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Configure Identity Service (keystone) as a federated service provider
The following settings must be set to configure a service provider (SP):
#. ``keystone_public_endpoint`` automatically set by default
to the public endpoint's URI. This ensures that
the redirections performed and token references all refer to the
public endpoint which is accessible to clients and the trusted
#. ``horizon_keystone_endpoint`` automatically set by default
to the public v3 API endpoint URL for keystone. Web-based single
sign-on for horizon requires the use of the keystone v3 API.
The value for this must use the same DNS name or IP address which
is registered in the SSL certificate used for the endpoint.
#. If ADFS is to be used as the IdP, the keystone endpoint is
**required** to have an HTTPS public endpoint. The endpoint may
either be provided by keystone itself, or by an SSL offloading
load balancer.
#. ``keystone_service_publicuri_proto`` must be set to https in order
to ensure that the public endpoint is registered with https in the
URL, to ensure that keystone publishes https in its references
and to ensure that Shibboleth is configured to know that it should
expect SSL URL's in the assertions (otherwise it will invalidate
the assertions).
#. ADFS **requires** that a trusted SP have a trusted certificate that
is not self-signed. This means that the certificate used for
keystone must either be signed by a public CA, or an enterprise CA.
#. When using SSL for the keystone endpoint, the endpoint URI and the
certificate must match. For example, if the certificate does not have
the IP address of the endpoint, then the endpoint must be published with
the appropriate name registered on the certificate. When
using a DNS name for the keystone endpoint, both
``keystone_public_endpoint`` and ``horizon_keystone_endpoint`` must
be set to use the DNS name.
#. At this time, `fernet tokens do not fully support
federation `_.
The following settings are therefore required to be set in the
``user_variables.yml`` file:
.. code-block:: yaml
keystone_token_provider: "keystone.token.providers.uuid.Provider"
keystone_token_driver: "keystone.token.persistence.backends.sql.Token"
#. ``horizon_endpoint_type`` must be set to ``publicURL`` to ensure that
Horizon makes use of the public endpoint for all its references and
#. ``keystone_sp`` is a dictionary attribute which contains various
settings that describe both the SP and the IDP's it trusts. For example:
.. code-block:: yaml
cert_duration_years: 5
- "https://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}/auth/websso/"
- name: 'testshib-idp'
- 'https://idp.testshib.org/idp/shibboleth'
metadata_uri: 'http://www.testshib.org/metadata/testshib-providers.xml'
metadata_file: 'metadata-testshib-idp.xml'
metadata_reload: 1800
- domain: Default
project: fedproject
group: fedgroup
role: _member_
- name: saml2
name: testshib-idp-mapping
- remote:
- type: eppn
- group:
name: fedgroup
name: Default
- user:
name: '{0}'
#. ``cert_duration_years`` designates the valid duration for the SP's
signing certificate (for example, ``/etc/shibboleth/sp-key.pem``).
#. ``trusted_dashboard_list`` designates the list of trusted URLs from which
keystone will accept redirects for Web Single-Sign. This
list should contain all URLs that horizon is presented on,
suffixed by ``/auth/websso/`` which is the path for horizon's WebSSO
#. ``trusted_idp_list`` is a dictionary attribute containing the list
of settings which pertain to each trusted IdP for the SP.
#. ``trusted_idp_list.name`` is the name by which the IDP is known, is
configured in keystone and is listed in horizon's login selection.
#. ``entity_ids`` is a list of reference entity IDs which specify where
the login request to the SP will be redirected to in order to
authenticate to the IdP.
#. ``metadata_uri`` is the location of the IdP's metadata which provides
the SP with the signing key and all the IdP's supported endpoints.
#. ``metadata_file`` is the file name of the local cached version of
the metadata which will be stored in ``/var/cache/shibboleth/``.
#. ``metadata_reload`` is the number of seconds between metadata
refresh polls.
#. ``federated_identities`` is a list of domain, project, group and users
which are to be mapped. See `Configure Identity Service (keystone) Domain-Project-Group-Role mappings `_ for more information.
#. ``protocols`` is a list of protocols supported for the IdP and the set
of mappings and attributes for each protocol. Only the protocol with the
name ``saml2`` is supported at this time.
#. ``mapping`` is the local to remote mapping configuration for federated
users. For more information, see `Configure Identity Service (keystone) Domain-Project-Group-Role mappings. `_
.. include:: navigation.txt