505 lines
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505 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Rackspace Private Cloud Frozen Repo Tool (Elsa)
# This tool does the following:
# - Read config file containing ordered list of upstreams and package lists
# - Create dist containing all the required packages
# - config file manipulation - add/remove packages
# - sync to CDN?
# Note: I originaly started writing this as a tool that would manually
# read remote repos and generate local repos. However aptly seems to do that
# well already, so I restarted with an aptly wrapper. This reduces the amount
# of new code needed, but is a bit messy as its scraping CLI output.
# I did investigate the python levelsdb interface but the aptly data is
# not transparent.
# Requirements:
# - yaml python module
# - aptly tool installed http://www.aptly.info
# - gpg (and a private key already added for repo signing)
# - curl
# - apt_pkg module
# - space for mirrors of potentially large repos
# Structure of a debian repo
# /Repo
# /dists
# /dist1
# Release # lists components and architectures
# /component1
# /binary-arch
# Release # metadat for this particular
# # dist/comp/arch/type
# Packages.{bz2,gz} # lists all packages in this
# # dist/comp/arch/type
# /component2
# /dist2
# /pool
# /component1
# /a
# /package_name
# package_name_version_arch.deb
# /b
# /component2
# /a
# /b
# Standard Lib Imports
import argparse
import apt_pkg
import logging
import re
import subprocess
import sys
# External imports
import yaml
# Log configuration
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
stdout_channel = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
class Aptly(object):
"""Wrapper around the aptly tool"""
def run(self, cmd_string, insert_aptly=True, shell=False):
""" execute a single command
if insert_aptly is true, the path to aptly will be
inserted as the first argument.
returns string for stdout
args = cmd_string.split(' ')
if insert_aptly:
args.insert(0, '/usr/bin/aptly')
# remove spaces and empty args
args = [i.strip() for i in args if i.strip()]
if shell:
args = " ".join(args)
LOGGER.debug("run args: %s" % args)
return subprocess.check_output(args, shell=shell)
def mirror_list(self):
"""List aptly mirrors"""
return self.run('mirror list -raw').splitlines()
def mirror_create(self, name, url, architecture, dist="./",
component="", key_id=None, key_url=None):
"""Create a repo mirror via aptly.
These are metadata only, packages arent pulled till update
# check mirror doesn't exist
if name in self.mirror_list():
raise ValueError("a mirror with name %(name)s already exists"
% name)
# check we have a key for the mirror
if key_id is None and key_url is None:
raise ValueError("mirror create requires key_id or key_url")
LOGGER.info("Creating mirror: %s" % name)
got_key = False
for attempt in range(3):
if key_id is not None:
self.run('gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring '
'trustedkeys.gpg --recv-keys %(key_id)s'
% {'key_id': key_id}, insert_aptly=False)
self.run('curl %(url)s | gpg --no-default-keyring '
'--keyring trustedkeys.gpg --import'
% {'url': key_url}, insert_aptly=False,
got_key = True
except Exception as e:
LOGGER.warning("gpg import failed: %(exception)s "
"Attempt: %(attempt)s"
% {'exception': e, 'attempt': attempt})
continue # try again
if not got_key:
raise Exception("Failed to import gpg key for mirror %s"
% name)
self.run("mirror create -architectures %(arch)s %(name)s %(url)s "
"%(dist)s %(component)s" % {'arch': architecture,
'name': name,
'url': url,
'dist': dist,
'component': component})
def mirror_update(self, name):
"""Update (refresh) an aptly mirror"""
if name not in self.mirror_list():
raise ValueError("mirror %(name)s not found"
% {'name': name})
LOGGER.info("Updating mirror %s" % name)
self.run("mirror update %(name)s" % {'name': name})
def mirror_get_packages(self, name):
"""Git list of package,version tuples from a mirror"""
lines = self.run("mirror show -with-packages %(name)s"
