For more information about this automatic import see: https://docs.openstack.org/i18n/latest/reviewing-translation-import.html Change-Id: I69d38dbdf53a7c4b72c5c951b364c46453a168f3
3075 lines
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3075 lines
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# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2018. #zanata
# Andreas Jaeger <jaegerandi@gmail.com>, 2019. #zanata
# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2019. #zanata
# Andreas Jaeger <jaegerandi@gmail.com>, 2020. #zanata
# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2020. #zanata
# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2021. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: openstack-ansible\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-06-24 23:58+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-01-31 04:09+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian\n"
"Language: id\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.3\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
msgid "1"
msgstr "1"
msgid "2"
msgstr "2"
msgid "3"
msgstr "3"
msgid ""
"A Git repository that contains a copy of the source code that is used to "
"prepare the packages for all OpenStack services"
msgstr ""
"Repositori Git yang berisi salinan kode sumber yang digunakan untuk "
"menyiapkan paket untuk semua layanan OpenStack"
msgid "A firewall must be used to restrict access to the network."
msgstr "Firewall harus digunakan untuk membatasi akses ke jaringan."
msgid "A git submodule pointed to a released tag."
msgstr "Git submodule menunjuk ke tag yang dirilis."
msgid "A group can contain child groups"
msgstr "Grup dapat berisi grup anak (child group)"
msgid "A group can contain hosts"
msgstr "Grup dapat berisi host"
msgid "A host can be removed with the ``--remove-item/-r`` parameter."
msgstr "Host dapat dihapus dengan parameter ``--remove-item/-r``."
msgid "A list of all hosts can be seen with the ``--list-host/-l`` argument"
msgstr "Daftar semua host dapat dilihat dengan argumen ``--list-host/-l``"
msgid ""
"A patch merged into a role is immediately tested by other role tests, "
"ensuring that any major breaking change is caught. Once a minor/patch "
"release is requested, the integrated build receives a 'SHA bump' patch to "
"update the integrated build to using the latest available roles including "
"that new patch. This new set is available for testing to anyone wanting to "
"use the head of the stable branch, and is tested in periodic tests until the "
"next release. In total, that means that the cycle time for a patch from "
"merge to release is anywhere from two weeks to one month."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah patch yang digabung menjadi sebuah role segera diuji oleh tes role "
"lainnya, memastikan bahwa ada perubahan besar yang terjadi. Setelah rilis "
"minor/patch diminta, build terintegrasi menerima patch 'SHA bump' untuk "
"memperbarui build terintegrasi untuk menggunakan role terbaru yang tersedia "
"termasuk patch baru itu. Set baru ini tersedia untuk pengujian kepada siapa "
"saja yang ingin menggunakan kepala branch stabil (head of the stable "
"branch), dan diuji dalam tes berkala hingga rilis berikutnya. Secara total, "
"itu berarti bahwa waktu siklus untuk patch dari penggabungan hingga rilis "
"adalah di mana saja dari dua minggu hingga satu bulan."
msgid ""
"A rsyslog service is optionally set up to receive rsyslog traffic from all "
"hosts and containers. You can replace rsyslog with any alternative log "
msgstr ""
"Layanan rsyslog secara opsional diatur untuk menerima lalu lintas rsyslog "
"dari semua host dan container. Anda dapat mengganti rsyslog dengan penerima "
"log alternatif apa pun."
msgid "A script to automatically perform a git checkout of OpenStack-Ansible."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah skrip untuk secara otomatis melakukan checkout git dari OpenStack-"
msgid ""
"A source based deployment, for Python-built parts of OpenStack, makes sense "
"when dealing with scale and wanting consistency over long periods of time. A "
"deployer should have the ability to deploy the same OpenStack release on "
"every node throughout the life cycle of the cloud, even when some components "
"are end of life. By providing a repository of the sources, the deployment "
"can be re-created even years after the initial deployment, assuming the "
"underlying operating systems and packages stay the same."
msgstr ""
"Penyebaran berbasis sumber, untuk bagian OpenStack yang dibuat dengan "
"Python, masuk akal ketika berhadapan dengan skala dan menginginkan "
"konsistensi dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Seorang deployer harus memiliki "
"kemampuan untuk menyebarkan rilis OpenStack yang sama pada setiap node "
"sepanjang siklus hidup cloud, bahkan ketika beberapa komponen adalah akhir "
"dari kehidupan. Dengan menyediakan repositori sumber, penyebaran dapat "
"dibuat ulang walaupun bertahun-tahun setelah penerapan awal, dengan asumsi "
"sistem operasi dan paket yang mendasarinya tetap sama."
msgid ""
"A volume is created by the assigned ``cinder-volume`` service using the "
"appropriate `cinder driver`_. The volume is created by using an API that is "
"presented to the management network."
msgstr ""
"Volume dibuat oleh layanan ``cinder-volume`` yang ditugaskan menggunakan "
"`driver cinder`_ yang sesuai. Volume dibuat dengan menggunakan API yang "
"disajikan ke jaringan manajemen."
msgid "Add this network in ``cidr_networks``:"
msgstr "Tambahkan jaringan ini di ``cidr_networks``:"
msgid "Adding extra network to container"
msgstr "Menambahkan jaringan ekstra ke container"
msgid "Adding extra python software"
msgstr "Menambahkan perangkat lunak python tambahan"
msgid ""
"Adding gateway key will create default route inside container through it"
msgstr ""
"Menambahkan kunci gateway akan membuat rute default di dalam container "
msgid "Adding new or overriding roles in your OpenStack-Ansible installation"
msgstr ""
"Menambahkan peran baru atau utama dalam instalasi OpenStack-Ansible Anda"
msgid ""
"Additional group mappings are located within files in the ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/env.d/`` directory. These groups are treated as virtual "
"mappings from the host groups (described above) onto the container groups, "
"that define where each service deploys. By reviewing files within the ``env."
"d/`` directory, you can begin to see the nesting of groups represented in "
"the default layout."
msgstr ""
"Pemetaan grup tambahan terdapat di dalam file di direktori ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/env.d/``. Grup ini diperlakukan sebagai pemetaan virtual "
"dari grup host (dijelaskan di atas) ke grup kontainer, yang menentukan di "
"mana masing-masing layanan menyebarkan. Dengan meninjau file di dalam "
"direktori ``env.d/``, Anda dapat mulai melihat kumpulan (nesting) grup yang "
"diwakili dalam tata letak default."
msgid ""
"Additional lists of python packages can also be overridden using a ``user_.*."
"yml`` variable file."
msgstr ""
"Daftar tambahan paket python juga dapat diganti menggunakan file variabel "
msgid ""
"Additional services should be defined with a YAML file in ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/conf.d``, in order to manage file size."
msgstr ""
"Layanan tambahan harus didefinisikan dengan file YAML di ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/conf.d``, untuk mengelola ukuran file."
msgid ""
"Additionally, the configuration or environment could be spread between two "
"additional sub-directories:"
msgstr ""
"Selain itu, konfigurasi atau lingkungan dapat tersebar di antara dua "
"subdirektori tambahan:"
msgid ""
"Adjust the :ref:`affinity` to 0 for the host group. Similar to the second "
"option listed here, Unless you specify the component to run directly on a "
"host by using the ``is_metal`` property, a container is created for this "
msgstr ""
"Sesuaikan :ref:`affinity` ke 0 untuk grup host. Mirip dengan opsi kedua yang "
"tercantum di sini, Kecuali Anda menentukan komponen untuk dijalankan secara "
"langsung pada host dengan menggunakan properti ``is_metal``, sebuah "
"kontainer dibuat untuk komponen ini."
msgid "Advanced configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurasi lanjutan"
msgid "Advanced inventory topics"
msgstr "Topik inventory lanjutan"
msgid ""
"After the hypervisor is connected to the volume, it presents the volume as a "
"local hardware device to the instance."
msgstr ""
"Setelah hypervisor terhubung ke volume, itu menyajikan volume sebagai "
"perangkat keras lokal ke instance."
msgid ""
"After the image is retrieved, the ``nova-compute`` service stores the image "
"in its own image cache. When another instance is created with the same "
"image, the image is retrieved from the local base image cache."
msgstr ""
"Setelah image diambil, layanan ``nova-compute`` menyimpan image dalam cache "
"image-nya sendiri. Ketika instance lain dibuat dengan image yang sama, image "
"tersebut diambil dari cache image dasar lokal."
msgid ""
"After the volume is created, the ``nova-compute`` service connects the "
"Compute host hypervisor to the volume via the storage network."
msgstr ""
"Setelah volume dibuat, layanan ``nova-compute`` menghubungkan hypervisor "
"host Compute ke volume melalui jaringan penyimpanan."
msgid ""
"All OpenStack services require an underlying database. MariaDB with Galera "
"implements a multimaster database configuration, which simplifies its use as "
"a highly available database with a simple failover model."
msgstr ""
"Semua layanan OpenStack membutuhkan basis data yang mendasarinya. MariaDB "
"dengan Galera mengimplementasikan konfigurasi basis data multimaster, yang "
"menyederhanakan penggunaannya sebagai basis data yang sangat tersedia dengan "
"model failover sederhana."
msgid ""
"All default YAML file content is completely overwritten by the overrides, so "
"the entire YAML source (both the existing content and your changes) must be "
msgstr ""
"Semua konten file YAML default sepenuhnya ditimpa oleh override, sehingga "
"seluruh sumber YAML (konten yang ada dan perubahan Anda) harus disediakan."
msgid ""
"All of the services that use YAML, JSON, or INI for configuration can "
"receive overrides through the use of a Ansible action plugin named "
"``config_template``. The configuration template engine allows a deployer to "
"use a simple dictionary to modify or add items into configuration files at "
"run time that may not have a preset template option. All OpenStack-Ansible "
"roles allow for this functionality where applicable. Files available to "
"receive overrides can be seen in the ``defaults/main.yml`` file as standard "
"empty dictionaries (hashes)."
msgstr ""
"Semua layanan yang menggunakan YAML, JSON, atau INI untuk konfigurasi dapat "
"menerima penggantian melalui penggunaan plugin tindakan Ansible bernama "
"``config_template``. Mesin template konfigurasi memungkinkan deployer untuk "
"menggunakan kamus sederhana untuk memodifikasi atau menambahkan item ke "
"dalam file konfigurasi pada waktu berjalan yang mungkin tidak memiliki opsi "
"template yang telah ditetapkan. Semua peran OpenStack-Ansible memungkinkan "
"fungsionalitas ini jika berlaku. File yang tersedia untuk menerima "
"penggantian dapat dilihat dalam file ``defaults/main.yml`` sebagai kamus "
"standar kosong (hash)."
msgid ""
"All of these options can be specified in any way that suits your deployment. "
"In terms of ease of use and flexibility it's recommended that you define "
"your overrides in a user variable file such as ``/etc/openstack_deploy/"
msgstr ""
"Semua opsi ini dapat ditentukan dengan cara apa pun yang sesuai dengan "
"penyebaran Anda. Dalam hal kemudahan penggunaan dan fleksibilitas, "
"disarankan agar Anda mendefinisikan override Anda dalam file variabel "
"pengguna seperti ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml``."
msgid ""
"All roles are built as Galaxy compatible roles even when the given role is "
"not intended for standalone use. While the project will offer a lot of built-"
"in roles the deployer will be able to pull down or override roles with "
"external ones using the built-in Ansible capabilities. This allows extreme "
"flexibility for deployers."
msgstr ""
"Semua peran dibangun sebagai peran yang kompatibel dengan Galaxy bahkan "
"ketika peran yang diberikan tidak dimaksudkan untuk penggunaan mandiri. "
"Sementara proyek akan menawarkan banyak peran built-in, deployer akan dapat "
"menurunkan atau mengesampingkan peran dengan peran eksternal menggunakan "
"kemampuan Ansible built-in. Hal ini memungkinkan fleksibilitas ekstrem untuk "
"para penyusun."
msgid ""
"All the userspace configurations are expected to be in ``/etc/"
msgstr ""
"Semua konfigurasi userspace diharapkan berada di ``/etc/openstack_deploy/``."
msgid "Allows for network monitoring and alerting"
msgstr "Mengizinkan pemantauan jaringan dan peringatan"
msgid ""
"Also note that copying files into directories such as ``env.d`` or ``conf."
"d`` should be handled via some sort of script within the extension project."
msgstr ""
"Juga perhatikan bahwa menyalin file ke direktori seperti ``env.d`` atau "
"``conf.d`` harus ditangani melalui semacam skrip dalam proyek ekstensi."
msgid ""
"An apt/yum proxy cache that is used to cache distribution packages installed "
"in the environment"
msgstr ""
"Cache proxy apt/yum yang digunakan untuk cache paket distribusi yang "
"diinstal di lingkungan"
msgid "And here is the template file:"
msgstr "Dan di sini adalah file templat:"
msgid "Ansible Usage"
msgstr "Ansible Usage (penggunaan Ansible)"
msgid "Ansible configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurasi Ansible"
msgid ""
"Ansible is a simple yet powerful orchestration tool that is ideally equipped "
"for deploying OpenStack-powered clouds. The declarative nature of Ansible "
"allows the deployer to turn an entire deployment into a rather simple set of "
msgstr ""
"Ansible adalah alat orkestrasi sederhana namun kuat yang idealnya dilengkapi "
"untuk menyebarkan awan OpenStack-powered. Sifat deklaratif Ansible "
"memungkinkan deployer untuk mengubah seluruh penyebaran menjadi satu set "
"instruksi yang agak sederhana."
msgid ""
"Ansible provides an automation platform to simplify system and application "
"deployment. Ansible manages systems by using Secure Shell (SSH) instead of "
"unique protocols that require remote daemons or agents."
msgstr ""
"Ansible menyediakan platform otomasi untuk menyederhanakan penerapan sistem "
"dan aplikasi. Ansible mengelola sistem dengan menggunakan Secure Shell (SSH) "
"daripada protokol unik yang memerlukan daemon atau agen jarak jauh."
msgid "Ansible roles"
msgstr "Peran Ansible"
msgid "Ansible roles fetching"
msgstr "Pengambilan peran Ansible"
msgid ""
"Ansible uses playbooks written in the YAML language for orchestration. For "
"more information, see `Ansible - Intro to Playbooks <https://docs.ansible."
msgstr ""
"Ansible menggunakan playbooks yang ditulis dalam bahasa YAML untuk "
"orkestrasi. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat `Ansible - Intro to "
"Playbooks <https://docs.ansible.com/playbooks_intro.html>`_."
msgid "Ansible.cfg"
msgstr "Ansible.cfg"
msgid ""
"Any OpenStack cloud has sensitive information transmitted between services, "
"including user credentials, service credentials or information about "
"resources being created. Encrypting this traffic is critical in environments "
"where the network cannot be trusted. (For more information about securing "
"the network, see the :ref:`least-access-openstack-services` section.)"
msgstr ""
"Setiap OpenStack cloud memiliki informasi sensitif yang dikirimkan antara "
"layanan, termasuk kredensial pengguna, kredensial layanan atau informasi "
"tentang sumber daya yang dibuat. Mengenkripsi lalu lintas ini sangat penting "
"dalam lingkungan di mana jaringan tidak dapat dipercaya. (Untuk informasi "
"lebih lanjut tentang mengamankan jaringan, lihat bagian :ref:`least-access-"
msgid ""
"Any changes to the containers must also be reflected in the deployment's "
"load balancer."
msgstr ""
"Setiap perubahan pada kontainer juga harus tercermin dalam penyeimbang "
"beban penempatan."
msgid ""
"Any roles defined in ``openstack-ansible/ansible-role-requirements.yml`` "
"will be installed by the ``openstack-ansible/scripts/bootstrap-ansible.sh`` "
"script, and fetched into the ansible roles folder."
msgstr ""
"Setiap peran yang didefinisikan dalam ``openstack-ansible/ansible-role-"
"requirements.yml`` akan diinstal oleh skrip ``openstack-ansible/scripts/"
"bootstrap-ansible.sh``, dan diambil ke folder peran yang dimungkinkan."
msgid "Apply nondisruptively to a production OpenStack environment"
msgstr "Terapkan tanpa gangguan ke lingkungan OpenStack produksi"
msgid "Architecture"
msgstr "Arsitektur"
msgid ""
"As an example, consider the following excerpt from ``openstack_user_config."
msgstr ""
"Sebagai contoh, pertimbangkan kutipan berikut dari ``openstack_user_config."
msgid ""
"As part of the initial configuration, each target host appears either in the "
"``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` file or in files within "
"the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/`` directory. The format used for files "
"in the ``conf.d/`` directory is identical to the syntax used in the "
"``openstack_user_config.yml`` file."
msgstr ""
"Sebagai bagian dari konfigurasi awal, setiap host target akan muncul di file "
"``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` atau dalam file dalam "
"direktori``/etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/``. Format yang digunakan untuk "
"file dalam direktori ``conf.d/`` identik dengan sintaksis yang digunakan "
"dalam file ``openstack_user_config.yml``."
