For more information about this automatic import see: https://docs.openstack.org/i18n/latest/reviewing-translation-import.html Change-Id: I2b6434ad56630400881628c8cbc2d50570714c0a
3003 lines
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3003 lines
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# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2018. #zanata
# Andreas Jaeger <jaegerandi@gmail.com>, 2019. #zanata
# Ian Y. Choi <ianyrchoi@gmail.com>, 2019. #zanata
# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2019. #zanata
# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2020. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: openstack-ansible 21.1.0.dev106\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-09-06 20:35+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-06 04:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian\n"
"Language: id\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.3\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
msgid ""
"\"Bug triage is a process where tracker issues are screened and prioritised. "
"Triage should help ensure we appropriately manage all reported issues - bugs "
"as well as improvements and feature requests.\" (Source: `Moodle bug "
msgstr ""
"\"Bug triage adalah proses di mana masalah pelacak disaring dan "
"diprioritaskan. Triage harus membantu memastikan kami mengelola dengan tepat "
"semua issues - bug yang dilaporkan serta peningkatan dan permintaan fitur."
"\" (Source: `Moodle bug triage`_)"
msgid "**OpenStack-Ansible**"
msgstr "**OpenStack-Ansible**"
msgid "..."
msgstr "..."
msgid "A"
msgstr "A"
msgid "A consolidated set of all lint tests may be done locally by executing:"
msgstr ""
"Serangkaian semua tes lint dapat dilakukan secara lokal dengan menjalankan:"
msgid "A core reviewer's responsibility doesn't end with merging code."
msgstr "Tanggung jawab peninjau inti tidak berakhir dengan menggabungkan kode."
msgid ""
"A description of how these work can be found in :ref:`inventory-confd` and :"
msgstr ""
"Deskripsi tentang cara kerja ini dapat ditemukan di :ref:`inventory-confd` "
"dan :ref:`inventory-envd`."
msgid ""
"A feature release note must be added to announce the new service "
"availability and to refer to the role documentation for further details. "
"This content must adhere to the :ref:`documentation`."
msgstr ""
"Catatan rilis fitur harus ditambahkan untuk mengumumkan ketersediaan layanan "
"baru dan untuk merujuk ke dokumentasi peran untuk rincian lebih lanjut. "
"Konten ini harus mematuhi :ref:`documentation`."
msgid ""
"A member of the OpenStack-Ansible community should monitor the **OpenStack-"
"discuss** `mailing lists`_."
msgstr ""
"Seorang anggota komunitas OpenStack-Ansible harus memantau **OpenStack-"
"discuss** `mailing lists`_."
msgid ""
"A new project in \"openstack-ansible-ops\" can be started at any time, with "
"no constraint like writing a specification, or creating a bug."
msgstr ""
"Proyek baru dalam \"openstack-ansible-ops\" dapat dimulai kapan saja, tanpa "
"kendala seperti menulis spesifikasi, atau membuat bug."
msgid "A role can be ``Incubated`` for maximum 2 cycles."
msgstr "Peran dapat ``Incubated`` untuk maksimum 2 siklus."
msgid "A role can be in one of the four maturity levels:"
msgstr "Peran dapat berada dalam salah satu dari empat tingkat kematangan:"
msgid "A role can be retired at any time if it is not relevant anymore."
msgstr "Suatu peran dapat dihentikan kapan saja jika tidak relevan lagi."
msgid ""
"A role in ``Complete`` status can be downgraded to ``Unmaintained``. status, "
"according to the maturity downgrade procedure."
msgstr ""
"Peran dalam status ``Complete`` dapat diturunkan ke status ``Unmaintained``, "
"sesuai dengan prosedur penurunan versi jatuh tempo."
msgid ""
"A role may be fully mature, even if it is not integrated in the ``openstack-"
"ansible`` repository. The maturity depends on its testing levels."
msgstr ""
"Peran mungkin sepenuhnya matang, bahkan jika itu tidak terintegrasi dalam "
"repositori ``openstack-ansible``. Kematangan tergantung pada tingkat "
msgid ""
"A tag including the word ``config`` prepares the configuration of the "
"software (adapted to your needs), and all the components necessary to run "
"the service(s) configured in the role. Running a playbook with ``--tags "
"<role>-config`` is only possible if the target already ran the tags ``<role>-"
msgstr ""
"Sebuah tag termasuk kata ``config`` menyiapkan konfigurasi perangkat lunak "
"(disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda), dan semua komponen yang diperlukan "
"untuk menjalankan layanan yang dikonfigurasi dalam peran. Menjalankan buku "
"pedoman dengan ``--tags <role> -config`` hanya dimungkinkan jika target "
"sudah menjalankan tag ``<role> -install``."
msgid ""
"A tag including the word ``install`` handles software installation tasks. "
"Running a playbook with ``--tags <role>-install`` only deploys the necessary "
"software on the target, and will not configure it to your needs or run any "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah tag termasuk kata ``install`` menangani tugas-tugas instalasi "
"perangkat lunak. Menjalankan buku pedoman dengan ``--tags <role> -install`` "
"hanya menyebarkan perangkat lunak yang diperlukan pada target, dan tidak "
"akan mengkonfigurasinya sesuai kebutuhan Anda atau menjalankan layanan apa "
msgid "A tag including the word ``upgrade`` handles all the upgrade tasks."
msgstr "Tag termasuk kata ``upgrade`` menangani semua tugas pemutakhiran."
msgid ""
"Actively reviewing patch submissions, considering whether the patch: - is "
"functional - fits the use-cases and vision of the project - is complete in "
"terms of testing, documentation, and release notes - takes into "
"consideration upgrade concerns from previous versions"
msgstr ""
"Secara aktif meninjau pengiriman patch, dengan mempertimbangkan apakah\n"
"apakah patch: - fungsional - cocok dengan kasus penggunaan dan visi proyek - "
"lengkap dalam hal pengujian, dokumentasi, dan catatan rilis - "
"mempertimbangkan pertimbangan peningkatan masalah dari versi sebelumnya"
msgid ""
"Add a new non-voting job in ``zuul.d/jobs.yaml``, and wire it in the project "
"tests file ``zuul.d/project.yaml``."
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan pekerjaan non-voting baru di ``zuul.d/jobs.yaml``, dan kirimkan ke "
"file tes proyek ``zuul.d/project.yaml``."
msgid ""
"Add an extra role test scenario, to ensure your code path is tested and "
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan skenario uji peran tambahan, untuk memastikan jalur kode Anda "
"diuji dan berfungsi."
msgid "Add tests to the role. See also our :ref:`tests` page."
msgstr "Tambahkan tes ke peran. Lihat juga halaman kami :ref:`tests`."
msgid "Adding patch in releases repo"
msgstr "Menambahkan patch dalam rilis repo"
msgid "Adding tests to a new role"
msgstr "Menambahkan tes ke peran baru"
msgid "After creating a new stable branch:"
msgstr "Setelah membuat branch stabil baru:"
msgid "After milestone 3:"
msgstr "Setelah milestone 3:"
msgid ""
"After official project release, before official OpenStack-Ansible release:"
msgstr "Setelah rilis proyek resmi, sebelum rilis resmi OpenStack-Ansible:"
msgid ""
"All Core reviewer duties are described on the page :dev_docs:`Core Reviewers "
msgstr ""
"Semua tugas reviewer Core dijelaskan di halaman:dev_docs:`Core Reviewers "
msgid ""
"All blueprints/specs should be voted on and approved by core reviewers "
"before any associated code will be merged. For more information on "
"blueprints/specs please review the OpenStack documentation regarding "
"`Working on Specifications and Blueprints`_ and our own :ref:`specs`."
msgstr ""
"Semua blueprints/specs harus dipilih dan disetujui oleh pengulas inti "
"sebelum kode terkait akan digabungkan. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang "
"blueprints/specs, silakan baca dokumentasi OpenStack mengenai `Working on "
"Specifications and Blueprints`_ dan milik kami sendiri :ref:`specs`."
msgid ""
"All changes should be clearly listed in the commit message, with an "
"associated bug id/blueprint along with any extra information where "
msgstr ""
"Semua perubahan harus secara jelas tercantum dalam pesan komit, dengan id/"
"blueprint bug terkait bersama dengan informasi tambahan apa pun yang berlaku."
