.. _production-ceph-environment-config: ======================= Ceph production example ======================= This section describes an example production environment for a working OpenStack-Ansible (OSA) deployment with high availability services and using the Ceph backend for images, volumes, and instances. This example environment has the following characteristics: * Three infrastructure (control plane) hosts with ceph-mon containers * Two compute hosts * Three Ceph OSD storage hosts * One log aggregation host * Multiple Network Interface Cards (NIC) configured as bonded pairs for each host * Full compute kit with the Telemetry service (ceilometer) included, with Ceph configured as a storage back end for the Image (glance), and Block Storage (cinder) services * Internet access via the router address on the Management Network .. image:: ../figures/arch-layout-production-ceph.png :width: 100% Integration with Ceph ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OpenStack-Ansible allows `Ceph storage `_ cluster integration in three ways: * connecting to your own pre-deployed ceph cluster by pointing to its information in ``user_variables.yml`` and allowing openstack-ansible to ssh to the ceph monitors to retrieve the contents of ceph.conf and the keyrings. * connecting to your own pre-deployed ceph cluster by pointing to its information in ``user_variables.yml`` and providing data to populate ceph.conf and ceph keyring files on the deploy host. This is described `here `_. No ssh access by openstack-ansible is required to the ceph cluster. * deploying a ceph cluster as part of the openstack-ansible deployment by using the roles maintained by the `Ceph-Ansible`_ project. Deployers can enable the ``ceph-install`` playbook by adding hosts to the ``ceph-mon_hosts``, ``ceph-osd_hosts`` and ``ceph-rgw_hosts`` groups in ``openstack_user_config.yml``, and then configuring `Ceph-Ansible specific vars `_ in the OpenStack-Ansible ``user_variables.yml`` file. .. _Ceph-Ansible: https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ansible/ This example will focus on the deployment of both OpenStack-Ansible and its Ceph cluster. Network configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Network CIDR/VLAN assignments ----------------------------- The following CIDR and VLAN assignments are used for this environment. +-----------------------+-----------------+------+ | Network | CIDR | VLAN | +=======================+=================+======+ | Management Network | | 10 | +-----------------------+-----------------+------+ | Tunnel (VXLAN) Network| | 30 | +-----------------------+-----------------+------+ | Storage Network | | 20 | +-----------------------+-----------------+------+ IP assignments -------------- The following host name and IP address assignments are used for this environment. +------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+ | Host name | Management IP | Tunnel (VxLAN) IP | Storage IP | +==================+================+===================+================+ | lb_vip_address | | | | +------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+ | infra1 | | | | +------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+ | infra2 | | | | +------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+ | infra3 | | | | +------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+ | log1 | | | | +------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+ | compute1 | | | | +------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+ | compute2 | | | | +------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+ | osd1 | | | | +------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+ | osd2 | | | | +------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+ | osd3 | | | | +------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+ Host network configuration -------------------------- Each host will require the correct network bridges to be implemented. The following is the ``/etc/network/interfaces`` file for ``infra1``. .. note:: If your environment does not have ``eth0``, but instead has ``p1p1`` or some other interface name, ensure that all references to ``eth0`` in all configuration files are replaced with the appropriate name. The same applies to additional network interfaces. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../etc/network/interfaces.d/openstack_interface.cfg.prod.example Deployment configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Environment layout ------------------ The ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` file defines the environment layout. The following configuration describes the layout for this environment. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml.prod-ceph.example Environment customizations -------------------------- The optionally deployed files in ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d`` allow the customization of Ansible groups. This allows the deployer to set whether the services will run in a container (the default), or on the host (on metal). For a ceph environment, you can run the ``cinder-volume`` in a container. To do this you will need to create a ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/cinder.yml`` file with the following content: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/cinder-volume.yml.container.example User variables -------------- The ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` file defines the global overrides for the default variables. For this example environment, we configure a HA load balancer. We implement the load balancer (HAProxy) with an HA layer (keepalived) on the infrastructure hosts. Your ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` must have the following content to configure haproxy, keepalived and ceph: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml.prod-ceph.example