#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # (c) 2014, Kevin Carter ## Shell Opts ---------------------------------------------------------------- set -e -u -x ## Vars ---------------------------------------------------------------------- export HTTP_PROXY=${HTTP_PROXY:-""} export HTTPS_PROXY=${HTTPS_PROXY:-""} # The Ansible version used for testing export ANSIBLE_PACKAGE=${ANSIBLE_PACKAGE:-"ansible==2.7.5"} export ANSIBLE_ROLE_FILE=${ANSIBLE_ROLE_FILE:-"ansible-role-requirements.yml"} export SSH_DIR=${SSH_DIR:-"/root/.ssh"} export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=${DEBIAN_FRONTEND:-"noninteractive"} # check whether to install the ARA callback plugin export SETUP_ARA=${SETUP_ARA:-"false"} # Use pip opts to add options to the pip install command. # This can be used to tell it which index to use, etc. export PIP_OPTS=${PIP_OPTS:-""} export OSA_WRAPPER_BIN="${OSA_WRAPPER_BIN:-scripts/openstack-ansible.sh}" # This script should be executed from the root directory of the cloned repo cd "$(dirname "${0}")/.." ## Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------- info_block "Checking for required libraries." 2> /dev/null || source scripts/scripts-library.sh ## Main ---------------------------------------------------------------------- info_block "Bootstrapping System with Ansible" # Store the clone repo root location export OSA_CLONE_DIR="$(pwd)" # Set the variable to the role file to be the absolute path ANSIBLE_ROLE_FILE="$(readlink -f "${ANSIBLE_ROLE_FILE}")" OSA_INVENTORY_PATH="$(readlink -f inventory)" OSA_PLAYBOOK_PATH="$(readlink -f playbooks)" # Create the ssh dir if needed ssh_key_create # Determine the distribution which the host is running on determine_distro # Prefer dnf over yum for CentOS. which dnf &>/dev/null && RHT_PKG_MGR='dnf' || RHT_PKG_MGR='yum' # Install the base packages case ${DISTRO_ID} in centos|rhel) $RHT_PKG_MGR -y install \ git curl autoconf gcc gcc-c++ nc \ python2 python2-devel \ openssl-devel libffi-devel \ libselinux-python python-virtualenv ;; ubuntu) apt-get update DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install \ git-core curl gcc netcat \ python-minimal python-dev \ python3 python3-dev \ libssl-dev libffi-dev \ python-apt python3-apt \ python-virtualenv ;; opensuse*) zypper -n install -l git-core curl autoconf gcc gcc-c++ \ netcat-openbsd python python-xml python-devel gcc \ libffi-devel libopenssl-devel python-setuptools python-virtualenv # Leap 42.3 ships with python3.4 which is not supported by ansible and as # such we are using python2 # See https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/24180 source /etc/os-release [[ ${VERSION} =~ 42 ]] && PYTHON_EXEC_PATH="/usr/bin/python2" ;; esac # Ensure that our shell knows about the new virtualenv hash -r virtualenv # Ensure we use the HTTPS/HTTP proxy with pip if it is specified if [ -n "$HTTPS_PROXY" ]; then PIP_OPTS+="--proxy $HTTPS_PROXY" elif [ -n "$HTTP_PROXY" ]; then PIP_OPTS+="--proxy $HTTP_PROXY" fi # Force using python2. When python3 and python2 dual stack is supported uncomment the following: #PYTHON_EXEC_PATH="${PYTHON_EXEC_PATH:-$(which python3 || which python2 || which python)}" PYTHON_EXEC_PATH="${PYTHON_EXEC_PATH:-$(which python2 || which python)}" PYTHON_VERSION="$($PYTHON_EXEC_PATH -c 'import sys; print(".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3])))')" # Use https when Python with native SNI support is available UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_PROTO=$([ "$PYTHON_VERSION" == $(echo -e "$PYTHON_VERSION\n2.7.9" | sort -V | tail -1) ] && echo "https" || echo "http") # Set the location of the constraints to use for all pip installations export UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE=${UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE:-"$UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_PROTO://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/requirements/plain/upper-constraints.txt?id=$(awk '/requirements_git_install_branch:/ {print $2}' playbooks/defaults/repo_packages/openstack_services.yml)"} # All distros have a python-virtualenv > 13. # - Centos 7 has 15.1, which holds pip 9.0.1, setuptools 28.8, wheel 0.29 # See also: http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/os/x86_64/Packages/ # - openSUSE 42.3 has 13.1.2, which holds pip 7.1.2, setuptools 18.2, wheel 