msgid ""
"Assign the ``db_containers`` container group (from the preceding step) to a "
"host group by providing a ``physical_skel`` section for the host group in a "
"new or existing file, such as ``env.d/galera.yml``. For example:"
msgstr ""
"Tetapkan grup container ``db_containers`` (dari langkah sebelumnya) ke grup "
"host dengan memberikan bagian ``physical_skel`` untuk grup host dalam file "
"baru atau yang sudah ada, seperti ``env.d/galera.yml``. Sebagai contoh:"
msgid "Assigns containers to physical hosts"
msgstr "Tetapkan containers untuk host fisik"
msgid ""
"At least one load balancer is required for a deployment. OSA provides a "
"deployment of `HAProxy`_, but we recommend using a physical load balancing "
"appliance for production environments."
msgstr ""
"Setidaknya satu penyeimbang beban diperlukan untuk penerapan. OSA "
"menyediakan penyebaran `HAProxy`_, tetapi kami menyarankan untuk menggunakan "
"alat penyeimbang beban fisik untuk lingkungan produksi."
msgid "Attach to a container:"
msgstr "Hubungkan ke container:"
msgid "Balance security with OpenStack performance and functionality"
msgstr "Seimbangkan keamanan dengan kinerja dan fungsionalitas OpenStack"
msgid ""
"Because of a `limitation with container iSCSI connectivity`_, you must "
"deploy the ``cinder-volume`` service directly on a physical host (not into a "
"container) when using storage back ends that connect via iSCSI. This "
"includes the `LVMVolumeDriver`_ and many of the drivers for commercial "
"storage devices."
msgstr ""
"Karena `limitation with container iSCSI connectivity`_, Anda harus "
"menggunakan layanan ``cinder-volume`` secara langsung pada host fisik (bukan "
"ke dalam container) saat menggunakan back end penyimpanan yang terhubung "
"melalui iSCSI. Ini termasuk `LVMVolumeDriver`_ dan banyak driver untuk "
"perangkat penyimpanan komersial."
msgid "Block Storage (cinder)"
msgstr "Block Storage (cinder)"
msgid ""
"Bridges provide layer 2 connectivity (similar to switches) among physical, "
"logical, and virtual network interfaces within a host. After a bridge is "
"created, the network interfaces are virtually plugged in to it."
msgstr ""
"Bridge menyediakan konektivitas layer 2 (serupa dengan switch) di antara "
"fisik, logis, dan antarmuka jaringan virtual dalam host. Setelah bridge "
"dibuat, antarmuka jaringan tersambung ke sana secara virtual."
msgid ""
"By default OpenStack-Ansible uses its `ansible-role-requirements`_ file to "
"fetch the roles it requires for the installation process."
msgstr ""
"Secara default, OpenStack-Ansible menggunakan file `ansible-role-"
"requirement`_ untuk mengambil peran yang diperlukan untuk proses instalasi."
msgid ""
"By default, OpenStack-Ansible automatically applies the ansible-hardening "
"role to all deployments. The role has been carefully designed to perform as "
msgstr ""
"Secara default, OpenStack-Ansible secara otomatis menerapkan peran ansible-"
"hardening untuk semua penyebaran. Peran telah dirancang dengan cermat untuk "
"melakukan sebagai berikut:"
msgid ""
"By default, OpenStack-Ansible provides isolation by default between the "
"containers that run the OpenStack infrastructure (control plane) services "
"and also between the virtual machines that end users spawn within the "
"deployment. This isolation is critical because it can prevent container or "
"virtual machine breakouts, or at least reduce the damage that breakouts "
"might cause."
msgstr ""
"Secara default, OpenStack-Ansible menyediakan isolasi secara default antara "
"kontainer yang menjalankan layanan infrastruktur OpenStack (control plane) "
"dan juga antara mesin virtual yang membuat pengguna pembiakan (spawn) dalam "
"penyebaran (deployment). Isolasi ini sangat penting karena dapat mencegah "
"penumpukan kontainer atau mesin virtual, atau setidaknya mengurangi "
"kerusakan yang mungkin ditimbulkan oleh kebocoran (breakout)."
msgid "Changing the base environment directory"
msgstr "Mengubah direktori lingkungan basis"
msgid "Checking inventory configuration for errors"
msgstr "Memeriksa kesalahan konfigurasi inventory"
msgid "Clearing existing container IP addresses"
msgstr "Membersihkan alamat IP kontainer yang ada"
msgid "Command Line Reference"
msgstr "Command Line Reference (referensi baris perintah)"
msgid ""
"Common OpenStack services and their configuration are defined by OpenStack-"
"Ansible in the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` settings "
msgstr ""
"Layanan OpenStack umum dan konfigurasinya ditentukan oleh OpenStack-Ansible "
"di file pengaturan ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml``."
msgid "Configuration constraints"
msgstr "Kendala konfigurasi"
msgid "Configuring the inventory"
msgstr "Mengkonfigurasi inventory"
msgid "Consider this directory structure::"
msgstr "Pertimbangkan struktur direktori ini ::"
msgid "Container networking"
msgstr "Jaringan kontainer"
msgid "Containerized deployments"
msgstr "Pengaplikasian kontainer (containerized deployment)"
msgid ""
"Containers running an `Unbound DNS`_ caching service can optionally be "
"deployed to cache DNS lookups and to handle internal DNS name resolution. We "
"recommend using this service for large-scale production environments because "
"the deployment will be significantly faster. If this service is not used, "
"OSA modifies ``/etc/hosts`` entries for all hosts in the environment."
msgstr ""
"Kontainer yang menjalankan layanan caching `Unbound DNS`_ secara opsional "
"dapat digunakan untuk melakukan cache pencarian DNS dan untuk menangani "
"resolusi nama DNS internal. Kami merekomendasikan penggunaan layanan ini "
"untuk lingkungan produksi skala besar karena penyebarannya akan jauh lebih "
"cepat. Jika layanan ini tidak digunakan, OSA memodifikasi entri ``/etc/"
"hosts`` untuk semua host di lingkungan."
msgid ""
"Contents of this directory are populated into the environment *before* the "
"``env.d`` found in the directory specified by ``--config``."
msgstr ""
"Isi direktori ini diisi ke dalam lingkungan *before* the ``env.d`` yang "
"ditemukan dalam direktori yang ditentukan oleh ``--config``."
msgid "Conventions"
msgstr "Konvensi"
msgid "Creates container and IP address mappings"
msgstr "Membuat pemetaan kontainer dan alamat IP"
msgid "Default folders locations"
msgstr "Lokasi folder default"
msgid "Define override for containers"
msgstr "Tentukan override untuk containers"
msgid ""
"Define the host group (``db_hosts``) in a ``conf.d/`` file (such as ``galera."
"yml``). For example:"
msgstr ""
"Tentukan grup host (``db_hosts``) dalam file ``conf.d/`` (seperti ``galera."
"yml``). Sebagai contoh:"
msgid "Deploying 0 (or more than one) of component type per host"
msgstr "Menyebarkan 0 (atau lebih dari satu) tipe komponen per host"
msgid "Deploying directly on hosts"
msgstr "Deploying langsung pada host"
msgid "Describe network in ``provider_networks``:"
msgstr "Jelaskan jaringan di ``provider_networks``:"
msgid "Discovering available overrides"
msgstr "Menemukan penggantian yang tersedia"
msgid ""
"Do not run the playbook that installs the component. Unless you specify the "
"component to run directly on a host by using the ``is_metal`` property, a "
"container is created for this component."
msgstr ""
"Jangan jalankan playbook yang menginstal komponen. Kecuali Anda menentukan "
"komponen untuk dijalankan secara langsung pada host dengan menggunakan "
"properti ``is_metal``, sebuah kontainer dibuat untuk komponen ini."
msgid "Dynamic Inventory API documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentasi API inventory Dinamis"
msgid ""
"Each container has a namespace that connects to the host namespace with one "
"or more ``veth`` pairs. Unless specified, the system generates random names "
"for ``veth`` pairs."
msgstr ""
"Setiap kontainer memiliki namespace yang terhubung ke host namespace dengan "
"satu atau lebih pasangan ``veth ``. Kecuali ditentukan, sistem menghasilkan "
"nama acak untuk pasangan ``veth``."
msgid ""
"Each of the custom group names in this example (``db_containers`` and "
"``db_hosts``) are arbitrary. Choose your own group names, but ensure the "
"references are consistent among all relevant files."
msgstr ""
"Setiap nama grup kustom dalam contoh ini (``db_containers`` dan "
"``db_hosts``) adalah arbitrer. Pilih nama grup Anda sendiri, tetapi pastikan "
"referensi konsisten di antara semua file yang relevan."
msgid "Encrypted communication"
msgstr "Komunikasi terenkripsi"
msgid "Ephemeral storage (nova)"
msgstr "Ephemeral storage (nova)"
msgid ""
"Every deployer has different security requirements. The `OpenStack Security "
"Guide`_ has instructions and advice on how to operate and consume an "
"OpenStack cloud by using the most secure methods."
msgstr ""
"Setiap deployer memiliki persyaratan keamanan yang berbeda. The `OpenStack "
"Security Guide`_ memiliki petunjuk dan saran tentang cara mengoperasikan dan "
"mengkonsumsi cloud OpenStack dengan menggunakan metode yang paling aman."
msgid ""
"Every role has a file, ``defaults/main.yml`` which holds the usual variables "
"overridable by a deployer, like a regular Ansible role. This defaults are "
"the closest possible to OpenStack standards."
msgstr ""
"Setiap peran memiliki file, ``defaults/main.yml`` yang menyimpan variabel "
"biasa yang bisa ditimpa oleh seorang deployer, seperti peran Ansible "
"reguler. Default ini adalah yang paling dekat dengan standar OpenStack."
msgid ""
"Every role makes use of additional variables in ``vars/`` which take "
"precedence over group vars."
msgstr ""
"Setiap peran memanfaatkan variabel tambahan dalam ``vars/`` yang diutamakan "
"daripada vars grup."
msgid "Example of un-containerized services:"
msgstr ""
"Contoh layanan yang tidak memiliki kontainer (un-containerized services):"
msgid "Example task using the config_template module"
msgstr "Contoh tugas menggunakan modul config_template"
msgid "Example: Running all controllers on metal"
msgstr "Contoh: Menjalankan semua pengontrol pada metal"
msgid "Example: Running galera on dedicated hosts"
msgstr "Contoh: Menjalankan galera pada host khusus (dedicated host)"
msgid "Executing the dynamic_inventory.py script manually"
msgstr "Menjalankan skrip dynamic_inventory.py secara manual"
msgid "Exporting host information"
msgstr "Mengekspor informasi host"
msgid ""
"Files in ``/etc/openstack_deploy`` beginning with ``user_`` will be "
"automatically sourced in any ``openstack-ansible`` command. Alternatively, "
"the files can be sourced with the ``-e`` parameter of the ``ansible-"
"playbook`` command."
msgstr ""
"File dalam ``/etc/openstack_deploy`` beginning with ``user_`` akan secara "
"otomatis bersumber dari perintah ``openstack-ansible`` apa pun. Atau, file "
"dapat bersumber dengan parameter ``-e`` dari perintah ``ansible-playbook``."
msgid "Filesystem storage (manila)"
msgstr "Filesystem storage (manila)"
msgid ""
"For details on the configuration of networking for your environment, please "
"have a look at :ref:`openstack-user-config-reference`."
msgstr ""
"Untuk detail tentang konfigurasi jaringan untuk lingkungan Anda, silakan "
"lihat :ref:`openstack-user-config-reference`."
msgid ""
"For each OSA release, the Ansible roles that form that release are set to a "
"specific `git SHA-1 hash_` (SHA). These are updated after every OSA release."
msgstr ""
"Untuk setiap rilis OSA, peran Ansible yang membentuk rilis tersebut diatur "
"ke `git SHA-1 hash_` (SHA) tertentu. Ini diperbarui setelah setiap rilis OSA."
msgid ""
"For each OSA release, the OpenStack version that is deployed is set to a "
"specific OpenStack `git SHA-1 hash_` (SHA). These are updated after every "
"OSA release. The intent is to ensure that OSA users are able to enjoy an "
"updated OpenStack environment with smaller increments of change than the "
"typical upstream service releases allow for as they are usually very "
msgstr ""
"Untuk setiap rilis OSA, versi OpenStack yang digunakan diatur ke OpenStack "
"specific `git SHA-1 hash_` (SHA). Ini diperbarui setelah setiap rilis OSA. "
"Tujuannya adalah untuk memastikan bahwa pengguna OSA dapat menikmati "
"lingkungan OpenStack yang diperbarui dengan peningkatan perubahan yang lebih "
"kecil daripada yang diizinkan oleh rilis layanan hulu karena mereka biasanya "
"sangat jarang."
msgid ""
"For example, if you'd like to run all your controllers on metal, you would "
"have the following inside your ``openstack_user_config.yml``."
msgstr ""
"Misalnya, jika Anda ingin menjalankan semua pengontrol Anda pada logam, Anda "
"akan memiliki yang berikut di dalam ``openstack_user_config.yml`` Anda."
msgid ""
"For example, the ``shared-infra.yml`` file defines a container group, "
"``shared-infra_containers``, as a subset of the ``all_containers`` inventory "
"group. The ``shared- infra_containers`` container group is mapped to the "
"``shared-infra_hosts`` host group. All of the service components in the "
"``shared-infra_containers`` container group are deployed to each target host "
"in the ``shared-infra_hosts host`` group."
msgstr ""
"Sebagai contoh, file ``shared-infra.yml`` mendefinisikan grup kontainer, "
"``shared-infra_containers``, sebagai bagian dari grup inventory "
"``all_containers``. Grup container ``shared-infra_containers`` dipetakan ke "
"grup host ``shared-infra_hosts``. Semua komponen layanan dalam grup "
"kontainer ``shared-infra_containers`` dikerahkan ke setiap host target dalam "
"grup ``shared-infra_hosts host``."
msgid ""
"For example, to run Galera directly on dedicated hosts, you would perform "
"the following steps:"
msgstr ""
"Misalnya, untuk menjalankan Galera langsung pada host khusus, Anda akan "
"melakukan langkah-langkah berikut:"
msgid ""
"For example, you might want to add the following parameters to the ``nova."
"conf`` file:"
msgstr ""
"Misalnya, Anda mungkin ingin menambahkan parameter berikut ke file ``nova."
msgid ""
"For example, you might want to add the following policy in the ``policy."
"json`` file for the Identity service (keystone):"
msgstr ""
"Misalnya, Anda mungkin ingin menambahkan kebijakan berikut di file ``policy."
"json`` untuk layanan Identity (keystone):"
msgid ""
"For example, you might want to define a meter exclusion for all hardware "
"items in the default content of the ``pipeline.yml`` file for the Telemetry "
"service (ceilometer):"
msgstr ""
"Misalnya, Anda mungkin ingin menentukan pengecualian meter untuk semua item "
"perangkat keras dalam konten default file ``pipeline.yml`` untuk layanan "
"Telemetry (ceilometer):"
msgid ""
"For information on how to contribute, extend or develop OpenStack-Ansible, "
"see the :dev_docs:`Contributors Guide <contributor/index.html>`."
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi tentang cara berkontribusi, perluas atau kembangkan "
"OpenStack-Ansible, lihat :dev_docs:`Contributors Guide <contributor/index."
msgid ""
"For information on how to deploy your OpenStack-Ansible cloud, refer to the :"
"deploy_guide:`Deployment Guide <index.html>` for step-by-step instructions "
"on how to deploy the OpenStack packages and dependencies on your cloud using "
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi tentang cara menggunakan cloud OpenStack-Ansible Anda, "
"lihat :deploy_guide: `Deployment Guide <index.html>` untuk petunjuk langkah-"
"demi-langkah tentang cara menggunakan paket OpenStack dan dependensi pada "
"cloud Anda menggunakan OpenStack-Ansible ."
msgid ""
"For information on how to manage and operate OpenStack-Ansible, see the see "
"the :dev_docs:`Operations Guide <admin/index.html>`."
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi tentang cara mengelola dan mengoperasikan OpenStack-Ansible, "
"lihat lihat :dev_docs:`Operations Guide <admin/index.html>`."
msgid "For more details, see :ref:`configuring-inventory`."
msgstr "Untuk lebih jelasnya, lihat :ref:`configuring-inventory`."
msgid ""
"For more information about how the OpenStack Networking service (neutron) "
"uses the interfaces for instance traffic, please see the `OpenStack "
"Networking Guide`_."
