#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ## Shell Opts ---------------------------------------------------------------- set -e -u -x ## Variables ----------------------------------------------------------------- export MAX_RETRIES=${MAX_RETRIES:-"2"} # tempest and testr options, default is to run tempest in serial export TESTR_OPTS=${TESTR_OPTS:-''} # Disable the python output buffering so that jenkins gets the output properly export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 # Extra options to pass to the AIO bootstrap process export BOOTSTRAP_OPTS=${BOOTSTRAP_OPTS:-''} ## Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------- info_block "Checking for required libraries." 2> /dev/null || source $(dirname ${0})/scripts-library.sh ## Main ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Log some data about the instance and the rest of the system log_instance_info # Determine the largest secondary disk device available for repartitioning DATA_DISK_DEVICE=$(lsblk -brndo NAME,TYPE,RO,SIZE | \ awk '/d[b-z]+ disk 0/{ if ($4>m){m=$4; d=$1}}; END{print d}') # Only set the secondary disk device option if there is one if [ -n "${DATA_DISK_DEVICE}" ]; then export BOOTSTRAP_OPTS="${BOOTSTRAP_OPTS} bootstrap_host_data_disk_device=${DATA_DISK_DEVICE}" fi # Bootstrap Ansible source $(dirname ${0})/bootstrap-ansible.sh # Log some data about the instance and the rest of the system log_instance_info # Flush all the iptables rules set by openstack-infra iptables -F iptables -X iptables -t nat -F iptables -t nat -X iptables -t mangle -F iptables -t mangle -X iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT # Adjust settings based on the Cloud Provider info in OpenStack-CI if [ -f /etc/nodepool/provider -a -s /etc/nodepool/provider ]; then source /etc/nodepool/provider # Get the fastest possible Linux mirror depending on the datacenter where the # tests are running. case ${NODEPOOL_PROVIDER} in "rax-dfw"*) export UBUNTU_REPO="http://dfw.mirror.rackspace.com/ubuntu" ;; "rax-ord"*) export UBUNTU_REPO="http://ord.mirror.rackspace.com/ubuntu" ;; "rax-iad"*) export UBUNTU_REPO="http://iad.mirror.rackspace.com/ubuntu" ;; "hpcloud"*) export UBUNTU_REPO="http://${NODEPOOL_AZ}.clouds.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" ;; "ovh-gra1"*) export UBUNTU_REPO="http://ubuntu.mirrors.ovh.net/ubuntu" ;; "ovh-bhs1"*) export UBUNTU_REPO="http://ubuntu.bhs.mirrors.ovh.net/ubuntu" ;; "bluebox-sjc1"*) export UBUNTU_REPO="http://ord.mirror.rackspace.com/ubuntu" ;; "internap-nyj01"*) export UBUNTU_REPO="http://iad.mirror.rackspace.com/ubuntu" ;; esac if [ -n "${UBUNTU_REPO:-}" ]; then export BOOTSTRAP_OPTS="${BOOTSTRAP_OPTS} bootstrap_host_ubuntu_repo=${UBUNTU_REPO}" export BOOTSTRAP_OPTS="${BOOTSTRAP_OPTS} bootstrap_host_ubuntu_security_repo=${UBUNTU_REPO}" fi # Update the libvirt cpu map with a gate64 cpu model. This enables nova # live migration for 64bit guest OSes on heterogenous cloud "hardware". export BOOTSTRAP_OPTS="${BOOTSTRAP_OPTS} bootstrap_host_libvirt_config=yes" fi # Bootstrap an AIO pushd $(dirname ${0})/../tests sed -i '/\[defaults\]/a nocolor = 1/' ansible.cfg ansible-playbook -i "localhost ansible-connection=local," \ -e "${BOOTSTRAP_OPTS}" \ ${ANSIBLE_PARAMETERS} \ bootstrap-aio.yml popd # Implement the log directory link for openstack-infra log publishing mkdir -p /openstack/log ln -sf /openstack/log $(dirname ${0})/../logs pushd $(dirname ${0})/../playbooks # Disable Ansible color output sed -i 's/nocolor.*/nocolor = 1/' ansible.cfg # Create ansible logging directory and add in a log file entry into ansible.cfg mkdir -p /openstack/log/ansible-logging sed -i '/\[defaults\]/a log_path = /openstack/log/ansible-logging/ansible.log' ansible.cfg # This plugin makes the output easier to read wget -O /etc/ansible/plugins/callback/human_log.py https://gist.githubusercontent.com/cliffano/9868180/raw/f360f306b3c6d689734a6aa8773a00edf16a0054/human_log.py # Enable callback plugins sed -i '/\[defaults\]/a callback_plugins = /etc/ansible/plugins/callback' ansible.cfg popd # Log some data about the instance and the rest of the system log_instance_info # Execute the Playbooks bash $(dirname ${0})/run-playbooks.sh # Log some data about the instance and the rest of the system log_instance_info # Run the tempest tests source $(dirname ${0})/run-tempest.sh # Log some data about the instance and the rest of the system log_instance_info exit_success