#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule import git import itertools import multiprocessing import os import signal import time DOCUMENTATION = """ --- module: git_requirements short_description: Module to run a multithreaded git clone options: repo_info: description: - List of repo information dictionaries containing at a minimum a key entry "src" with the source git URL to clone for each repo. In these dictionaries, one can further specify: "path" - destination clone location "version" - git version to checkout "refspec" - git refspec to checkout "depth" - clone depth level "force" - require git clone uses "--force" default_path: description: Default git clone path (str) in case not specified on an individual repo basis in repo_info. Defaults to "master". Not required. default_version: description: Default git version (str) in case not specified on an individual repo basis in repo_info. Defaults to "master". Not required. default_refspec: description: Default git repo refspec (str) in case not specified on an individual repo basis in repo_info. Defaults to "". Not required. default_depth: description: Default clone depth (int) in case not specified on an individual repo basis. Defaults to 10. Not required. retries: description: Integer number of retries allowed in case of git clone failure. Defaults to 1. Not required. delay: description: Integer time delay (seconds) between git clone retries in case of failure. Defaults to 0. Not required. force: description: Boolean. Apply --force flags to git clones wherever possible. Defaults to False. Not required. core_multiplier: description: Integer multiplier on the number of cores present on the machine to use for multithreading. For example, on a 2 core machine, a multiplier of 4 would use 8 threads. Defaults to 4. Not required. """ EXAMPLES = r""" - name: Clone repos git_requirements: repo_info: "[{'src':'https://github.com/ansible/', 'name': 'ansible' 'dest': '/etc/opt/ansible'}]" """ def init_signal(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) def check_out_version(repo, version, pull=False, force=False, refspec=None, depth=10): try: repo.git.fetch(force=force, refspec=refspec, depth=depth) except Exception as e: return ["Failed to fetch %s\n%s" % (repo.working_dir, str(e))] try: repo.git.fetch(tags=True, force=force, refspec=refspec, depth=depth) except Exception as e: return ["Failed to fetch tags for %s\n%s" % (repo.working_dir, str(e))] try: repo.git.checkout(version, force=force) except Exception as e: return [ "Failed to check out version %s for %s\n%s" % (version, repo.working_dir, str(e))] if pull: try: repo.git.pull(force=force, refspec=refspec, depth=depth) except Exception as e: return ["Failed to pull repo %s\n%s" % (repo.working_dir, str(e))] return [] def reset_to_version(path, version, reset_type='--hard', force=False, refspec=None, depth=10): """Function to reset to a specific hash commit""" modify_repo = git.Repo(path) try: modify_repo.git.fetch(force=force, refspec=refspec, depth=depth) except Exception as e: return ["Failed to fetch %s\n%s" % (modify_repo.working_dir, str(e))] try: modify_repo.git.reset(reset_type, version, refspec=refspec) except Exception as e: return ["Failed to reset %s\n%s" % (modify_repo.working_dir, str(e))] return [] def pull_wrapper(info): role_info = info retries = info[1]["retries"] delay = info[1]["delay"] for i in range(retries): success = pull_role(role_info) if success: return True else: time.sleep(delay) info[2].append(["Role {0} failed after {1} retries\n".format(role_info[0], retries)]) return False def pull_role(info): role, config, failures = info required_version = role["version"] version_hash = False if 'version' in role: # If the version is the length of a hash then treat is as one if len(required_version) == 40: version_hash = True # if repo exists if os.path.exists(role["dest"]): try: repo = git.Repo(role["dest"]) except Exception: failtxt = "Role in {0} is broken/not a git repo.".format( role["dest"]) failtxt += "Please delete or fix it manually" failures.append(failtxt) return False # go to next role repo_url = list(repo.remote().urls)[0] if repo_url != role["src"]: repo.remote().set_url(role["src"]) # if they want master then fetch, checkout and pull to stay at latest # master if required_version == "master": fail = check_out_version(repo, required_version, pull=True, force=config["force"], refspec=role["refspec"], depth=role["depth"]) # If we have a hash then reset it to elif version_hash: fail = reset_to_version(role["dest"], required_version, force=config["force"], refspec=role["refspec"], depth=role["depth"]) else: # describe can fail in some cases so be careful: try: current_version = repo.git.describe(tags=True) except Exception: current_version = "" if current_version == required_version and not config["force"]: fail = [] pass else: fail = check_out_version(repo, required_version, force=config["force"], refspec=role["refspec"], depth=role["depth"]) else: try: # If we have a hash id then treat this a little differently if not version_hash: git.Repo.clone_from(role["src"], role["dest"], branch=required_version, depth=role["depth"], no_single_branch=True) fail = [] else: git.Repo.clone_from(role["src"], role["dest"], branch='master', no_single_branch=True, depth=role["depth"]) fail = reset_to_version(role["dest"], required_version, refspec=role["refspec"], depth=role["depth"]) except Exception as e: fail = ('Failed cloning repo %s\n%s' % (role["dest"], str(e))) if fail == []: return True else: failures.append(fail) return False def set_default(dictionary, key, defaults): if key not in dictionary.keys(): dictionary[key] = defaults[key] def main(): # Define variables failures = multiprocessing.Manager().list() # Data we can pass in to the module fields = { "repo_info": {"required": True, "type": "list"}, "default_path": {"required": True, "type": "str"}, "default_version": {"required": False, "type": "str", "default": "master"}, "default_refspec": {"required": False, "type": "str", "default": None}, "default_depth": {"required": False, "type": "int", "default": 10}, "retries": {"required": False, "type": "int", "default": 1}, "delay": {"required": False, "type": "int", "default": 0}, "force": {"required": False, "type": "bool", "default": False}, "core_multiplier": {"required": False, "type": "int", "default": 4}, } # Pull in module fields and pass into variables module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=fields) git_repos = module.params['repo_info'] defaults = { "path": module.params["default_path"], "depth": module.params["default_depth"], "version": module.params["default_version"], "refspec": module.params["default_refspec"] } config = { "retries": module.params["retries"], "delay": module.params["delay"], "force": module.params["force"], "core_multiplier": module.params["core_multiplier"] } # Set up defaults for repo in git_repos: for key in ["path", "refspec", "version", "depth"]: set_default(repo, key, defaults) if "name" not in repo.keys(): repo["name"] = os.path.basename(repo["src"]) repo["dest"] = os.path.join(repo["path"], repo["name"]) # Define varibles failures = multiprocessing.Manager().list() core_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * config["core_multiplier"] # Load up process and pass in interrupt and core process count p = multiprocessing.Pool(core_count, init_signal) clone_success = p.map(pull_wrapper, zip(git_repos, itertools.repeat(config), itertools.repeat(failures)), chunksize=1) p.close() success = all(i for i in clone_success) if success: module.exit_json(msg=str(git_repos), changed=True) else: module.fail_json(msg=("Module failed"), meta=failures) if __name__ == '__main__': main()