% {'name': name}).splitlines()
packages = self.parse_aptly_package_list(lines)
LOGGER.debug("Found %(num_packages)s packages for mirror %(name)s"
% {'num_packages': len(packages),
'name': name})
return packages
def parse_aptly_package_list(self, lines):
""" Get list of (name,version) tuples from an aptly package list"""
# match package list from aptly ... show -with-packages name
line_re = re.compile('\s{2,}(?P<name>[^_]*)_(?P<version>[^_]*)'
packages = []
for line in lines:
match = line_re.match(line)
if match:
return packages
def repo_list(self):
"""Get list of repos known to aptly"""
return self.run("-raw repo list").splitlines()
def repo_create(self, name):
"""Create an aptly repo"""
self.run("repo create %(name)s" % {'name': name})
def repo_get_packages(self, name):
""" get list of name, version tuples from a repo"""
lines = self.run('repo show -with-packages %(name)s'
% {'name': name})
return self.parse_aptly_package_list(lines)
def package_query(self, name, version):
""" return aptly query string for a package name & version """
return '"%(name)s (=%(version)s)"' % {'name': name,
'version': version}
def repo_import_package(self, mirror, repo, package_name,
"""Pull a package from a mirror into a repo"""
self.run('repo import %(mirror)s %(repo)s %(query)s'
% {'mirror': mirror,
'repo': repo,
'query': self.package_query(
package_name, package_version)
}, shell=True)
def repo_import_packages(self, mirror, repo, packages, batch_size=200):
while packages:
batch = packages[0:batch_size]
if not batch:
packages = packages[batch_size:]
query_string = " ".join([self.package_query(n, v) for
n, v in batch])
self.run('repo import %(mirror)s %(repo)s %(query)s'
% {'mirror': mirror,
'repo': repo,
'query': query_string},
def repo_publish(self, name):
"""Create on disk distribution metata for an aptly internal repo"""
self.run('publish repo -distribution %(name)s %(name)s'
% {'name': name})
LOGGER.info("Published repo %(name)s" % {'name': name})
def snapshot_list(self):
""" List reposnapshots known to aptly"""
self.run("-raw snapshot list").splitlines()
def snapshot_create(self, name):
""" Create an empty aptly snapshot"""
self.run("snapshot create %(name)s empty")
class Config(object):
""" Class representing YAML config files"""
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
def read(self, path=None):
"""Read yaml from self.path into self.data"""
if path is None:
path = self.path
self.data = yaml.load(open(path).read())
def write(self, path=None):
"""Write yaml version of self.data to self.path"""
if path is None:
path = self.path
with open(path, 'w') as f:
f.write(yaml.dump(self.data, default_flow_style=False))
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""pass subscript requests to self.data"""
return self.data.get(key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
"""pass subscript requests to self.data"""
self.data[key] = value
class AptlyOrechestrator(object):
""" Class which uses the Aptly wrapper to achieve RPC aims
This is mostly creating repos from a supplied config file.
def __init__(self, args):
self.config_path = args.config_path
self.args = args
self.aptly = Aptly()
self.config = Config(args.config_path)
def available_versions_for_package(self, name):
"""Find available versions for a package"""
versions = []
for mirror, packages in self.mirrors:
for package_name, version in packages:
if package_name == name:
return versions
def ensure_mirrors(self, required_mirrors):
""" Check mirrors list, create any that are missing"""
current_mirrors = self.aptly.mirror_list()
self.mirrors = []
for required_mirror in required_mirrors:
# Create mirror if necessary
mirror_name = required_mirror['name']
if mirror_name not in current_mirrors:
# Update mirror if created or already existed
# Store list of available packages for each mirror
(mirror_name, self.aptly.mirror_get_packages(mirror_name)))
def packages_from_config(self):
"""get list of required packages from config
:returns: list of name,value tuples.
return [(name, str(version)) for name, version
in self.config['packages'].iteritems()]
def ensure_packages(self, dist_name):
"""Add all packages form config file to repo dist_name"""
# convert name: version dict to [(name,version),..]
required_packages = self.packages_from_config()
repo_packages = self.aptly.repo_get_packages(dist_name)
# packages that aren't in this repo already so need to be added
missing_packages = [p for p in required_packages
if p not in repo_packages]
LOGGER.debug("missing packages: %s" % missing_packages)
# list of packages we dont find in any upstreams
unavailable_packages = []
# map of mirror to package list for found packages
package_map = {}
for package in missing_packages:
for mirror, packages in self.mirrors:
if mirror not in package_map:
package_map[mirror] = []
found = False
if package in packages:
found = True
LOGGER.debug("Found %(pname)s in %(mname)s"
% {'pname': package, 'mname': mirror})
if not found:
LOGGER.debug("Failed to find package %(name)s %(version)s"
% {'name': package[0],
'version': package[1]})
# Batch import all the packages that are known to be available
for mirror, packages in package_map.iteritems():
LOGGER.info("importing packages from %s" % mirror)
self.aptly.repo_import_packages(mirror, dist_name, packages)
# Return list of packages that were not found
return unavailable_packages
def create_dist_from_package_list(self):
"""High level function for creating a dist from
a supplied config file"""
dist_name = self.args.dist_name
if dist_name in self.aptly.repo_list():
raise ValueError("dist name must be unique, %s already exists"
% dist_name)
LOGGER.info("Creating repo %(name)s" % {'name': dist_name})
unavailable_packages = self.ensure_packages(dist_name)
if unavailable_packages:
LOGGER.warning("The following packages are not available")
for name, version in unavailable_packages:
available_versions_str = ",".join(
LOGGER.warning("Not Found: %(name)s version: %(version)s. "
"Availble versions: %(avs)s"
% {'name': name,
'version': version,
'avs': available_versions_str})
def add_package_to_config(self):
""" Add a package to the supplied config file"""
self.config['packages'][self.args.name] = self.args.version
def delete_package_from_config(self):
""" Remove a package from the supplied config file"""
del self.config['packages'][self.args.name]
def list_upstream_packages(self):
for mirror, packages in self.mirrors:
for package_name, package_version in packages:
print "%(mirror_name)s,%(package_name)s,%(package_version)s"\
% {'mirror_name': mirror,
'package_name': package_name,
'package_version': package_version}
def list_available_updates(self):
# needed in order to use apt_pkg.version_compare
# Store newest version available for each package with updates
package_updates = {}
for package_name, package_version in self.packages_from_config():
updates = [v for v in self.available_versions_for_package(
package_name) if apt_pkg.version_compare(
package_version, v) < 0]
updates = sorted(set(updates),
if updates:
package_updates[package_name] = updates[-1]
LOGGER.info("Package %(name)s Config Version: %(current)s"
" Updates: %(updates)s"
% {'name': package_name,
'current': package_version,
'updates': updates})
# write new config file with updated versions, if requested
if package_updates and 'new_config_path' in self.args:
for package, version in package_updates.iteritems():
self.config['packages'][package] = version
LOGGER.info("updated config written to %s"
% self.args.new_config_path)
def main(args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# arguments that are relevant to all subcommands
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
help="more logging")
# Add subparsers for subcommands
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
# dfc = distribution from config
parser_dfc = subparsers.add_parser('dist_from_config')
parser_dfc.add_argument('dist_name', help="must be unique")
# subcommand to add packages to config
parser_add_package = subparsers.add_parser('add_package_to_config')
# subcommand to remove packages from config
parser_del_package = subparsers.add_parser('delete_package_from_config')
# List all packages available in configured upstreams
parser_list_upstream_pkgs = subparsers.add_parser('list_upstream_pkgs')
# List all packages in the package list that have updates available
parser_list_upstream_pkgs = subparsers.add_parser('list_pkg_updates')
# Generate new config file with updated package versions
parser_generate_updated_config = subparsers.add_parser(
help="Generate new config file with package versions "
"updated to latest available")
help="New config with updated package verions will be generated"
" and written to this path")
args = parser.parse_args(args=args[1:])
if args.verbose:
ao = AptlyOrechestrator(args)
# Each subparser sets the func arg, call the appropriate function
{'dfc': ao.create_dist_from_package_list,
'add_package': ao.add_package_to_config,
'del_package': ao.delete_package_from_config,
'list_upstream': ao.list_upstream_packages,
'list_updates': ao.list_available_updates}[args.func]()
if __name__ == "__main__":