Emilien Macchi 5743955ea3 typo: monogodb to mongodb
Fix 2 typos in ceilometer & aodh doc.

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2015-11-01 15:09:21 -05:00

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Home OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide

Configuring the Ceilometer service (optional)

The Telemetry module(Ceilometer) performs the following functions:

  • Efficiently polls metering data related to OpenStack services.
  • Collects event and metering data by monitoring notifications sent from services.
  • Publishes collected data to various targets including data stores and message queues.


The alarming functionality was moved to a separate component in Liberty. It will be handled by the metering-alarm containers through the aodh services. For configuring these services, please see the Aodh docs.

Ceilometer on OSA requires a mongodb backend to be configured prior to running the ceilometer playbooks. The connection data will then need to be given in the user_variables.yml file (see section Configuring the user data below).

Setting up a Mongodb database for ceilometer

  1. Install the MongoDB package:
# apt-get install mongodb-server mongodb-clients python-pymongo
  1. Edit the /etc/mongodb.conf file and change the bind_ip to the management interface of the node your running this on.
bind_ip =
  1. Edit the /etc/mongodb.conf file and enable smallfiles
smallfiles = true
  1. Restart the mongodb service
# service mongodb restart
  1. Create the ceilometer database
# mongo --host controller --eval '
db = db.getSiblingDB("ceilometer");
db.addUser({user: "ceilometer",
roles: [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ]})'

This should return:

MongoDB shell version: 2.4.x
connecting to: controller:27017/test
 "user" : "ceilometer",
 "pwd" : "72f25aeee7ad4be52437d7cd3fc60f6f",
 "roles" : [
 "_id" : ObjectId("5489c22270d7fad1ba631dc3")

NOTE: The CEILOMETER_DBPASS must match the ceilometer_container_db_password in the /etc/openstack_deploy/user_secrets.yml file. This is how ansible knows how to configure the connection string within the ceilometer configuration files.

Configuring the hosts

Ceilometer can be configured by specifying the metering-compute_hosts and metering-infra_hosts directives in the /etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/ceilometer.yml file. Below is the example included in the etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/ceilometer.yml.example file:

# The compute host that the ceilometer compute agent will be running on.

# The infra nodes that the central agents will be running on

The metering-compute_hosts houses the ceilometer-agent-compute service. It runs on each compute node and pools for resource utilization statistics. The metering-infra_hosts houses serveral services:

  • A central agent (ceilometer-agent-central): Runs on a central management server to poll for resource utilization statistics for resources not tied to instances or compute nodes. Multiple agents can be started to scale service horizontally.
  • A notification agent (ceilometer-agent-notification): Runs on a central management server(s) and consumes messages from the message queue(s) to build event and metering data.
  • A collector (ceilometer-collector): Runs on central management server(s) and dispatches collected telemetry data to a data store or external consumer without modification.
  • An API server (ceilometer-api): Runs on one or more central management servers to provide data access from the data store.

Configuring the user data

In addtion to adding these hosts in the /etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/ceilometer.yml file, other configurations must be specified in the /etc/openstack_deploy/user_variable.yml file. These configurations are listed below, along with a description:

The type of database backend ceilometer will use. Currently only mongodb is supported: ceilometer_db_type: mongodb

The IP address of the MonogoDB host: ceilometer_db_ip: localhost

The port of the Mongodb service: ceilometer_db_port: 27017

This configures swift to send notifications to the message bus: swift_ceilometer_enabled: False

This configures heat to send notifications to the message bus: heat_ceilometer_enabled: False

This configures cinder to send notifications to the message bus: cinder_ceilometer_enabled: False

This configures glance to send notifications to the message bus: glance_ceilometer_enabled: False

This configures nova to send notifications to the message bus: nova_ceilometer_enabled: False

Once all of these steps are complete, you are ready to run the os-ceilometer-install.yml playbook! Or, if deploying a new stack, simply run setup-openstack.yml. The ceilometer playbooks will run as part of this playbook.