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang bagaimana layanan OpenStack Networking "
"(neutron) menggunakan interfaces untuk lalu lintas instance, silakan lihat "
"`OpenStack Networking Guide`_."
msgid ""
"For more information about recommended network policies for OpenStack "
"clouds, see the `API endpoint process isolation and policy`_ section of the "
"`OpenStack Security Guide`_"
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang kebijakan jaringan yang disarankan "
"untuk cloud OpenStack, lihat bagian `API proses isolasi titik akhir dan "
"kebijakan`_ pada `OpenStack Security Guide`_"
msgid ""
"For more information about the security configurations, see the `security "
"hardening role`_ documentation."
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang konfigurasi keamanan, lihat dokumentasi "
"`security hardening role`_ ."
msgid "For user guides, see the :dev_docs:`User Guide <user/index.html>`."
msgstr ""
"Untuk panduan pengguna, lihat :dev_docs:`User Guide <user/index.html>`."
msgid "Generates the names of each container that runs a service"
msgstr "Menghasilkan nama setiap container yang menjalankan layanan"
msgid "Generating the Inventory"
msgstr "Menghasilkan Inventory"
msgid "Group memberships"
msgstr "Keanggotaan grup"
msgid "Group vars and host vars"
msgstr "Group vars dan host vars"
msgid "Here is an example override dictionary (hash)"
msgstr "Berikut ini adalah contoh override kamus (dictionary) (hash)"
msgid "Host security hardening"
msgstr "Pengerasan keamanan host"
msgid ""
"Host security hardening is required by several compliance and regulatory "
"programs, such as the `Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard`_ (PCI "
"DSS) (Requirement 2.2)."
msgstr ""
"Pengerasan keamanan host diperlukan oleh beberapa program kepatuhan dan "
"peraturan, seperti `Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard`_ (PCI DSS) "
"(Requirement 2.2)."
msgid "Hosts with services running in containers"
msgstr "Menghosting dengan layanan yang berjalan dalam kontainer"
msgid "How are release tags decided?"
msgstr "Bagaimana tag rilis diputuskan?"
msgid "How frequently does OSA release?"
msgstr "Seberapa sering OSA rilis?"
msgid "However, groups cannot contain child groups and hosts."
msgstr "Namun, grup tidak dapat berisi grup anak dan host."
msgid ""
"However, some of the services within an OpenStack cloud are accessible to "
"all end users, while others are accessible only to administrators or "
"operators on a secured network."
msgstr ""
"Namun, beberapa layanan dalam cloud OpenStack dapat diakses oleh semua end "
"user, sementara yang lain hanya dapat diakses oleh administrator atau "
"operator di jaringan yang aman."
msgid ""
"However, this project solely focuses on the deployment of OpenStack and its "
msgstr ""
"Namun, proyek ini hanya berfokus pada penyebaran OpenStack dan "
msgid ""
"If a tool or object does not require a dedicated container, or if it is "
"impractical to create a new container for a single tool or object, it is "
"installed in the utility container. The utility container is also used when "
"tools cannot be installed directly on a host. The utility container is "
"prepared with the appropriate credentials and clients to administer the "
"OpenStack environment. It is set to automatically use the internal service "
msgstr ""
"Jika suatu alat atau objek tidak memerlukan container khusus, atau jika "
"tidak praktis untuk membuat container baru untuk satu alat atau objek "
"tunggal, itu dipasang di wadah utilitas. Wadah utilitas juga digunakan "
"ketika alat tidak dapat diinstal langsung pada host. Wadah utilitas "
"disiapkan dengan kredensial dan klien yang sesuai untuk mengelola lingkungan "
"OpenStack. Sudah diatur untuk secara otomatis menggunakan endpoint layanan "
msgid ""
"If any groups defined in the ``openstack_user_config.yml`` or ``conf.d`` "
"files are not found in the environment, a warning will be raised."
msgstr ""
"Jika ada grup yang didefinisikan dalam file ``openstack_user_config.yml`` "
"atau ``conf.d`` tidak ditemukan di lingkungan, peringatan akan dimunculkan."
msgid ""
"If there is a requirement to rush a role patch into the next release, then "
"anyone may propose a change to the ``ansible-role-requirements.yml`` file in "
"the ``openstack/openstack-ansible`` repository with the appropriate "
msgstr ""
"Jika ada persyaratan untuk menjalankan patch peran ke rilis berikutnya, maka "
"siapa pun dapat mengusulkan perubahan ke file ``ansible-role-requirement."
"yml`` dalam repositori ``openstack/openstack-ansible`` dengan dengan "
"justifikasi yang sesuai."
msgid ""
"If you are deploying a stand-alone Object Storage (swift) environment, you "
"can skip the deployment of RabbitMQ. If you use this configuration, your "
"``openstack_user_config.yml`` file would look as follows:"
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda menggunakan lingkungan Object Storage (swift) yang berdiri "
"sendiri, Anda dapat melewati penerapan RabbitMQ. Jika Anda menggunakan "
"konfigurasi ini, file ``openstack_user_config.yml`` Anda akan terlihat "
"seperti berikut:"
msgid ""
"If you require additional network configuration for your container "
"interfaces (like changing the routes on eth1 for routes on the management "
"network), please adapt your ``openstack_user_config.yml`` file. See :ref:"
"`openstack-user-config-reference` for more details."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda memerlukan konfigurasi jaringan tambahan untuk antarmuka kontainer "
"Anda (seperti mengubah rute pada eth1 untuk rute di jaringan manajemen), "
"silakan sesuaikan file ``openstack_user_config.yml`` Anda. Lihat :ref:"
"`openstack-user-config-reference` untuk keterangan lebih lanjut."
msgid ""
"If you want to change the location of the override folder, you can adapt "
"your openstack-ansible.rc file, or export ``GROUP_VARS_PATH`` and "
"``HOST_VARS_PATH`` during your shell session."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda ingin mengubah lokasi folder override, Anda dapat mengadaptasi "
"file openstack-ansible.rc Anda, atau mengekspor ``GROUP_VARS_PATH`` dan "
"``HOST_VARS_PATH`` selama sesi shell Anda."
msgid ""
"If you want to globally override variable, you can define the variable you "
"want to override in a ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_*.yml`` file. It will "
"apply on all hosts."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda ingin menimpa variabel secara global, Anda dapat menentukan "
"variabel yang ingin Anda timpa dalam file ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_*."
"yml``. Ini akan berlaku pada semua host."
msgid ""
"If you wish to change the SHA to a specific SHA/tag/branch, or wish to use "
"your own fork of an OpenStack service, please see the section titled :ref:"
"`override_openstack_sources` in the user guide."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda ingin mengubah SHA ke SHA/tag/branch, tertentu, atau ingin "
"menggunakan garpu sendiri (your own fork) dari layanan OpenStack, silakan "
"lihat bagian berjudul :ref:`override_openstack_sources` dalam buku petunjuk."
msgid "Image storage (glance)"
msgstr "Image storage (glance)"
msgid ""
"In a typical production environment, physical network interfaces are "
"combined in bonded pairs for better redundancy and throughput. Avoid using "
"two ports on the same multiport network card for the same bonded interface, "
"because a network card failure affects both of the physical network "
"interfaces used by the bond."
msgstr ""
"Dalam lingkungan produksi yang khas, antarmuka jaringan fisik digabungkan "
"dalam pasangan terikat (bonded pair) untuk redundansi dan keluaran "
"(throughput) yang lebih baik. Hindari menggunakan dua port pada kartu "
"jaringan multiport yang sama untuk antarmuka berikat yang sama, karena "
"kegagalan kartu jaringan mempengaruhi kedua antarmuka jaringan fisik yang "
"digunakan oleh ikatan."
msgid ""
"In addition to this argument, the base environment skeleton is provided in "
"the ``inventory/env.d`` directory of the OpenStack-Ansible codebase."
msgstr ""
"Selain argumen ini, kerangka lingkungan dasar disediakan di direktori "
"``inventory/env.d`` dari basis kode OpenStack-Ansible."
msgid ""
"In all versions prior to |previous_release_formal_name|, this argument was "
msgstr ""
"Di semua versi sebelum |previous_release_formal_name|, argumen ini adalah "
msgid ""
"In many environments, the ephemeral disks are stored on the Compute host's "
"local disks, but for production environments we recommend that the Compute "
"hosts be configured to use a shared storage subsystem instead. A shared "
"storage subsystem allows quick, live instance migration between Compute "
"hosts, which is useful when the administrator needs to perform maintenance "
"on the Compute host and wants to evacuate it. Using a shared storage "
"subsystem also allows the recovery of instances when a Compute host goes "
"offline. The administrator is able to evacuate the instance to another "
"Compute host and boot it up again. The following diagram illustrates the "
"interactions between the storage device, the Compute host, the hypervisor, "
"and the instance."
msgstr ""
"Di banyak lingkungan, disk sementara disimpan pada disk lokal host Compute, "
"tetapi untuk lingkungan produksi kami menganjurkan agar host Compute "
"dikonfigurasikan untuk menggunakan subsistem penyimpanan bersama. Subsistem "
"penyimpanan bersama memungkinkan migrasi instance dan langsung antar host "
"Compute, yang berguna ketika administrator perlu melakukan pemeliharaan pada "
"host Compute dan ingin mengevakuasinya. Menggunakan subsistem penyimpanan "
"bersama juga memungkinkan pemulihan instance saat host Compute menjadi "
"offline. Administrator dapat mengevakuasi instance ke host Compute lain dan "
"mem-boot-nya kembali. Diagram berikut menggambarkan interaksi antara "
"perangkat penyimpanan, host Compute, hypervisor, dan instance."
msgid ""
"In order to ensure a common understanding of what release versions mean, we "
"use `Semantic Versioning 2.0.0_` for versioning as a basis. The exception to "
"the rule is for milestone releases during a development cycle, where "
"releases are tagged ``<MAJOR>.0.0.0b<MILESTONE>`` where ``<MAJOR>`` is the "
"next major release number, and ``<MILESTONE>`` is the milestone number."
msgstr ""
"Untuk memastikan pemahaman umum tentang apa arti versi rilis, kami "
"menggunakan `Semantic Versioning 2.0.0_` untuk versi sebagai basis. "
"Pengecualian untuk aturan ini adalah untuk rilis tonggak selama siklus "
"pengembangan, di mana rilis diberi tag ``<MAJOR> .0.0.0b <MILESTONE>`` di "
"mana ``<MAJOR>`` adalah nomor rilis utama berikutnya, dan ``<MILESTONE>`` "
"adalah angka tonggak sejarah."
msgid ""
"In some cases it may be useful to have an ability to add extra network "
"interface for some container group (or just a single container). As an "
"example this can be used for applying known fixed IP address from another "
"network for Designate service. We will show futher configuration based on "
"this example. Let's assume, that this network is which is "
"reachable through `br-dns` interface."
msgstr ""
"Dalam beberapa kasus mungkin berguna untuk memiliki kemampuan untuk "
"menambahkan antarmuka jaringan tambahan untuk beberapa kelompok container "
"(atau hanya satu container tunggal). Sebagai contoh, ini dapat digunakan "
"untuk menerapkan alamat IP tetap yang diketahui dari jaringan lain untuk "
"layanan Designate. Kami akan menampilkan konfigurasi lebih lanjut "
"berdasarkan contoh ini. Mari kita asumsikan, bahwa jaringan ini adalah "
" yang dapat dijangkau melalui antarmuka `br-dns`."
msgid ""
"In these files, the target hosts are listed under one or more headings, such "
"as ``shared-infra_hosts`` or ``storage_hosts``, which serve as Ansible group "
"mappings. These groups map to the physical hosts."
msgstr ""
"Dalam file ini, host target terdaftar di bawah satu atau lebih judul, "
"seperti ``shared-infra_hosts`` atau ``storage_hosts``, yang berfungsi "
"sebagai pemetaan grup Ansible. Grup ini memetakan ke host fisik."
msgid ""
"In this chapter, you can find details about `why` OpenStack-Ansible was "
"architected in this way."
msgstr ""
"Dalam bab ini, Anda dapat menemukan detail tentang `why` OpenStack-Ansible "
"diarsipkan dengan cara ini."
msgid ""
"In this chapter, you can find the information on how to configure the "
"openstack-ansible dynamic inventory to your needs."
msgstr ""
"Dalam bab ini, Anda dapat menemukan informasi tentang cara mengonfigurasikan "
"dynamic inventory openstack-ansible untuk kebutuhan Anda."
msgid ""
"In this section, you will find documentation relevant to the inventory for "
msgstr ""
"Di bagian ini, Anda akan menemukan dokumentasi yang relevan dengan "
"inventaris untuk OpenStack-Ansible."
msgid ""
"In this task the ``test.ini.j2`` file is a template which will be rendered "
"and written to disk at ``/tmp/test.ini``. The **config_overrides** entry is "
"a dictionary (hash) which allows a deployer to set arbitrary data as "
"overrides to be written into the configuration file at run time. The "
"**config_type** entry specifies the type of configuration file the module "
"will be interacting with; available options are \"yaml\", \"json\", and \"ini"
msgstr ""
"Dalam tugas ini file ``test.ini.j2`` adalah templat yang akan dirender dan "
"ditulis ke disk di ``/tmp/test.ini``. Entri **config_overrides** adalah "
"kamus (hash) yang memungkinkan penyebar untuk mengatur data sewenang-wenang "
"sebagai penggantian yang akan ditulis ke dalam file konfigurasi pada saat "
"run time. Entri **config_type** menentukan jenis file konfigurasi yang akan "
"berinteraksi dengan modul; opsi yang tersedia adalah \"yaml\", \"json\", dan "
msgid "Including OpenStack-Ansible in your project"
msgstr "Termasuk OpenStack-Ansible dalam proyek Anda"
msgid "Including OpenStack-Ansible with your Ansible structure"
msgstr "Termasuk OpenStack-Ansible dengan struktur Ansible Anda"
msgid ""
"Including the openstack-ansible repository within another project can be "
"done in several ways:"
msgstr ""
"Termasuk repositori openstack-ansible dalam proyek lain dapat dilakukan "
"dengan beberapa cara:"
msgid ""
"Information on a per-host basis can be obtained with the ``--export/-e`` "
msgstr ""
"Informasi berdasarkan per-host dapat diperoleh dengan parameter ``--export/-"
msgid "Infrastructure services"
msgstr "Layanan infrastruktur"
msgid "Inputs"
msgstr "Inputs"
msgid "Inspecting and manipulating the inventory"
msgstr "Memeriksa dan memanipulasi inventory"
msgid "Introduction"
msgstr "Pengantar"
msgid "Inventory"
msgstr "Inventory"
msgid "Inventory conventions"
msgstr "Konvensi inventaris"
msgid "Isolation"
msgstr "Isolasi"
msgid ""
"It is now the responsibility of the deployer to maintain appropriate "
"versions pins of the ansible roles if an upgrade is required."
msgstr ""
"Sekarang menjadi tanggung jawab sang penyebar untuk mempertahankan pin versi "
"yang sesuai dari ansible roles jika diperlukan peningkatan."
msgid "Least privilege"
msgstr "Hak istimewa terkecil (least privilege)"
msgid "Like ``--check``, this flag is not invoked when running from ansible."
msgstr ""
"Seperti ``--check``, flag ini tidak dipanggil saat menjalankan dari ansible."
msgid "Limiting access to these networks has several benefits:"
msgstr "Membatasi akses ke jaringan ini memiliki beberapa manfaat:"
msgid "Linux Container commands"
msgstr "Linux Container commands"
msgid "Linux bridges"
msgstr "Linux bridges (Jembatan Linux)"
msgid ""
"List containers and summary information such as operational state and "
"network configuration:"
msgstr ""
"Daftar kontainer dan informasi ringkasan seperti keadaan operasional dan "
"konfigurasi jaringan:"
msgid "Load balancer"
msgstr "Load balancer (penyeimbang beban)"
msgid "Log aggregation host"
msgstr "Host agregasi log"
msgid "Maintaining local forks of ansible roles"
msgstr "Memelihara local forks dari ansible roles"
msgid ""
"Major releases are done every six months according to the `OpenStack release "
"schedule_`. Each major release is consistent with an OpenStack series."
msgstr ""
"Rilis besar dilakukan setiap enam bulan sesuai dengan `OpenStack release "
"schedule_`. Setiap rilis utama konsisten dengan seri OpenStack."
msgid ""
"Many of the services deployed with OpenStack-Ansible are encrypted by "
"default or offer encryption as an option. The playbooks generate self-signed "
"certificates by default, but deployers have the option to use their existing "
"certificates, keys, and CA certificates."
msgstr ""
"Banyak layanan yang disebarkan dengan OpenStack-Ansible dienkripsi secara "
"default atau menawarkan enkripsi sebagai opsi. Playbooks menghasilkan "
"sertifikat yang ditandatangani sendiri secara default, tetapi para penyusun "
"memiliki opsi untuk menggunakan sertifikat, kunci, dan sertifikat CA mereka "
"yang sudah ada."
msgid ""
"Many operational requirements have been taken into consideration for the "
"design of the OpenStack-Ansible project."
msgstr ""
"Banyak persyaratan operasional telah dipertimbangkan untuk desain proyek "
msgid "MariaDB with Galera"
msgstr "MariaDB dengan Galera"
msgid "Memcached"
msgstr "Memcached"
msgid ""
"Minor/patch releases are requested for stable branches on the second and "
"last Friday of every month. The releases are typically completed within a "
"few days of the request."
msgstr ""
"Rilis minor/patch diminta untuk cabang stabil pada hari Jumat kedua dan "
"terakhir setiap bulan. Rilis biasanya selesai dalam beberapa hari setelah "
msgid ""
"Modify the ``container_skel`` section of the ``env.d/galera.yml`` file. For "
msgstr ""
"Ubah bagian ``container_skel`` dari file ``env.d/galera.yml``. Sebagai "
msgid ""
"Most often, overrides are implemented for the ``<service>.conf`` files (for "
"example, ``nova.conf``). These files use a standard INI file format."
msgstr ""
"Paling sering, override diterapkan untuk file ``<service> .conf`` (misalnya, "
"``nova.conf``). File ini menggunakan format file INI standar."
msgid ""
"Namespaces provide logically separate layer 3 environments (similar to "
"routers) within a host. Namespaces use virtual interfaces to connect with "
"other namespaces, including the host namespace. These interfaces, often "
"called ``veth`` pairs, are virtually plugged in between namespaces similar "
"to patch cables connecting physical devices such as switches and routers."
msgstr ""
"Namespace menyediakan lingkungan layer 3 yang secara logis terpisah (mirip "
"dengan router) dalam sebuah host. Namespace menggunakan antarmuka virtual "
"untuk terhubung dengan namespace lain, termasuk host namespace. Antarmuka "
"ini, sering disebut pasangan ``veth``, secara virtual dipasang di antara "
"beberapa namespace yang mirip dengan kabel patch yang menghubungkan "
"perangkat fisik seperti switch dan router."
msgid "Network diagrams"
msgstr "Diagram jaringan"
msgid "Neutron traffic"
msgstr "Lalu lintas Neutron"
msgid ""
"Never edit or delete the files ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_inventory."
