.. _app-aboutosa: ======================= About OpenStack-Ansible ======================= OpenStack-Ansible (OSA) uses the `Ansible `_ IT automation engine to deploy an OpenStack environment on Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS. For isolation and ease of maintenance, you can install OpenStack components into machine containers. The OpenStack-Ansible manifesto ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All the design considerations (the container architecture, the ability to override any code, the network considerations, etc.) of this project are listed in our :dev_docs:`architecture reference `. Why choose OpenStack-Ansible? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Supports the major Linux distributions Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian. * Supports the major CPU architectures x86, ppc64, s390x (WIP). * Offers automation for upgrades between major OpenStack releases. * Uses OpenStack defaults for each of the project roles, and provides extra wiring and optimised configuration when combining projects together. * Does not implement its own DSL, and uses wherever possible Ansible directly. All the experience acquired using Ansible can be used in openstack-ansible, and the other way around. * You like to use reliable, proven technology. We try to run OpenStack with a minimum amount of packages that are not provided by distributions or the OpenStack community. Less dependencies and distribution tested software make the project more reliable. * You want to be able to select how to deploy on your hardware: deploy partially on metal, fully on metal, or fully in machine containers. When **not** to choose OpenStack-Ansible? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * If your company is already invested with other configuration management systems, Puppet or Chef, and does not want to use Ansible we recommend re-using your knowledge and experimenting with a different OpenStack deployment project. * You want to deploy OpenStack with 100% application containers. We currently support machine containers, with lxc and we will support *systemd-nspawn* in the future (WIP). If you want to go 100% Docker, there are other projects in the OpenStack community that can help you.