Kevin Carter b0cdb0de46
Implement aodh venv support
This commit conditionally allows the os_aodh role to
install build and deploy within a venv. This is the new
default behavior of the role however the functionality
can be disabled.

Change-Id: I9f9e09b2a68e843da1d92a782cd29fc563379a6d
Implements: blueprint enable-venv-support-within-the-roles
Signed-off-by: Kevin Carter <>
2015-10-15 08:22:53 -05:00

48 lines
1.3 KiB

# {{ ansible_managed }}
# vim:set ft=upstart ts=2 et:
description "{{ program_name }}"
author "Kevin Carter <>"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlelvel [016]
respawn limit 10 5
# Set the RUNBIN environment variable
env RUNBIN="{{ aodh_bin }}/{{ program_name }}"
# Change directory to service users home
chdir "{{ service_home }}"
# Pre start actions
pre-start script
mkdir -p "/var/run/{{ program_name }}"
chown {{ system_user }}:{{ system_group }} "/var/run/{{ program_name }}"
mkdir -p "/var/lock/{{ program_name }}"
chown {{ system_user }}:{{ system_group }} "/var/lock/{{ program_name }}"
{% if aodh_venv_enabled | bool -%}
. {{ aodh_bin }}/activate
{%- endif %}
end script
# Post stop actions
post-stop script
rm "/var/run/{{ program_name }}/{{ program_name }}.pid"
end script
# Run the start up job
exec start-stop-daemon --start \
--chuid {{ system_user }} \
--make-pidfile \
--pidfile /var/run/{{ program_name }}/{{ program_name }}.pid \
--exec "{{ program_override|default('$RUNBIN') }}" \
-- {{ program_config_options|default('') }} \
--log-file=/var/log/{{ service_name }}/{{ program_name }}.log