--- upgrade: - The entire repo build process is now idempotent. From now on when the repo build is re-run, it will only fetch updated git repositories and rebuild the wheels/venvs if the requirements have changed, or a new release is being deployed. - The git clone part of the repo build process now only happens when the requirements change. A git reclone can be forced by using the boolean variable ``repo_build_git_reclone``. - The python wheel build process now only happens when requirements change. A wheel rebuild may be forced by using the boolean variable ``repo_build_wheel_rebuild``. - The python venv build process now only happens when requirements change. A venv rebuild may be forced by using the boolean variable ``repo_build_venv_rebuild``. - The repo build process now only has the following tags, providing a clear path for each deliverable. The tag ``repo-build-install`` completes the installation of required packages. The tag ``repo-build-wheels`` completes the wheel build process. The tag ``repo-build-venvs`` completes the venv build process. Finally, the tag ``repo-build-index`` completes the manifest preparation and indexing of the os-releases and links folders.