msgid "All code requires to go through our :ref:`reviews`."
msgstr "Semua kode harus melalui kode kami :ref:`reviews`."
msgid "All code should match our :ref:`codeguidelines`."
msgstr "Semua kode harus sesuai dengan kode kami :ref:`codeguidelines`."
msgid ""
"All common PTL duties are enumerated in the `PTL guide <https://docs."
msgstr ""
"Semua tugas PTL umum disebutkan dalam `PTL guide <https://docs.openstack.org/"
msgid ""
"All forms of documentation should comply with the guidelines provided in the "
"`OpenStack Documentation Contributor Guide`_, with particular reference to "
"the following sections:"
msgstr ""
"Semua bentuk dokumentasi harus mematuhi pedoman yang disediakan dalam "
"`OpenStack Documentation Contributor Guide`_, dengan referensi khusus ke "
"bagian-bagian berikut:"
msgid ""
"All large feature additions/deletions should be accompanied by a blueprint/"
"spec. e.g. adding additional active agents to neutron, developing a new "
"service role, etc... See also :ref:`specs`."
msgstr ""
"Semua additions/deletions fitur besar harus disertai dengan blueprint/spec. "
"misalnya menambahkan agen aktif tambahan ke neutron, mengembangkan peran "
"layanan baru, dll ... Lihat juga :ref:`specs`."
msgid ""
"All of our core team is available through IRC and present in #openstack-"
"ansible channel on Freenode. The list of the current members of the "
"OpenStack-Ansible Team might be found on `gerrit`_."
msgstr ""
"Semua tim inti kami tersedia melalui IRC dan hadir di saluran # openstack-"
"ansible di Freenode. Daftar anggota Tim OpenStack-Ansible saat ini dapat "
"ditemukan di `gerrit`_."
msgid ""
"All of the OpenStack-Ansible roles do not have the same level of maturity "
"and testing."
msgstr ""
"Semua peran OpenStack-Ansible tidak memiliki tingkat kematangan dan "
"pengujian yang sama."
msgid "All our communications should be prefixed with **[openstack-ansible]**."
msgstr "Semua komunikasi kita harus diawali dengan **[openstack-ansible]**."
msgid ""
"All patch sets should adhere to the :ref:`Ansible Style Guide` listed here "
"as well as adhere to the `Ansible best practices`_ when possible."
msgstr ""
"Semua set patch harus mematuhi :ref:`Ansible Style Guide` yang tercantum di "
"sini dan juga mematuhi `Ansible best practices`_ bila memungkinkan."
msgid ""
"All patches including code, documentation and release notes should be built "
"and tested locally with the appropriate test suite before submitting for "
"review. See :ref:`Development and Testing<devel_and_testing>` for more "
msgstr ""
"Semua patch termasuk kode, dokumentasi, dan catatan rilis harus dibuat dan "
"diuji secara lokal dengan suite pengujian yang sesuai sebelum mengirimkan "
"untuk ditinjau. Lihat :ref:`Development and Testing<devel_and_testing>` "
"untuk informasi lebih lanjut."
msgid "Also called *integrated repository*"
msgstr "Disebut juga *integrated repository*"
msgid ""
"Also you may find more detailed information about how to work with bugs on "
"the page :dev_docs:`Bug Handling <contributor/bugs.html>`"
msgstr ""
"Anda juga dapat menemukan informasi lebih rinci tentang cara bekerja dengan "
"bug di halaman :dev_docs:`Bug Handling <contributor/bugs.html>`"
msgid ""
"Alternatively, you can check the :ref:`aio guide<quickstart-aio>`, or even "
"run the gate wrapper script, named ``scripts/gate-check-commit.sh``, "
"described below."
msgstr ""
"Atau, Anda dapat memeriksa :ref:`aio guide <quickstart-aio>`, atau bahkan "
"menjalankan skrip wrapper gate, bernama `skrip/gate-check-commit.sh``, "
"dijelaskan di bawah ini."
msgid ""
"An ``Incubated`` role that didn't implement functional testing in the six "
"month timeframe will become ``Unmaintained``."
msgstr ""
"Peran ``Incubated`` yang tidak menerapkan pengujian fungsional dalam jangka "
"waktu enam bulan akan menjadi ``Unmaintained``."
msgid ""
"An ``Incubated`` role that passes functional testing will be upgraded to the "
"``Complete`` status, and cannot return in ``Incubated`` status."
msgstr ""
"Peran ``Incubated`` yang melewati pengujian fungsional akan ditingkatkan ke "
"status ``Complete``, dan tidak dapat kembali dalam status ``Incubated``."
msgid "Ansible Style Guide"
msgstr "Panduan Style Ansible"
msgid "Ansible is lint tested using `ansible-lint`_."
msgstr "Ansible lint diuji menggunakan `ansible-lint`_."
msgid "Ansible playbook syntax is tested using ansible-playbook."
msgstr "Sintaks playbook Ansible diuji menggunakan ansible-playbook."
msgid "Answering questions and participating in mailing list discussions"
msgstr "Menjawab pertanyaan dan berpartisipasi dalam diskusi milis"
msgid "Any bug fix should have, in its commit message:"
msgstr "Perbaikan bug apa pun harus, dalam pesan komitnya:"
msgid ""
"Any new OpenStack services implemented which have `Tempest`_ tests available "
"must be implemented along with suitable functional tests enabled as part of "
"the feature development in order to ensure that any changes to the code base "
"do not break the service functionality."
msgstr ""
"Setiap layanan OpenStack baru yang diimplementasikan yang memiliki tes "
"`Tempest`_ tersedia harus diimplementasikan bersama dengan tes fungsional "
"yang sesuai diaktifkan sebagai bagian dari pengembangan fitur untuk "
"memastikan bahwa setiap perubahan pada basis kode tidak merusak fungsi "
msgid ""
"Any new code will be reviewed before merging into our repositories and "
"requires at least 2 approvals from our Core team."
msgstr ""
"Setiap kode baru akan ditinjau sebelum bergabung ke dalam repositori kami "
"dan memerlukan setidaknya 2 persetujuan dari tim Inti kami."
msgid "Any new code will be reviewed before merging into our repositories."
msgstr ""
"Kode baru apa pun akan ditinjau sebelum digabungkan ke dalam repositori kami."
msgid ""
"Any relevant logs or user configuration are included, either directly or "
"through a pastebin."
msgstr ""
"Semua log atau konfigurasi pengguna yang relevan disertakan, baik secara "
"langsung atau melalui pastebin."
msgid ""
"Any secrets (For example: passwords) should not be provided with default "
"values in the tasks, role vars, or role defaults. The tasks should be "
"implemented in such a way that any secrets required, but not provided, "
"should result in the task execution failure. It is important for a secure-by-"
"default implementation to ensure that an environment is not vulnerable due "
"to the production use of default secrets. Deployers must be forced to "
"properly provide their own secret variable values."
msgstr ""
"Setiap rahasia (Misalnya: kata sandi) tidak boleh diberikan dengan nilai-"
"nilai standar dalam tugas, peran peran, atau peran standar. Tugas harus "
"diimplementasikan sedemikian rupa sehingga rahasia yang diperlukan, tetapi "
"tidak disediakan, harus mengakibatkan kegagalan pelaksanaan tugas. Penting "
"untuk implementasi yang aman secara default untuk memastikan bahwa "
"lingkungan tidak rentan karena penggunaan produksi dari rahasia default. "
"Pemberi kerja harus dipaksa untuk memberikan nilai variabel rahasia sendiri "
"dengan benar."
msgid ""
"Any secrets required for the role to work must be noted in the ``etc/"
"openstack_deploy/user_secrets.yml`` file for reuse by other users."
msgstr ""
"Setiap rahasia yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan peran harus dicatat dalam "
"file ``etc/openstack_deploy/user_secrets.yml`` untuk digunakan kembali oleh "
"pengguna lain."
msgid ""
"Any variables needed by other roles to connect to the new role, or by the "
"new role to connect to other roles, should be implemented in ``inventory/"
"group_vars``. The group vars are essentially the glue which playbooks use to "
"ensure that all roles are given the appropriate information. When group vars "
"are implemented it should be a minimum set to achieve the goal of "
"integrating the new role into the integrated build."
