--- # Copyright 2015, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. - name: Create the required deployment directories file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory with_items: "{{ bootstrap_host_target_config_paths }}" tags: - create-directories - name: Find user conf.d configurations to deploy stat: path: "{{ bootstrap_host_aio_config_path }}/conf.d/{{ item }}.yml.aio" register: conf_d_stat with_items: "{{ bootstrap_host_scenarios_expanded }}" - name: Deploy user conf.d configuration openstack.config_template.config_template: src: "{{ bootstrap_host_aio_config_path }}/conf.d/{{ item.item }}.yml.aio" dest: "/etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/{{ item.item }}.yml" config_overrides: "{{ item.item.override | default({}) }}" config_type: "yaml" with_items: "{{ conf_d_stat.results | default([]) }}" loop_control: label: "{{ item.item }}" when: - item.stat.exists | bool tags: - deploy-confd - name: Deploy openstack_user_config openstack.config_template.config_template: src: "{{ bootstrap_host_aio_config_path }}/openstack_user_config.yml.aio.j2" dest: "/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml" config_overrides: "{{ openstack_user_config_overrides | default({}) }}" config_type: "yaml" list_extend: false tags: - deploy-openstack-user-config - name: Deploy user_secrets file openstack.config_template.config_template: src: "{{ bootstrap_host_aio_config_path }}/user_secrets.yml" dest: "/etc/openstack_deploy/{{ bootstrap_host_user_secrets_filename }}" config_overrides: "{{ user_secrets_overrides | default({}) }}" config_type: "yaml" force: false tags: - deploy-user-secrets - name: Generate any missing values in user_secrets command: > /opt/ansible-runtime/bin/python {{ bootstrap_host_aio_script_path }}/pw-token-gen.py --file /etc/openstack_deploy/{{ bootstrap_host_user_secrets_filename }} changed_when: false tags: - generate_secrets - name: Set facts when inside of OpenStack-Infra when: - nodepool_vars is defined block: - name: Configure the OpenStack-Infra mirrors vars: nodepool_overrides: uca_apt_repo_url: "{{ nodepool_vars.NODEPOOL_UCA_MIRROR }}" openstack_hosts_centos_mirror_url: "{{ nodepool_vars.NODEPOOL_CENTOS_MIRROR }}" centos_epel_mirror: "{{ nodepool_vars.NODEPOOL_EPEL_MIRROR }}" galera_repo_host: "{{ nodepool_vars.NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST }}:8080" nova_virt_type: 'qemu' # NOTE(jrosser) # we only run ceph jobs on ubuntu in CI so this is sufficient ceph_stable_repo: "http://{{ nodepool_vars.NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST }}/ceph-deb-quincy" # we must set the ceph repo seperatley for the ceph_client role ceph_apt_repos: ceph: state: "present" repo: "deb http://{{ nodepool_vars.NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST }}/ceph-deb-quincy {{ ansible_facts['distribution_release'] }} main" copy: dest: /etc/openstack_deploy/user_openstackci.yml content: "{{ nodepool_overrides | to_nice_yaml }}" - name: Set the package cache timeout to 60 mins in OpenStack-CI set_fact: cache_timeout: 3600 when: - cache_timeout is not defined # NOTE(mhayden): The OpenStack CI images for CentOS recently set SELinux to # Enforcing mode by default. While I am normally a supporter of this change, # the SELinux policy work for CentOS is not done yet. - name: Set SELinux to permissive mode in OpenStack-CI selinux: policy: targeted state: permissive when: - ansible_facts['selinux']['status'] == "enabled" - name: Get systemd version command: "rpm -q systemd" # noqa command-instead-of-module changed_when: false register: systemd_version when: ansible_facts['os_family'] | lower == 'redhat' - name: Set the user_variables openstack.config_template.config_template: src: "{{ bootstrap_user_variables_template }}" dest: "/etc/openstack_deploy/{{ bootstrap_host_user_variables_filename }}" config_overrides: "{{ user_variables_overrides | default({}) }}" config_type: yaml - name: Set http proxy user variables copy: src: "user_variables_proxy.yml" dest: "/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables_proxy.yml" when: - "lookup('env', 'http_proxy')|length > 0" - name: Drop the extra user_variables files for this scenario openstack.config_template.config_template: src: "{{ item.src }}" dest: "/etc/openstack_deploy/{{ item.dest }}" config_overrides: "{{ item.config_overrides | default({}) }}" config_type: yaml when: - "item.condition | bool" with_items: - src: user_variables_ceph.yml.j2 dest: user_variables_ceph.yml condition: "{{ 'ceph' in bootstrap_host_scenarios_expanded }}" - src: user_variables_translations.yml.j2 dest: user_variables_translations.yml condition: "{{ 'translations' in bootstrap_host_scenarios_expanded }}" - src: user_variables_barbican.yml.j2 dest: user_variables_barbican.yml condition: "{{ 'barbican' in bootstrap_host_scenarios_expanded }}" - src: user_variables_magnum.yml.j2 dest: user_variables_magnum.yml condition: "{{ 'magnum' in bootstrap_host_scenarios_expanded }}" - src: user_variables_manila.yml.j2 dest: user_variables_manila.yml condition: "{{ 'manila' in bootstrap_host_scenarios_expanded }}" - src: user_variables_murano.yml.j2 dest: user_variables_murano.yml condition: "{{ 'murano' in bootstrap_host_scenarios_expanded }}" - src: user_variables_nfs.yml.j2 dest: user_variables_nfs.yml condition: "{{ 'nfs' in bootstrap_host_scenarios_expanded }}" - src: user_variables_zun.yml.j2 dest: user_variables_zun.yml condition: "{{ 'zun' in bootstrap_host_scenarios_expanded }}" - src: user_variables_octavia.yml.j2 dest: user_variables_octavia.yml condition: "{{ 'octavia' in bootstrap_host_scenarios_expanded }}" - src: user_variables_ironic.yml.j2 dest: user_variables_ironic.yml condition: "{{ 'ironic' in bootstrap_host_scenarios_expanded }}" - src: user_variables_horizon.yml.j2 dest: user_variables_horizon.yml condition: "{{ 'horizon' in bootstrap_host_scenarios }}" - src: user_variables_hardening.yml.j2 dest: user_variables_hardening.yml condition: "{{ 'hardening' in bootstrap_host_scenarios_expanded }}" - src: user_variables_sahara.yml.j2 dest: user_variables_sahara.yml condition: "{{ 'sahara' in bootstrap_host_scenarios_expanded }}" - src: user_variables_stepca.yml.j2 dest: user_variables_stepca.yml condition: "{{ 'stepca' in bootstrap_host_scenarios_expanded }}" - src: user_variables_tls.yml.j2 dest: user_variables_tls.yml condition: "{{ 'tls' in bootstrap_host_scenarios_expanded }}" - name: Copy modified cinder-volume env.d file for ceph scenario copy: src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/cinder-volume.yml.container.example" dest: "/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/cinder-volume.yml" when: - "'ceph' in bootstrap_host_scenarios_expanded" - name: Create vars override folders if we need to test them file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory with_items: - /etc/openstack_deploy/group_vars - /etc/openstack_deploy/host_vars when: "(lookup('env','ACTION') | default(false,true)) == 'varstest'" - name: Create user-space overrides lineinfile: path: "{{ item.path }}" state: present line: "{{ item.line }}" create: yes with_items: - path: /etc/openstack_deploy/group_vars/hosts.yml line: 'babar: "elephant"' - path: /etc/openstack_deploy/group_vars/hosts.yml line: 'lxc_hosts_package_state: "present"' - path: /etc/openstack_deploy/host_vars/localhost.yml line: 'security_package_state: "present"' - path: /etc/openstack_deploy/host_vars/localhost.yml line: 'tintin: "milou"' when: "(lookup('env','ACTION') | default(false,true)) == 'varstest'"