0.24. # See also: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE%3ALeap%3A42.3/python-virtualenv # - Ubuntu Xenial has 15.0.1, holding pip 8.1.1, setuptools 20.3, wheel 0.29 # See also: https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/python-virtualenv virtualenv --python=${PYTHON_EXEC_PATH} --never-download --clear /opt/ansible-runtime # The vars used to prepare the Ansible runtime venv PIP_OPTS+=" --constraint global-requirement-pins.txt" PIP_OPTS+=" --constraint ${UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE}" # When executing the installation, we want to specify all our options on the CLI, # making sure to completely ignore any config already on the host. This is to # prevent the repo server's extra constraints being applied, which include # a different version of Ansible to the one we want to install. As such, we # use --isolated so that the config file is ignored. # Upgrade pip setuptools and wheel to the appropriate version ${PIP_COMMAND} install --isolated ${PIP_OPTS} --upgrade pip setuptools wheel # Get current code version (this runs at the root of OSA clone) CURRENT_OSA_VERSION=$(cd ${OSA_CLONE_DIR}; /opt/ansible-runtime/bin/python setup.py --version) # Install ansible and the other required packages ${PIP_COMMAND} install --isolated ${PIP_OPTS} -r requirements.txt ${ANSIBLE_PACKAGE} # Install our osa_toolkit code from the current checkout $PIP_COMMAND install -e . # Add SELinux support to the venv if [ -d "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/selinux/" ]; then rsync -avX /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/selinux/ /opt/ansible-runtime/lib64/python2.7/selinux/ fi # Ensure that Ansible binaries run from the venv pushd /opt/ansible-runtime/bin for ansible_bin in $(ls -1 ansible*); do if [ "${ansible_bin}" == "ansible" ] || [ "${ansible_bin}" == "ansible-playbook" ]; then # For the 'ansible' and 'ansible-playbook' commands we want to use our wrapper ln -sf /usr/local/bin/openstack-ansible /usr/local/bin/${ansible_bin} else # For any other commands, we want to link directly to the binary ln -sf /opt/ansible-runtime/bin/${ansible_bin} /usr/local/bin/${ansible_bin} fi done popd # Write the OSA Ansible rc file sed "s|OSA_INVENTORY_PATH|${OSA_INVENTORY_PATH}|g" scripts/openstack-ansible.rc > /usr/local/bin/openstack-ansible.rc sed -i "s|OSA_PLAYBOOK_PATH|${OSA_PLAYBOOK_PATH}|g" /usr/local/bin/openstack-ansible.rc # Create openstack ansible wrapper tool cp -v ${OSA_WRAPPER_BIN} /usr/local/bin/openstack-ansible sed -i "s|OSA_CLONE_DIR|${OSA_CLONE_DIR}|g" /usr/local/bin/openstack-ansible # Mark the current OSA version in the wrapper, so we don't need to compute it everytime. sed -i "s|CURRENT_OSA_VERSION|${CURRENT_OSA_VERSION}|g" /usr/local/bin/openstack-ansible # Ensure wrapper tool is executable chmod +x /usr/local/bin/openstack-ansible echo "openstack-ansible wrapper created." # If the Ansible plugins are in the old location remove them. [[ -d "/etc/ansible/plugins" ]] && rm -rf "/etc/ansible/plugins" # Update dependent roles if [ -f "${ANSIBLE_ROLE_FILE}" ]; then # NOTE(cloudnull): When bootstrapping we don't want ansible to interact # with our plugins by default. This change will force # ansible to ignore our plugins during this process. export ANSIBLE_LIBRARY="/dev/null" export ANSIBLE_LOOKUP_PLUGINS="/dev/null" export ANSIBLE_FILTER_PLUGINS="/dev/null" export ANSIBLE_ACTION_PLUGINS="/dev/null" export ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS="/dev/null" export ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_WHITELIST="/dev/null" export ANSIBLE_TEST_PLUGINS="/dev/null" export ANSIBLE_VARS_PLUGINS="/dev/null" export ANSIBLE_STRATEGY_PLUGINS="/dev/null" export ANSIBLE_CONFIG="none-ansible.cfg" pushd scripts /opt/ansible-runtime/bin/ansible-playbook get-ansible-role-requirements.yml \ -e role_file="${ANSIBLE_ROLE_FILE}" popd unset ANSIBLE_LIBRARY unset ANSIBLE_LOOKUP_PLUGINS unset ANSIBLE_FILTER_PLUGINS unset ANSIBLE_ACTION_PLUGINS unset ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS unset ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_WHITELIST unset ANSIBLE_TEST_PLUGINS unset ANSIBLE_VARS_PLUGINS unset ANSIBLE_STRATEGY_PLUGINS unset ANSIBLE_CONFIG fi # Install and export the ARA callback plugin if [ "${SETUP_ARA}" == "true" ]; then setup_ara fi echo "System is bootstrapped and ready for use."