"json`` or ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_hostnames_ips.yml``. This can "
"lead to file corruptions, and problems with the inventory: hosts and "
"container could disappear and new ones would appear, breaking your existing "
msgstr ""
"Jangan pernah mengedit atau menghapus file ``/etc/openstack_deploy/"
"openstack_inventory.json`` atau ``/etc/openstack_deploy/"
"openstack_hostnames_ips.yml``. Ini dapat menyebabkan file korup, dan masalah "
"dengan inventory: host dan kontainer bisa menghilang dan yang baru akan "
"muncul, merusak deployment Anda yang ada."
msgid ""
"Not all services are containerized: some don't make sense to run within a "
"container. Logic needs to be applied in regards on how services are "
"containerized. If their requirements can't be met due to system limitations, "
"(kernel, application maturity, etc...), then the service is not set to run "
"within a container."
msgstr ""
"Tidak semua layanan dalam kontainer: beberapa tidak masuk akal untuk "
"dijalankan dalam sebuah kontainer. Logika perlu diterapkan dalam hal "
"bagaimana layanan di kontainer. Jika persyaratan mereka tidak dapat dipenuhi "
"karena keterbatasan sistem, (kernel, kematangan aplikasi, dll ...), maka "
"layanan tidak diatur untuk berjalan dalam sebuah kontainer."
msgid ""
"Note that any services marked with ``is_metal: true`` will run on the "
"allocated physical host and not in a container. For an example of "
"``is_metal: true`` being used refer to ``inventory/env.d/cinder.yml`` in the "
"``container_skel`` section."
msgstr ""
"Perhatikan bahwa layanan apa pun yang ditandai dengan ``is_metal: true`` "
"akan berjalan pada host fisik yang dialokasikan dan tidak dalam sebuah "
"container. Untuk contoh ``is_metal: true`` yang digunakan merujuk ke "
"``inventory/env.d/cinder.yml`` di bagian ``container_skel``."
msgid "Nova compute (for direct access to virtualization devices)"
msgstr "Nova compute (untuk akses langsung ke perangkat virtualisasi)"
msgid ""
"OSA frequently does pro-active bugfix backports. In order to reduce the risk "
"of these backports introducing any destabilization, OSA implements a 'soak' "
"period for any patches implemented in the stable branches for roles, but "
"also provides for circumventing this in exceptional circumstances."
msgstr ""
"OSA sering melakukan backports perbaikan bug pro-aktif. Untuk mengurangi "
"risiko backport ini yang menyebabkan destabilisasi, OSA menerapkan periode "
"'soak' untuk setiap patch yang diterapkan di branch stabil untuk role, "
"tetapi juga menyediakan untuk menghindari hal ini dalam keadaan luar biasa."
msgid ""
"OSA is able to deploy a multitude of services. Have a look at the role "
"maturity matrix to know the status of the service you want to deploy."
msgstr ""
"OSA mampu menyebarkan banyak layanan. Lihatlah matriks kedewasaan peran "
"untuk mengetahui status layanan yang ingin Anda gunakan."
msgid "Object Storage (swift)"
msgstr "Object Storage (swift)"
msgid "Omit a service or component from the deployment"
msgstr "Hapus layanan atau komponen dari penerapan"
msgid ""
"Once executed, the script will output an ``openstack_inventory.json`` file "
"into the directory specified with the ``--config`` argument. This is used as "
"the source of truth for repeated runs."
msgstr ""
"Setelah dieksekusi, skrip akan menampilkan file ``openstack_inventory.json`` "
"ke direktori yang ditentukan dengan argumen ``--config``. Ini digunakan "
"sebagai sumber kebenaran untuk berjalan berulang (repeated run)."
msgid ""
"Once the variables are set call the play ``repo-build.yml`` to build all of "
"the wheels within the repository infrastructure. When ready run the target "
"plays to deploy your overridden source code."
msgstr ""
"Setelah variabel diatur, panggil play ``repo-build.yml`` untuk membangun "
"semua roda (wheel) dalam infrastruktur repositori. Ketika siap menjalankan "
"target play untuk menggunakan (deploy) kode sumber yang diganti."
msgid ""
"OpenStack clouds provide many services to end users, that enable them to "
"build instances, provision storage, and create networks. Each of these "
"services exposes one or more service ports and API endpoints to the network."
msgstr ""
"Cloud OpenStack menyediakan banyak layanan kepada end user, yang "
"memungkinkan mereka untuk membuat instance, penyimpanan provisi, dan membuat "
"jaringan. Setiap layanan ini memaparkan satu atau beberapa port layanan dan "
"API endpoint ke jaringan."
msgid ""
"OpenStack has many configuration options available in ``.conf`` files (in a "
"standard ``INI`` file format), policy files (in a standard ``JSON`` format) "
"and ``YAML`` files, and can therefore use the ``config_template`` module "
"described above."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack memiliki banyak opsi konfigurasi yang tersedia dalam file ``."
"conf`` (dalam format file ``INI`` standar), file kebijakan (dalam format "
"``JSON`` standar) dan file ``YAML``, dan dapat karena itu gunakan modul "
"``config_template`` yang dijelaskan di atas."
msgid "OpenStack has multiple storage realms to consider:"
msgstr ""
"OpenStack memiliki beberapa ranah penyimpanan (storage realm) untuk "
msgid "OpenStack services"
msgstr "Layanan OpenStack"
msgid ""
"OpenStack services use Memcached for in-memory caching, which accelerates "
"transactions. For example, the OpenStack Identity service (keystone) uses "
"Memcached for caching authentication tokens, which ensures that token "
"validation does not have to complete a disk or database transaction every "
"time the service is asked to validate a token."
msgstr ""
"Layanan OpenStack menggunakan Memcached untuk cache dalam memori, yang "
"mempercepat transaksi. Misalnya, layanan OpenStack Identity (keystone) "
"menggunakan Memcached untuk caching token otentikasi, yang memastikan bahwa "
"validasi token tidak harus menyelesaikan transaksi disk atau transaksi basis "
"data setiap kali layanan diminta untuk memvalidasi token."
msgid ""
"OpenStack services use RabbitMQ for Advanced Message Queuing Protocol "
"(AMQP). OSA deploys RabbitMQ in a clustered configuration with all queues "
"mirrored between the cluster nodes. Because Telemetry (ceilometer) message "
"queue traffic is quite heavy, for large environments we recommend separating "
"Telemetry notifications into a separate RabbitMQ cluster."
msgstr ""
"Layanan OpenStack menggunakan RabbitMQ untuk Advanced Message Queuing "
"Protocol (AMQP). OSA menyebarkan RabbitMQ dalam konfigurasi berkerumun "
"(clustered) dengan semua antrian dicerminkan antara node cluster. Karena "
"lalu lintas antrian pesan Telemetry (ceilometer) cukup berat, untuk "
"lingkungan yang besar kami sarankan memisahkan notifikasi Telemetry menjadi "
"cluster RabbitMQ yang terpisah."
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible (OSA) uses the 'cycle-trailing' release model as specified "
"in the OpenStack `release model reference_`."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible (OSA) menggunakan model rilis 'cycle-trailing' seperti "
"yang ditentukan dalam OpenStack `release model reference_`."
msgid "OpenStack-Ansible Manifesto"
msgstr "Manifesto OpenStack-Ansible"
msgid "OpenStack-Ansible Reference"
msgstr "Referensi OpenStack-Ansible"
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible configures unique username and password combinations for "
"each service that interacts with RabbitMQ and Galera/MariaDB. Each service "
"that connects to RabbitMQ uses a separate virtual host for publishing and "
"consuming messages. The MariaDB users for each service are only granted "
"access only to the databases that they need to query."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible mengonfigurasi kombinasi nama pengguna dan kata sandi unik "
"untuk setiap layanan yang berinteraksi dengan RabbitMQ dan Galera/MariaDB. "
"Setiap layanan yang terhubung ke RabbitMQ menggunakan host virtual terpisah "
"untuk mempublikasikan dan mengkonsumsi pesan. Pengguna MariaDB untuk setiap "
"layanan hanya diberikan akses hanya ke database yang mereka butuhkan untuk "
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible currently uses `AppArmor`_ to provide MAC policies on "
"infrastructure servers and hypervisors. The AppArmor configuration sets the "
"access policies to prevent one container from accessing the data of another "
"container. For virtual machines, ``libvirtd`` uses the `sVirt`_ extensions "
"to ensure that one virtual machine cannot access the data or devices from "
"another virtual machine."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible saat ini menggunakan `AppArmor`_ untuk memberikan "
"kebijakan MAC pada server infrastruktur dan hypervisor. Konfigurasi AppArmor "
"menetapkan kebijakan akses untuk mencegah satu container mengakses data "
"container lain. Untuk mesin virtual, ``libvirtd`` menggunakan ekstensi "
"`sVirt`_ untuk memastikan bahwa satu mesin virtual tidak dapat mengakses "
"data atau perangkat dari mesin virtual lain."
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible deploys HAProxy back ends for each service and restricts "
"access for highly sensitive services by making them available only on the "
"management network. Deployers with external load balancers must ensure that "
"the back ends are configured securely and that firewalls prevent traffic "
"from crossing between networks."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible mengerahkan HAProxy back end untuk setiap layanan dan "
"membatasi akses untuk layanan yang sangat sensitif dengan menjadikannya "
"hanya tersedia di jaringan manajemen. Deployer dengan load balancer "
"eksternal harus memastikan bahwa back end dikonfigurasikan dengan aman dan "
"bahwa firewall mencegah lalu lintas yang melintas antar jaringan."
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible deploys Linux containers (LXC) and uses Linux bridging "
"between the container and the host interfaces to ensure that all traffic "
"from containers flows over multiple host interfaces. This appendix describes "
"how the interfaces are connected and how traffic flows."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible menyebarkan Linux container (LXC) dan menggunakan Linux "
"menjembatani antara kontainer dan host interfacet untuk memastikan bahwa "
"semua lalu lintas dari kontainer mengalir melalui beberapa host interface. "
"Lampiran ini menjelaskan bagaimana interface terhubung dan bagaimana arus "
"lalu lintas mengalir."
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible deploys the Compute service on the physical host rather "
"than in a container. The following diagram shows how to use bridges for "
"network connectivity:"
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible menyebarkan layanan Compute pada host fisik daripada dalam "
"sebuah kontainer. Diagram berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakan jembatan "
"(bridge) untuk konektivitas jaringan:"
msgid "OpenStack-Ansible deploys the following infrastructure components:"
msgstr "OpenStack-Ansible menyebarkan komponen infrastruktur berikut:"
msgid "OpenStack-Ansible directory checkout"
msgstr "Checkout direktori OpenStack-Ansible"
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible enables you to reference any options in the `OpenStack "
"Configuration Reference`_ through the use of a simple set of configuration "
"entries in the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml``."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible memungkinkan Anda untuk referensi opsi apa pun di "
"`OpenStack Configuration Reference`_ melalui penggunaan serangkaian entri "
"konfigurasi yang sederhana di ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml``."
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible has a flexible deployment configuration model that can "
"deploy all services in separate machine containers or on designated hosts "
"without using containers, and all network traffic either on a single network "
"interface or on many network interfaces."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible memiliki model konfigurasi penempatan yang fleksibel yang "
"dapat menggunakan semua layanan dalam container mesin yang terpisah atau "
"pada host yang ditunjuk tanpa menggunakan container, dan semua lalu lintas "
"jaringan baik pada antarmuka jaringan tunggal atau pada banyak antarmuka "
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible provides a comprehensive `security hardening role`_ that "
"applies over 200 security configurations as recommended by the `Security "
"Technical Implementation Guide`_ (STIG) provided by the Defense Information "
"Systems Agency (DISA). These security configurations are widely used and are "
"distributed in the public domain by the United States government."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible menyediakan `security hardening role`_ komprehensif yang "
"menerapkan lebih dari 200 konfigurasi keamanan seperti yang direkomendasikan "
"oleh `Security Technical Implementation Guide`_ (STIG) yang disediakan oleh "
"Badan Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). Konfigurasi keamanan ini "
"banyak digunakan dan didistribusikan dalam domain publik oleh pemerintah "
"Amerika Serikat."
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible provides safe defaults for deployers in its group_vars "
"folder. They take care of the wiring between different roles, like for "
"example storing information on how to reach RabbitMQ from nova role."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible menyediakan default aman untuk penggunaan di folder "
"group_vars. Mereka menjaga kabel antara peran yang berbeda, seperti misalnya "
"menyimpan informasi tentang cara mencapai RabbitMQ dari peran nova."
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible uses an included script to generate the inventory of hosts "
"and containers within the environment. This script is called by Ansible "
"through its `dynamic inventory functionality <https://docs.ansible.com/"
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible menggunakan skrip yang disertakan untuk menghasilkan "
"inventaris host dan kontainer di dalam lingkungan. Script ini dipanggil oleh "
"Ansible melalui nya `dynamic inventory functionality <https://docs.ansible."
