#!/usr/bin/python # (c) 2014, Kevin Carter # # Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Based on Jimmy Tang's implementation DOCUMENTATION = """ --- module: keystone version_added: "1.6.2" short_description: - Manage OpenStack Identity (keystone) users, tenants, roles, and endpoints. description: - Manage OpenStack Identity (keystone) users, tenants, roles, and endpoints. options: return_code: description: - Allow for return Codes other than 0 when executing commands. - This is a comma separated list of acceptable return codes. default: 0 login_user: description: - login username to authenticate to keystone required: false default: admin login_password: description: - Password of login user required: false default: 'yes' login_tenant_name: description: - The tenant login_user belongs to required: false default: None token: description: - The token to be uses in case the password is not specified required: false default: None endpoint: description: - The keystone url for authentication required: false password: description: - The password to be assigned to the user required: false default: None user_name: description: - The name of the user that has to added/removed from OpenStack required: false default: None tenant_name: description: - The tenant name that has be added/removed required: false default: None role_name: description: - The name of the role to be assigned or created required: false service_name: description: - Name of the service. required: false default: None region_name: description: - Name of the region. required: false default: None description: description: - A description for the tenant required: false default: None email: description: - Email address for the user, this is only used in "ensure_user" required: false default: None service_type: description: - Type of service. required: false default: None publicurl: description: - Public URL. required: false default: None adminurl: description: - Admin URL. required: false default: None internalurl: description: - Internal URL. required: false default: None command: description: - Indicate desired state of the resource choices: ['get_tenant', 'get_user', 'get_role', 'ensure_service', 'ensure_endpoint', 'ensure_role', 'ensure_user', 'ensure_user_role', 'ensure_tenant'] required: true requirements: [ python-keystoneclient ] author: Kevin Carter """ EXAMPLES = """ # Create an admin tenant - keystone: command: "ensure_tenant" tenant_name: "admin" description: "Admin Tenant" # Create a service tenant - keystone: command: "ensure_tenant" tenant_name: "service" description: "Service Tenant" # Create an admin user - keystone: command: "ensure_user" user_name: "admin" tenant_name: "admin" password: "secrete" email: "admin@some-domain.com" # Create an admin role - keystone: command: "ensure_role" role_name: "admin" # Create a user - keystone: command: "ensure_user" user_name: "glance" tenant_name: "service" password: "secrete" email: "glance@some-domain.com" # Add a role to a user - keystone: command: "ensure_user_role" user_name: "glance" tenant_name: "service" role_name: "admin" # Create a service - keystone: command: "ensure_service" service_name: "glance" service_type: "image" description: "Glance Image Service" # Create an endpoint - keystone: command: "ensure_endpoint" region_name: "RegionOne" service_name: "glance" service_type: "image" publicurl: "" adminurl: "" internalurl: "" # Get tenant id - keystone: command: "get_tenant" tenant_name: "admin" # Get user id - keystone: command: "get_user" user_name: "admin" # Get role id - keystone: command: "get_role" user_name: "admin" """ COMMAND_MAP = { 'get_tenant': { 'variables': [ 'tenant_name' ] }, 'get_user': { 'variables': [ 'user_name' ] }, 'get_role': { 'variables': [ 'role_name', 'tenant_name', 'user_name' ] }, 'ensure_service': { 'variables': [ 'service_name', 'service_type', 'description' ] }, 'ensure_endpoint': { 'variables': [ 'region_name', 'service_name', 'service_type', 'publicurl', 'adminurl', 'internalurl' ] }, 'ensure_role': { 'variables': [ 'role_name' ] }, 'ensure_user': { 'variables': [ 'tenant_name', 'user_name', 'password', 'email' ] }, 'ensure_user_role': { 'variables': [ 'user_name', 'tenant_name', 'role_name' ] }, 'ensure_tenant': { 'variables': [ 'tenant_name', 'description' ] } } try: from keystoneclient.v2_0 import client except ImportError: keystoneclient_found = False else: keystoneclient_found = True class ManageKeystone(object): def __init__(self, module): """Manage Keystone via Ansible.""" self.state_change = False self.keystone = None # Load AnsibleModule self.module = module def command_router(self): """Run the command as its provided to the module.""" command_name = self.module.params['command'] if command_name not in COMMAND_MAP: self.failure( error='No Command Found', rc=2, msg='Command [ %s ] was not found.' % command_name ) action_command = COMMAND_MAP[command_name] if hasattr(self, '%s' % command_name): action = getattr(self, '%s' % command_name) facts = action(variables=action_command['variables']) if facts is None: self.module.exit_json(changed=self.state_change) else: self.module.exit_json( changed=self.state_change, ansible_facts=facts ) else: self.failure( error='Command not in ManageKeystone class', rc=2, msg='Method [ %s ] was not found.' % command_name ) @staticmethod def _facts(facts): """Return a dict for our Ansible facts. :param facts: ``dict`` Dict with data to return """ return {'keystone_facts': facts} def _get_vars(self, variables, required=None): """Return a dict of all variables as found within the module. :param variables: ``list`` List of all variables that are available to use within the Keystone Command. :param required: ``list`` Name of variables that are required. """ return_dict = {} for variable in variables: return_dict[variable] = self.module.params.get(variable) else: if isinstance(required, list): for var_name in required: check = return_dict.get(var_name) if check is None: self.failure( error='Missing [ %s ] from Task or found a None' ' value' % var_name, rc=000, msg='variables %s - available params [ %s ]' % (variables, self.module.params) ) return return_dict def failure(self, error, rc, msg): """Return a Failure when running an Ansible command. :param error: ``str`` Error that occurred. :param rc: ``int`` Return code while executing an Ansible command. :param msg: ``str`` Message to report. """ self.module.fail_json(msg=msg, rc=rc, err=error) def _authenticate(self): """Return a keystone client object.""" required_vars = ['endpoint'] variables = [ 'endpoint', 'login_user', 'login_password', 'login_tenant_name', 'token' ] variables_dict = self._get_vars(variables, required=required_vars) endpoint = variables_dict.pop('endpoint') login_user = variables_dict.pop('login_user') login_password = variables_dict.pop('login_password') login_tenant_name = variables_dict.pop('login_tenant_name') token = variables_dict.pop('token') if token is None: if login_tenant_name is None: self.failure( error='Missing Tenant Name', rc=2, msg='If you do not specify a token you must use a tenant' ' name for authentication. Try adding' ' [ login_tenant_name ] to the task' ) if login_password is None: self.failure( error='Missing Password', rc=2, msg='If you do not specify a token you must use a password' ' name for authentication. Try adding' ' [ login_password ] to the task' ) if token: self.keystone = client.Client(endpoint=endpoint, token=token) else: self.keystone = client.Client( auth_url=endpoint, username=login_user, password=login_password, tenant_name=login_tenant_name ) def _get_tenant(self, name): """Return tenant information. :param name: ``str`` Name of the tenant. """ for entry in self.keystone.tenants.list(): if entry.name == name: return entry else: return None def get_tenant(self, variables): """Return a tenant id. This will return `None` if the ``name`` is not found. :param variables: ``list`` List of all variables that are available to use within the Keystone Command. """ self._authenticate() variables_dict = self._get_vars(variables, required=['tenant_name']) tenant_name = variables_dict.pop('tenant_name') tenant = self._get_tenant(name=tenant_name) if tenant is None: self.failure( error='tenant [ %s ] was not found.' % tenant_name, rc=2, msg='tenant was not found, does it exist?' ) return self._facts(facts={'id': tenant.id}) def ensure_tenant(self, variables): """Create a new tenant within Keystone if it does not exist. Returns the tenant ID on a successful run. :param variables: ``list`` List of all variables that are available to use within the Keystone Command. """ self._authenticate() variables_dict = self._get_vars(variables, required=['tenant_name']) tenant_name = variables_dict.pop('tenant_name') tenant_description = variables_dict.pop('description') if tenant_description is None: tenant_description = 'Tenant %s' % tenant_name tenant = self._get_tenant(name=tenant_name) if tenant is None: self.state_change = True tenant = self.keystone.tenants.create( tenant_name=tenant_name, description=tenant_description, enabled=True ) return self._facts(facts={'id': tenant.id}) def _get_user(self, name): """Return a user information. This will return `None` if the ``name`` is not found. :param name: ``str`` Name of the user. """ for entry in self.keystone.users.list(): if getattr(entry, 'name', None) == name: return entry else: return None def get_user(self, variables): """Return a tenant id. This will return `None` if the ``name`` is not found. :param variables: ``list`` List of all variables that are available to use within the Keystone Command. """ self._authenticate() variables_dict = self._get_vars(variables, required=['user_name']) user_name = variables_dict.pop('user_name') user = self._get_user(name=user_name) if user is None: self.failure( error='user [ %s ] was not found.' % user_name, rc=2, msg='user was not found, does it exist?' ) return self._facts(facts={'id': user.id}) def ensure_user(self, variables): """Create a new user within Keystone if it does not exist. Returns the user ID on a successful run. :param variables: ``list`` List of all variables that are available to use within the Keystone Command. """ self._authenticate() required_vars = ['tenant_name', 'user_name', 'password'] variables_dict = self._get_vars(variables, required=required_vars) tenant_name = variables_dict.pop('tenant_name') password = variables_dict.pop('password') user_name = variables_dict.pop('user_name') email = variables_dict.pop('email') tenant = self._get_tenant(name=tenant_name) if tenant is None: self.failure( error='tenant [ %s ] was not found.' % tenant_name, rc=2, msg='tenant was not found, does it exist?' ) user = self._get_user(name=user_name) if user is None: self.state_change = True user = self.keystone.users.create( name=user_name, password=password, email=email, tenant_id=tenant.id ) return self._facts(facts={'id': user.id}) def _get_role(self, name): """Return a tenant by name. This will return `None` if the ``name`` is not found. :param name: ``str`` Name of the role. """ for entry in self.keystone.roles.list(): if entry.name == name: return entry else: return None def get_role(self, variables): """Return a tenant by name. This will return `None` if the ``name`` is not found. :param variables: ``list`` List of all variables that are available to use within the Keystone Command. """ self._authenticate() variables_dict = self._get_vars(variables, required=['role_name']) role_name = variables_dict.pop('role_name') role_data = self._get_role(name=role_name) if role_data is None: self.failure( error='role [ %s ] was not found.' % role_name, rc=2, msg='role was not found, does it exist?' ) return self._facts(facts={'id': role_data.id}) def _get_role_data(self, user_name, tenant_name, role_name): user = self._get_user(name=user_name) if user is None: self.failure( error='user [ %s ] was not found.' % user_name, rc=2, msg='User was not found, does it exist?' ) tenant = self._get_tenant(name=tenant_name) if tenant is None: self.failure( error='tenant [ %s ] was not found.' % tenant_name, rc=2, msg='tenant was not found, does it exist?' ) role = self._get_role(name=role_name) if role is None: self.failure( error='role [ %s ] was not found.' % role_name, rc=2, msg='role was not found, does it exist?' ) return user, tenant, role def ensure_role(self, variables): """Create a new role within Keystone if it does not exist. Returns the user ID on a successful run. :param variables: ``list`` List of all variables that are available to use within the Keystone Command. """ self._authenticate() variables_dict = self._get_vars(variables, required=['role_name']) role_name = variables_dict.pop('role_name') role = self._get_role(name=role_name) if role is None: self.state_change = True role = self.keystone.roles.create(role_name) return self._facts(facts={'id': role.id}) def _get_user_roles(self, name, user, tenant): for entry in self.keystone.users.list_roles(user, tenant.id): if entry.name == name: return entry else: return None def ensure_user_role(self, variables): self._authenticate() required_vars = ['user_name', 'tenant_name', 'role_name'] variables_dict = self._get_vars(variables, required=required_vars) user_name = variables_dict.pop('user_name') tenant_name = variables_dict.pop('tenant_name') role_name = variables_dict.pop('role_name') user, tenant, role = self._get_role_data( user_name=user_name, tenant_name=tenant_name, role_name=role_name ) user_role = self._get_user_roles( name=role_name, user=user, tenant=tenant ) if user_role is None: self.keystone.roles.add_user_role( user=user, role=role, tenant=tenant ) user_role = self._get_user_roles( name=role_name, user=user, tenant=tenant ) return self._facts(facts={'id': user_role.id}) def _get_service(self, name, srv_type=None): for entry in self.keystone.services.list(): if srv_type is not None: if entry.type == srv_type and name == entry.name: return entry elif entry.name == name: return entry else: return None def ensure_service(self, variables): """Create a new service within Keystone if it does not exist. Returns the service ID on a successful run. :param variables: ``list`` List of all variables that are available to use within the Keystone Command. """ self._authenticate() required_vars = ['service_name', 'service_type'] variables_dict = self._get_vars(variables, required=required_vars) service_name = variables_dict.pop('service_name') description = variables_dict.pop('description') service_type = variables_dict.pop('service_type') service = self._get_service(name=service_name, srv_type=service_type) if service is None or service.type != service_type: self.state_change = True service = self.keystone.services.create( name=service_name, service_type=service_type, description=description ) return self._facts(facts={'id': service.id}) def _get_endpoint(self, region, publicurl, adminurl, internalurl): for entry in self.keystone.endpoints.list(): check = [ entry.region == region, entry.publicurl == publicurl, entry.adminurl == adminurl, entry.internalurl == internalurl ] if all(check): return entry else: return None def ensure_endpoint(self, variables): """Create a new endpoint within Keystone if it does not exist. Returns the endpoint ID on a successful run. :param variables: ``list`` List of all variables that are available to use within the Keystone Command. """ self._authenticate() required_vars = [ 'region_name', 'service_name', 'service_type', 'publicurl', 'adminurl', 'internalurl' ] variables_dict = self._get_vars(variables, required=required_vars) service_name = variables_dict.pop('service_name') service_type = variables_dict.pop('service_type') region = variables_dict.pop('region_name') publicurl = variables_dict.pop('publicurl') adminurl = variables_dict.pop('adminurl') internalurl = variables_dict.pop('internalurl') service = self._get_service(name=service_name, srv_type=service_type) if service is None: self.failure( error='service [ %s ] was not found.' % service_name, rc=2, msg='Service was not found, does it exist?' ) endpoint = self._get_endpoint( region=region, publicurl=publicurl, adminurl=adminurl, internalurl=internalurl ) if endpoint is None: self.state_change = True endpoint = self.keystone.endpoints.create( region=region, service_id=service.id, publicurl=publicurl, adminurl=adminurl, internalurl=internalurl ) return self._facts(facts={'id': endpoint.id}) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( login_user=dict( required=False ), login_password=dict( required=False ), login_tenant_name=dict( required=False ), token=dict( required=False ), password=dict( required=False ), endpoint=dict( required=True, ), user_name=dict( required=False ), tenant_name=dict( required=False ), role_name=dict( required=False ), service_name=dict( required=False ), region_name=dict( required=False ), description=dict( required=False ), email=dict( required=False ), service_type=dict( required=False ), publicurl=dict( required=False ), adminurl=dict( required=False ), internalurl=dict( required=False ), command=dict( required=True, choices=COMMAND_MAP.keys() ), return_code=dict( type='str', default='0' ) ), supports_check_mode=False, mutually_exclusive=[ ['token', 'login_user'], ['token', 'login_password'], ['token', 'login_tenant_name'] ] ) km = ManageKeystone(module=module) if not keystoneclient_found: km.failure( error='python-keystoneclient is missing', rc=2, msg='keystone client was not importable, is it installed?' ) return_code = module.params.get('return_code', '').split(',') module.params['return_code'] = return_code km.command_router() # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * if __name__ == '__main__': main()