--- # Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. - name: Prepare MQ/DB services hosts: nova_conductor gather_facts: no user: root environment: "{{ deployment_environment_variables | default({}) }}" tags: - nova tasks: - name: Configure rabbitmq vhost/user (nova) include: common-tasks/rabbitmq-vhost-user.yml vars: user: "{{ nova_rabbitmq_userid }}" password: "{{ nova_rabbitmq_password }}" vhost: "{{ nova_rabbitmq_vhost }}" _rabbitmq_host_group: "{{ nova_rabbitmq_host_group }}" when: - groups[nova_rabbitmq_host_group] | length > 0 run_once: yes - name: Configure rabbitmq vhost/user (nova/telemetry) include: common-tasks/rabbitmq-vhost-user.yml vars: user: "{{ nova_rabbitmq_telemetry_userid }}" password: "{{ nova_rabbitmq_telemetry_password }}" vhost: "{{ nova_rabbitmq_telemetry_vhost }}" _rabbitmq_host_group: "{{ nova_rabbitmq_telemetry_host_group }}" when: - nova_ceilometer_enabled | bool - groups[nova_rabbitmq_telemetry_host_group] is defined - groups[nova_rabbitmq_telemetry_host_group] | length > 0 - groups[nova_rabbitmq_telemetry_host_group] != groups[nova_rabbitmq_host_group] run_once: yes - name: Configure MySQL user (nova) include: common-tasks/mysql-db-user.yml vars: user_name: "{{ nova_galera_user }}" password: "{{ nova_container_mysql_password }}" login_host: "{{ nova_galera_address }}" db_name: "{{ nova_galera_database }}" run_once: yes - name: Configure MySQL user (nova-api) include: common-tasks/mysql-db-user.yml vars: user_name: "{{ nova_api_galera_user }}" password: "{{ nova_api_container_mysql_password }}" login_host: "{{ nova_api_galera_address }}" db_name: "{{ nova_api_galera_database }}" db_append_privs: "yes" run_once: yes - name: Configure MySQL user (nova-placement) include: common-tasks/mysql-db-user.yml vars: user_name: "{{ nova_placement_galera_user }}" password: "{{ nova_placement_container_mysql_password }}" login_host: "{{ nova_placement_galera_address }}" db_name: "{{ nova_placement_galera_database }}" run_once: yes - name: Configure MySQL user (nova-api cell0) include: common-tasks/mysql-db-user.yml vars: user_name: "{{ nova_api_galera_user }}" password: "{{ nova_api_container_mysql_password }}" login_host: "{{ nova_api_galera_address }}" db_name: "{{ nova_cell0_database }}" db_append_privs: "yes" run_once: yes - name: Install nova-conductor services include: common-playbooks/nova.yml vars: nova_hosts: "nova_conductor" nova_serial: "{{ nova_conductor_serial | default(['1', '100%']) }}" - name: Install nova-scheduler/nova-consoleauth services include: common-playbooks/nova.yml vars: nova_hosts: "nova_scheduler:nova_consoleauth:!nova_conductor" nova_serial: "{{ nova_scheduler_serial | default(['1', '100%']) }}" - name: Install nova API services include: common-playbooks/nova.yml vars: nova_hosts: "nova_api_os_compute:nova_api_placement:!nova_conductor:!nova_scheduler:!nova_consoleauth" nova_serial: "{{ nova_api_serial | default(['1', '100%']) }}" - name: Install nova console/metadata services include: common-playbooks/nova.yml vars: nova_hosts: "nova_api_metadata:nova_console:!nova_conductor:!nova_scheduler:!nova_consoleauth:!nova_api_os_compute:!nova_api_placement" nova_serial: "{{ nova_console_serial | default(['1', '100%']) }}" - name: Install nova compute include: common-playbooks/nova.yml vars: nova_hosts: "nova_compute:!nova_conductor:!nova_scheduler:!nova_consoleauth:!nova_api_os_compute:!nova_api_placement:!nova_api_metadata:!nova_console" nova_serial: "{{ nova_compute_serial | default('100%') }}" # These facts are set against the deployment host to ensure that # they are fast to access. This is done in preference to setting # them against each target as the hostvars extraction will take # a long time if executed against a large inventory. - name: Refresh local facts after all software changes are made hosts: nova_all gather_facts: no max_fail_percentage: 20 user: root environment: "{{ deployment_environment_variables | default({}) }}" tags: - nova tasks: - name: refresh local facts setup: filter: ansible_local gather_subset: "!all" # This variable contains the values of the local fact set for the cinder # venv tag for all hosts in the 'cinder_all' host group. - name: Gather software version list set_fact: nova_all_software_versions: "{{ (groups['nova_all'] | map('extract', hostvars, ['ansible_local', 'openstack_ansible', 'nova', 'venv_tag'])) | list }}" delegate_to: localhost run_once: yes # This variable outputs a boolean value which is True when # nova_all_software_versions contains a list of defined # values. If they are not defined, it means that not all # hosts have their software deployed yet. - name: Set software deployed fact set_fact: nova_all_software_deployed: "{{ (nova_all_software_versions | select('defined')) | list == nova_all_software_versions }}" delegate_to: localhost run_once: yes # This variable outputs a boolean when all the values in # nova_all_software_versions are the same and the software # has been deployed to all hosts in the group. - name: Set software updated fact set_fact: nova_all_software_updated: "{{ ((nova_all_software_versions | unique) | length == 1) and (nova_all_software_deployed | bool) }}" delegate_to: localhost run_once: yes # Note that the placement API service and the console services do not # understand how to reload, so they fail when you try to make them do # so. We therefore restart them instead. - name: Reload all nova services which support a reload to ensure new RPC object version is used hosts: "nova_all:!nova_api_placement:!nova_console" gather_facts: no serial: "{{ nova_serial | default('100%') }}" max_fail_percentage: 20 user: root environment: "{{ deployment_environment_variables | default({}) }}" tags: - nova tasks: - name: Execute nova service reload include: common-tasks/restart-service.yml vars: service_name: "nova" service_action: "reloaded" service_negate: "{{ ['nova-placement-api.service', 'nova-novncproxy.service', 'nova-spicehtml5proxy.service' ] + nova_service_negate | default([]) }}" when: - "nova_all_software_updated | bool" - "ansible_local['openstack_ansible']['nova']['need_service_restart'] | bool" # Note that the placement API service and the console services do not # understand how to reload, so they fail when you try to make them do # so. We therefore restart them instead. - name: Restart the remaining nova services to ensure new RPC object version is used hosts: "nova_api_placement:nova_console" gather_facts: no serial: "{{ nova_api_serial | default(['1', '100%']) }}" max_fail_percentage: 20 user: root environment: "{{ deployment_environment_variables | default({}) }}" tags: - nova tasks: - name: Execute nova service restart include: common-tasks/restart-service.yml vars: service_name: "nova" service_action: "restarted" service_fact: "nova" when: - "nova_all_software_updated | bool" - "ansible_local['openstack_ansible']['nova']['need_service_restart'] | bool" - name: Perform online database migrations hosts: nova_conductor gather_facts: no user: root environment: "{{ deployment_environment_variables | default({}) }}" tags: - nova tasks: - name: Perform online data migrations command: "{{ nova_bin }}/nova-manage db online_data_migrations" become: yes become_user: "{{ nova_system_user_name }}" when: - "nova_all_software_updated | bool" - "ansible_local['openstack_ansible']['nova']['need_online_data_migrations'] | bool" changed_when: false run_once: yes register: data_migrations - name: Disable the online migrations requirement ini_file: dest: "/etc/ansible/facts.d/openstack_ansible.fact" section: nova option: need_online_data_migrations value: False when: - data_migrations | succeeded