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible uses bridges to connect physical and logical network "
"interfaces on the host to virtual network interfaces within containers."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible menggunakan bridge untuk menghubungkan antarmuka jaringan "
"fisik dan logis pada host ke antarmuka jaringan virtual dalam kontainer."
msgid "OpenStack-Ansible wrapper"
msgstr "Pembungkus OpenStack-Ansible"
msgid ""
"Operations taken by this script only affect the ``/etc/opentstack_deploy/"
"openstack_inventory.json`` file; any new or removed information must be set "
"by running playbooks."
msgstr ""
"Operasi yang dilakukan oleh skrip ini hanya mempengaruhi file ``/etc/"
"opentstack_deploy/openstack_inventory.json``; setiap informasi baru atau "
"yang dihapus harus disetel dengan menjalankan playbook."
msgid "Outputs"
msgstr "Outputs"
msgid "Overriding .conf files"
msgstr "File Overriding .conf"
msgid "Overriding .json files"
msgstr "Mengganti file .json"
msgid "Overriding .yml files"
msgstr "Mengganti file .yml"
msgid "Overriding OpenStack configuration defaults"
msgstr "Mengganti default konfigurasi OpenStack"
msgid "Overriding default configuration"
msgstr "Mengganti konfigurasi default"
msgid "Physical host interfaces"
msgstr "Antarmuka host fisik"
msgid "Please confer to the inventory section of this reference."
msgstr "Silakan berunding ke bagian inventaris dari referensi ini."
msgid ""
"Possible additional overrides can be found in the \"Tunable Section\" of "
"each role's ``main.yml`` file, such as ``/etc/ansible/roles/role_name/"
msgstr ""
"Kemungkinan override tambahan dapat ditemukan di \"Tunable Section\" dari "
"setiap file ``main.yml`` peran, seperti ``/etc/ansible/roles/role_name/"
msgid "Prevents unauthorized network surveillance"
msgstr "Mencegah pengawasan jaringan yang tidak sah"
msgid "Project scope"
msgstr "Ruang lingkup proyek"
msgid "Python wheels for all services that are deployed in the environment"
msgstr ""
"Roda Python (python wheel) untuk semua layanan yang digunakan di lingkungan"
msgid "RabbitMQ"
msgstr "RabbitMQ"
msgid "Reduces damage from unknown or unpatched service vulnerabilities"
msgstr ""
"Mengurangi kerusakan dari kerentanan layanan yang tidak diketahui atau tidak "
"ditambal (unpatched)."
msgid "Reduces the chance of credential theft"
msgstr "Mengurangi kesempatan pencurian kredensial"
msgid "Releases"
msgstr "Rilis (release)"
msgid ""
"Remove the ``physical_skel`` link between the container group and the host "
"group by deleting the related file located in the ``env.d/`` directory."
msgstr ""
"Hapus tautan ``physical_skel`` antara grup kontainer dan grup host dengan "
"menghapus file terkait yang terletak di direktori ``env.d/`` ."
msgid "Removing a host"
msgstr "Menghapus host"
msgid "Repository"
msgstr "Repositori"
msgid "Role defaults"
msgstr "Role defaults"
msgid "Role vars"
msgstr "Role vars"
msgid ""
"Roles within the Openstack-Ansible umbrella are built using Ansible best "
"practices and contain namespaced variables that are *human* understandable. "
"All roles are independant of each other and testable separately."
msgstr ""
"Peran dalam Openstack-Ansible umbrella dibangun menggunakan praktik terbaik "
"Ansible dan berisi variabel dengan nama *human* yang dapat dimengerti. Semua "
"peran independen satu sama lain dan dapat diuji secara terpisah."
msgid "Run as quickly as possible"
msgstr "Jalankan secepat mungkin"
msgid "Run the following command:"
msgstr "Jalankan perintah berikut:"
msgid "Securing network access to OpenStack services"
msgstr "Mengamankan akses jaringan ke layanan OpenStack"
msgid "Security"
msgstr "Keamanan"
msgid ""
"Security is one of the top priorities within OpenStack-Ansible (OSA), and "
"many security enhancements for OpenStack clouds are available in deployments "
"by default. This section provides a detailed overview of the most important "
"security enhancements."
msgstr ""
"Keamanan adalah salah satu prioritas utama dalam OpenStack-Ansible (OSA), "
"dan banyak peningkatan keamanan untuk awan OpenStack tersedia dalam "
"penyebaran secara default. Bagian ini memberikan tinjauan mendetail tentang "
"peningkatan keamanan yang paling penting."
msgid "Service architecture"
msgstr "Arsitektur layanan"
msgid ""
"Services running \"on metal\" (deploying directly on the physical hosts)"
msgstr "Layanan berjalan \"on metal\" (menyebar langsung di host fisik)"
msgid "Services that *all end users* can access"
msgstr "Layanan yang *all end users* dapat mengakses"
msgid "Services that *only administrators or operators* can access"
msgstr "Layanan *only administrators or operators* yang dapat mengakses."
msgid "Setting overrides in configuration files with config_template"
msgstr "Pengaturan menimpa dalam file konfigurasi dengan config_template"
msgid ""
"Should an ``env.d`` directory be found in the directory specified by ``--"
"config``, its contents will be added to the base environment, overriding any "
"previous contents in the event of conflicts."
msgstr ""
"Jika direktori ``env.d`` ditemukan di direktori yang ditentukan oleh `` --"
"config``, isinya akan ditambahkan ke lingkungan basis, menggantikan semua "
"konten sebelumnya jika terjadi konflik."
msgid ""
"Show container details including operational state, resource utilization, "
"and ``veth`` pairs:"
msgstr ""
"Tampilkan detail container termasuk keadaan operasional, pemanfaatan sumber "
"daya, dan pasangan ``veth``:"
msgid ""
"Some roles, like uwsgi, are used for lot of roles, and have \"special\" "
"overrides, (like `uwsgi_ini_overrides`) which can be defined to impact all "
"services which are using uwsgi. These variables are \"special\" as they will "
"have precedence over role defined `*_uwsgi_ini_overrides`."
msgstr ""
"Beberapa peran, seperti uwsgi, digunakan untuk banyak peran, dan memiliki "
"penggantian \"special\", (seperti `uwsgi_ini_overrides`) yang dapat "
"ditentukan untuk memengaruhi semua layanan yang menggunakan uwsgi. Variabel "
"ini \"special\" karena akan didahulukan daripada peran yang ditentukan `* "
msgid "Source based deployments"
msgstr "Sumber berdasarkan penyebaran"
msgid "Start a container:"
msgstr "Mulai container:"
msgid "Stop a container:"
msgstr "Hentikan container:"
msgid "Storage architecture"
msgstr "Arsitektur penyimpanan"
msgid "Swift storage (for direct access to drive)"
msgstr "Swift storage (untuk akses langsung ke drive)"
msgid ""
"The \"containerized\" applications are sometimes grouped within a single "
"container where it makes sense, or distributed in multiple containers based "
"on application and or architectural needs."
msgstr ""
"Aplikasi \"containerized\" biasanya dikelompokkan dalam satu kontainer yang "
"masuk akal, atau didistribusikan dalam beberapa kontainer berdasarkan "
"aplikasi dan atau kebutuhan arsitektur."
msgid ""
"The Block Storage (cinder) service manages volumes on storage devices in an "
"environment. In a production environment, the device presents storage via a "
"storage protocol (for example, NFS, iSCSI, or Ceph RBD) to a storage network "
"(``br-storage``) and a storage management API to the management network "
"(``br-mgmt``). Instances are connected to the volumes via the storage "
"network by the hypervisor on the Compute host."
msgstr ""
"Layanan Block Storage (cinder) mengelola volume pada perangkat penyimpanan "
"di lingkungan. Dalam lingkungan produksi, perangkat menyajikan penyimpanan "
"melalui protokol penyimpanan (misalnya, NFS, iSCSI, atau Ceph RBD) ke "
"jaringan penyimpanan (`br-storage``) dan API manajemen penyimpanan ke "
"jaringan manajemen (``br-mgmt``). Instance terhubung ke volume melalui "
"jaringan penyimpanan oleh hypervisor pada host Compute."
msgid ""
"The Compute host is configured with access to the storage device. The "
"Compute host accesses the storage space via the storage network (``br-"
"storage``) by using a storage protocol (for example, NFS, iSCSI, or Ceph "
msgstr ""
"Host Compute dikonfigurasi dengan akses ke perangkat penyimpanan. Host "
"Compute mengakses ruang penyimpanan melalui jaringan penyimpanan (``br-"
"storage``) dengan menggunakan protokol penyimpanan (misalnya, NFS, iSCSI, "
"atau Ceph RBD)."
msgid ""
"The Image service (glance) can be configured to store images on a variety of "
"storage back ends supported by the `glance_store drivers`_."
msgstr ""
"Layanan Image (glance) dapat dikonfigurasikan untuk menyimpan image pada "
"berbagai back end yang didukung oleh `glance_store drivers`_."
msgid ""
"The Object Storage (swift) service implements a highly available, "
"distributed, eventually consistent object/blob store that is accessible via "
msgstr ""
"Layanan Object Storage (swift) mengimplementasikan penyimpanan object/blob "
"konsisten yang sangat tersedia, didistribusikan, akhirnya dapat diakses "
"melalui HTTP/HTTPS."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack series names are alphabetical, with each letter matched to a "
"number (eg: Austin = 1, Bexar = 2, Newton = 14, Pike = 16, etc). OSA adopted "
"the same ``<MAJOR>`` release numbering as the Nova project to match the "
"overall OpenStack series version numbering."
msgstr ""
"Nama-nama seri OpenStack adalah abjad, dengan setiap huruf dicocokkan dengan "
"nomor (misalnya: Austin = 1, Bexar = 2, Newton = 14, Pike = 16, dll). OSA "
"mengadopsi penomoran rilis ``<MAJOR>`` yang sama dengan proyek Nova untuk "
"mencocokkan penomoran versi seri OpenStack secara keseluruhan."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack-Ansible project provides a basic OpenStack environment, but "
"many deployers will wish to extend the environment based on their needs. "
"This could include installing extra services, changing package versions, or "
"overriding existing variables."
msgstr ""
"Proyek OpenStack-Ansible menyediakan lingkungan OpenStack dasar, tetapi "
"banyak deployer akan ingin memperluas lingkungan berdasarkan kebutuhan "
"mereka. Ini bisa termasuk menginstal layanan tambahan, mengubah versi paket, "
"atau mengganti variabel yang ada."
msgid ""
"The Train release of openstack-ansible adds an optional new config file "
"which defaults to ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user-role-requirements.yml``. It "
"is in the same format as ``ansible-role-requirements.yml`` and can be used "
"to add new roles or selectively override existing ones. New roles listed in "
"``user-role-requirements.yml`` will be merged with those in ``ansible-role-"
"requirements.yml``, and roles with matching names will override those in "
"``ansible-role-requirements.yml``. It is easy for a deployer to keep this "
"file under their own version control and out of the openstack-ansible tree."
msgstr ""
"Rilis Train openstack-ansible menambahkan file konfigurasi baru opsional "
"yang secara default ke ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user-role-requirements.yml``. "
"Itu dalam format yang sama dengan ``ansible-role-requirement.yml`` dan dapat "
"digunakan untuk menambahkan peran baru atau secara selektif menimpa yang "
"sudah ada. Peran baru yang tercantum dalam ``user-role-needs.yml`` akan "
"digabungkan dengan yang ada di ``ansible-role-requirement.yml``, dan peran "
"dengan nama yang cocok akan menggantikan yang ada di ``ansible-role-"
"requirements.yml``. Mudah bagi seorang penggelar untuk menjaga file ini di "
"bawah kendali versi mereka sendiri dan keluar dari openstack-ansible tree."
msgid ""
"The `LVMVolumeDriver`_ is designed as a reference driver implementation, "
"which we do not recommend for production usage. The LVM storage back-end is "
"a single-server solution that provides no high-availability options. If the "
"server becomes unavailable, then all volumes managed by the ``cinder-"
"volume`` service running on that server become unavailable. Upgrading the "
"operating system packages (for example, kernel or iSCSI) on the server "
"causes storage connectivity outages because the iSCSI service (or the host) "
msgstr ""
"`LVMVolumeDriver`_ dirancang sebagai implementasi driver referensi, yang "
"kami tidak rekomendasikan untuk penggunaan produksi. Back-end penyimpanan "
"LVM adalah solusi server tunggal yang tidak menyediakan opsi ketersediaan "
"tinggi (high-availability). Jika server menjadi tidak tersedia, maka semua "
"volume yang dikelola oleh layanan ``cinder-volume`` yang berjalan di server "
"itu menjadi tidak tersedia. Meningkatkan paket sistem operasi (misalnya, "
"kernel atau iSCSI) di server menyebabkan gangguan konektivitas penyimpanan "
"karena layanan iSCSI (atau host) restart."
msgid ""
"The `Linux Security Modules`_ (LSM) framework allows administrators to set "
"`mandatory access controls`_ (MAC) on a Linux system. MAC is different than "
"`discretionary access controls`_ (DAC) because the kernel enforces strict "
"policies that no user can bypass. Although any user might be able to change "
"a DAC policy (such as ``chown bob secret.txt``), only the ``root`` user can "
"alter a MAC policy."
msgstr ""
"Kerangka kerja `Linux Security Modules`_ (LSM) memungkinkan administrator "
"untuk mengatur `mandatory access controls`_ (MAC) pada sistem Linux. MAC "
"berbeda dari `discretionary access controls`_ (DAC) karena kernel "
"memberlakukan kebijakan ketat yang tidak dapat dilewati oleh pengguna. "
"Meskipun setiap pengguna mungkin dapat mengubah kebijakan DAC (seperti "
"``chown bob secret.txt``), hanya pengguna ``root`` yang dapat mengubah "
"kebijakan MAC."
msgid ""
"The ``--clear-ips`` parameter can be used to remove all container IP address "
"information from the ``openstack_inventory.json`` file. Baremetal hosts will "
"not be changed."
msgstr ""
"Parameter ``--clear-ips`` dapat digunakan untuk menghapus semua informasi "
"alamat IP kontainer dari file ``openstack_inventory.json``. Host bare metal "
"tidak akan diubah."
msgid ""
"The ``--debug/-d`` parameter allows writing of a detailed log file for "
"debugging the inventory script's behavior. The output is written to "
"``inventory.log`` in the current working directory."
msgstr ""
"Parameter ``--debug/-d`` memungkinkan penulisan file log terperinci untuk "
"debugging perilaku skrip inventaris. Output ditulis ke ``inventory.log`` di "
"direktori kerja saat ini."
msgid ""
"The ``--environment/-e`` argument will take the path to a directory "
"containing an ``env.d`` directory. This defaults to ``inventory/`` in the "
"OpenStack-Ansible codebase."
msgstr ""
"Argumen ``--environment / -e`` akan membawa path ke direktori yang berisi "
"direktori ``env.d``. Ini default ke ``inventory/`` di basis kode OpenStack-"
msgid ""
"The ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d`` directory sources all YAML files into "
"the deployed environment, allowing a deployer to define additional group "
"mappings. This directory is used to extend the environment skeleton, or "
"modify the defaults defined in the ``inventory/env.d`` directory."
msgstr ""
"Direktori ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d`` sumber semua file YAML ke dalam "
"lingkungan yang digunakan, yang memungkinkan seorang deployer untuk "
"menentukan pemetaan grup tambahan. Direktori ini digunakan untuk memperluas "
"kerangka lingkungan, atau memodifikasi default yang ditentukan dalam "
"direktori ``inventory/env.d``."
msgid ""
"The ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_inventory.json`` file is read by "
"default. An alternative file can be specified with ``--file``."
msgstr ""
"File ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_inventory.json`` dibaca secara "
"default. File alternatif dapat ditentukan dengan ``--file``."
msgid ""
"The ``all_containers`` group is automatically defined by OpenStack-Ansible. "
"Any service component managed by OpenStack-Ansible maps to a subset of the "
"``all_containers`` inventory group, directly or indirectly through another "
"intermediate container group."
msgstr ""
"Grup ``all_containers`` secara otomatis ditentukan oleh OpenStack-Ansible. "
"Komponen layanan apa pun yang dikelola oleh peta OpenStack-Ansible ke subset "
"dari grup inventory ``all_containers``, langsung atau tidak langsung melalui "
"grup kontainer perantara lainnya."
msgid ""
"The ``cinder-volume`` component is deployed directly on the host by default. "
"See the ``env.d/cinder.yml`` file for this example."
msgstr ""
"Komponen ``cinder-volume`` digunakan secara langsung pada host secara "
"default. Lihat file ``env.d/cinder.yml`` untuk contoh ini."
msgid ""
"The ``cinder-volume`` service does not run in a highly available "
"configuration. When the ``cinder-volume`` service is configured to manage "
"volumes on the same back end from multiple hosts or containers, one service "
"is scheduled to manage the life cycle of the volume until an alternative "
"service is assigned to do so. This assignment can be made through the "
"`cinder-manage CLI tool`_. This configuration might change if `cinder volume "
"active-active support spec`_ is implemented."
msgstr ""
"Layanan ``cinder-volume`` tidak berjalan dalam konfigurasi yang sangat "
"tersedia. Ketika layanan ``cinder-volume`` dikonfigurasikan untuk mengelola "
"volume di back end yang sama dari beberapa host atau container, satu layanan "
"dijadwalkan untuk mengelola siklus masa pakai volume hingga layanan "
"alternatif ditugaskan untuk melakukannya. Tugas ini dapat dilakukan melalui "
"`cinder-manage CLI tool`_. Konfigurasi ini dapat berubah jika `cinder volume "
"active-active support spec`_ diimplementasikan."
msgid ""
"The ``dynamic_inventory.py`` takes the ``--config`` argument for the "
"directory holding configuration from which to create the inventory. If not "
"specified, the default is ``/etc/openstack_deploy/``."
msgstr ""
"``dynamic_inventory.py`` mengambil argumen `` --config`` untuk direktori "
"yang menyimpan konfigurasi untuk membuat inventory. Jika tidak ditentukan, "
"standarnya adalah ``/etc/openstack_deploy/``."
msgid ""
"The ``haproxy.yml.example`` file in the ``conf.d/`` directory provides a "
"simple example of defining a host group (``haproxy_hosts``) with two hosts "
"(``infra1`` and ``infra2``)."
msgstr ""
"File ``haproxy.yml.example`` dalam direktori ``conf.d/`` memberikan contoh "
"sederhana untuk mendefinisikan grup host (``haproxy_hosts``) dengan dua host "
"(``infra1`` dan ``infra2``)."
