![Jesse Pretorius](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
The current ansible bootstrap process tried to pin the versions of pip, setuptools and wheel on the host and also uses inherited python packages from the host. This causes problems when the host has a version of setuptools which is cannot be changed (perhaps due to some bug) or when the host has otherwise undesirable python packages. The ansible bootstrap process only needs to be concerned with whether pip is installed and understands how to use constraints. From there we can bootstrap the venv using get-pip and completely avoid package conflicts with the host. Once Ansible is bootstrapped, the pip_install role will ensure that pip, setuptools and wheel are correctly bootstrapped and pinned across all hosts. The pip_install role now uses constraints for the initial get-pip [1], so we can also remove the list of pip pins from group_vars. We remove pip, setuptools and wheel from the requirements.txt to allow the packages on the host to be installed in the bootstrap without forcing a change of pip/setuptools/wheel at the same time (which causes failures in some circumstances). [1] https://review.openstack.org/483905 Change-Id: Ida84fb6bb726e1332f0e29ade51b67a5721f0785
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2015, Rackspace US, Inc.
# Copyright 2017, SUSE LINUX GmbH.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
###### HOOKS ########
# The following hooks can be defined in the user scripts. All hooks accept the
# following parameters:
# 1: repository name
# 2: OpenStack service branch
# 3: OSA branch
# 4: repository address
#osa_pre_sync_hook: Actions to be performed before copying updated files to OSA OpenStack services repositories
osa_pre_sync_hook() { true; }
#osa_post_sync_hook: Actions to be performed after copying updated files to OSA OpenStack services repositories
osa_post_sync_hook() { true; }
###### HELPER FUNCTIONS ######
osa_helper_cleanup_files() {
[[ $# > 0 ]] && rm -rf "${@}"
osa_helper_clone_os_package() {
local repo_name="${1}"
local os_branch="${2}"
local os_branch_sha"${3}"
local repo_address="${4}"
local os_repo_tmp_path="/tmp/os_${repo_name}"
osa_helper_cleanup_files ${os_repo_tmp_path}
# Do a shallow clone of the OpenStack repo to work with
if git clone --quiet --depth=10 --branch ${os_branch} --no-checkout --single-branch ${repo_address} ${os_repo_tmp_path}; then
pushd ${os_repo_tmp_path} > /dev/null
git checkout --quiet ${os_branch_sha}
popd > /dev/null
return 0
return 1
osa_helper_clone_osa_role() {
local repo_name="${1}"
local osa_branch="${2}"
local osa_repo_address="${3:-https://git.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_${repo_name}}"
local osa_repo_tmp_path="/tmp/osa_${repo_name}"
osa_helper_cleanup_files ${osa_repo_tmp_path}
# Do a shallow clone of the OSA repo to work with
if git clone --quiet --depth=10 --branch ${osa_branch} --single-branch ${osa_repo_address} ${osa_repo_tmp_path}; then
pushd ${osa_repo_tmp_path} > /dev/null
git checkout --quiet origin/${osa_branch}
popd > /dev/null
return 0
return 1
####### MAIN FUNCTIONS #######
# Updates SHAs for OSA roles and OpenStack repo packages.
sync_roles_and_packages() {
local repo_name repo_address branch_data branch_sha branch_entry osa_repo_tmp_path os_repo_tmp_path
local os_branch="${1}"; shift
local osa_branch="${1}"; shift
local service_file="${1}"; shift
local openstack_service_list="$@"
local osa_repo_address="https://git.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_${repo_name}"
# Iterate through the service file
for repo in $(grep 'git_repo\:' ${service_file}); do
# Set the repo name
repo_name=$(echo "${repo}" | sed 's/_git_repo\:.*//g')
local osa_repo_tmp_path="/tmp/osa_${repo_name}"
local os_repo_tmp_path="/tmp/os_${repo_name}"
echo -e "\nInspecting ${repo}..."
# Set the repo address
repo_address=$(echo ${repo} | awk '{print $2}')
# Get the branch data
branch_data=$(git ls-remote ${repo_address} | grep "${os_branch}$")
# If there is no branch data, move to the next role
[ -z "${branch_data}" ] && continue
# Set the branch sha for the head of the branch
branch_sha=$(echo "${branch_data}" | awk '{print $1}')
# Set the branch entry
branch_entry="${branch_sha} # HEAD of \"$os_branch\" as of $(date +%d.%m.%Y)"
# Write the branch entry into the repo_packages file
sed -i.bak "s|${repo_name}_git_install_branch:.*|${repo_name}_git_install_branch: $branch_entry|" ${service_file}
# If the repo is not in the specified list, then move to the next role
! [[ "${openstack_service_list}" =~ "${repo_name}" ]] && continue
if osa_helper_clone_os_package ${repo_name} ${os_branch} ${branch_sha} ${repo_address}; then
if osa_helper_clone_osa_role ${repo_name} ${osa_branch}; then
# pre-sync user hook
osa_pre_sync_hook ${repo_name} ${os_branch} ${osa_branch} ${repo_address}
# Update the policy files
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "policy.json" -exec \
cp {} "${osa_repo_tmp_path}/templates/policy.json.j2" \;
# Tweak the paste files for any hmac key entries
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "*[_-]paste.ini" -exec \
sed -i.bak "s|hmac_keys = SECRET_KEY|hmac_keys = {{ ${repo_name}_profiler_hmac_key }}|" {} \;
# Tweak the barbican paste file to support keystone auth
if [ "${repo_name}" = "barbican" ]; then
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "*[_-]paste.ini" -exec \
sed -i.bak 's|\/v1\: barbican-api-keystone|\/v1\: {{ (barbican_keystone_auth \| bool) \| ternary('barbican-api-keystone', 'barbican_api') }}|'{} \;
# Tweak the gnocchi paste file to support keystone auth
if [ "${repo_name}" = "gnocchi" ]; then
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "*[_-]paste.ini" -exec \
sed -i.bak "s|pipeline = gnocchi+noauth|pipeline = {{ (gnocchi_keystone_auth \| bool) \| ternary('gnocchi+auth', 'gnocchi+noauth') }}|" {} \;
# Update the paste files
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "*[_-]paste.ini" -exec \
bash -c "name=\"{}\"; cp \${name} \"${osa_repo_tmp_path}/templates/\$(basename \${name}).j2\"" \;
# Tweak the rootwrap conf filters_path (for neutron only)
if [ "${repo_name}" = "neutron" ]; then
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "rootwrap.conf" -exec \
sed -i.bak "s|filters_path=/etc/neutron|filters_path={{ ${repo_name}_conf_dir }}|" {} \;
# Tweak the rootwrap conf exec_dirs
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "rootwrap.conf" -exec \
sed -i.bak "s|exec_dirs=|exec_dirs={{ ${repo_name}_bin }},|" {} \;
# Update the rootwrap conf files
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "rootwrap.conf" -exec \
cp {} "${osa_repo_tmp_path}/templates/rootwrap.conf.j2" \;
# Update the rootwrap filters
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "*.filters" -exec \
bash -c "name=\"{}\"; cp \${name} \"${osa_repo_tmp_path}/files/rootwrap.d/\$(basename \${name})\"" \;
# Update the yaml files for Ceilometer
if [ "${repo_name}" = "ceilometer" ]; then
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "*.yaml" -exec \
bash -c "name=\"{}\"; cp \${name} \"${osa_repo_tmp_path}/templates/\$(basename \${name}).j2\"" \;
# Update the yaml files for Heat
if [ "${repo_name}" = "heat" ]; then
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "*.yaml" -exec \
bash -c "name=\"{}\"; cp \${name} \"${osa_repo_tmp_path}/templates/\$(echo \${name} | rev | cut -sd / -f -2 | rev).j2\"" \;
# post-sync user hook
post_sync_hook ${repo_name} ${os_branch} ${osa_branch} ${repo_address}
osa_helper_cleanup_files ${osa_repo_tmp_path} ${os_repo_tmp_path}