msgstr ""
"Setiap variabel yang dibutuhkan oleh peran lain untuk terhubung ke peran "
"baru, atau oleh peran baru untuk terhubung ke peran lain, harus "
"diimplementasikan dalam ``inventory/group_vars``. Vars grup pada dasarnya "
"adalah perekat yang digunakan buku pedoman untuk memastikan bahwa semua "
"peran diberi informasi yang sesuai. Ketika vars grup diimplementasikan, itu "
"harus menjadi set minimum untuk mencapai tujuan mengintegrasikan peran baru "
"ke dalam bangunan terintegrasi."
msgid ""
"Are you sure nobody is working on this problem at the moment? Could there be "
"a review pending fixing the same issue?"
msgstr ""
"Apakah Anda yakin tidak ada yang mengerjakan masalah ini saat ini? "
"Mungkinkah ada ulasan yang tertunda memperbaiki masalah yang sama?"
msgid "Assist in bug triage and delivery of bug fixes"
msgstr "Membantu dalam triage bug dan pengiriman perbaikan bug"
msgid "Attend and participate in the weekly IRC meetings"
msgstr "Hadiri dan berpartisipasi dalam pertemuan IRC mingguan"
msgid ""
"Backport reviews should be done with due consideration to the effect of the "
"patch on any existing environment deployed by OpenStack-Ansible. The general "
"`OpenStack Guidelines for stable branches`_ can be used as a reference."
msgstr ""
"Ulasan Backport harus dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan efek patch pada "
"lingkungan yang ada yang digunakan oleh OpenStack-Ansible. Umum `OpenStack "
"Guidelines for stable branches`_ dapat digunakan sebagai referensi."
msgid "Backporting"
msgstr "Backporting"
msgid ""
"Backporting is defined as the act of reproducing a change from another "
"branch. Unclean/squashed/modified cherry-picks and complete "
"reimplementations are OK."
msgstr ""
"Backporting didefinisikan sebagai tindakan mereproduksi perubahan dari "
"branch lain. Unclean/squashed/modified cherry-picks dan implementasi ulang "
"yang lengkap OK."
msgid ""
"Backporting is often done by using the same code (via cherry picking), but "
"this is not always the case. This method is preferred when the cherry-pick "
"provides a complete solution for the targeted problem."
msgstr ""
"Backporting sering dilakukan dengan menggunakan kode yang sama (melalui "
"cherry picking), tetapi ini tidak selalu terjadi. Metode ini lebih disukai "
"ketika cherry-pick memberikan solusi lengkap untuk masalah yang ditargetkan."
msgid ""
"Bash coding conventions are tested using `Bashate`_, with the following "
"convention exceptions:"
msgstr ""
"Konvensi bash coding diuji menggunakan `Bashate`_, dengan pengecualian "
"konvensi berikut:"
msgid ""
"Before creating blueprint/spec an associated 'Wishlist Bug' can be raised on "
"launchpad. This issue will be triaged and a determination will be made on "
"how large the change is and whether or not the change warrants a blueprint/"
"spec. Both features and bug fixes may require the creation of a blueprint/"
"spec. This requirement will be voted on by core reviewers and will be based "
"on the size and impact of the change."
msgstr ""
"Sebelum membuat blueprint/spec 'Wishlist Bug' terkait dapat dimunculkan di "
"launchpad. Masalah ini akan ditriasi dan penentuan akan dilakukan pada "
"seberapa besar perubahan itu dan apakah perubahan tersebut menjamin "
"blueprint/spec. Baik fitur dan perbaikan bug mungkin memerlukan pembuatan "
"blueprint/spec. Persyaratan ini akan dipilih oleh pengulas inti dan akan "
"didasarkan pada ukuran dan dampak perubahan."
msgid ""
"Before jumping ahead and working on code, a series of steps should be taken:"
msgstr ""
"Sebelum melompat dan mengerjakan kode, serangkaian langkah harus diambil:"
msgid "Before submitting code"
msgstr "Sebelum mengirimkan kode"
msgid ""
"Below will cover the more project specific information you need to get "
"started with OpenStack-Ansible."
msgstr ""
"Di bawah ini akan mencakup lebih banyak informasi spesifik proyek yang Anda "
"perlukan untuk memulai dengan OpenStack-Ansible."
msgid ""
"Branch all the independent repos that aren't part of the release in gerrit. "
"See also the ``projects.yaml`` in the governance repo. Manually branched "
"repos need extra editions, like updating the .gitreview, or the reno index. "
"Please reference previous branch creations by using the appropriate topic in "
"gerrit (e.g.: ``create-stein``). The previous new branch creation may be "
"different as the tooling/process may have evolved, so be aware that the "
"changes needed may need to be adapted."
msgstr ""
"Branch semua repo independen merupakan bukan bagian dari rilis di gerrit. "
"Lihat juga ``projects.yaml`` dalam repo tata kelola. Repo yang bercabang "
"secara manual membutuhkan edisi tambahan, seperti memperbarui .gitreview, "
"atau indeks reno. Harap referensi kreasi branch sebelumnya dengan "
"menggunakan topik yang sesuai di gerrit (misal :``create-stein``). Pembuatan "
"branch baru sebelumnya mungkin berbeda karena tooling/process mungkin telah "
"berevolusi, jadi waspadalah bahwa perubahan yang diperlukan mungkin perlu "
msgid "Bug Reporting"
msgstr "Pelaporan Bug"
msgid "Bug Tags"
msgstr "Bug Tags"
msgid "Bug skimming duty"
msgstr "Tugas membaca sekilas bug"
msgid ""
"Bug skimming duty reduces the amount of work other developers have to spend "
"to do a proper root cause analysis (and later fix) of bug reports. For this, "
"close the obviously invalid bug reports, confirm the obviously valid bug "
"reports, ask questions if things are unclear."
msgstr ""
"Tugas membaca sekilas bug mengurangi jumlah pekerjaan yang harus dihabiskan "
"pengembang lain untuk melakukan analisis akar permasalahan (dan kemudian "
"memperbaiki) laporan bug. Untuk ini, tutup laporan bug yang jelas tidak "
"valid, konfirmasikan laporan bug yang jelas valid, ajukan pertanyaan jika "
"ada yang tidak jelas."
msgid "Bug skimming duty weekly checklist"
msgstr "Daftar periksa tugas skimming bug mingguan"
msgid "Bug triage"
msgstr "Bug triage"
msgid "Bug triage meeting duties"
msgstr "Tugas rapat triage bug"
msgid "Bugs should be filed on the `OpenStack-Ansible Launchpad project`_."
msgstr "Bug harus diarsipkan di `OpenStack-Ansible Launchpad project`_."
msgid ""
"Bump RDO and Ubuntu Cloud Archive repositories if they are ready on time."
msgstr ""
"Repositori Bump RDO dan Ubuntu Cloud Archive jika mereka siap tepat waktu."
msgid ""
"Bump ``ceph_stable_release`` to latest Ceph LTS release in the integrated "
"OpenStack-Ansible repo, and inside the ``ceph_client`` role defaults."
msgstr ""
"Bump ``ceph_stable_release`` ke rilis Ceph LTS terbaru dalam repo yang "
"dimungkinkan OpenStack-ansible, dan di dalam default peran ``ceph_client``."
msgid "By milestone 1:"
msgstr "By milestone 1:"
msgid "By milestone 2:"
msgstr "By milestone 2:"
msgid "By milestone 3:"
msgstr "By milestone 3:"
msgid ""
"By proposing a draft spec you can help the OpenStack-Ansible community keep "
"track of what roles or large changes are being developed, and perhaps "
"connect you with others who may be interested and able to help you in the "
msgstr ""
"Dengan mengajukan draf spesifikasi, Anda dapat membantu komunitas OpenStack-"
"Ansible melacak peran atau perubahan besar apa yang sedang dikembangkan, dan "
"mungkin menghubungkan Anda dengan orang lain yang mungkin tertarik dan dapat "
"membantu Anda dalam proses tersebut."
msgid ""
"Changes in the project over time which may affect an existing deployment."
msgstr ""
"Perubahan dalam proyek dari waktu ke waktu yang dapat mempengaruhi "
"penyebaran yang ada."
