`Home `_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide Configuring the Identity service (keystone) (optional) ====================================================== Customize your keystone deployment in ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml``. Securing keystone communication with SSL certificates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The OpenStack-Ansible project provides the ability to secure keystone communications with self-signed or user-provided SSL certificates. By default, self-signed certificates are in use. However, you can provide your own certificates by using the following Ansible variables in ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml``: .. code-block:: yaml keystone_user_ssl_cert: # Path to certificate keystone_user_ssl_key: # Path to private key keystone_user_ssl_ca_cert: # Path to CA certificate .. note:: If you are providing certificates, keys, and CA file for a CA without chain of trust (or an invalid/self-generated ca), the variables ``keystone_service_internaluri_insecure`` and ``keystone_service_adminuri_insecure`` should be set to ``True``. Refer to `Securing services with SSL certificates`_ for more information on these configuration options and how you can provide your own certificates and keys to use with keystone. .. _Securing services with SSL certificates: configure-sslcertificates.html Implementing LDAP (or Active Directory) backends ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can use the built-in keystone support for services if you already have LDAP or Active Directory (AD) infrastructure on your deployment. Keystone uses the existing users, groups, and user-group relationships to handle authentication and access control in an OpenStack deployment. .. note:: We do not recommend configuring the default domain in keystone to use LDAP or AD identity backends. Create additional domains in keystone and configure either LDAP or active directory backends for that domain. This is critical in situations where the identity backend cannot be reached due to network issues or other problems. In those situations, the administrative users in the default domain would still be able to authenticate to keystone using the default domain which is not backed by LDAP or AD. You can add domains with LDAP backends by adding variables in ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml``. For example, this dictionary adds a new keystone domain called ``Users`` that is backed by an LDAP server: .. code-block:: yaml keystone_ldap: Users: url: "ldap://" user: "root" password: "secrete" Adding the YAML block above causes the keystone playbook to create a ``/etc/keystone/domains/keystone.Users.conf`` file within each keystone service container that configures the LDAP-backed domain called ``Users``. You can create more complex configurations that use LDAP filtering and consume LDAP as a read-only resource. The following example shows how to apply these configurations: .. code-block:: yaml keystone_ldap: MyCorporation: url: "ldaps://ldap.example.com" user_tree_dn: "ou=Users,o=MyCorporation" group_tree_dn: "cn=openstack-users,ou=Users,o=MyCorporation" user_objectclass: "inetOrgPerson" user_allow_create: "False" user_allow_update: "False" user_allow_delete: "False" group_allow_create: "False" group_allow_update: "False" group_allow_delete: "False" user_id_attribute: "cn" user_name_attribute: "uid" user_filter: "(groupMembership=cn=openstack-users,ou=Users,o=MyCorporation)" In the `MyCorporation` example above, keystone uses the LDAP server as a read-only resource. The configuration also ensures that keystone filters the list of possible users to the ones that exist in the ``cn=openstack-users,ou=Users,o=MyCorporation`` group. Horizon offers multi-domain support that can be enabled with an Ansible variable during deployment: .. code-block:: yaml horizon_keystone_multidomain_support: True Enabling multi-domain support in horizon adds the ``Domain`` input field on the horizon login page and it adds other domain-specific features in the keystone section. More details regarding valid configuration for the LDAP Identity backend can be found in the `Keystone Developer Documentation`_ and the `OpenStack Admin Guide`_. .. _Keystone Developer Documentation: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystone/configuration.html#configuring-the-ldap-identity-provider .. _OpenStack Administrator Guide: http://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide/keystone_integrate_identity_backend_ldap.html -------------- .. include:: navigation.txt