.. _upgrading-by-using-a-script: =========================== Upgrading by using a script =========================== The |current_release_formal_name| release series of OpenStack-Ansible contains the code for migrating from |previous_release_formal_name| to |current_release_formal_name|. .. warning:: The upgrade script is still under active development. Do *not* run it on a production environment at this time. Running the upgrade script ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To upgrade from |previous_release_formal_name| to |current_release_formal_name| by using the upgrade script, perform the following steps in the ``openstack-ansible`` directory: #. Change directory to the repository clone root directory: .. code-block:: console # cd /opt/openstack-ansible #. Run the following commands: .. parsed-literal:: # git checkout |latest_tag| # ./scripts/run-upgrade.sh