msgid ""
"Changes to the project should be submitted for review via the Gerrit tool, "
"following the `workflow documented here`_."
msgstr ""
"Perubahan pada proyek harus diserahkan untuk ditinjau melalui alat Gerrit, "
"mengikuti `workflow documented here`_."
msgid "Check and bump galera versions if required."
msgstr "Check and bump versi galera jika diperlukan."
msgid "Check and bump rabbitmq versions if required."
msgstr "Check and bump versi rabbitmq jika diperlukan."
msgid "Check current pins status"
msgstr "Periksa status pin saat ini"
msgid ""
"Check outstanding reviews and move to merge or abandon them if no longer "
msgstr ""
"Periksa ulasan luar biasa dan pindahlah untuk menggabungkan atau "
"meninggalkannya jika tidak lagi valid."
msgid "Closes-Bug: #bugnumber"
msgstr "Closes-Bug: #bugnumber"
msgid "Code Comments"
msgstr "Komentar Kode"
msgid "Code Merge Responsibilities"
msgstr "Tanggung Jawab Penggabungan Kode"
msgid ""
"Code comments for bash/python scripts should give guidance to the purpose of "
"the code. This is important to provide context for reviewers before the "
"patch has merged, and for later modifications to remind the contributors "
"what the purpose was and why it was done that way."
msgstr ""
"Komentar kode untuk skrip bash/python harus memberikan panduan untuk tujuan "
"kode. Ini penting untuk memberikan konteks bagi pengulas sebelum patch "
"bergabung, dan untuk modifikasi selanjutnya mengingatkan para kontributor "
"apa tujuannya dan mengapa itu dilakukan seperti itu."
msgid ""
"Code comments for variables should be used to explain the purpose of the "
"variable. This is particularly important for the role defaults file as the "
"file is included verbatim in the role's documentation. Where there is an "
"optional variable, the variable and an explanation of what it is used for "
"should be added to the defaults file."
msgstr ""
"Komentar kode untuk variabel harus digunakan untuk menjelaskan tujuan "
"variabel. Ini sangat penting untuk file peran default karena file tersebut "
"dimasukkan kata demi kata dalam dokumentasi peran. Jika ada variabel "
"opsional, variabel dan penjelasan tentang apa yang digunakan untuk itu harus "
"ditambahkan ke file default."
msgid "Code location"
msgstr "Lokasi kode"
msgid "Code rules"
msgstr "Aturan kode"
msgid "Communication"
msgstr "Komunikasi"
msgid "Community communication channels"
msgstr "Saluran komunikasi komunitas"
msgid "Community goal acknowledgement."
msgstr "Pengakuan tujuan komunitas."
msgid "Contacting the Core Team"
msgstr "Menghubungi Tim Inti (Core Team)"
msgid "Container technology independence"
msgstr "Kemandirian teknologi Container"
msgid "Contents:"
msgstr "Isi:"
msgid "Contributor Guidelines"
msgstr "Pedoman Kontributor"
msgid "Copy release notes relevant to the freeze."
msgstr "Salin catatan rilis yang relevan dengan pembekuan."
msgid "Core Reviewer Expectations"
msgstr "Harapan Peninjau Inti"
msgid "Core Reviewers"
msgstr "Peninjau Inti"
msgid ""
"Create a source repository (e.g. on Github) to start your work on the Role."
msgstr ""
"Buat repositori sumber (misal di Github) untuk memulai pekerjaan Anda di "
msgid "Curating the gate and triaging failures"
msgstr "Curating gate dan gagal triaging"
msgid ""
"Definitively *Invalid*. The status *Incomplete* is an open state and means "
"that more information is necessary."
msgstr ""
"Definitif *Invalid*. Status *Incomplete* adalah keadaan terbuka dan "
"berarti bahwa lebih banyak informasi diperlukan."
msgid "Deploy the applicable configuration files in the right places."
msgstr "Menyebarkan file konfigurasi yang berlaku di tempat yang tepat."
msgid ""
"Develop task files for each of the install stages in turn, creating any "
"handlers and templates as needed. Ensure that you notify handlers after any "
"task which impacts the way the service would run (such as configuration file "
"modifications). Also take care that file ownership and permissions are "
msgstr ""
"Kembangkan file tugas untuk masing-masing tahap instalasi pada gilirannya, "
"buat penangan dan template apa pun sesuai kebutuhan. Pastikan bahwa Anda "
"memberi tahu penangan setelah tugas apa pun yang memengaruhi cara layanan "
"akan dijalankan (seperti modifikasi file konfigurasi). Juga berhati-hatilah "
"bahwa kepemilikan dan izin file sesuai."
msgid "Developer Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentasi Pengembang"
msgid "Development cycle checklist"
msgstr "Daftar periksa siklus pengembangan"
msgid "Distribution support"
msgstr "Dukungan distribusi"
msgid ""
"Distributions can be promoted to voting jobs on individual roles once they "
"move to the `Graduation` phase and their stability has been confirmed by the "
"core OpenStack-Ansible developers. Similar to this, voting can also be "
"enabled in the integration repository for all the scenarios or a specific "
msgstr ""
"Distribusi dapat dipromosikan ke pekerjaan pemungutan suara pada peran "
"individu begitu mereka pindah ke fase `Graduation` dan stabilitasnya telah "
"dikonfirmasi oleh pengembang inti OpenStack-Ansible. Mirip dengan ini, "
"pemungutan suara juga dapat diaktifkan di repositori integrasi untuk semua "
"skenario atau skenario tertentu."
msgid ""
"Do I have to double-check bug reports which are New and have an assignee?"
msgstr ""
"Apakah saya harus memeriksa ulang laporan bug yang New dan memiliki penerima "
msgid ""
"Do I need to prove that a bug report is valid/invalid before I can set it to "
"*Confirmed*/*Invalid* ?"
msgstr ""
"Apakah saya perlu membuktikan bahwa laporan bug valid/invalid sebelum saya "
"dapat mengaturnya menjadi *Confirmed*/*Invalid* ?"
msgid "Documentation and Release Note Guidelines"
msgstr "Pedoman Dokumentasi dan Catatan Rilis"
msgid "Documentation building"
msgstr "Dokumentasi dibangun"
msgid ""
"Documentation is a critical part of ensuring that the deployers of OpenStack-"
"Ansible are appropriately informed about:"
msgstr ""
"Dokumentasi adalah bagian penting untuk memastikan bahwa penyebar OpenStack-"
"Ansible diberi informasi tentang:"
msgid ""
"Documentation is developed in reStructuredText_ (RST) and compiled into HTML "
"using Sphinx."
msgstr ""
"Dokumentasi dikembangkan dalam reStructuredText_ (RST) dan dikompilasi ke "
"dalam HTML menggunakan Sphinx."
msgid "Documentation locations"
msgstr "Lokasi dokumentasi"
msgid "Documentation may be built locally by executing:"
msgstr "Dokumentasi dapat dibangun secara lokal dengan mengeksekusi:"
msgid ""
"Documentation must be added in the role to describe how to implement the new "
"service in an integrated environement. This content must adhere to the :ref:"
"`documentation`. Until the role has integrated functional testing "
"implemented (see also the Role development maturity paragraph), the "
"documentation must make it clear that the service inclusion in OpenStack-"
"Ansible is experimental and is not fully tested by OpenStack-Ansible in an "
"integrated build. Alternatively, an user story can be created."
msgstr ""
"Dokumentasi harus ditambahkan dalam peran untuk menggambarkan bagaimana "
"menerapkan layanan baru di lingkungan yang terintegrasi. Konten ini harus "
"mematuhi :ref:`documentation`. Sampai peran tersebut telah "
"mengimplementasikan pengujian fungsional terintegrasi (lihat juga paragraf "
"kedewasaan pengembangan peran), dokumentasi harus memperjelas bahwa inklusi "
"layanan di OpenStack-Ansible adalah eksperimental dan tidak sepenuhnya diuji "
"oleh OpenStack-Ansible dalam build terintegrasi. Atau, cerita pengguna dapat "
msgid ""
"Documentation should be provided with the code directly. See also :ref:"
msgstr ""
"Dokumentasi harus diberikan dengan kode secara langsung. Lihat juga :ref:"
msgid ""
"E003: Indent not multiple of 4. We prefer to use multiples of 2 instead."