msgid ""
"The ``identity_hosts`` dictionary defines an Ansible inventory group named "
"``identity_hosts`` containing the three infra hosts. The configuration file "
"``inventory/env.d/keystone.yml`` defines additional Ansible inventory groups "
"for the containers that are deployed onto the three hosts named with the "
"prefix *infra*."
msgstr ""
"Kamus ``identity_hosts`` mendefinisikan kelompok inventaris yang mungkin "
"bernama ``identity_hosts`` yang berisi tiga host infra. File konfigurasi "
"``inventory/env.d/keystone.yml`` mendefinisikan grup inventaris tambahan "
"yang mungkin untuk container yang disebarkan ke tiga host yang dinamai "
"dengan awalan *infra*."
msgid "The ``inventory.log`` file is appended to, not overwritten."
msgstr "File ``inventory.log`` ditambahkan ke, bukan ditimpa."
msgid ""
"The ``nova-compute`` service configures the hypervisor to present the "
"allocated instance disk as a device to the instance."
msgstr ""
"Layanan ``nova-compute`` mengkonfigurasi hypervisor untuk menyajikan disk "
"turunan yang dialokasikan sebagai perangkat ke instance."
msgid ""
"The ``openstack_inventory.json`` file is the source of truth for the "
"environment. Deleting this in a production environment means that the UUID "
"portion of container names will be regenerated, which then results in new "
"containers being created. Containers generated under the previous version "
"will no longer be recognized by Ansible, even if reachable via SSH."
msgstr ""
"File ``openstack_inventory.json`` adalah sumber kebenaran untuk lingkungan. "
"Menghapus ini dalam lingkungan produksi berarti bahwa porsi UUID dari nama "
"container akan dibuat ulang, yang kemudian menghasilkan container baru yang "
"dibuat. Kontainer yang dibuat di bawah versi sebelumnya tidak akan lagi "
"dikenali oleh Ansible, bahkan jika bisa dicapai melalui SSH."
msgid ""
"The ``openstack_user_config.yml.example`` file is heavily commented with the "
"details of how to do more advanced container networking configuration. The "
"contents of the file are shown here for reference."
msgstr ""
"File ``openstack_user_config.yml.example`` banyak dikomentari dengan "
"perincian tentang bagaimana melakukan konfigurasi jaringan kontainer yang "
"lebih maju. Isi file ditampilkan di sini untuk referensi."
msgid ""
"The ``swift-proxy`` service is accessed by clients via the load balancer on "
"the management network (``br-mgmt``). The ``swift-proxy`` service "
"communicates with the Account, Container, and Object services on the Object "
"Storage hosts via the storage network(``br-storage``). Replication between "
"the Object Storage hosts is done via the replication network (``br-repl``)."
msgstr ""
"Layanan ``swift-proxy`` diakses oleh klien melalui load balancer pada "
"jaringan manajemen (``br-mgmt``)). Layanan ``swift-proxy`` berkomunikasi "
"dengan layanan Account, Container, dan Object pada host Storage Object "
"melalui jaringan penyimpanan (``br-storage``). Replikasi antara host Object "
"Storage dilakukan melalui jaringan replikasi (``br-repl``)."
msgid ""
"The ``swift.yml.example`` file provides a more complex example. Here, host "
"variables for a target host are specified by using the ``container_vars`` "
"key. OpenStack-Ansible applies all entries under this key as host-specific "
"variables to any component containers on the specific host."
msgstr ""
"File ``swift.yml.example`` memberikan contoh yang lebih kompleks. Di sini, "
"variabel host untuk host target ditentukan dengan menggunakan kunci "
"``container_vars``. OpenStack-Ansible menerapkan semua entri di bawah kunci "
"ini sebagai variabel khusus host untuk setiap kontainer komponen pada host "
msgid ""
"The `principle of least privilege`_ is used throughout OpenStack-Ansible to "
"limit the damage that could be caused if an attacker gains access to any "
msgstr ""
"Prinsip `principle of least privilege`_ digunakan di seluruh OpenStack-"
"Ansible untuk membatasi kerusakan yang dapat disebabkan jika penyerang "
"mendapatkan akses ke kredensial."
msgid ""
"The absence of ``br-vlan`` in-path of instance traffic is also reflected on "
"compute nodes, as shown in the following diagram."
msgstr ""
"Tidak adanya ``br-vlan`` di jalur lalu lintas instance juga tercermin pada "
"node komputasi, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada diagram berikut."
msgid "The ansible roles are stored under ``/etc/ansible/roles``."
msgstr "Peran ansible disimpan di bawah ``/etc/ansible/roles``."
msgid "The code is generally located into ``/opt/openstack-ansible``."
msgstr "Kode ini umumnya terletak di ``/opt/openstack-ansible``."
msgid ""
"The combination of containers and flexible deployment options requires "
"implementation of advanced Linux networking features, such as bridges and "
msgstr ""
"Kombinasi kontainer dan opsi penerapan fleksibel memerlukan implementasi "
"fitur jaringan Linux yang canggih, seperti jembatan dan ruang nama (bridge "
"and namespace)"
msgid ""
"The containers are not a mean of securing a system. The containers were not "
"chosen for any eventual security safe guards. The machine containers were "
"chosen because of their practicality with regard to providing a more uniform "
"OpenStack deployment. Even if the abstractions that the containers provides "
"do improve overall deployment security these potential benefits are not the "
"intention of the containerization of services."
msgstr ""
"Kontainer bukan berarti mengamankan sistem. Kontainer itu tidak dipilih "
"untuk setiap penjaga keamanan yang aman akhirnya. Kontainer mesin dipilih "
"karena kepraktisan mereka sehubungan dengan penyediaan penyebaran OpenStack "
"yang lebih seragam. Bahkan jika abstraksi yang disediakan oleh kontainer "
"meningkatkan keamanan penerapan secara keseluruhan, manfaat potensial ini "
"bukan tujuan dari kontainer layanan."
msgid ""
"The default container architecture has been built in such a way to allow for "
"scalability and highly available deployments."
msgstr ""
"Arsitektur kontainer bawaan telah dibuat sedemikian rupa untuk memungkinkan "
"skalabilitas dan penyebaran yang sangat tersedia."
msgid ""
"The default layout does not rely exclusively on groups being subsets of "
"other groups. The ``memcache`` component group is part of the "
"``memcache_container`` group, as well as the ``memcache_all`` group and also "
"contains a ``memcached`` component group. If you review the ``playbooks/"
"memcached-install.yml`` playbook, you see that the playbook applies to hosts "
"in the ``memcached`` group. Other services might have more complex "
"deployment needs. They define and consume inventory container groups "
"differently. Mapping components to several groups in this way allows "
"flexible targeting of roles and tasks."
msgstr ""
"Tata letak default tidak hanya bergantung pada grup yang merupakan himpunan "
"bagian dari grup lain. Grup komponen ``memcache`` adalah bagian dari grup "
"``memcache_container``, serta grup ``memcache_all`` dan juga berisi grup "
"komponen ``memcached``. Jika Anda meninjau playbook ``playbooks/memcached-"
"install.yml``, Anda melihat bahwa playbook tersebut berlaku untuk host di "
"grup ``memcached``. Layanan lain mungkin memiliki kebutuhan penyebaran yang "
"lebih kompleks. Mereka mendefinisikan dan mengkonsumsi kelompok container "
"inventaris secara berbeda. Memetakan komponen ke beberapa grup dengan cara "
"ini memungkinkan penargetan peran dan tugas yang fleksibel."
msgid ""
"The default layout of containers and services in OpenStack-Ansible (OSA) is "
"determined by the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` file "
"and the contents of both the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/`` and ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/env.d/`` directories. You use these sources to define the "
"*group* mappings that the playbooks use to target hosts and containers for "
"roles used in the deploy."
msgstr ""
"Tata letak kontainer dan layanan default di OpenStack-Ansible (OSA) "
"ditentukan oleh file ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` "
"dan isi dari kedua direktori ``/etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/`` dan ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/env.d/``. Anda menggunakan sumber-sumber ini untuk "
"menentukan pemetaan *group* yang digunakan playbook untuk menargetkan host "
"dan container untuk peran yang digunakan dalam deploy."
msgid "The diagram shows a basic overview of the manila service."
msgstr ""
"Diagram menunjukkan gambaran umum (basic overview) dasar layanan manila."
msgid "The diagram shows the following steps."
msgstr "Diagram menunjukkan langkah-langkah berikut."
msgid "The dynamic inventory script does the following:"
msgstr "Skrip inventory dinamis melakukan hal berikut:"
msgid ""
"The environment variables set would use ``../openstack-ansible/playbooks/"
msgstr ""
"Variabel lingkungan yang ditetapkan akan digunakan ``../openstack-ansible/"
msgid ""
"The file ``scripts/inventory-manage.py`` is used to produce human readable "
"output based on the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_inventory.json`` file."
msgstr ""
"File ``scripts/inventory-manage.py`` digunakan untuk menghasilkan output "
"yang dapat dibaca manusia berdasarkan pada file ``/etc/openstack_deploy/"
msgid "The following are some useful commands to manage LXC:"
msgstr "Berikut ini adalah beberapa perintah yang berguna untuk mengelola LXC:"
msgid ""
"The following diagram illustrates how Block Storage is connected to "
msgstr ""
"Diagram berikut menggambarkan bagaimana Block Storage terhubung ke instance."
msgid "The following diagram illustrates how data is accessed and replicated."
msgstr "Diagram berikut menggambarkan bagaimana data diakses dan direplikasi."
msgid ""
"The following diagram illustrates the interactions between the Image "
"service, the storage device, and the ``nova-compute`` service when an "
"instance is created."
msgstr ""
"Diagram berikut menggambarkan interaksi antara layanan Image, perangkat "
"penyimpanan, dan layanan ``nova-compute`` ketika sebuah instance dibuat."
msgid ""
"The following diagram shows how all of the interfaces and bridges "
"interconnect to provide network connectivity to the OpenStack deployment:"
msgstr ""
"Diagram berikut menunjukkan bagaimana semua antarmuka dan jembatan saling "
"terhubung untuk menyediakan konektivitas jaringan ke penyebaran OpenStack:"
msgid ""
"The following diagram shows how the Networking service (neutron) agents work "
"with the ``br-vlan`` and ``br-vxlan`` bridges. Neutron is configured to use "
"a DHCP agent, an L3 agent, and a Linux Bridge agent within a networking-"
"agents container. The diagram shows how DHCP agents provide information (IP "
"addresses and DNS servers) to the instances, and how routing works on the "
msgstr ""
"Diagram berikut menunjukkan bagaimana layanan Networking (neutron) bekerja "
"dengan jembatan ``br-vlan`` dan ``br-vxlan``. Neutron dikonfigurasi untuk "
"menggunakan agen DHCP, agen L3, dan agen Linux Bridge dalam kontainer "
"networking-agent. Diagram menunjukkan bagaimana agen DHCP memberikan "
"informasi (alamat IP dan server DNS) ke instance, dan bagaimana routing "
"bekerja pada image."
msgid ""
"The following diagram shows how virtual machines connect to the ``br-vlan`` "
"and ``br-vxlan`` bridges and send traffic to the network outside the host:"
msgstr ""
"Diagram berikut menunjukkan bagaimana mesin virtual terhubung ke jembatan "
"``br-vlan`` dan ``br-vxlan`` dan mengirim lalu lintas ke jaringan di luar "
msgid "The following file must be present in the configuration directory:"
msgstr "File berikut harus ada di direktori konfigurasi:"
msgid ""
"The following image demonstrates how the container network interfaces are "
"connected to the host's bridges and physical network interfaces:"
msgstr ""
"Image berikut menunjukkan bagaimana antarmuka jaringan kontainer terhubung "
"ke jembatan host (host's bridge) dan antarmuka jaringan fisik:"
msgid ""
"The following sections describe the services that OpenStack-Ansible deploys."
msgstr "Bagian berikut menjelaskan layanan yang digunakan OpenStack-Ansible."
msgid ""
"The general format for the variable names used for overrides is "
"``<service>_<filename>_<file extension>_overrides``. For example, the "
"variable name used in these examples to add parameters to the ``nova.conf`` "
"file is ``nova_nova_conf_overrides``."
msgstr ""
"Format umum untuk nama variabel yang digunakan untuk penggantian adalah "
"``<service>_<filename>_<file extension>_overrides``. Sebagai contoh, nama "
"variabel yang digunakan dalam contoh ini untuk menambahkan parameter ke file "
"``nova.conf`` adalah ``nova_nova_conf_overrides``."
msgid ""
"The general format for the variable names used for overrides is "
"``<service>_<filename>_<file extension>_overrides``. For example, the "
"variable name used in this example to define a meter exclusion in the "
"``pipeline.yml`` file for the Telemetry service (ceilometer) is "
msgstr ""
"Format umum untuk nama variabel yang digunakan untuk penggantian adalah "
"``<service>_<filename>_<file extension>_overrides``. Misalnya, nama variabel "
"yang digunakan dalam contoh ini untuk menentukan pengecualian meter dalam "
"file ``pipeline.yml`` untuk layanan Telemetri (ceilometer) adalah "
msgid ""
"The general format for the variable names used for overrides is "
"``<service>_policy_overrides``. For example, the variable name used in this "
"example to add a policy to the Identity service (keystone) ``policy.json`` "
"file is ``keystone_policy_overrides``."
msgstr ""
"Format umum untuk nama variabel yang digunakan untuk penggantian adalah "
"``<service>_policy_overrides``. Misalnya, nama variabel yang digunakan "
"dalam contoh ini untuk menambahkan kebijakan ke layanan Identity (keystone) "
"file ``policy.json`` adalah ``keystone_policy_overrides``."
msgid "The hypervisor presents the disk as a device to the instance."
msgstr "Hypervisor menyajikan disk sebagai perangkat ke instance."
msgid ""
"The interface ``lxcbr0`` provides connectivity for the containers to the "
"outside world, thanks to dnsmasq (dhcp/dns) + NAT."
msgstr ""
"Antarmuka ``lxcbr0`` menyediakan konektivitas untuk kontainer ke dunia luar, "
"berkat dnsmasq (dhcp / dns) + NAT."
msgid "The list of overrides available may be found by executing:"
msgstr "Daftar penggantian yang tersedia dapat ditemukan dengan menjalankan:"
msgid "The lxc_hosts Group"
msgstr "Grup lxc_hosts"
msgid ""
"The only exception to this rule is for the ``master`` branch, which "
"intentionally consumes the ``master`` branch from all roles between releases "
"so that any changes are immediately integration tested."
msgstr ""
"Satu-satunya pengecualian untuk aturan ini adalah untuk branch ``master``, "
"yang sengaja mengkonsumsi branch ``master`` dari semua role di antara rilis "
"sehingga setiap perubahan segera diuji integrasi."
msgid ""
"The paths to the ``openstack-ansible`` top level directory can be relative "
"in this file."
msgstr ""
"Path ke direktori level atas ``openstack-ansible`` dapat bersifat relatif "
"dalam file ini."
msgid ""
"The relevant environment variables for OpenStack-Ansible are as follows:"
msgstr ""
"Variabel lingkungan yang relevan untuk OpenStack-Ansible adalah sebagai "
msgid "The rendered file on disk, namely ``/tmp/test.ini`` looks like this:"
msgstr ""
"File yang diberikan pada disk, yaitu ``/tmp/test.ini`` terlihat seperti ini:"
msgid ""
"The repository holds the reference set of artifacts that are used for the "
"installation of the environment. The artifacts include:"
msgstr ""
"Repositori menyimpan set artefak referensi yang digunakan untuk instalasi "
"lingkungan. Artefak meliputi:"
msgid ""
"The roles will be fetched into the standard ``ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH``, which "
"defaults to ``/etc/ansible/roles``."
msgstr ""
"Peran akan diambil ke standar ``ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH``, yang standarnya adalah "
msgid ""
"The same JSON structure is printed to stdout, which is consumed by Ansible "
"as the inventory for the playbooks."
msgstr ""
"Struktur JSON yang sama dicetak ke stdout, yang dikonsumsi oleh Ansible "
"sebagai inventory untuk playbook."
msgid ""
"The same script can be used to safely remove hosts from the inventory, "
"export the inventory based on hosts, and clear IP addresses from containers "
"within the inventory files."
msgstr ""
"Skrip yang sama dapat digunakan untuk menghapus host dengan aman dari "
"inventory, mengekspor inventory berdasarkan host, dan menghapus alamat IP "
"dari kontainer di dalam file inventory."
msgid ""
"The same way you can apply overrides to the uwsgi services. For example:"
msgstr ""
"Dengan cara yang sama Anda dapat menerapkan penggantian ke layanan uwsgi. "
"Sebagai contoh:"
msgid ""
"The script that creates the inventory is located at ``inventory/"
msgstr ""
"Skrip yang membuat inventaris terletak di ``inventory/dynamic_inventory.py``."
msgid ""
"The shared filesystem service (manila) can be configured to provide file "
"systems on a variety of storage back ends as supported by the `manila_store "
msgstr ""
"Layanan filesystem bersama (manila) dapat dikonfigurasikan untuk menyediakan "
"sistem file pada berbagai ujung belakang penyimpanan sebagaimana didukung "
"oleh `manila_store drivers`_."
msgid ""
"The simple nature of machine containers allows the deployer to treat "
"containers as physical machines. The same concepts apply for machine "
"containers and physical machines: This will allow deployers to use existing "
"operational tool sets to troubleshoot issues within a deployment and the "
"ability to revert an application or service within inventory to a known "
"working state without having to re-kick a physical host."
msgstr ""
"Sifat sederhana dari kontainer mesin memungkinkan penyusun untuk "
"memperlakukan kontainer sebagai mesin fisik. Konsep yang sama berlaku untuk "
"kontainer mesin dan mesin fisik: Hal ini akan memungkinkan deployer untuk "
"menggunakan kumpulan alat operasional yang ada untuk memecahkan masalah "
"dalam penerapan dan kemampuan untuk mengembalikan aplikasi atau layanan "
"dalam inventaris ke keadaan kerja yang diketahui tanpa harus mendepak ulang "
"(re-kick) host fisik."
msgid ""
"The system will allow you to install and build any package that is a python "
"installable. The repository infrastructure will look for and create any git "
"based or PyPi installable package. When the package is built the repo-build "
"role will create the sources as Python wheels to extend the base system and "
msgstr ""
"Sistem akan memungkinkan Anda untuk menginstal dan membangun paket apa pun "
"yang dapat diinstal python. Infrastruktur repositori akan mencari dan "
"membuat paket yang dapat diinstal berbasis git atau PyPi. Ketika paket "
"dibangun, peran repo-build akan membuat sumber sebagai roda (wheel) Python "
"untuk memperluas sistem dan persyaratan dasar."
msgid ""
"The use of ``container_vars`` and mapping from container groups to host "
"groups is the same for a service deployed directly onto the host."
msgstr ""
"Penggunaan ``container_vars`` dan pemetaan dari grup container ke grup host "
"sama dengan layanan yang disebarkan langsung ke host."
msgid ""
"The use of containers allows for additional abstractions of entire "
"application stacks to be run all within the same physical host machines."
msgstr ""
"Penggunaan kontainer memungkinkan untuk abstraksi tambahan dari seluruh "
"tumpukan aplikasi (application stack) untuk dijalankan semua dalam mesin "
"host fisik yang sama."
msgid ""
"There is no ``ansible.cfg`` provided with OpenStack-Ansible. Environment "
"variables are used to alter the default Ansible behavior if necessary."
msgstr ""
"Tidak ada ``ansible.cfg`` yang disediakan dengan OpenStack-Ansible. Variabel "
"lingkungan digunakan untuk mengubah perilaku Ansible default jika perlu."
msgid ""
"These are the options available as found within the virtual module "
"documentation section."
msgstr ""
"Ini adalah opsi yang tersedia seperti yang ditemukan dalam bagian "
"dokumentasi modul virtual."
msgid ""
"These policies are applied and governed at the kernel level. Any process "
"that violates a policy is denied access to the resource. All denials are "
"logged in ``auditd`` and are available at ``/var/log/audit/audit.log``."
msgstr ""
"Kebijakan ini diterapkan dan diatur di tingkat kernel. Setiap proses yang "
"melanggar suatu kebijakan tidak diberi akses ke sumber daya. Semua penolakan "
"masuk ``auditd`` dan tersedia di ``/var/log/audit/audit.log``."
msgid ""
"These services *must* be offered on a highly restricted network that is "
"available only to administrative users."
msgstr ""
"Layanan ini *must* ditawarkan pada jaringan yang sangat terbatas yang hanya "
"tersedia untuk pengguna administratif."
msgid ""
"These services include Compute (nova), Object Storage (swift), Networking "
"(neutron), and Image (glance)."
msgstr ""
"Layanan ini termasuk Compute (nova), Object Storage (swift), Networking "
"(neutron), and Image (glance)."
msgid ""
"These services include MariaDB, Memcached, RabbitMQ, and the admin API "
"endpoint for the Identity (keystone) service."
msgstr ""
"Layanan ini termasuk MariaDB, Memcached, RabbitMQ, dan admin API endpoint "
"untuk layanan Identity (keystone)."
msgid ""
"These services should be offered on a sufficiently restricted network that "
"still allows all end users to access the services."
msgstr ""
"Layanan ini harus ditawarkan pada jaringan terbatas yang masih memungkinkan "
"semua pengguna akhir (end user) untuk mengakses layanan."
msgid ""
"These variables are typically internal to the role and are not designed to "
"be overridden. However, deployers may choose to override them using extra-"
"vars by placing the overrides into the user variables file."
msgstr ""
"Variabel ini biasanya internal untuk peran dan tidak dirancang untuk "
"diganti. Namun, deployer dapat memilih untuk menimpa mereka menggunakan "
"extra-vars dengan menempatkan penggantian ke file variabel pengguna."
msgid "They can be overridden at multiple levels."
msgstr "Mereka dapat ditimpa pada berbagai tingkatan."
msgid "This JSON output has two top-level keys: ``hosts`` and ``all``."
msgstr ""
"Output JSON ini memiliki dua kunci tingkat atas: ``hosts`` dan ``all``."
msgid ""
"This allows a deployer to either add new ansible roles, or override the "
"location or SHA of existing individual roles without replacing the original "
"file entirely. It is also straightforward to include the"
msgstr ""
"Ini memungkinkan penyebar untuk menambahkan ansible roles baru, atau menimpa "
"lokasi atau SHA dari peran individu yang ada tanpa mengganti file asli "
"seluruhnya. Ini juga mudah untuk memasukkan"
msgid "This also allows developers to point to their own code for their work."
msgstr ""
"Ini juga memungkinkan pengembang untuk menunjuk kode mereka sendiri untuk "
"pekerjaan mereka."
msgid ""
"This chapter contains all the extra reference information to deploy, "
"configure, or upgrade an OpenStack-Ansible cloud."
msgstr ""
"Bab ini berisi semua informasi referensi tambahan untuk menggunakan, "
"mengkonfigurasi, atau upgrade cloud OpenStack-Ansible."
msgid ""
"This check does not do YAML syntax validation, though it will fail if there "
"are unparseable errors."
msgstr ""
"Pemeriksaan ini tidak melakukan validasi sintaks YAML, meskipun akan gagal "
"jika ada kesalahan yang tidak dapat diurai."
msgid ""
"This configuration deploys a Memcached container and a database container on "
"each host, but no RabbitMQ containers."
msgstr ""
"Konfigurasi ini menyebarkan kontainer Memcached dan kontainer basis data "
"pada setiap host, tetapi tidak ada kontainer RabbitMQ."
msgid ""
"This does mean that a stable OSA deployment will include a version of a "
"service (eg: nova-17.0.3dev4) which does not match a tag exactly as you may "
"expect (eg: nova-17.0.3)."
msgstr ""
"Ini berarti bahwa penyebaran OSA yang stabil akan mencakup versi layanan "
"(misalnya: nova-17.0.3dev4) yang tidak cocok dengan tag persis seperti yang "
"Anda harapkan (misalnya: nova-17.0.3)."
msgid ""
"This flexibility enables deployers to choose how to deploy OpenStack in the "
"appropriate way for the specific use case."
msgstr ""
"Fleksibilitas ini memungkinkan penggelar untuk memilih cara menyebarkan "
"OpenStack dengan cara yang sesuai untuk kasus penggunaan khusus."
msgid ""
"This invocation is useful when testing changes to the dynamic inventory "
msgstr ""
"Seruan ini berguna saat menguji perubahan pada skrip inventory dinamis."
msgid ""
"This means that OpenStack services and their python dependencies are built "
"and installed from source code as found within the OpenStack Git "
"repositories by default, but allow deployers to point to their own "
msgstr ""
"Ini berarti bahwa layanan OpenStack dan dependensi python mereka dibangun "
"dan diinstal dari source code seperti yang ditemukan dalam repositori Git "
"OpenStack secara default, tetapi memungkinkan deployer untuk menunjuk ke "
"repositori mereka sendiri."
msgid ""
"This means that there will never be a time where OpenStack specific "
"packages, as provided by the distributions, are being used for OpenStack "
"services. Third party repositories like *CloudArchive* and or *RDO* may "
"still be required within a given deployment but only as a means to meet "
"application dependencies."
msgstr ""
"Ini berarti bahwa tidak akan pernah ada waktu di mana paket khusus "
"OpenStack, seperti yang disediakan oleh distro, digunakan untuk layanan "
"OpenStack. Repositori pihak ketiga seperti *CloudArchive* dan atau *RDO* "
"mungkin masih diperlukan dalam penyebaran tertentu tetapi hanya sebagai "
"sarana untuk memenuhi dependensi aplikasi."
msgid ""
"This module was not accepted into Ansible Core (see `PR1`_ and `PR2`_), and "
"will never be."
msgstr ""
"Modul ini tidak diterima di Ansible Core (lihat `PR1`_ dan `PR2`_), dan "
"tidak akan pernah ada."
msgid ""
"This project does **not** PXE boot hosts. Host setup and lifecycle "
"management is left to the deployer. This project also requires that bridges "
"are setup within the hosts to allow the containers to attach to a local "
"bridge for network access. See also the :dev_docs:`Container networking "
msgstr ""
"Proyek ini melakukan **not** PXE boot hosts. Penyiapan host dan manajemen "
"siklus hidup diserahkan kepada operator. Proyek ini juga mengharuskan "
"jembatan diset dalam host untuk memungkinkan kontainer untuk melampirkan ke "
"jembatan lokal untuk akses jaringan. Lihat juga :dev_docs:`Container "
"networking <reference/architecture/container-networking.html>`."
msgid ""
"This project introduces containers as a means to abstract services from one "
msgstr ""
"Proyek ini memperkenalkan wadah sebagai sarana untuk memisahkan layanan dari "
"satu sama lain."
msgid ""
"This project will be a **Batteries included** project. Which means deployer "
"can expect that deploying from any of the named feature branches or tags "
"should provide an OpenStack cloud built for production which will be "
"available at the successful completion of the deployment."
msgstr ""
"Proyek ini akan menjadi proyek **Batteries included**. Yang artinya, "
"deployer dapat memperkirakan bahwa penerapan dari cabang atau tag fitur apa "
"pun yang disebutkan harus menyediakan cloud OpenStack yang dibuat untuk "
"produksi yang akan tersedia pada penyelesaian penerapan yang berhasil."
msgid ""
"This section explains how ansible runs the inventory, and how you can run it "
"manually to see its behavior."
msgstr ""
"Bagian ini menjelaskan cara menjalankan inventory, dan bagaimana Anda dapat "
"menjalankannya secara manual untuk melihat perilakunya."
msgid ""
"This variable should point to ``/etc/ansible/plugins/library``. Doing so "
"allows roles and playbooks to access OpenStack-Ansible's included Ansible "
msgstr ""
"Variabel ini harus mengarah ke ``/etc/ansible/plugins/library``. Melakukan "
"hal itu memungkinkan peran dan playbook untuk mengakses modul Ansible yang "
"disertakan OpenStack-Ansible."
msgid ""
"This variable should point to ``/etc/ansible/roles`` by default. This allows "
"Ansible to properly look up any OpenStack-Ansible roles that extension roles "
"may reference."
msgstr ""
"Variabel ini harus menunjuk ke ``/etc/ansible/roles`` secara default. Hal "
"ini memungkinkan Ansible untuk mencari peran OpenStack-Ansible yang dapat "
"direferensikan oleh peran ekstensi."
msgid ""
"This variable should point to ``openstack-ansible/inventory/"
"dynamic_inventory.py``. With this setting, extensions have access to the "
"same dynamic inventory that OpenStack-Ansible uses."
msgstr ""
"Variabel ini harus mengarah ke ``openstack-ansible/inventory/"
"dynamic_inventory.py``. Dengan pengaturan ini, ekstensi memiliki akses ke "
"inventaris dinamis yang sama yang menggunakan OpenStack-Ansible."
msgid ""
"This will *not* change the LXC configuration until the associated playbooks "
"are run and the containers restarted, which will result in API downtime."
msgstr ""
"Ini *not* akan mengubah konfigurasi LXC sampai playbook terkait dijalankan "
"dan container dimulai kembali (restarted), yang akan menyebabkan downtime "
msgid ""
"Three hosts are assigned to the `shared-infra_hosts` group, OpenStack-"
"Ansible ensures that each host runs a single database container, a single "
"Memcached container, and a single RabbitMQ container. Each host has an "
"affinity of 1 by default, which means that each host runs one of each "
"container type."
msgstr ""
"Tiga host ditugaskan ke grup `shared-infra_hosts`, OpenStack-Ansible "
"memastikan bahwa setiap host menjalankan kontainer basis data tunggal, "
"kontainer Memcached tunggal, dan kontainer RabbitMQ tunggal. Setiap host "
"memiliki afinitas 1 secara default, yang berarti bahwa setiap host "
"menjalankan satu dari setiap jenis kontainer."
msgid ""
"To add new interface with that network into dessignate containers, we need "
"to do several actions in ``openstack_user_config.yml``."
msgstr ""
"Untuk menambahkan antarmuka baru dengan jaringan itu ke dalam containers "
"dessignate, kita perlu melakukan beberapa tindakan di "
msgid ""
"To assist you in finding the appropriate variable name to use for overrides, "
"the general format for the variable name is ``<service>_policy_overrides``."
msgstr ""
"Untuk membantu Anda dalam menemukan nama variabel yang sesuai untuk "
"digunakan untuk penggantian, format umum untuk nama variabel adalah "
msgid ""
"To avoid extra configuration, a series of conventions are set into code."
msgstr ""
"Untuk menghindari konfigurasi tambahan, serangkaian konvensi ditetapkan ke "
"dalam kode."
msgid ""
"To continue the example, the ``memcache.yml`` file defines the "
"``memcache_container`` container group. This group is a subset of the "
"``shared-infra_containers`` group, which is itself a subset of the "
"``all_containers`` inventory group."
msgstr ""
"Untuk melanjutkan contoh, file ``memcache.yml`` menentukan grup container "
"``memcache_container``. Grup ini adalah subset dari grup ``shared-"
"infra_containers``, yang merupakan subset grup persediaan ``all_containers``."
msgid ""
"To customize the layout of the components for your deployment, modify the "
"host groups and container groups appropriately before running the "
"installation playbooks."
msgstr ""
"Untuk menyesuaikan tata letak komponen untuk penggunaan Anda, modifikasi "
"grup host dan grup container dengan tepat sebelum menjalankan playbook "
msgid ""
"To deploy a component directly on the host instead of within a container, "
"set the ``is_metal`` property to ``true`` for the container group in the "
"``container_skel`` section in the appropriate file."
msgstr ""
"Untuk menggunakan komponen secara langsung pada host daripada di dalam "
"sebuah container, atur properti ``is_metal`` menjadi ``true`` untuk grup "
"kontainer di bagian ``container_skel`` dalam file yang sesuai."
msgid ""
"To deploy within containers on these dedicated hosts, omit the ``is_metal: "
"true`` property."
msgstr ""
"Untuk menggunakan dalam container pada host khusus ini, abaikan properti "
"``is_metal: true``."
msgid ""
"To do this, you use the following configuration entry in the ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` file:"
msgstr ""
"Untuk melakukan ini, Anda menggunakan entri konfigurasi berikut di file ``/"
msgid ""
"To implement access controls that are different from the ones in a standard "
"OpenStack environment, you can adjust the default policies applied by "
"services. Policy files are in a ``JSON`` format."
msgstr ""
"Untuk menerapkan kontrol akses yang berbeda dari yang ada di lingkungan "
"OpenStack standar, Anda dapat menyesuaikan kebijakan default yang diterapkan "
"oleh layanan. File kebijakan dalam format ``JSON``."
msgid ""
"To learn more about how to customize the deployment of encrypted "
"communications, see :ref:`Securing services with SSL certificates "
msgstr ""
"Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang cara menyesuaikan penyebaran "
"komunikasi terenkripsi, lihat :ref:`Securing services with SSL certificates "
msgid ""
"To manage file size, we recommend that you define new inventory groups, "
"particularly for new services, by using a new file in the ``conf.d/`` "
msgstr ""
"Untuk mengelola ukuran file, kami sarankan Anda mendefinisikan grup "
"inventory baru, terutama untuk layanan baru, dengan menggunakan file baru di "
"direktori ``conf.d/``."
msgid ""
"To omit a component from a deployment, you can use one of several options:"
msgstr ""
"Untuk menghilangkan komponen dari penerapan, Anda dapat menggunakan salah "
"satu dari beberapa opsi:"
msgid ""
"To see a listing of hosts and containers by their group, use ``--list-"
msgstr ""
"Untuk melihat daftar host dan container menurut grup mereka, gunakan ``--"
msgid "To see all of the containers, use ``--list-containers/-G``."
