`Home `_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide Chapter 5. Foundation playbooks ------------------------------- **Figure 5.1. Installation work flow** .. image:: figures/workflow-foundationplaybooks.png The main Ansible foundation playbook prepares the target hosts for infrastructure and OpenStack services and performs the following operations: - Perform deployment host initial setup - Build containers on target hosts - Restart containers on target hosts - Install common components into containers on target hosts Running the foundation playbook ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. seealso:: Before continuing, the configuration files may be validated using the guidance in "`Checking the integrity of your configuration files`_". .. _Checking the integrity of your configuration files: ../install-guide/configure-configurationintegrity.html #. Change to the ``/opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks`` directory. #. Run the host setup playbook, which runs a series of sub-playbooks: .. code-block:: shell-session # openstack-ansible setup-hosts.yml Confirm satisfactory completion with zero items unreachable or failed: .. code-block:: shell-session PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** ... deployment_host : ok=18 changed=11 unreachable=0 failed=0 #. If using HAProxy: .. note:: If you plan to run haproxy on multiple hosts, you'll need keepalived to make haproxy highly-available. The keepalived role should have been downloaded during the bootstrap-ansible stage. If not, you should rerun the following command before running the haproxy playbook: .. code-block:: shell-session # pushd /opt/openstack-ansible; scripts/bootstrap-ansible.sh; popd or .. code-block:: shell-session # ansible-galaxy install -r ../ansible-role-requirements.yml Run the playbook to deploy haproxy: .. code-block:: shell-session # openstack-ansible haproxy-install.yml -------------- .. include:: navigation.txt