msgstr ""
"E003: Indent bukan kelipatan 4. Kami lebih suka menggunakan kelipatan 2 "
"sebagai gantinya."
msgid ""
"E006: Line longer than 79 columns. As many scripts are deployed as templates"
msgstr ""
"E006: Baris lebih panjang dari 79 kolom. Karena banyak skrip yang digunakan "
"sebagai templat"
msgid ""
"E040: Syntax error determined using `bash -n`. As many scripts are deployed"
msgstr ""
"E040: Kesalahan sintaks ditentukan menggunakan `bash -n`. Karena banyak "
"skrip dikerahkan"
msgid ""
"Each list item must make sense to read without the context of the patch or "
"the repository the patch is being submitted into. The reason for this is "
"that all release notes are consolidated and presented in a long list without "
"reference to the source patch or the context of the repository."
msgstr ""
"Setiap item daftar harus masuk akal untuk dibaca tanpa konteks tambalan atau "
"repositori patch sedang diajukan. Alasan untuk ini adalah bahwa semua "
"catatan rilis dikonsolidasikan dan disajikan dalam daftar panjang tanpa "
"referensi ke patch sumber atau konteks repositori."
msgid ""
"Each note should be brief and to the point. Try to avoid multi-paragraph "
"notes. For features the note should typically refer to documentation for "
"more details. For bug fixes the note can refer to a registered bug for more "
msgstr ""
"Setiap note harus singkat dan to the point. Cobalah untuk menghindari note "
"multi-paragraf. Untuk fitur, note biasanya merujuk ke dokumentasi untuk "
"detail lebih lanjut. Untuk perbaikan bug, note dapat merujuk ke bug "
"terdaftar untuk detail lebih lanjut."
msgid "Each of the role tests is in its tests/ folder."
msgstr "Setiap tes peran ada di dalam tests/ foldernya."
msgid ""
"Each role is in charge of deploying **exactly one** component of an "
"OpenStack-Ansible deployment."
msgstr ""
"Setiap peran bertugas menyebarkan **exactly one** komponen dari penyebaran "
msgid ""
"Easy to fix bugs are marked with the tag *low hanging fruit*, and should be "
"the target of first time contributors."
msgstr ""
"Bug yang mudah diperbaiki ditandai dengan tag *low hanging fruit*, dan harus "
"menjadi target kontributor pertama kali."
msgid "Ensure that the service starts."
msgstr "Pastikan layanan mulai."
msgid "Ensure the role converges:"
msgstr "Pastikan peran menyatu (converge):"
msgid ""
"Ensuring the level of testing is adequate and remains relevant as features "
"are added"
msgstr ""
"Memastikan tingkat pengujian memadai dan tetap relevan saat fitur ditambahkan"
msgid ""
"Ensuring the role matches OpenStack-Ansible's latest standards. See also "
"our :ref:`code_rules` page."
msgstr ""
"Memastikan perannya cocok dengan standar terbaru OpenStack-Ansible. Lihat "
"juga halaman :ref:`code_rules` kami."
msgid ""
"Every backport commit must still only solve one problem, as per the "
"guidelines in :ref:`codeguidelines`."
msgstr ""
"Setiap backport commit harus tetap hanya menyelesaikan satu masalah, sesuai "
"panduan dalam :ref:`codeguidelines`."
msgid "Example YAML dictionary format:"
msgstr "Contoh format kamus YAML:"
msgid "Example process for adding a feature to an existing role"
msgstr "Contoh proses untuk menambahkan fitur ke peran yang ada"
msgid "Example process to develop a new role"
msgstr "Contoh proses untuk mengembangkan peran baru"
msgid "Example process to incubate a new \"ops\" project"
msgstr "Contoh proses untuk menginkubasi proyek \"ops\" baru"
msgid "Example what **NOT** to do:"
msgstr "Contoh apa yang **NOT** harus dilakukan:"
msgid ""
"Existing and new distributions are expected to meet the following "
"requirements in order for them to be accepted in the individual OpenStack-"
"Ansible roles:"
msgstr ""
"Distribusi yang ada dan yang baru diharapkan untuk memenuhi persyaratan "
"berikut agar dapat diterima dalam peran yang dimungkinkan OpenStack individu:"
msgid "Extending tests of an existing role"
msgstr "Memperluas tes peran yang ada"
msgid "External repositories"
msgstr "Repositori eksternal"
msgid "F403 - 'from ansible.module_utils.basic import \\*'"
msgstr "F403 - 'from ansible.module_utils.basic import \\*'"
msgid ""
"Feature additions must include documentation which provides reference to "
"OpenStack documentation about what the feature is and how it works. The "
"documentation should then describe how it is implemented in OpenStack-"
"Ansible and what configuration options there are. See also the :ref:"
"`documentation` section."
msgstr ""
"Penambahan fitur harus menyertakan dokumentasi yang menyediakan referensi ke "
"dokumentasi OpenStack tentang apa fitur itu dan bagaimana cara kerjanya. "
"Dokumentasi kemudian harus menjelaskan bagaimana ini diterapkan di OpenStack-"
"Ansible dan opsi konfigurasi apa yang ada. Lihat juga bagian :ref:"
msgid "Feature freeze, bug fixes, and testing improvements."
msgstr "Membekukan fitur, perbaikan bug, dan peningkatan pengujian."
msgid ""
"Fill in variable defaults, libraries, and prerequisites as you discover a "
"need for them. You can also develop documentation for your role at the same "
msgstr ""
"Isi default variabel, perpustakaan, dan prasyarat saat Anda menemukan "
"kebutuhan untuknya. Anda juga dapat mengembangkan dokumentasi untuk peran "
"Anda secara bersamaan."
msgid ""
"Fixing bugs and increasing test coverage have priority to new features. See "
"also the section :ref:`bugfixing`."
msgstr ""
"Memperbaiki bug dan meningkatkan jangkauan pengujian memiliki prioritas pada "
"fitur-fitur baru. Lihat juga bagian :ref:`bugfixing`."
msgid ""
"For a distribution to be considered supported by the OpenStack-Ansible "
"project, it has to meet the following minimum requirements:"
msgstr ""
"Agar distribusi dianggap didukung oleh proyek OpenStack-Ansible, ia harus "
"memenuhi persyaratan minimum berikut:"
msgid ""
"For all the repos, update the eventual static files refering to master/"
"previous branch name. The main documentation should be updated to add the "
"new branch. The #openstack-docs team should also be updated, for linking the "
"newly created deployment-guide."
msgstr ""
"Untuk semua repo, perbarui file statis akhirnya merujuk ke nama branch "
"master/sebelumnya. Dokumentasi utama harus diperbarui untuk menambahkan "
"branch baru. Tim #openstack-docs juga harus diperbarui, untuk menghubungkan "
"panduan penyebaran yang baru dibuat."
msgid ""
"For contributing code and documentation, you must follow the OpenStack "
"practices. Nothing special is required for OpenStack-Ansible."
msgstr ""
"Untuk berkontribusi kode dan dokumentasi, Anda harus mengikuti praktik "
"OpenStack. Tidak ada yang khusus diperlukan untuk OpenStack-Ansible."
msgid ""
"For general information on contributing to OpenStack, please check out the "
"`contributor guide <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/>`_ to get "
"started. It covers all the basics that are common to all OpenStack projects: "
"the accounts you need, the basics of interacting with our Gerrit review "
"system, how we communicate as a community, etc."
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi umum tentang kontribusi ke OpenStack, silakan periksa "
"`panduan kontributor <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/>` _ untuk "
"memulai. Ini mencakup semua dasar-dasar yang umum untuk semua proyek "
"OpenStack: akun yang Anda butuhkan, dasar-dasar berinteraksi dengan sistem "
"ulasan Gerrit kami, cara kami berkomunikasi sebagai komunitas, dll."
msgid ""
"For helping on or submitting bugs, you must have an account on ubuntu "
"Launchpad. All our repositories share the same `Launchpad project`_."
msgstr ""
"Untuk membantu atau mengirimkan bug, Anda harus memiliki akun di Launchpad "
"ubuntu. Semua repositori kami berbagi hal yang sama `Launchpad project`_."
msgid ""
"For in-depth technical information, see the :dev_docs:`OpenStack-Ansible "
"Reference <reference/index.html>`."
