--- # Copyright 2019, Logan Vig # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. - name: Calculate the dynamic OSA gate scenario hosts: all[0] vars: scenario_map: aodh: telemetry ceilometer: telemetry gnocchi: telemetry install_methods: - distro - source tasks: - name: Dynamically create scenario if not set set_fact: scenario: |- {% set _scenario = [] %} {# Add the scenarios based on the job name #} {# ex. openstack-ansible-deploy-$scenario1_$scenario2-$os #} {% if zuul.job is match('^openstack-ansible-(deploy|upgrade)-([^-]+)-.*$') %} {% set _ = _scenario.extend( (zuul.job | regex_replace('^openstack-ansible-[a-z]*-([^-]+)-.*$', '\\1')).split('_') ) %} {# If testing a role, add the role service name to the scenario list #} {% if zuul.project.short_name is match('^openstack-ansible-os_(.*)$') %} {% set role_service_name = zuul.project.short_name | regex_replace('^openstack-ansible-os_(.*)$', '\\1') %} {% set _ = _scenario.append(role_service_name) %} {# Add special scenarios based on the project name #} {% if role_service_name in scenario_map %} {% set _ = _scenario.append(scenario_map[role_service_name]) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {# If running linters we need to provide name of the role as a scenario w/o splitting #} {% if zuul.job is match('^openstack-ansible-linters-.*$') %} {% for prefix in ['openstack-ansible', 'ansible-role'] %} {% if zuul.project.short_name is match('^' ~ prefix ~ '-([^-]+)$') %} {% set _ = _scenario.append( zuul.project.short_name | regex_replace('^' ~ prefix ~'-([^-]+)$', '\\1') ) %} {% endif%} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {{ _scenario | join('_') }} when: - scenario is not defined - name: Dynamically set action if not set set_fact: action: "{{ zuul.job | regex_replace('^openstack-ansible-([^-]+)-.*$', '\\1') }}" when: - action is not defined - name: Dynamically set install method if not set set_fact: install_method: "{{ (scenario.split('_') | intersect(install_methods))[0] }}" when: - install_method is not defined - scenario.split('_') | intersect(install_methods) | length > 0 - name: Set install method to source as a baseline default set_fact: install_method: source when: - install_method is not defined - name: Print gate check configuration debug: msg: |- Running gate-check-commit with the following arguments: Scenario: {{ scenario }} Action: {{ action }} Install Method: {{ install_method }} Zuul project name: {{ zuul.project.short_name }} # Other playbooks can consume this vars file as shown in run.yml # This file is stored in work/osa-gate-scenario.yml on the Zuul executor - name: Log the gate check configuration to a vars file template: src: osa-gate-scenario.yml.j2 dest: "{{ zuul.executor.work_root }}/osa-gate-scenario.yml" delegate_to: localhost