msgstr "Untuk melihat semua container, gunakan ``--list-containers/-G``."
msgid ""
"To understand how the dynamic inventory works, see :ref:`inventory-in-depth`."
msgstr ""
"Untuk memahami cara kerja inventaris dinamis, lihat :ref:`inventory-in-"
msgid "Unbound DNS container"
msgstr "Kontainer DNS tidak terikat"
msgid "Understanding container groups (env.d structure)"
msgstr "Memahami grup container (env.d structure)"
msgid "Understanding host groups (conf.d structure)"
msgstr "Memahami grup host (conf.d structure)"
msgid "Understanding the inventory"
msgstr "Memahami inventory"
msgid "Use the host's name as an argument."
msgstr "Gunakan nama host sebagai argumen."
msgid ""
"Use this method for any files with the ``INI`` format for in OpenStack "
"projects deployed in OpenStack-Ansible."
msgstr ""
"Gunakan metode ini untuk file apa pun dengan format ``INI`` untuk di proyek "
"OpenStack yang digunakan di OpenStack-Ansible."
msgid ""
"Use this method for any files with the ``JSON`` format in OpenStack projects "
"deployed in OpenStack-Ansible."
msgstr ""
"Gunakan metode ini untuk file apa pun dengan format ``JSON`` di proyek "
"OpenStack yang digunakan di OpenStack-Ansible."
msgid "User variables"
msgstr "User variables"
msgid "Userspace configurations"
msgstr "Konfigurasi userspace"
msgid "Using OpenStack-Ansible within your project"
msgstr "Menggunakan OpenStack-Ansible dalam proyek Anda"
msgid ""
"Using ``shared-infra_hosts`` as an example, consider this "
"``openstack_user_config.yml`` configuration:"
msgstr ""
"Dengan menggunakan ``shared-infra_hosts`` sebagai contoh, pertimbangkan "
"konfigurasi ``openstack_user_config.yml`` ini:"
msgid ""
"Using the ``--check`` flag when running ``dynamic_inventory.py`` will run "
"the inventory build process and look for known errors, but not write any "
"files to disk."
msgstr ""
"Menggunakan flag ``--check`` saat menjalankan ``dynamic_inventory.py`` akan "
"menjalankan proses pembuatan inventory dan mencari kesalahan yang diketahui, "
"tetapi tidak menulis file apa pun ke disk."
msgid ""
"Using these extension points, deployers can provide a more 'opinionated' "
"installation of OpenStack that may include their own software."
msgstr ""
"Dengan menggunakan extension point, para deployer dapat menyediakan "
"instalasi OpenStack yang lebih 'opinionated' yang mungkin menyertakan "
"perangkat lunak mereka sendiri."
msgid ""
"Using this name for a group in the configuration will result in a runtime "
msgstr ""
"Menggunakan nama ini untuk grup dalam konfigurasi akan menghasilkan "
"kesalahan runtime."
msgid "Utility container"
msgstr "Utility container (wadah utilitas)"
msgid "Variable precedence"
msgstr "Variable precedence"
msgid "Viewing the inventory"
msgstr "Melihat inventory"
msgid ""
"We believe that this approach brings a balance of both reasonable stability, "
"while still being able to do pro-active backports."
msgstr ""
"Kami percaya bahwa pendekatan ini membawa keseimbangan stabilitas yang masuk "
"akal, sementara masih dapat melakukan backports pro-aktif."
msgid "What is the OSA release model"
msgstr "Apa model rilis OSA"
msgid "What version of OpenStack is deployed by OSA?"
msgstr "Versi OpenStack apa yang digunakan oleh OSA?"
msgid ""
"When Neutron agents are deployed \"on metal\" on a network node or collapsed "
"infra/network node, the ``Neutron Agents`` container and respective virtual "
"interfaces are no longer implemented. In addition, use of the "
"``host_bind_override`` override when defining provider networks allows "
"Neutron to interface directly with a physical interface or bond instead of "
"the ``br-vlan`` bridge. The following diagram reflects the differences in "
"the virtual network layout."
msgstr ""
"Ketika agen Neutron digunakan \"on metal\" pada node jaringan atau node "
"infra/network yang collapsed, container ``Neutron Agents`` dan masing-masing "
"antarmuka virtual tidak lagi diimplementasikan. Selain itu, penggunaan "
"override ``host_bind_override`` ketika mendefinisikan jaringan penyedia "
"memungkinkan Neutron untuk berinteraksi langsung dengan antarmuka fisik atau "
"mengikat jembatan ``br-vlan`` sebagai gantinya. Diagram berikut mencerminkan "
"perbedaan dalam tata letak jaringan virtual."
msgid ""
"When OpenStack-Ansible generates its dynamic inventory, the affinity setting "
"determines how many containers of a similar type are deployed on a single "
"physical host."
msgstr ""
"Ketika OpenStack-Ansible menghasilkan inventaris dinamisnya, pengaturan "
"affinity (pertalian) menentukan berapa banyak kontainer dari jenis yang sama "
"yang digunakan pada satu host fisik."
msgid ""
"When a client requests an image, the ``glance-api`` service accesses the "
"appropriate store on the storage device over the storage network (``br-"
"storage``) and pulls it into its cache. When the same image is requested "
"again, it is given to the client directly from the cache."
msgstr ""
"Ketika klien meminta image, layanan ``glance-api`` mengakses penyimpanan "
"yang sesuai pada perangkat penyimpanan melalui jaringan penyimpanan (``br-"
"storage``) dan menariknya ke dalam cache. Ketika image yang sama diminta "
"lagi, itu diberikan kepada klien langsung dari cache."
msgid "When adding groups, keep the following in mind:"
msgstr "Saat menambahkan grup, perhatikan hal berikut:"
msgid ""
"When an instance is scheduled for creation on a Compute host, the ``nova-"
"compute`` service requests the image from the ``glance-api`` service over "
"the management network (``br-mgmt``)."
msgstr ""
"Ketika sebuah instance dijadwalkan untuk dibuat pada host Compute, layanan "
"``nova-compute`` meminta image dari layanan ``glance-api`` melalui jaringan "
"manajemen (``br-mgmt``)."
msgid "When does a patch to an OSA role get into a release?"
msgstr "Kapan patch ke peran OSA masuk ke rilis?"
msgid ""
"When including OpenStack-Ansible in a project, consider using a parallel "
"directory structure as shown in the ``ansible.cfg`` files section."
msgstr ""
"Ketika memasukkan OpenStack-Ansible dalam proyek, pertimbangkan untuk "
"menggunakan struktur direktori paralel seperti yang ditunjukkan pada bagian "
"file ``ansible.cfg``."
msgid ""
"When running an Ansible command (such as ``ansible``, ``ansible-playbook`` "
"or ``openstack-ansible``) Ansible automatically executes the "
"``dynamic_inventory.py`` script and use its output as inventory."
msgstr ""
"Saat menjalankan perintah Ansible (seperti ``ansible``, ``ansible-playbook`` "
"atau ``openstack-ansible``) Kemungkinan secara otomatis menjalankan skrip "
"``dynamic_inventory.py`` dan menggunakan outputnya sebagai inventaris."
msgid ""
"When the File System store is used, the Image service has no mechanism of "
"its own to replicate the image between Image service hosts. We recommend "
"using a shared storage back end (via a file system mount) to ensure that "
"all ``glance-api`` services have access to all images. Doing so prevents "
"losing access to images when an infrastructure (control plane) host is lost."
msgstr ""
"Ketika penyimpanan File System digunakan, layanan Image tidak memiliki "
"mekanisme sendiri untuk mereplikasi image antara host layanan Image. Kami "
"merekomendasikan penggunaan back end penyimpanan bersama (melalui sistem "
"file mount) untuk memastikan bahwa semua layanan ``glance-api`` memiliki "
"akses ke semua image. Melakukan hal itu mencegah kehilangan akses ke image "
"ketika host infrastruktur control plane) hilang."
msgid ""
"When the OpenStack-Ansible project was created, it was required to provide a "
"system able to override any OpenStack upstream source code."
msgstr ""
"Ketika proyek OpenStack-Ansible dibuat, diperlukan untuk menyediakan sistem "
"yang dapat mengesampingkan sembarang upstream source code OpenStack."
msgid ""
"When the dynamic inventory script creates a container name, the host on "
"which the container resides is added to the ``lxc_hosts`` inventory group."
msgstr ""
"Ketika skrip inventory dinamis membuat nama container, host tempat container "
"tersebut ditambahkan ke grup inventory ``lxc_hosts``."
msgid ""
"When the flavors in the Compute service are configured to provide instances "
"with root or ephemeral disks, the ``nova-compute`` service manages these "
"allocations using its ephemeral disk storage location."
msgstr ""
"Ketika flavor dalam layanan Compute dikonfigurasikan untuk memberikan "
"instance dengan disk root atau ephemeral, layanan ``nova-compute`` mengelola "
"alokasi ini menggunakan lokasi penyimpanan disk ephemeralnya."
msgid ""
"While the pre-built packages in the repository-infrastructure are "
"comprehensive, it may be needed to change the source locations and versions "
"of packages to suit different deployment needs. Adding additional "
"repositories as overrides is as simple as listing entries within the "
"variable file of your choice. Any ``user_.*.yml`` file within the \"/etc/"
"openstack_deployment\" directory will work to facilitate the addition of a "
"new packages."
msgstr ""
"Sementara paket pre-built dalam repository-infrastructure bersifat "
"komprehensif, mungkin diperlukan untuk mengubah lokasi sumber dan versi "
"paket agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan penyebaran yang berbeda. Menambahkan "
"repositori tambahan sebagai ganti adalah sesederhana daftar entri dalam file "
"variabel pilihan Anda. Setiap file ``user_.*.yml`` dalam direktori \"/etc/"
"openstack_deployment\" akan berfungsi untuk memfasilitasi penambahan paket "
msgid ""
"Within a ``physical_skel`` section, the OpenStack-Ansible dynamic inventory "
"expects to find a pair of keys. The first key maps to items in the "
"``container_skel`` section, and the second key maps to the target host "
"groups (described above) that are responsible for hosting the service "
msgstr ""
"Di dalam bagian ``physical_skel``, inventaris dinamis OpenStack-Ansible "
"mengharapkan untuk menemukan sepasang kunci. Kunci utama memetakan item di "
"bagian ``container_skel``, dan kunci kedua memetakan ke grup host target "
"(dijelaskan di atas) yang bertanggung jawab untuk meng-hosting komponen "
msgid "Writing debug logs"
msgstr "Menulis log debug"
msgid ""
"You can also apply overrides on a per-host basis with the following "
"configuration in the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` "
msgstr ""
"Anda juga dapat menerapkan penggantian pada basis per-host dengan "
"konfigurasi berikut di file ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config."
msgid ""
"You can also use the ``no_containers`` option to specify a host that will "
"have all services deployed on metal inside of it."
msgstr ""
"Anda juga dapat menggunakan opsi ``no_containers`` untuk menentukan host "
"yang akan menggunakan semua layanan yang dikerahkan pada metal di dalamnya."
msgid ""
"You can create your own playbook, variable, and role structure while still "
"including the OpenStack-Ansible roles and libraries by setting environment "
"variables or by adjusting ``/usr/local/bin/openstack-ansible.rc``."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat membuat playbook, variabel, dan struktur peran Anda sendiri "
"sambil tetap menyertakan peran dan pustaka yang dimungkinkan OpenStack "
"dengan mengatur variabel lingkungan atau dengan menyesuaikan ``/usr/local/"
msgid ""
"You can override ``.yml`` file values by supplying replacement YAML content."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat mengganti nilai file ``.yml`` dengan memasok konten YAML "
msgid ""
"You can override the ansible-role-requirement file used by defining the "
"environment variable ``ANSIBLE_ROLE_FILE`` before running the ``bootstrap-"
"ansible.sh`` script."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat mengganti file ansible-role-requirement yang digunakan dengan "
"mendefinisikan variabel lingkungan ``ANSIBLE_ROLE_FILE`` sebelum menjalankan "
"skrip ``bootstrap-ansible.sh``."
msgid ""
"You can override the existing group vars (and host vars) by creating your "
"own folder in /etc/openstack_deploy/group_vars (and /etc/openstack_deploy/"
"host_vars respectively)."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat mengganti group vars yang ada (dan host vars) dengan membuat "
"folder Anda sendiri /etc/openstack_deploy/group_vars (dan /etc/"
"openstack_deploy/host_vars masing-masing)."
msgid ""
"You define *container groups*, which can map from the service components to "
"be deployed up to host groups, through files in the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/"
"env.d/`` directory."
msgstr ""
"Anda mendefinisikan *container groups*, yang dapat memetakan dari komponen "
"layanan yang akan digunakan hingga kelompok host, melalui file di direktori "
msgid ""
"You define host groups, which gather the target hosts into *inventory "
"groups*, through the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` "
"file and the contents of the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/`` directory."
msgstr ""
"Anda mendefinisikan grup host, yang mengumpulkan host target menjadi "
"*inventory groups*, melalui file ``/etc/openstack_deploy/"
"openstack_user_config.yml`` dan isi dari direktori ``/etc/openstack_deploy/"
msgid ""
"You may find detailed example of `openstack_user_config.yml` configuration "
"in section :ref:`openstack-user-config-reference`."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat menemukan contoh detail konfigurasi `openstack_user_config.yml` "
"di bagian :ref:`openstack-user-config-reference`."
msgstr "``ANSIBLE_LIBRARY``"
msgid ""
"``ANSIBLE_ROLE_FILE`` is an environment variable pointing to the location of "
"a YAML file which ansible-galaxy can consume, specifying which roles to "
"download and install. The default value for this is ``ansible-role-"
msgstr ""
"``ANSIBLE_ROLE_FILE`` adalah variabel lingkungan yang menunjuk ke lokasi "
"file YAML dimana ansible-galaxy dapat mengkonsumsi, menentukan dimana peran "
"mengunduh dan menginstal. Nilai default untuk ini adalah ``ansible-role-"
msgid ""
"``all`` contains global network information such as the load balancer IPs "
"and provider network metadata."
msgstr ""
"``all`` berisi informasi jaringan global seperti IP penyeimbang beban (load "
"balancer) dan metadata jaringan penyedia (provider network)."
msgid "``conf.d``"
msgstr "``conf.d``"
msgid "``env.d`` (for environment customization)"
msgstr "``env.d`` (untuk penyesuaian lingkungan)"
msgid ""
"``hosts`` contains a map of a host's name to its variable and group data."
msgstr "``hosts`` berisi peta nama host untuk variabel dan data grupnya."
msgid "``openstack_user_config.yml``"
msgstr "``openstack_user_config.yml``"
msgid ""
"``user_*.yml`` files contain YAML variables which are applied as extra-vars "
"when executing ``openstack-ansible`` to run playbooks. They will be sourced "
"in alphanumeric order by ``openstack-ansible``. If duplicate variables occur "
"in the ``user_*.yml`` files, the variable in the last file read will take "
msgstr ""
"File ``user_*.yml`` berisi variabel-variabel YAML yang diterapkan sebagai "
"extra-vars ketika menjalankan ``openstack-ansible`` untuk menjalankan "
"playbooks. Mereka akan bersumber dalam urutan alfanumerik dengan ``openstack-"
"ansible``. Jika variabel duplikat terjadi dalam file ``user_*.yml``, "
"variabel dalam pembacaan file terakhir akan diutamakan."
msgid ""
"``user_variables.yml`` and ``user_secrets.yml`` are used directly by "
"OpenStack-Ansible. Adding custom variables used by your own roles and "
"playbooks to these files is not recommended. Doing so will complicate your "
"upgrade path by making comparison of your existing files with later versions "
"of these files more arduous. Rather, recommended practice is to place your "
"own variables in files named following the ``user_*.yml`` pattern so they "
"will be sourced alongside those used exclusively by OpenStack-Ansible."
msgstr ""
"``user_variables.yml`` dan ``user_secrets.yml`` digunakan langsung oleh "
"OpenStack-Ansible. Menambahkan variabel khusus yang digunakan oleh peran dan "
"buku pedoman Anda sendiri ke file ini tidak disarankan. Melakukan hal itu "
"akan mempersulit jalur upgrade Anda dengan membuat perbandingan file yang "
"ada dengan versi yang lebih baru dari file ini lebih sulit. Sebaliknya, "
"praktik yang disarankan adalah menempatkan variabel Anda sendiri dalam file "
"bernama mengikuti pola ``user_*.yml`` sehingga mereka akan bersumber di "
"samping yang digunakan secara eksklusif oleh OpenStack-Ansible."
msgid "config_template documentation"
msgstr "dokumentasi config_template"
msgid "openstack_user_config settings reference"
msgstr "referensi pengaturan openstack_user_config"
msgid "user_*.yml files in more details"
msgstr "file user_*.yml lebih detail"