--- # Copyright 2017, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This playbook is meant to run after setup-infrastructure, and expects # the infrastructure bits to have properly deployed to succeed. # Test unbound-install.yml # TO BE IMPLEMENTED # Test repo-install.yml - name: Ensure all repo-servers are built and are accessible by hosts. hosts: all_containers[0]:physical_hosts[0] gather_facts: yes vars: repo_requirements_file: "constraints/upper_constraints_cached.txt" tasks: - name: Check the repo sync file on each repo server uri: url: "http://{{ hostvars[item]['container_address'] }}:{{ repo_server_port }}/{{ repo_requirements_file }}" with_inventory_hostnames: "{{ groups['repo_all'] }}" when: install_method == 'source' tags: - healthcheck - healthcheck-repo-install # Test haproxy-install.yml - name: Ensuring haproxy runs hosts: haproxy gather_facts: yes tasks: - name: Check if host can connect to external keepalived ping IP command: "ping -c 2 {{ keepalived_external_ping_address }}" changed_when: false - name: Check if host can connect to internal keepalived ping IP command: "ping -c 2 {{ keepalived_internal_ping_address }}" changed_when: false - name: Checking if keepalived is running command: "pgrep keepalived" changed_when: false when: groups['haproxy'] | length > 1 - package: name: "{% if ansible_facts['os_family'] | lower == 'redhat' %}nmap-ncat{% else %}netcat-openbsd{% endif %}" state: present # Fails if HAProxy is not running - name: Recording haproxy stats as a way to ensure haproxy runs shell: 'echo "show info;show stat" | nc -U /var/run/haproxy.stat' changed_when: false register: haproxy_stats # Run this playbook with -v and you'll see your DOWN issues - name: Printing the output of haproxy stats debug: var: haproxy_stats verbosity: 1 tags: - healthcheck - healthcheck-haproxy-install # Test repo-use.yml - name: Ensure all the containers can connect to the repos hosts: all_containers gather_facts: yes # By having serial, you ensure that the first three containers are hitting # the load balancer at the same time, which would then cause hitting three # different repos servers. # When this is done, the rest can be done with all the nodes at the same time. serial: - 3 - 100% vars_files: - defaults/source_install.yml tasks: # Repo release path points to the internal LB vip - name: Check the presence of upper constraints on your repos and check load balancing uri: url: "{{ openstack_repo_url }}/constraints/upper_constraints_cached.txt" tags: - healthcheck - healthcheck-repo-use # Test utility-install.yml - name: Ensure the service setup host is ready to run openstack calls hosts: "{{ openstack_service_setup_host | default('localhost') }}" gather_facts: no vars_files: - "defaults/{{ install_method }}_install.yml" vars: ansible_python_interpreter: "{{ openstack_service_setup_host_python_interpreter | default(ansible_facts['python']['executable']) }}" tasks: - name: Get openstack client config openstack.cloud.config: - name: Show openstack client config debug: var: openstack.clouds verbosity: 1 tags: - healthcheck - healthcheck-utility-install # Test memcached-install.yml - name: Check memcached for keystone hosts: keystone_all gather_facts: no tasks: - name: Set facts about memcached setup: delegate_to: "{{ item }}" delegate_facts: true with_items: "{{ groups['memcached'] }}" - package: name: "{% if ansible_facts['os_family'] | lower == 'redhat' %}nmap-ncat{% else %}netcat-openbsd{% endif %}" state: present - name: Connect to remote memcache servers (full mesh testing) shell: "echo stats | nc -w 3 {{ hostvars[memcached_host]['container_address'] }} {{ memcached_port }}" changed_when: false register: memcache_stats with_items: "{{ groups['memcached'] }}" loop_control: loop_var: memcached_host - name: Output memcache stats if in verbose mode debug: var: memcache_stats verbosity: 1 tags: - healthcheck - healthcheck-memcached-install # Test galera-install.yml - name: Sanity checks for all containers hosts: all_containers:physical_hosts gather_facts: no tasks: - name: Connect to galera port wait_for: port: 3306 host: "{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}" state: started tags: - healthcheck - healthcheck-galera-install - name: Run functional tests hosts: galera_all user: root gather_facts: true tasks: - name: Wait for cluster to be ready block: - name: Wait for cluster ready state command: | mysql -h {{ ansible_host }} \ -u "{{ galera_root_user | default('root') }}" \ -p"{{ galera_root_password }}" \ -e "show status like 'wsrep_incoming_addresses';" \ --silent \ --skip-column-names register: mysql_instance_ready retries: 20 delay: 5 changed_when: false until: mysql_instance_ready is success and mysql_instance_ready.stdout.split()[-1].split(',') | length == groups['galera_all'] | length rescue: - name: Restarting weird maria instance service: name: mariadb state: restarted - name: Wait for cluster ready state command: | mysql -h {{ ansible_host }} \ -u "{{ galera_root_user | default('root') }}" \ -p"{{ galera_root_password }}" \ -e "show status like 'wsrep_incoming_addresses';" \ --silent \ --skip-column-names register: mysql_instance_ready retries: 20 delay: 5 changed_when: false until: mysql_instance_ready is success and mysql_instance_ready.stdout.split()[-1].split(',') | length == groups['galera_all'] | length - name: Check cluster local state command: | mysql -h {{ ansible_host }} \ -u "{{ galera_root_user | default('root') }}" \ -p"{{ galera_root_password }}" \ -e "show status like 'wsrep_local_state_comment';" \ --silent \ --skip-column-names register: wsrep_local_state_comment changed_when: false tags: - skip_ansible_lint - name: Check cluster evs state command: | mysql -h {{ ansible_host }} \ -u "{{ galera_root_user | default('root') }}" \ -p"{{ galera_root_password }}" \ -e "show status like 'wsrep_evs_state';" \ --silent \ --skip-column-names register: wsrep_evs_state changed_when: false tags: - skip_ansible_lint - name: Check contents assert: that: - "'Synced' in wsrep_local_state_comment.stdout" - "'OPERATIONAL' in wsrep_evs_state.stdout" - name: Create DB for service on "{{ groups['galera_all'][0] }}" community.mysql.mysql_db: login_user: "{{ galera_root_user | default('root') }}" login_password: "{{ galera_root_password }}" login_host: "{{ ansible_host }}" name: "OSA-test" state: "present" when: inventory_hostname == groups['galera_all'][0] tags: - skip_ansible_lint - name: Grant access to the DB on "{{ groups['galera_all'][-1] }}" community.mysql.mysql_user: login_user: "{{ galera_root_user | default('root') }}" login_password: "{{ galera_root_password }}" # noqa no-log-password login_host: "{{ ansible_host }}" name: "osa-tester" password: "tester-secrete" # noqa no-log-password host: "{{ item }}" state: "present" priv: "OSA-test.*:ALL" with_items: - "localhost" - "%" when: inventory_hostname == groups['galera_all'][-1] - name: Try to login with user to DB delegate_to: "{{ groups['utility_all'][0] }}" command: | mysql -h {{ internal_lb_vip_address }} \ -p"tester-secrete" \ -u osa-tester \ OSA-test \ -e "SHOW TABLES;" when: inventory_hostname == groups['galera_all'][-1] - name: Remove created user community.mysql.mysql_user: login_user: "{{ galera_root_user | default('root') }}" login_password: "{{ galera_root_password }}" # noqa no-log-password login_host: "{{ ansible_host }}" name: "osa-tester" state: "absent" host: "{{ item }}" with_items: - "localhost" - "%" when: inventory_hostname == groups['galera_all'][-1] - name: Remove created DB community.mysql.mysql_db: login_user: "{{ galera_root_user | default('root') }}" login_password: "{{ galera_root_password }}" # noqa no-log-password login_host: "{{ ansible_host }}" name: "OSA-test" state: "absent" when: inventory_hostname == groups['galera_all'][0] tags: - skip_ansible_lint # Test rabbitmq-install.yml - name: Add a user for rabbitmq hosts: rabbitmq_all[0] gather_facts: no tasks: - name: Configure Rabbitmq vhost community.rabbitmq.rabbitmq_vhost: name: "/testvhost" state: "present" - name: Configure Rabbitmq user community.rabbitmq.rabbitmq_user: user: "testguest" password: "secrete" # noqa no-log-password vhost: "/testvhost" configure_priv: ".*" read_priv: ".*" write_priv: ".*" state: "present" tags: - healthcheck - healthcheck-rabbitmq-install - name: Ensure all the usual openstack containers can connect to rabbit hosts: all_containers:!etcd_all:!galera_all:!memcached:!haproxy:!rabbitmq_all:!rsyslog:!unbound:!repo_all gather_facts: no vars: venv_path: /tmp/rabbitmqtest vars_files: - "defaults/{{ install_method }}_install.yml" post_tasks: - name: Generate venv for rabbitmq testing include_role: name: "python_venv_build" vars: venv_install_destination_path: "{{ venv_path }}" venv_pip_packages: - pika - name: Copying test script copy: src: "../scripts/rabbitmq-test.py" dest: "{{ venv_path }}/rabbitmq-test.py" mode: 0755 - name: Connect to rabbitmq command: "{{ venv_path }}/bin/python {{ venv_path }}/rabbitmq-test.py {{ hostvars[groups['rabbitmq_all'][0]]['container_address'] }}" changed_when: false tags: - healthcheck - healthcheck-rabbitmq-install - name: Remove guest user for rabbitmq hosts: rabbitmq_all[0] gather_facts: no tasks: - name: Remove test user community.rabbitmq.rabbitmq_user: user: testguest password: secrete vhost: "/testvhost" state: absent no_log: true - name: Remove test vhost community.rabbitmq.rabbitmq_vhost: name: "/testvhost" state: "absent" tags: - healthcheck - healthcheck-rabbitmq-install - healthcheck-teardown # TODO: Other playbook's tests.