========= Playbooks ========= This section provides details about the playbooks that are used in the upgrade process. Within the main :file:`scripts` directory there is an :file:`upgrade-utilities` directory, which contains an additional playbooks directory. These playbooks facilitate the upgrade process. .. _fact-cleanup-playbook: ansible_fact_cleanup.yml ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This playbook calls a script to remove files in the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/ansible_facts/`` directory. .. _config-change-playbook: deploy-config-changes.yml ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This playbook backs up the ``/etc/openstack_deploy`` directory before changing the configuration. The``/etc/openstack_deploy`` directory is copied once to the |upgrade_backup_dir| directory. .. _user-secrets-playbook: user-secrets-adjustment.yml ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This playbook ensures that the user secrets file is updated based on the example file in the main repository, making it possible to guarantee that all secrets move into the upgraded environment and are generated appropriately. This playbook adds only new secrets, such as those necessary for new services or new settings added to existing services. Values that were set previously are not changed. .. _pip-conf-removal: pip-conf-removal.yml ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The presence of the ``pip.conf`` file locks down all Python installations to packages on the repo servers. If this file exists on a repo server or a physical node, it causes a circular dependency issue and the upgrade fails. This playbook removes the file on all the repo servers and physical nodes. .. _setup-infra-playbook: setup-infrastructure.yml ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``playbooks`` directory contains the ``setup-infrastructure.yml`` playbook. The ``run-upgrade.sh`` script calls the ``setup-insfrastructure.yml`` playbook with specific arguments to upgrade MariaDB and RabbitMQ. For example, to run an upgrade for both components at once, run the following commands: .. code-block:: console # openstack-ansible setup-infrastructure.yml -e 'rabbitmq_upgrade=true' \ -e 'galera_upgrade=true' The ``rabbitmq_upgrade`` variable tells the ``rabbitmq_server`` role to upgrade RabbitMQ. .. note:: The RabbitMQ server role installs patch releases automatically, regardless of the value of ``rabbitmq_upgrade``. This variable controls the upgrade of only the major or minor versions. Upgrading RabbitMQ in the |current_release_formal_name| release is optional. The ``run-upgrade.sh`` script does not automatically upgrade it. To upgrade RabbitMQ, insert the ``rabbitmq_upgrade: true`` line into a file, such as ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml``. The ``galera_upgrade`` variable tells the ``galera_server`` role to remove the current version of MariaDB and Galera and upgrade to the 10.*x* series. .. _memcached-flush: memcached-flush.yml ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This playbook sends the ``flush_all`` command to Memcached with the help of netcat.