echo -e "Processed $repo_name @ $branch_entry\n"
unset IFS
# Updates global requirement pins for pip, setuptools and wheel
update_pip_options() {
PIP_CURRENT_OPTIONS=$(./scripts/get-pypi-pkg-version.py -p pip setuptools wheel -l horizontal)
for pin in ${PIP_CURRENT_OPTIONS}; do
sed -i.bak "s|^$(echo ${pin} | cut -f1 -d=).*|${pin}|" global-requirement-pins.txt
echo "Updated global requirement pins"
# Updates ansible-role-requirements file SHAs
update_ansible_role_requirements() {
local role_name role_version osa_repo_tmp_path role_git_sources current_source_dir
local osa_branch=${1}
local pre_release=${2}
local force_master=${3}
current_source_dir="$(cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd)"
# Update the ansible-role-requirements.yml file
if [ "${osa_branch}" != "master" ] || \
[ "${pre_release}" == "true" ] || \
[ "${force_master}" == "true" ]; then
echo "Updating ansible-role-requirements.yml"
if [ "${pre_release}" == "true" ]; then
role_git_sources=$(awk '/src: .*/ {print $2}' ansible-role-requirements.yml)
role_git_sources=$(awk '/src: .*\/openstack\// {print $2}' ansible-role-requirements.yml)
# Loop through each of the role git sources, only looking for openstack roles
for role_src in ${role_git_sources}; do
# Determine the role's name
role_name=$(sed 's/^[ \t-]*//' ansible-role-requirements.yml | awk '/src: / || /name: / {print $2}' | grep -B1 "${role_src}" | head -n 1)
echo "... updating ${role_name}"
# If the role_src is NOT from git.openstack.org, try to get a tag first
if [[ ${role_src} != *"git.openstack.org"* ]]; then
role_version=$(git ls-remote --tags ${role_src} | awk '{print $2}' | grep -v '{}' | cut -d/ -f 3 | sort -n | tail -n 1)
# Grab the latest SHA that matches the specified branch
if [[ -z "${role_version}" ]]; then
role_version=$(git ls-remote ${role_src} | grep "${osa_branch}$" | awk '{print $1}')
# For OSA roles, get the release notes
if [[ ${role_src} == *"git.openstack.org"* ]]; then
local osa_repo_tmp_path="/tmp/osa_${role_name}"
osa_helper_clone_osa_role $role_name $osa_branch $role_src
# If there are releasenotes to copy, then copy them
if $(ls -1 ${osa_repo_tmp_path}/releasenotes/notes/*.yaml > /dev/null 2>&1); then
rsync -aq ${osa_repo_tmp_path}/releasenotes/notes/*.yaml releasenotes/notes/
osa_helper_cleanup_files $osa_repo_tmp_path
# Now use the information we have to update the ansible-role-requirements file
"$current_source_dir/ansible-role-requirements-editor.py" -f ansible-role-requirements.yml -n "${role_name}" -v "${role_version}"
unset role_version
echo "Completed updating ansible-role-requirements.yml"
echo "Skipping the ansible-role-requirements.yml update as we're working on the master branch"
update_release_version() {
local osa_branch=${1}
local service_file=${2}
# Update the release version in group_vars/all/all.yml
# We don't want to be doing this for the master branch and we only want
# to do it once, so we key off of a specific repo source file name.
if [[ "${osa_branch}" != "master" ]] && [[ "${service_file}" == "playbooks/defaults/repo_packages/openstack_services.yml" ]]; then
echo "Updating the release version..."
currentversion=$(awk '/openstack_release:/ {print $2}' group_vars/all/all.yml)
# Extract the required version info
major_version=$( echo ${currentversion} | cut -d. -f1 )
minor_version=$( echo ${currentversion} | cut -d. -f2 )
patch_version=$( echo ${currentversion} | cut -d. -f3 )
# increment the patch version
patch_version=$(( patch_version + 1 ))
sed -i .bak "s/${currentversion}/${major_version}.${minor_version}.${patch_version}/" group_vars/all/all.yml
echo "Skipping the release version update as we're working on the master branch"