--- # Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ############################# WARNING ######################################## # The playbooks do not currently manage changing passwords in an existing # environment. Changing passwords and re-running the playbooks will fail # and may break your OpenStack environment. ############################# WARNING ######################################## ## Rabbitmq Options rabbitmq_cookie_token: rabbitmq_monitoring_password: ## Tokens memcached_encryption_key: ## Galera Options galera_root_password: galera_mariadb_backups_password: galera_monitoring_user_password: ## Keystone Options keystone_container_mysql_password: keystone_auth_admin_password: keystone_oslomsg_rpc_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #keystone_oslomsg_notify_password: ## Adjutant Options: adjutant_galera_password: adjutant_service_password: adjutant_secret_key: ## Aodh Options: aodh_container_db_password: aodh_service_password: aodh_oslomsg_rpc_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #aodh_oslomsg_notify_password: ## Ceilometer Options: ceilometer_container_db_password: ceilometer_service_password: ceilometer_telemetry_secret: ceilometer_oslomsg_rpc_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #ceilometer_oslomsg_notify_password: ## Cinder Options cinder_container_mysql_password: cinder_service_password: cinder_profiler_hmac_key: cinder_oslomsg_rpc_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #cinder_oslomsg_notify_password: ## Ceph/rbd: a UUID to be used by libvirt to refer to the client.cinder user cinder_ceph_client_uuid: ## Cloudkitty Options cloudkitty_container_mysql_password: cloudkitty_service_password: cloudkitty_oslomsg_rpc_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #cloudkitty_oslomsg_notify_password: ## Glance Options glance_container_mysql_password: glance_service_password: glance_profiler_hmac_key: glance_oslomsg_rpc_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #glance_oslomsg_notify_password: ## Gnocchi Options: gnocchi_container_mysql_password: gnocchi_service_password: ## Heat Options heat_stack_domain_admin_password: heat_container_mysql_password: ### THE HEAT AUTH KEY NEEDS TO BE 32 CHARACTERS LONG ## heat_auth_encryption_key: ### THE HEAT AUTH KEY NEEDS TO BE 32 CHARACTERS LONG ## heat_service_password: heat_oslomsg_rpc_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #heat_oslomsg_notify_password: ## Ironic options ironic_oslomsg_rpc_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #ironic_oslomsg_notify_password: ironic_container_mysql_password: ironic_service_password: ironic_swift_temp_url_secret_key: ## Horizon Options horizon_container_mysql_password: horizon_secret_key: ## Neutron Options neutron_container_mysql_password: neutron_service_password: neutron_oslomsg_rpc_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #neutron_oslomsg_notify_password: neutron_ha_vrrp_auth_password: ## Nova Options nova_container_mysql_password: nova_api_container_mysql_password: nova_metadata_proxy_secret: nova_service_password: nova_oslomsg_rpc_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #nova_oslomsg_notify_password: ## Octavia Options octavia_container_mysql_password: octavia_service_password: octavia_health_hmac_key: octavia_oslomsg_rpc_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #octavia_oslomsg_notify_password: octavia_cert_client_password: ## Sahara Options sahara_container_mysql_password: sahara_oslomsg_rpc_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #sahara_oslomsg_notify_password: sahara_service_password: ## Senlin Options: senlin_galera_password: senlin_oslomsg_rpc_password: senlin_service_password: ## Swift Options: swift_service_password: swift_dispersion_password: ### Once the swift cluster has been setup DO NOT change these hash values! swift_hash_path_suffix: swift_hash_path_prefix: # Swift needs a telemetry password when using ceilometer swift_oslomsg_notify_password: ## haproxy stats password haproxy_stats_password: ## Magnum Options magnum_service_password: magnum_galera_password: magnum_oslomsg_rpc_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #magnum_oslomsg_notify_password: magnum_trustee_password: ## Masakari Options masakari_service_password: masakari_oslomsg_rpc_password: masakari_container_mysql_password: # Mistral Options mistral_service_password: mistral_galera_password: mistral_oslomsg_rpc_password: # Murano Options murano_service_password: murano_galera_password: murano_oslomsg_rpc_password: ## Rally Options: rally_galera_password: ## Trove Options trove_galera_password: trove_oslomsg_rpc_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #trove_oslomsg_notify_password: trove_service_password: trove_admin_user_password: trove_taskmanager_rpc_encr_key: trove_inst_rpc_key_encr_key: trove_instance_rpc_encr_key: ## Barbican Options barbican_galera_password: barbican_oslomsg_rpc_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #barbican_oslomsg_notify_password: barbican_service_password: barbican_simple_crypto_key: ## Blazar Options blazar_oslomsg_rpc_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your variables #blazar_oslomsg_notify_password: blazar_service_password: blazar_container_mysql_password: ## Designate Options designate_galera_password: designate_oslomsg_rpc_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #designate_oslomsg_notify_password: designate_pool_uuid: designate_service_password: ## Tacker options tacker_oslomsg_rpc_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #tacker_oslomsg_notify_password: tacker_service_password: tacker_container_mysql_password: ## Ceph RadosGW Keystone password radosgw_admin_password: ## manila passwords manila_container_mysql_password: manila_oslomsg_rpc_password: manila_profiler_hmac_key: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #manila_oslomsg_notify_password: manila_service_password: # Placement Options placement_service_password: placement_galera_password: #Ironic Inspector options: ironic_inspector_container_mysql_password: ironic_inspector_service_password: ironic_inspector_swift_password: # zun passwords zun_oslomsg_rpc_password: zun_galera_password: zun_service_password: zun_kuryr_service_password: #NOTE: Please uncomment those # if you want to split rpc and notify users # Please also wire the appropriate userid in # your user variables. #zun_oslomsg_notify_password: