#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Script for running gate tests. Initially very sparse # additional projects and test types will be added over time. # -------------------- Shell Options ------------------------- set -x # -------------------- Parameters ------------------------- # The only parameters this script takes is the names of the test lists # to use: # ./$0 ... # # If a name is not supplied scenario will be used. # If multiple lists are given, the resulting tests are combined and # duplicates are removed. test_lists=${*:-scenario} testr_output_lines=${testr_output_lines:-100} RUN_TEMPEST_OPTS=${RUN_TEMPEST_OPTS:-''} TESTR_OPTS=${TESTR_OPTS:-''} # -------------------- Functions ------------------------- # Test list functions. Each tempest test scenario (eg scenario, api, smoke, # defcore) should have a function here to generate the list of tests that # should be run. Each function takes in the full list of tempest tests and # should output a filtered list. function gen_test_list_api { # filter test list to produce list of tests to use. egrep 'tempest\.api\.(identity|image|volume|network|compute|object_storage)'\ |grep -vi xml } # Run selected scenario tests function gen_test_list_scenario { # network tests have been removed due to # https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1425255 # TODO: add them back once the bug has been fixed egrep 'tempest\.scenario\.test_(minimum|swift|server|dashboard)_basic(_ops)?' } # Run heat-api tests function gen_test_list_heat_api { # basic orchestration api tests egrep 'tempest\.api\.orchestration\.stacks\.test_non_empty_stack' } # Run cinder backup api tests function gen_test_list_cinder_backup { egrep 'tempest\.api\.volume\.admin\.test_volumes_backup' } # Run smoke tests function gen_test_list_smoke { # this specific test fails frequently and is making our multi node nightly # job unstable (see bug in gen_test_list_scenario function) # TODO: re-add back in once the specific issue is identified and corrected grep smoke | grep -v tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps.test_update_router_admin_state } # Run all tests function gen_test_list_all { cat } # Generate test list from official defcore/refstack spec # Note that unlike the other test list functions, this one isn't a filter # it ignores its stdin and pulls the test list from github. function gen_test_list_defcore { branch=${1:-master} string=$(python </dev/null ||: # Get list of available tests. # lines 1-$testr_output_lines are output to stdout, all lines are written to # full_test_list. set -o pipefail testr list-tests |tee >(sed -n 1,${testr_output_lines}p) >full_test_list ||\ exit_msg "Failed to generate test list" $? set +o pipefail # Check the full test list is not empty [[ -s full_test_list ]] || exit_msg "No tests found" 1 # Write filter test list using selected function. The full test list is # pre-filtered to only include test lines, this saves adding that filter to # every test list function. truncate --size 0 tmp_test_list for test_list_name in ${test_lists}; do grep '^tempest\.' < full_test_list \ | gen_test_list_${test_list_name} >> tmp_test_list \ || exit_msg "Filter $test_list_name failed. Output: $(cat test_list)" 1 done # Eliminate duplicate tests awk '!seen[$0]++' tmp_test_list > test_list rm tmp_test_list # Check the filtered test list is not empty [[ -s test_list ]] || exit_msg "No tests remain after filtering" 1 test_list_summary="${test_lists} ($(wc -l tempest_results.xml cp tempest_results.xml /tmp if [ -d "/var/log/utility" ];then # Copy the log to the utility logging directory cp tempest_results.xml /var/log/utility/tempest_results_$(date +%Y%d%m-%H%M%S).xml fi popd if [[ $result == 0 ]]; then echo "TEMPEST PASS $test_list_summary" else echo "TEMPEST FAIL $test_list_summary" fi # Deactivate the venv after run deactivate || true exit $result