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi teknis mendalam, lihat :dev_docs:`OpenStack-Ansible "
"Reference <reference/index.html>`."
msgid ""
"For information on how to deploy your OpenStack-Ansible cloud, refer to the :"
"deploy_guide:`Deployment Guide <index.html>` for step-by-step instructions "
"on how to deploy the OpenStack packages and dependencies on your cloud using "
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi tentang cara menggunakan cloud OpenStack-Ansible Anda, "
"lihat :deploy_guide: `Deployment Guide <index.html>` untuk petunjuk langkah-"
"demi-langkah tentang cara menggunakan paket OpenStack dan dependensi pada "
"cloud Anda menggunakan OpenStack-Ansible ."
msgid ""
"For information on how to manage and operate OpenStack-Ansible, see the see "
"the :dev_docs:`Operations Guide <admin/index.html>`."
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi tentang cara mengelola dan mengoperasikan OpenStack-Ansible, "
"lihat lihat :dev_docs:`Operations Guide <admin/index.html>`."
msgid ""
"For sharing your user experience, stories, and helping other users, please "
"join us in our :ref:`IRC channel<irc>`."
msgstr ""
"Untuk berbagi pengalaman pengguna, cerita, dan membantu pengguna lain, "
"silakan bergabung dengan kami di :ref:`IRC channel<irc>`."
msgid "For user guides, see the :dev_docs:`User Guide <user/index.html>`."
msgstr ""
"Untuk panduan pengguna, lihat :dev_docs:`User Guide <user/index.html>`."
msgid ""
"Freeze ansible-role-requirements to their latest SHAs for the branch they "
"are tracking."
msgstr ""
"Bekukan ansible-role-requirements untuk SHA terbaru mereka untuk branch yang "
"mereka lacak."
msgid "General Guidelines for Submitting Code"
msgstr "Pedoman Umum untuk Mengirimkan Kode"
msgid "General Responsibilities"
msgstr "Tanggung jawab umum"
msgid ""
"Generate a meta/main.yml right away. This file is important to Ansible to "
"ensure your dependent roles are installed and available and provides others "
"with the information they will need to understand the purpose of your role."
msgstr ""
"Hasilkan meta/main.yml segera. File ini penting bagi Ansible untuk "
"memastikan peran dependen Anda diinstal dan tersedia dan memberi orang lain "
"informasi yang mereka perlukan untuk memahami tujuan peran Anda."
msgid ""
"Generate files to include your service in the Ansible inventory using ``env."
"d`` and ``conf.d`` files for use on your deploy host."
msgstr ""
"Buat file untuk memasukkan layanan Anda dalam inventaris yang dimungkinkan "
"menggunakan file ``env.d`` dan ``conf.d`` untuk digunakan pada host "
"penyebaran Anda."
msgid ""
"Generate secrets, if any, as described in the :deploy_guide:`Configure "
"Service Credentials <configure.html#configuring-service-credentials>`. You "
"can append your keys to an existing ``user_secrets.yml`` file or add a new "
"file to the ``openstack_deploy`` directory to contain them. Provide "
"overrides for any other variables you will need at this time as well, either "
"in ``user_variables.yml`` or another file."
msgstr ""
"Hasilkan rahasia, jika ada, seperti yang dijelaskan dalam :deploy_guide:"
"`Configure Service Credentials <configure.html#configuring-service-"
"credentials>`. Anda dapat menambahkan kunci Anda ke file yang sudah ada "
"``user_secrets.yml`` atau menambahkan file baru ke file ``openstack_deploy`` "
"direktori untuk memuatnya. Berikan override untuk variabel lain yang Anda "
"perlukan saat ini juga, baik di ``user_variables.yml`` atau file lain."
msgid ""
"Generate the reference directory structure for an Ansible role which is the "
"necessary subset of the documented `Best Practice`_. You might use Ansible "
"Galaxy tools to do this for you (e.g. ``ansible-galaxy init``). You may "
"additionally want to include directories such as ``docs`` and ``examples`` "
"and ``tests`` for your role."
msgstr ""
"Hasilkan struktur direktori referensi untuk peran Ansible yang merupakan "
"subset yang diperlukan dari `Best Practice`_ yang didokumentasikan. Anda "
"mungkin menggunakan alat Ansible Galaxy untuk melakukan ini untuk Anda "
"(misal ``Ansible-galaxy init``). Anda juga mungkin ingin memasukkan "
"direktori seperti ``docs`` dan ` examples`` dan ``tests`` untuk peran Anda."
msgid "Getting Your Patch Merged"
msgstr "Mendapatkan Patch Anda Digabung (Getting Your Patch Merged)"
msgid "Graduation"
msgstr "Wisuda"
msgid "Handle OpenStack-Ansible roles deprecations from the previous cycle."
msgstr ""
"Menangani penghentian peran yang dimungkinkan oleh OpenStack dari siklus "
msgid "Handle deprecations from upstream project's previous cycle."
msgstr "Menangani penolakan dari siklus sebelumnya proyek hulu."
msgid ""
"Have you checked if your issue/feature request hasn't been solved in another "
msgstr ""
"Sudahkah Anda memeriksa jika issue/feature permintaan Anda belum "
"diselesaikan di branch lain?"
msgid "Here are a few rules to get started:"
msgstr "Berikut adalah beberapa aturan untuk memulai:"
msgid "Here are a series of rules that define maturity levels:"
msgstr "Berikut adalah serangkaian aturan yang menentukan tingkat kematangan:"
msgid "Here are the steps to write the role:"
msgstr "Berikut langkah-langkah untuk menulis peran:"
msgid "Here is a dashboard of the current status of the roles:"
msgstr "Berikut adalah dasbor dari status peran saat ini:"
msgid ""
"How do I handle dependencies to other bugs or TBD features in other "
"projects? For example, I can fix a bug in OpenStack-Ansible but I need that "
"a feature in Compute (nova) gets implemented before."
msgstr ""
"Bagaimana cara saya menangani ketergantungan pada bug lain atau fitur TBD di "
"proyek lain? Sebagai contoh, saya dapat memperbaiki bug di OpenStack-Ansible "
"tetapi saya membutuhkan fitur di Compute (nova) diimplementasikan sebelumnya."
msgid "How do I handle open bug reports which are Incomplete for too long?"
msgstr ""
"Bagaimana cara menangani laporan bug terbuka yang tidak lengkap terlalu lama?"
msgid "How to contribute on code or issues"
msgstr "Bagaimana cara berkontribusi pada kode atau masalah"
msgid ""
"How to implement the right configuration to meet the needs of their specific "
msgstr ""
"Bagaimana menerapkan konfigurasi yang tepat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kasus "
"penggunaan khusus mereka."
msgid "How to use the project's tooling effectively to deploy OpenStack."
msgstr ""
"Cara menggunakan perkakas proyek secara efektif untuk menyebarkan OpenStack."
msgid ""
"However, for reliability purposes, a few variables are defined to point to "
"the OpenStack infra pypi and packages mirrors."
msgstr ""
"Namun, untuk tujuan keandalan, beberapa variabel didefinisikan untuk "
"menunjuk ke OpenStack infra pypi dan paket mirror."
msgid ""
"However, to help you in the writing of the specification, we have a "
"`specification template`_ that can be copied into the latest release name "
"folder. Rename and edit it for your needs."
msgstr ""
"Namun, untuk membantu Anda dalam penulisan spesifikasi, kami memiliki "
"`template spesifikasi`_ yang dapat disalin ke folder nama rilis terbaru. "
"Ganti nama dan edit untuk kebutuhan Anda."
msgid "IRC channel"
msgstr "Saluran IRC"
msgid ""
"Ideally, the functional tests for an OpenStack role should make use of "
"Tempest to execute the functional tests. The ideal tests to execute are "
"scenario tests as they test the functions that the service is expected to do "
"in a production deployment. In the absence of any scenario tests for the "
"service a fallback option is to implement the smoke tests instead."
