Kevin Carter b59c08dd5f Update the tempest install environment
While this should be backported this purpose of this commit
is to unblock gating and provide for the always changing
requirements within tempest while also allowing us to ensure
that we are defcore complaint.

Tempest is not an integrated service within OpenStack and does
not adhere to any given package or requirement set that would
in a real work function with the rest of OpenStack. Because
tempest is intended to be a standalone system that is not
installed along side of the rest of OpenStack it general will
break and or introduce new requirements that break the services
that depend on various versions of packages as found within
global requirements. To fix this issue tempest is now being
installed within a VENV. The virtual environment will ensure
that tempest is installed in a location where it can resolve
its own dependencies without general impact to the rest of the

Additionally, we removed the heat_contrib_extraroute heat
plugin from the build process because its presently
incompatible with PBR >= 0.11.0 which is related to issue .
However we have already built wheels in our repo which will
still allow this contributing plugin to be installed as an
integrated part of the system. Currently, we git clone heat
source onto heat_engine containers and install selected plugins
via a 'python install'.  This change removes the tasks
that do that and simply adds heat-contrib-extraroute
to heat_pip_packages so it gets installed on all heat-related
containers.  This is actually only required on the heat_engine
containers but the package is tiny and should not cause any issues
being present on the heat_api containers.

Change-Id: Ib972704084ead5748b19362b142fb161fea4a734
2015-05-06 07:46:39 -05:00

200 lines
5.8 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Script for running gate tests. Initially very sparse
# additional projects and test types will be added over time.
# -------------------- Shell Options -------------------------
set -x
# -------------------- Parameters -------------------------
# The only parameters this script takes is the names of the test lists
# to use:
# ./$0 <test_list_name> ...
# If a name is not supplied scenario will be used.
# If multiple lists are given, the resulting tests are combined and
# duplicates are removed.
# -------------------- Functions -------------------------
# Test list functions. Each tempest test scenario (eg scenario, api, smoke,
# defcore) should have a function here to generate the list of tests that
# should be run. Each function takes in the full list of tempest tests and
# should output a filtered list.
function gen_test_list_api() {
# filter test list to produce list of tests to use.
egrep 'tempest\.api\.(identity|image|volume|network|compute|object_storage)'\
|grep -vi xml
# Run selected scenario tests
function gen_test_list_scenario() {
# network tests have been removed due to
# TODO: add them back once the bug has been fixed
egrep 'tempest\.scenario\.test_(minimum|swift|server|dashboard)_basic(_ops)?'
# Run heat-api tests
function gen_test_list_heat_api() {
# basic orchestration api tests
egrep 'tempest\.api\.orchestration\.stacks\.test_non_empty_stack'
# Run cinder backup api tests
function gen_test_list_cinder_backup() {
egrep 'tempest\.api\.volume\.admin\.test_volumes_backup'
# Run smoke tests
function gen_test_list_smoke() {
# this specific test fails frequently and is making our multi node nightly
# job unstable (see bug in gen_test_list_scenario function)
# TODO: re-add back in once the specific issue is identified and corrected
grep smoke | grep -v tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps.test_update_router_admin_state
# Run all tests
function gen_test_list_all() {
# Generate test list from official defcore/refstack spec
# Note that unlike the other test list functions, this one isn't a filter
# it ignores its stdin and pulls the test list from github.
function gen_test_list_defcore(){
string=$(python <<END
import json
import requests
map = {
'master': '',
'juno': '2015.04',
'icehouse': '2015.04'
% {'version': map[branch]}
response = requests.get(url)
for capability in response.json()['capabilities'].values():
for test in capability['tests']:
print test
read -a test_list <<<$string
parse_cmd="grep "
for item in ${test_list[@]}; do parse_cmd+="-e $item "; done
# defcore tests for juno
function gen_test_list_defcore_juno(){
gen_test_list_defcore juno
# defcore tests for icehouse
function gen_test_list_defcore_icehouse(){
gen_test_list_defcore icehouse
echo $1
exit $2
# -------------------- Main -------------------------
available_test_lists=$(compgen -A function|sed -n '/^gen_test_list_/s/gen_test_list_//p')
for test_list_name in $test_lists; do
grep $test_list_name <<<$available_test_lists ||\
exit_msg "$test_list_name is not a valid test list, available test lists: $available_test_lists" 1
# work in tempest directory
pushd {{ tempest_git_dest }}
# Load the tempest venv for a tempest run
source {{ tempest_git_dest }}/bin/activate
# read creds into environment
source /root/openrc
# create testr repo - required for testr to do anything
testr init &>/dev/null ||:
# Get list of available tests.
# lines 1-$testr_output_lines are output to stdout, all lines are written to
# full_test_list.
set -o pipefail
testr list-tests |tee >(sed -n 1,${testr_output_lines}p) >full_test_list ||\
exit_msg "Failed to generate test list" $?
set +o pipefail
# Check the full test list is not empty
[[ -s full_test_list ]] || exit_msg "No tests found" 1
# Write filter test list using selected function. The full test list is
# pre-filtered to only include test lines, this saves adding that filter to
# every test list function.
truncate --size 0 tmp_test_list
for test_list_name in ${test_lists}; do
grep '^tempest\.' < full_test_list \
| gen_test_list_${test_list_name} >> tmp_test_list \
|| exit_msg "Filter $test_list_name failed. Output: $(cat test_list)" 1
# Eliminate duplicate tests
awk '!seen[$0]++' tmp_test_list > test_list
rm tmp_test_list
# Check the filtered test list is not empty
[[ -s test_list ]] || exit_msg "No tests remain after filtering" 1
test_list_summary="${test_lists} ($(wc -l <test_list) tests)"
echo "Using test list $test_list_summary"
# execute chosen tests with pretty output
./ --no-virtual-env ${RUN_TEMPEST_OPTS} -- --load-list test_list ${TESTR_OPTS};
if [[ $result == 0 ]]; then
echo "TEMPEST PASS $test_list_summary"
echo "TEMPEST FAIL $test_list_summary"
# Deactivate the venv after run
deactivate || true
exit $result