#!/usr/bin/python3 import datetime import multiprocessing import os import sys import signal import subprocess import yaml from systemd import journal from collections import defaultdict # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # load ansible-role-requirements.yml def get_ansible_role_names(): with open(str(sys.argv[1]), 'r') as a_r_r_file: try: a_r_r = yaml.safe_load(a_r_r_file) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) role_service_names = [] role_prefix = "os_" for role in a_r_r: if role['name'].startswith(role_prefix): role_service_names.append(role['name'][len(role_prefix):]) return role_service_names # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # get the list of containers and where their journals are def get_container_journals(): journals = [] try: s = subprocess.run(['lxc-ls', '-1'], capture_output=True) except FileNotFoundError: return journals containers = s.stdout.decode('utf-8').splitlines() for container_name in containers: info = {} info['name'] = container_name info['subdir'] = "openstack" s = subprocess.run(['lxc-info', '--pid', '--no-humanize', container_name], capture_output=True) info['pid'] = s.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip() if(len(info['pid']) == 0): continue info['etc_dir'] = "/proc/" + str(info['pid']) + "/root/etc" with open(info['etc_dir'] + "/machine-id", 'r') as machine_id_file: machine_id = machine_id_file.read().strip() info['journal_dir'] = "/proc/" + str(info['pid']) + \ "/root/var/log/journal/" + machine_id journals.append(info) return journals # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def demux_one_journal(j): print("Gathering journals from " + j['name']) # open the journal from a specific directory, or use the host journal if 'journal_dir' in j: print(" Using journal dir " + j['journal_dir']) jreader = journal.Reader(path=j['journal_dir']) else: print(" Using host journal") jreader = journal.Reader() # the path to where we will save the journal for this host/container j_dir = working_dir + '/logs' if 'subdir' in j: j_dir = j_dir + '/' + j['subdir'] d_dir = j_dir j_dir = j_dir + '/' + j['name'] d_dir = d_dir + '/deprecations/' + j['name'] if not os.path.isdir(j_dir): os.makedirs(j_dir) output_files = {} # for each journal entry, try to match it with the services we care about # and split each service out into its own list of journal entries for entry in jreader: if 'MESSAGE' not in entry: continue if '_SYSTEMD_UNIT' not in entry: continue unit = entry['_SYSTEMD_UNIT'] if not next((s for s in service_names if s in unit), None): continue # write each matched service journal entry out s_name = '/' + unit + '.journal-' + timestamp + '.log' j_filename = j_dir + s_name message = str(entry['MESSAGE']) if j_filename not in output_files: output_files[j_filename] = open(j_filename, 'w') output_files[j_filename].write(unit + ' ' + message + '\n') if 'eprecat' not in message: continue d_filename = d_dir + s_name if not os.path.isdir(d_dir): os.makedirs(d_dir) with open(d_filename, 'a') as d: d.write(unit + ' ' + message + "\n") print(''.join([' Written ' + k + '\n' for k in output_files.keys()])) return True # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def init_signal(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # always collect the host journal, first in the list as it's probably # the largest host_journal = [{}] host_journal[0]['name'] = 'host' journals = [] journals = journals + host_journal journals = journals + get_container_journals() print(journals) # common log names are passed as the trailing arguments if len(sys.argv) > 2: common_log_names = sys.argv[2::] else: common_log_names = [] service_names = common_log_names + get_ansible_role_names() print("Service names to search for " + str(service_names)) if os.getenv('WORKING_DIR') is not None: working_dir = os.getenv('WORKING_DIR') else: working_dir = os.getcwd() if os.getenv('TS') is not None: timestamp = os.getenv('TS') else: timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%H-%M-%S') p = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), init_signal) journal_success = p.map(demux_one_journal, journals) p.close() success = all(i for i in journal_success) if success: print("Journal collection Success!") else: print("Error during journal collection")