msgstr ""
"Idealnya, tes fungsional untuk peran OpenStack harus menggunakan Tempest "
"untuk menjalankan tes fungsional. Tes yang ideal untuk dieksekusi adalah tes "
"skenario karena mereka menguji fungsi yang diharapkan dilakukan oleh layanan "
"dalam penyebaran produksi. Dengan tidak adanya tes skenario untuk layanan, "
"pilihan mundur (fallback) adalah untuk menerapkan tes asap (smoke test) "
"sebagai gantinya."
msgid ""
"If a backport is a squashed set of cherry-picked commits, the original SHAs "
"should be referenced in the commit message and the reason for squashing the "
"commits should be clearly explained."
msgstr ""
"Jika backport adalah set squat dari komit pilihan, SHA asli harus dirujuk "
"dalam pesan komit dan alasan untuk squat komit harus dijelaskan dengan jelas."
msgid ""
"If a role has failed periodics or gate test for two weeks, a bug should be "
"filed, and a message to the mailing list will be sent, referencing the bug."
msgstr ""
"Jika sebuah peran gagal dalam uji periodik atau gerbang (periodics or gate "
"test) selama dua minggu, bug harus diajukan, dan pesan ke milis akan "
"dikirim, merujuk bug."
msgid ""
"If developing a new role, please follow the conventions set by existing "
msgstr ""
"Jika mengembangkan peran baru, harap ikuti konvensi yang ditetapkan oleh "
"peran yang ada."
msgid ""
"If it is in this state for more than 30 days and no answers to the open "
"questions are given, close it with Won't Fix."
msgstr ""
"Jika berada dalam kondisi ini selama lebih dari 30 hari dan tidak ada "
"jawaban untuk pertanyaan terbuka yang diberikan, tutuplah Won't Fix."
msgid ""
"If necessary, work on the integration within the openstack-ansible "
"integrated repository, and deploy the role on an AIO. See also :ref:"
msgstr ""
"Jika perlu, bekerja pada integrasi dalam repositori terintegrasi openstack-"
"ansible, dan menyebarkan peran pada AIO. Lihat juga :ref:`integrate-new-role-"
msgid ""
"If no \"Wishlist\" item exist in Launchpad for your feature, create a bug "
"for it. Don't hesitate to ask if a spec is required in the bug."
msgstr ""
"Jika tidak ada item \"Wishlist\" di Launchpad untuk fitur Anda, buat bug "
"untuknya. Jangan ragu untuk bertanya apakah spesifikasi diperlukan dalam bug."
msgid ""
"If no tempest is provided, some other functional testing should be done. For "
"APIs, you can probably check the HTTP response codes, with specially crafted "
msgstr ""
"Jika tidak ada tempest disediakan, beberapa pengujian fungsional lainnya "
"harus dilakukan. Untuk API, Anda mungkin dapat memeriksa kode respons HTTP, "
"dengan permintaan yang dibuat khusus."
msgid ""
"If required, ask the OpenStack-Ansible PTL to import the github role into "
"the openstack-ansible namespace (This can only be done early in the "
"development cycle, and may be postponed to next cycle)."
msgstr ""
"Jika diperlukan, mintalah PTL OpenStack-Ansible untuk mengimpor peran github "
"ke namespace openstack-ansible (Ini hanya dapat dilakukan di awal siklus "
"pengembangan, dan dapat ditunda ke siklus berikutnya)."
msgid ""
"If the bug affects a specific area covered by an official tag, you should "
"set the tag. For example, if the bug is likely to be quite easy to solve, "
"add the `low-hanging-fruit` tag."
msgstr ""
"Jika bug mempengaruhi area tertentu yang dicakup oleh tag resmi, Anda harus "
"mengatur tag. Misalnya, jika bug tersebut kemungkinan cukup mudah untuk "
"dipecahkan, tambahkan tag `low-hanging-fruit`."
msgid ""
"If the bug description is incomplete, or the report is lacking the "
"information necessary to reproduce the issue, ask the reporter to provide "
"missing information, and set the bug status to *Incomplete*"
msgstr ""
"Jika deskripsi bug tidak lengkap, atau laporan kekurangan informasi yang "
"diperlukan untuk mereproduksi masalah, minta reporter untuk memberikan "
"informasi yang hilang, dan atur status bug ke *Incomplete*"
msgid ""
"If the bug has security implications, set the security flag (under \"This "
"report is public\" on the top right)"
msgstr ""
"Jika bug memiliki implikasi keamanan, atur tanda keamanan (di bawah \"This "
"report is public\" di kanan atas)"
msgid ""
"If the bug report contains enough information and you can reproduce it (or "
"it looks valid), then you should set its status to *Confirmed*."
msgstr ""
"Jika laporan bug berisi cukup informasi dan Anda dapat memperbanyaknya (atau "
"terlihat valid), maka Anda harus mengatur statusnya *Confirmed*."
msgid ""
"If the issue is a bug that needs fixing in a branch other than master, "
"please note the associated branch within the launchpad issue."
msgstr ""
"Jika masalahnya adalah bug yang harus diperbaiki di cabang selain master, "
"harap perhatikan cabang terkait dalam masalah luncur."
msgid ""
"If the reported needs fixing in a branch in addition to master, add a "
"'\\<release\\>-backport-potential' tag (e.g. ``liberty-backport-"
"potential``). There are predefined tags that will auto-complete."
msgstr ""
"Jika kebutuhan yang dilaporkan diperbaiki di cabang selain master, tambahkan "
"tag '<release\\>-backport-potential' (misal ``liberty-backport-potential``). "
"Ada tag yang telah ditentukan yang akan otomatis selesai."
msgid ""
"If you adhere to the pattern of isolating your role's extra deployment "
"requirements (secrets and var files, HAProxy yml fragments, repo_package "
"files, etc.) in their own files it makes it easy for you to automate these "
"additional steps when testing your role."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda mematuhi pola mengisolasi persyaratan penempatan tambahan peran "
"Anda (rahasia dan file var, fragmen HAProxy yml, file repo_package, dll.) "
"Dalam file mereka sendiri, itu memudahkan Anda untuk mengotomatisasi langkah-"
"langkah tambahan ini saat menguji peran Anda."
msgid ""
"If you would like to contribute towards a role to introduce an OpenStack or "
"infrastructure service, or to improve an existing role, the OpenStack-"
"Ansible project would welcome that contribution and your assistance in "
"maintaining it."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda ingin berkontribusi pada peran untuk memperkenalkan OpenStack atau "
"layanan infrastruktur, atau untuk meningkatkan peran yang ada, proyek "
"OpenStack-Ansible akan menyambut kontribusi itu dan bantuan Anda dalam "
msgid ""
"If you're looking for some smaller, easier work item to pick up and get "
"started on, search for the 'low-hanging-fruit' tag."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda mencari item pekerjaan yang lebih kecil dan lebih mudah untuk "
"diambil dan memulai, cari tag 'low-hanging-fruit'."
msgid "If you're willing to submit code, please remember the following rules:"
msgstr "Jika Anda ingin mengirimkan kode, harap ingat aturan berikut:"
msgid ""
"If your service is installed from source or relies on python packages which "
"need to be installed from source, specify a repository for the source code "
"of each requirement by adding a file to your deploy host under ``playbooks/"
"defaults/repo_packages`` in the OpenStack-Ansible source repository and "
"following the pattern of files currently in that directory. You could also "
"simply add an entry to an existing file there. Be sure to run the ``repo-"
"build.yml`` play later so that wheels for your packages will be included in "
"the repository infrastructure."
msgstr ""
"Jika layanan Anda diinstal dari sumber atau bergantung pada paket python "
"yang perlu diinstal dari sumber, tentukan repositori untuk kode sumber dari "
"setiap persyaratan dengan menambahkan file ke host deploy Anda di bawah "
"``playbooks/defaults/repo_packages`` di OpenStack-Ansible repositori sumber "
"yang dimungkinkan dan mengikuti pola file yang saat ini ada di direktori "
"itu. Anda juga bisa menambahkan entri ke file yang ada di sana. Pastikan "
"untuk menjalankan pemutaran ``repo-build.yml`` nanti sehingga roda (wheel) "
"untuk paket Anda akan dimasukkan dalam infrastruktur repositori."
msgid "Immediately after official OpenStack-Ansible release:"
msgstr "Segera setelah rilis resmi OpenStack-Ansible:"
msgid ""
"Implement **developer_mode** to build from a git source into a Python "
"virtual environment."
