is ignored.
# Upgrade pip setuptools and wheel to the appropriate version
${PIP_COMMAND} install --isolated ${PIP_OPTS} --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
# Install ansible and the other required packages
${PIP_COMMAND} install --isolated ${PIP_OPTS} -r requirements.txt ${ANSIBLE_PACKAGE}

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@ -360,34 +360,6 @@ function get_instance_info {
netstat -tulpn > "/openstack/log/instance-info/netstat_${TS}.log" || true
function get_pip {
# Use pip opts to add options to the pip install command.
# This can be used to tell it which index to use, etc.
# The python executable to use when executing get-pip is passed
# as a parameter to this function.
GETPIP_PYTHON_EXEC_PATH="${1:-$(which python)}"
# Download the get-pip script using the primary or secondary URL
GETPIP_CMD="curl --silent --show-error --retry 5"
# If GET_PIP_URL is set, then just use it
if [ -n "${GET_PIP_URL:-}" ]; then
# Otherwise, try the two standard URL's
pip setuptools wheel \
--constraint global-requirement-pins.txt \
function get_bowling_ball_tests {
# Retrieve the latest bowling ball test script in case we don't already have it.
if [ -f scripts/ ]; then