#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ## Vars ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LINE='----------------------------------------------------------------------' MAX_RETRIES=${MAX_RETRIES:-5} REPORT_DATA=${REPORT_DATA:-""} ANSIBLE_PARAMETERS=${ANSIBLE_PARAMETERS:-""} STARTTIME="${STARTTIME:-$(date +%s)}" # The default SSHD configuration has MaxSessions = 10. If a deployer changes # their SSHD config, then the FORKS may be set to a higher number. We set the # value to 10 or the number of CPU's, whichever is less. This is to balance # between performance gains from the higher number, and CPU consumption. If # FORKS is already set to a value, then we leave it alone. if [ -z "${FORKS:-}" ]; then CPU_NUM=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) if [ ${CPU_NUM} -lt "10" ]; then FORKS=${CPU_NUM} else FORKS=10 fi fi ## Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Used to retry a process that may fail due to random issues. function successerator { set +e # Get the time that the method was started. OP_START_TIME=$(date +%s) RETRY=0 # Set the initial return value to failure. false while [ $? -ne 0 -a ${RETRY} -lt ${MAX_RETRIES} ];do ((RETRY++)) if [ ${RETRY} -gt 1 ];then $@ -vvvv else $@ fi done # If max retires were hit, fail. if [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ ${RETRY} -eq ${MAX_RETRIES} ];then echo -e "\nHit maximum number of retries, giving up...\n" exit_fail fi # Print the time that the method completed. OP_TOTAL_SECONDS="$(( $(date +%s) - OP_START_TIME ))" REPORT_OUTPUT="${OP_TOTAL_SECONDS} seconds" REPORT_DATA+="- Operation: [ $@ ]\t${REPORT_OUTPUT}\tNumber of Attempts [ ${RETRY} ]\n" echo -e "Run Time = ${REPORT_OUTPUT}" set -e } function install_bits { # Use the successerator to run openstack-ansible with # the appropriate number of forks successerator openstack-ansible ${ANSIBLE_PARAMETERS} --forks ${FORKS} $@ } function ssh_key_create { # Ensure that the ssh key exists and is an authorized_key key_path="${HOME}/.ssh" key_file="${key_path}/id_rsa" # Ensure that the .ssh directory exists and has the right mode if [ ! -d ${key_path} ]; then mkdir -p ${key_path} chmod 700 ${key_path} fi if [ ! -f "${key_file}" -a ! -f "${key_file}.pub" ]; then rm -f ${key_file}* ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ${key_file} -N '' fi # Ensure that the public key is included in the authorized_keys # for the default root directory and the current home directory key_content=$(cat "${key_file}.pub") if ! grep -q "${key_content}" ${key_path}/authorized_keys; then echo "${key_content}" | tee -a ${key_path}/authorized_keys fi } function exit_state { set +x TOTALSECONDS="$(( $(date +%s) - STARTTIME ))" info_block "Run Time = ${TOTALSECONDS} seconds || $((TOTALSECONDS / 60)) minutes" if [ "${1}" == 0 ];then info_block "Status: Success" else info_block "Status: Failure" fi exit ${1} } function exit_success { set +x exit_state 0 } function exit_fail { set +x log_instance_info cat ${INFO_FILENAME} info_block "Error Info - $@" exit_state 1 } function print_info { PROC_NAME="- [ $@ ] -" printf "\n%s%s\n" "$PROC_NAME" "${LINE:${#PROC_NAME}}" } function info_block { echo "${LINE}" print_info "$@" echo "${LINE}" } function log_instance_info { set +x # Get host information post initial setup and reset verbosity if [ ! -d "/openstack/log/instance-info" ];then mkdir -p "/openstack/log/instance-info" fi export INFO_FILENAME="/openstack/log/instance-info/host_info_$(date +%s).log" get_instance_info &> ${INFO_FILENAME} set -x } function get_repos_info { for i in /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*; do echo -e "\n$i" cat $i done } # Get instance info function get_instance_info { set +x info_block 'Current User' whoami info_block 'Available Memory' free -mt || true info_block 'Available Disk Space' df -h || true info_block 'Mounted Devices' mount || true info_block 'Block Devices' lsblk -i || true info_block 'Block Devices Information' blkid || true info_block 'Block Device Partitions' for i in /dev/xv* /dev/sd* /dev/vd*; do if [ -b "$i" ];then parted --script $i print || true fi done info_block 'PV Information' pvs || true info_block 'VG Information' vgs || true info_block 'LV Information' lvs || true info_block 'CPU Information' which lscpu && lscpu || true info_block 'Kernel Information' uname -a || true info_block 'Container Information' which lxc-ls && lxc-ls --fancy || true info_block 'Firewall Information' iptables -vnL || true iptables -t nat -vnL || true iptables -t mangle -vnL || true info_block 'Network Devices' ip a || true info_block 'Network Routes' ip r || true info_block 'DNS Configuration' cat /etc/resolv.conf info_block 'Trace Path from google' tracepath -m 5 || true info_block 'XEN Server Information' if (which xenstore-read);then xenstore-read vm-data/provider_data/provider || echo "\nxenstore Read Failed - Skipping\n" else echo -e "\nNo xenstore Information\n" fi get_repos_info &> /openstack/log/instance-info/host_repo_info_$(date +%s).log || true dpkg-query --list &> /openstack/log/instance-info/host_packages_info_$(date +%s).log } function print_report { # Print the stored report data echo -e "${REPORT_DATA}" } function get_pip { # if pip is already installed, don't bother doing anything if [ ! "$(which pip)" ]; then # If GET_PIP_URL is set, then just use it if [ -n "${GET_PIP_URL:-}" ]; then curl --silent ${GET_PIP_URL} > /opt/get-pip.py if head -n 1 /opt/get-pip.py | grep python; then python2 /opt/get-pip.py || python /opt/get-pip.py return fi fi # Try getting pip from bootstrap.pypa.io as a primary source curl --silent https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py > /opt/get-pip.py if head -n 1 /opt/get-pip.py | grep python; then python2 /opt/get-pip.py || python /opt/get-pip.py return fi # Try the get-pip.py from the github repository as a secondary source curl --silent https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py > /opt/get-pip.py if head -n 1 /opt/get-pip.py | grep python; then python2 /opt/get-pip.py || python /opt/get-pip.py return fi echo "A suitable download location for get-pip.py could not be found." exit_fail fi } ## Signal traps -------------------------------------------------------------- # Trap all Death Signals and Errors trap "exit_fail ${LINENO} $? 'Received STOP Signal'" SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM trap "exit_fail ${LINENO} $?" ERR ## Determine OS -------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine the operating system of the base host # Adds the $HOST_DISTRO, $HOST_VERSION, and $HOST_CODENAME bash variables. eval "$(python $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE})/os-detection.py)" echo "Detected ${HOST_DISTRO} ${HOST_VERSION} (codename: ${HOST_CODENAME})" ## Pre-flight check ---------------------------------------------------------- # Make sure only root can run our script if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then info_block "This script must be run as root" exit_state 1 fi # Check that we are in the root path of the cloned repo if [ ! -d "etc" -a ! -d "scripts" -a ! -d "playbooks" ]; then info_block "** ERROR **" echo "Please execute this script from the root directory of the cloned source code." echo -e "Example: /opt/openstack-ansible/\n" exit_state 1 fi ## Exports ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Export known paths export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" # Export the home directory just in case it's not set export HOME="/root"