--- # Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ## General options debug: True ## Installation method for OpenStack services install_method: "{{ bootstrap_host_install_method }}" ## Tempest settings {% if bootstrap_host_container_tech == 'nspawn' %} tempest_public_subnet_cidr: "" tempest_public_subnet_allocation_pools: "" {% else %} tempest_public_subnet_cidr: "" tempest_public_subnet_allocation_pools: "" {% endif %} ## Galera settings galera_monitoring_allowed_source: "" galera_innodb_buffer_pool_size: 16M galera_innodb_log_buffer_size: 4M galera_wsrep_provider_options: - { option: "gcache.size", value: "4M" } ### Set workers for all services to optimise memory usage ## Repo repo_nginx_threads: 2 {% if 'metal' in bootstrap_host_scenario %} # NOTE(mnaser): We don't currently deploy HAproxy in metal scenarios therefore # all URLs which be using HTTP instead of HTTPS. openstack_service_publicuri_proto: http {% endif %} ## Keystone keystone_httpd_mpm_start_servers: 2 keystone_httpd_mpm_min_spare_threads: 1 keystone_httpd_mpm_max_spare_threads: 2 keystone_httpd_mpm_thread_limit: 2 keystone_httpd_mpm_thread_child: 1 keystone_wsgi_threads: 1 keystone_wsgi_processes_max: 2 ## Barbican barbican_wsgi_processes: 2 barbican_wsgi_threads: 1 ## Cinder cinder_wsgi_processes_max: 2 cinder_wsgi_threads: 1 cinder_wsgi_buffer_size: 16384 cinder_osapi_volume_workers_max: 2 ## Glance glance_api_threads_max: 2 glance_api_threads: 1 glance_api_workers: 1 glance_registry_workers: 1 glance_wsgi_threads: 1 glance_wsgi_processes_max: 2 glance_wsgi_processes: 2 ## Nova nova_wsgi_threads: 1 nova_wsgi_processes_max: 2 nova_wsgi_processes: 2 nova_wsgi_buffer_size: 16384 nova_api_threads_max: 2 nova_api_threads: 1 nova_osapi_compute_workers: 1 nova_conductor_workers: 1 nova_metadata_workers: 1 nova_scheduler_workers: 1 ## Neutron neutron_rpc_workers: 1 neutron_metadata_workers: 1 neutron_api_workers: 1 neutron_api_threads_max: 2 neutron_api_threads: 2 neutron_num_sync_threads: 1 ## Octavia octavia_management_net_subnet_cidr: octavia_management_net_subnet_allocation_pools: "" ## Heat heat_api_workers: 1 heat_api_threads_max: 2 heat_api_threads: 1 heat_wsgi_threads: 1 heat_wsgi_processes_max: 2 heat_wsgi_processes: 1 heat_wsgi_buffer_size: 16384 ## Horizon horizon_wsgi_processes: 1 horizon_wsgi_threads: 1 horizon_wsgi_threads_max: 2 ## Ceilometer ceilometer_notification_workers_max: 2 ceilometer_notification_workers: 1 ## AODH aodh_wsgi_threads: 1 aodh_wsgi_processes_max: 2 aodh_wsgi_processes: 1 ## Gnocchi gnocchi_wsgi_threads: 1 gnocchi_wsgi_processes_max: 2 gnocchi_wsgi_processes: 1 ## Swift swift_account_server_replicator_workers: 1 swift_server_replicator_workers: 1 swift_object_replicator_workers: 1 swift_account_server_workers: 1 swift_container_server_workers: 1 swift_object_server_workers: 1 swift_proxy_server_workers_max: 2 swift_proxy_server_workers_not_capped: 1 swift_proxy_server_workers_capped: 1 swift_proxy_server_workers: 1 ## Ironic ironic_wsgi_threads: 1 ironic_wsgi_processes_max: 2 ironic_wsgi_processes: 1 ## Trove trove_api_workers_max: 2 trove_service_net_setup: true trove_api_workers: 1 trove_conductor_workers_max: 2 trove_conductor_workers: 1 trove_wsgi_threads: 1 trove_wsgi_processes_max: 2 trove_wsgi_processes: 1 ## Octavia {% if 'metal' in bootstrap_host_scenario %} # TODO(mnaser): The Octavia role relies on gathering IPs of hosts in the # LBaaS network and using those in the health manager pool # IPs. We don't store those IPs when running metal so we # have to override it manually. We should remove this and # fix the role (or the inventory tool) eventually. octavia_hm_hosts: # br-lbaas IP {% endif %} ## Sahara sahara_api_workers_max: 2 sahara_api_workers: 1 # NOTE: hpcloud-b4's eth0 uses, which overlaps with the # lxc_net_address default # TODO: We'll need to implement a mechanism to determine valid lxc_net_address # value which will not overlap with an IP already assigned to the host. lxc_net_address: lxc_net_netmask: lxc_net_dhcp_range:, {% if _lxc_mirror is defined and _lxc_mirror.stdout_lines is defined %} ## images.linuxcontainers.org reverse proxy lxc_image_cache_server_mirrors: - "http://{{ _lxc_mirror.stdout_lines[0] }}" {% endif %} {% if cache_timeout is defined %} ## Package cache timeout cache_timeout: {{ cache_timeout }} {% endif %} # The container backing store is set to 'machinectl' to speed up the # AIO build time. Options are: [machinectl, overlayfs, btrfs, zfs, dir, lvm] lxc_container_backing_store: "{{ lxc_container_backing_store }}" ## Always setup tempest, the resources for it, then execute tests tempest_install: yes tempest_run: yes # Do a gateway ping test once the tempest role creates it tempest_network_ping_gateway: yes {% if nodepool_dir.stat.exists %} # Copy /etc/pip.conf into containers to get mirrors for wheels # and due to extra-index-url bugs in Ubuntu, we workaround it # by ignoring the config file during PIP upgrade time venv_pip_upgrade_noconf: true lxc_container_cache_files_from_host: - /etc/pip.conf # Disable chronyd in OpenStack CI security_rhel7_enable_chrony: no # The location where images are downloaded in openstack-infra tempest_image_dir: "/opt/cache/files" {% endif %} # For testing purposes in public clouds, we need to ignore these # services when trying to do a reload of nova services. nova_service_negate: - "nova-agent.service" - "nova-resetnetwork.service" # Set all the distros to the same value: a "quiet" print # of kernel log messages. openstack_user_kernel_options: - key: 'kernel.printk' value: '4 1 7 4' {% if 'octaviav2' in bootstrap_host_scenario %} # Disable Octavia support in Neutron neutron_lbaas_octavia: False # Disable LBaaS V2 neutron_lbaasv2: False # Enable Octavia V2 API/standalone octavia_v2: True # Disable Octavia V1 API octavia_v1: False octavia_management_net_subnet_cidr: "{{ (bootstrap_host_container_tech == 'nspawn') | ternary('', '') }}" {% elif 'octavia' in bootstrap_host_scenarios_expanded %} neutron_lbaas_octavia: True octavia_management_net_subnet_cidr: "{{ (bootstrap_host_container_tech == 'nspawn') | ternary('', '') }}" {% endif %} {% if bootstrap_host_scenario is search('proxy') %} # For testing with the 'proxy' scenario configure deployment environment # to point to the local squid # Playbooks will set a runtime proxy to the AIO host squid deployment_environment_variables: http_proxy: https_proxy: no_proxy: "localhost,,,{{ bootstrap_host_public_address | default(ansible_default_ipv4.address) }}" # Remove eth0 from all container so there is no default route and everything # must go via the http proxy lxc_container_networks: {} {% endif %}