=============== Troubleshooting =============== This is a draft troubleshooting page for the proposed OpenStack-Ansible operations guide. Networking ~~~~~~~~~~ Checking services ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Restarting services ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Troubleshooting Instance connectivity issues ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Diagnose Image service issues ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test the OpenStack Image service by downloading and running a virtual machine image. #. Change into a temporary directory when logged into the target OpenStack environment and download a copy of the image: .. code:: $ mkdir /tmp/images .. code:: $ cd /tmp/images/ .. code:: $ wget http://cdn.download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.2/cirros-0.3.2-x86_64-disk.img #. Upload the image into the Image Service: .. code:: $ glance image-create --name=IMAGELABEL --disk-format=FILEFORMAT \ --container-format=CONTAINERFORMAT --is-public=ACCESSVALUE > IMAGEFILE For the arguments attached to the ``openstack image create``, modify the names of each argument as needed: IMAGELABEL A label or name for the image. FILEFORMAT This argument specifies the file format of the image. Valid vmdk. Verify an images file format with the **File** command. CONTAINERFORMAT This argument specifies container format. Use bare to indicate the image file is not a file format that contains metadata from the virtual machine. ACCESSVALUE Specifies whether a user or an admin can access and view the image. True enables all users with access privelages, while false restricts access to admins. IMAGEFILE This specifies the name of the downloaded image file. .. note:: The image ID returned will differ between OpenStack environments since the ID is dynamic and variable, generated differently for each image uploaded. #. Run the ``openstack image list`` command to confirm the image was uploaded successfully. #. Remove the locally downloaded image, since the Image Service now stores a copy of the downloaded image. .. code:: $ rm -r /tmp/images For investigating problems or errors, the Image service directs all activity to the /var/log/glance-api.log and /var/log/glance-registry.log inside the glance api container. RabbitMQ issues ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Analyze RabbitMQ queues ----------------------- Analyze OpenStack service logs and RabbitMQ logs ------------------------------------------------ Failed security hardening after host kernel upgrade from version 3.13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ubuntu kernel packages newer than version 3.13 contain a change in module naming from ``nf_conntrack`` to ``br_netfilter``. After upgrading the kernel, re-run the ``openstack-hosts-setup.yml`` playbook against those hosts. See `OSA bug 157996`_ for more information. .. _OSA bug 157996: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1579963 Cached Ansible facts issues ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the beginning of a playbook run, information about each host is gathered. Examples of the information gathered are: * Linux distribution * Kernel version * Network interfaces To improve performance, particularly in large deployments, you can cache host facts and information. OpenStack-Ansible enables fact caching by default. The facts are cached in JSON files within ``/etc/openstack_deploy/ansible_facts``. Fact caching can be disabled by commenting out the ``fact_caching`` parameter in ``playbooks/ansible.cfg``. Refer to the Ansible documentation on `fact caching`_ for more details. .. _fact caching: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_variables.html#fact-caching Forcing regeneration of cached facts ------------------------------------ Cached facts may be incorrect if the host receives a kernel upgrade or new network interfaces. Newly created bridges also disrupt cache facts. This can lead to unexpected errors while running playbooks, and require that the cached facts be regenerated. Run the following command to remove all currently cached facts for all hosts: .. code-block:: shell-session # rm /etc/openstack_deploy/ansible_facts/* New facts will be gathered and cached during the next playbook run. To clear facts for a single host, find its file within ``/etc/openstack_deploy/ansible_facts/`` and remove it. Each host has a JSON file that is named after its hostname. The facts for that host will be regenerated on the next playbook run. Failed ansible playbooks during an upgrade ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Container networking issues ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All LXC containers on the host have two virtual Ethernet interfaces: * `eth0` in the container connects to `lxcbr0` on the host * `eth1` in the container connects to `br-mgmt` on the host .. note:: Some containers, such as ``cinder``, ``glance``, ``neutron_agents``, and ``swift_proxy``, have more than two interfaces to support their functions. Predictable interface naming ---------------------------- On the host, all virtual Ethernet devices are named based on their container as well as the name of the interface inside the container: .. code-block:: shell-session ${CONTAINER_UNIQUE_ID}_${NETWORK_DEVICE_NAME} As an example, an all-in-one (AIO) build might provide a utility container called `aio1_utility_container-d13b7132`. That container will have two network interfaces: `d13b7132_eth0` and `d13b7132_eth1`. Another option would be to use the LXC tools to retrieve information about the utility container: .. code-block:: shell-session # lxc-info -n aio1_utility_container-d13b7132 Name: aio1_utility_container-d13b7132 State: RUNNING PID: 8245 IP: IP: CPU use: 79.18 seconds BlkIO use: 678.26 MiB Memory use: 613.33 MiB KMem use: 0 bytes Link: d13b7132_eth0 TX bytes: 743.48 KiB RX bytes: 88.78 MiB Total bytes: 89.51 MiB Link: d13b7132_eth1 TX bytes: 412.42 KiB RX bytes: 17.32 MiB Total bytes: 17.73 MiB The ``Link:`` lines will show the network interfaces that are attached to the utility container. Review container networking traffic ----------------------------------- To dump traffic on the ``br-mgmt`` bridge, use ``tcpdump`` to see all communications between the various containers. To narrow the focus, run ``tcpdump`` only on the desired network interface of the containers.