msgstr ""
"Menjalankan **developer_mode** untuk membangun dari sumber git ke lingkungan "
"virtual Python."
msgid "Implement features"
msgstr "Menerapkan fitur"
msgid "Importance"
msgstr "Importance"
msgid "Improve testing with tempest"
msgstr "Tingkatkan pengujian dengan tempest"
msgid "In essence, core reviewers share the following common ideals:"
msgstr "Intinya, pengulas inti berbagi cita-cita umum berikut:"
msgid ""
"In most cases only the following sections should be used for new release "
"notes submitted with patches:"
msgstr ""
"Dalam kebanyakan kasus hanya bagian berikut yang harus digunakan untuk "
"catatan rilis baru yang dikirimkan dengan patch:"
msgid ""
"In other words, `defaults/main.yml` contains variables that are meant to be "
"overridable by a deployer or a continuous integration system. These "
"variables should be limited as much as possible, to avoid increasing the "
"test matrix."
msgstr ""
"Dengan kata lain, `defaults/main.yml` berisi variabel-variabel yang "
"dimaksudkan untuk dapat ditimpa oleh seorang deployer atau sistem integrasi "
"berkelanjutan. Variabel-variabel ini harus dibatasi sebanyak mungkin, untuk "
"menghindari peningkatan matriks tes."
msgid ""
"In this section, you will find documentation relevant to developing "
msgstr ""
"Di bagian ini, Anda akan menemukan dokumentasi yang relevan dengan "
"pengembangan OpenStack-Ansible."
msgid "Include historical information on how the problem was identified."
msgstr ""
"Sertakan informasi historis tentang bagaimana masalah itu diidentifikasi."
msgid "Include your role on the deploy host. See also :ref:`extend_osa_roles`."
msgstr ""
"Sertakan peran Anda di host penyebaran. Lihat juga :ref:`extend_osa_roles`."
msgid ""
"Instead, the new code has to be isolated on a separate folder of the "
"`openstack-ansible-ops repo`_."
msgstr ""
"Sebaliknya, kode baru harus diisolasi pada folder yang terpisah dari "
"`openstack-ansible-ops repo`_."
msgid "Integrated repo functional or scenario testing"
msgstr "Repo fungsional atau pengujian skenario terintegrasi"
msgid "Interfacing with other OpenStack teams"
msgstr "Berinteraksi dengan tim OpenStack lainnya"
msgid ""
"Is there a bug for it? Can your track if someone else has seen the same bug?"
msgstr ""
"Apakah ada bug untuk itu? Bisakah Anda melacak jika orang lain melihat bug "
"yang sama?"
msgid ""
"It allows us to not repeat ourselves: it is the location of common "
"playbooks, common tasks and scripts."
msgstr ""
"Ini memungkinkan kita untuk tidak mengulangi diri kita sendiri: itu adalah "
"lokasi dari buku pedoman umum, tugas umum dan skrip."
msgid ""
"It must be possible to execute a functional, integrated test which executes "
"a deployment in the same way as a production environment. The test must "
"execute a set of functional tests using Tempest. This is the required last "
"step before a service can remove the experimental warning from the "
msgstr ""
"Harus dimungkinkan untuk melakukan tes fungsional dan terintegrasi yang "
"mengeksekusi penyebaran dengan cara yang sama seperti lingkungan produksi. "
"Tes harus menjalankan serangkaian tes fungsional menggunakan Tempest. Ini "
"adalah langkah terakhir yang diperlukan sebelum layanan dapat menghapus "
"peringatan eksperimental dari dokumentasi."
msgid ""
"Leave a comment in the OpenStack-Ansible bug report which explains this "
"dependency and leave a link to the blueprint or bug report of the other "
"project you depend on."
msgstr ""
"Tinggalkan komentar di laporan bug OpenStack-Ansible yang menjelaskan "
"ketergantungan ini dan tinggalkan tautan ke cetak biru atau laporan bug dari "
"proyek lain yang Anda andalkan."
msgid "Linting"
msgstr "Linting"
msgid "Mailing lists"
msgstr "Mailing lists (milis)"
msgid "Maintaining accurate, complete, and relevant documentation"
msgstr "Menjaga dokumentasi yang akurat, lengkap, dan relevan"
msgid ""
"Make any required adjustments to the load balancer configuration (e.g. "
"modify ``inventory/group_vars/all/haproxy.yml`` in the OpenStack-Ansible "
"source repository on your deploy host) so that your service can be reached "
"through a load balancer, if appropriate, and be sure to run the ``haproxy-"
"install.yml`` play later so your changes will be applied. Please note, you "
"can also use ``haproxy_extra_services`` variable if you don't want to "
"provide your service as default for everyone."
msgstr ""
"Buat penyesuaian yang diperlukan untuk konfigurasi penyeimbang beban (misal "
"ubah ``inventory/group_vars/all/haproxy.yml`` di repositori sumber OpenStack-"
"Ansible pada host penyebaran Anda) sehingga layanan Anda dapat dijangkau "
"melalui penyeimbang beban, jika sesuai, dan pastikan untuk menjalankan play "
"``haproxy-install.yml`` nanti agar perubahan Anda akan diterapkan. Harap "
"dicatat, Anda juga dapat menggunakan variabel `haproxy_extra_services`` jika "
"Anda tidak ingin memberikan layanan Anda sebagai standar untuk semua orang."
msgid ""
"Master doesn't get frozen, unless explicitly asked for it for release "
"milestones, using the command ``osa releases freeze_roles_for_milestone``"
msgstr ""
"Master tidak membeku, kecuali secara eksplisit meminta tonggak rilis, "
"menggunakan perintah ``osa releases freeze_roles_for_milestone``"
msgid "Maturity Matrix"
msgstr "Maturity Matrix (matriks kematangan)"
msgid "Maturity downgrade procedure"
msgstr "Prosedur penurunan peringkat jatuh tempo"
msgid ""
"Members of the OpenStack-Ansible community should monitor the **OpenStack-"
"discuss** `mailing lists`_."
msgstr ""
"Anggota komunitas OpenStack-Ansible harus memantau **OpenStack-discuss** "
"`mailing lists`_."
msgid "Members of the core reviewer team are expected to:"
msgstr "Anggota tim peninjau inti diharapkan untuk:"
msgid ""
"Mentor community contributors in solution design, testing, and the review "
msgstr ""
"Kontributor komunitas mentor dalam desain solusi, pengujian, dan proses "
msgid "Minimum requirements for OpenStack-Ansible roles"
msgstr "Persyaratan minimum untuk peran yang dimungkinkan OpenStack"
msgid "Minimum supported distributions"
msgstr "Distribusi minimum yang didukung"
msgid ""
"Modify the tox.ini to add your new scenario. If required, you can override "
"the inventory, and/or the variable files."
msgstr ""
"Ubah tox.ini untuk menambahkan skenario baru Anda. Jika diperlukan, Anda "
"dapat mengganti inventaris, dan/atau file variabel."
msgid ""
"Monitor and participate in OpenStack-Ansible discussions on the mailing list"
msgstr "Pantau dan berpartisipasi dalam diskusi OpenStack-Ansible di milis"
msgid "Monitor and participate in-channel at #openstack-ansible"
msgstr "Pantau dan berpartisipasi dalam saluran di #openstack-ansible"
msgid ""
"Most OpenStack services will follow a common series of stages to install, "
"configure, or update a service deployment. This is apparent when you review "
"`tasks/main.yml` for existing roles."
msgstr ""
"Sebagian besar layanan OpenStack akan mengikuti serangkaian tahapan umum "
"untuk menginstal, mengkonfigurasi, atau memperbarui penyebaran layanan. Ini "
"terlihat ketika Anda meninjau `tasks/main.yml` untuk peran yang ada."
msgid ""
"Move bugs that can not be reproduced to an invalid state if they are "
"unmodified for more than a month."
msgstr ""
"Pindahkan bug yang tidak dapat direproduksi ke keadaan tidak valid jika "
"tidak dimodifikasi lebih dari sebulan."
msgid ""
"Move year old `wishlist bugs`_ to Opinion/Wishlist to remove clutter. You "
"can use the following message:"
msgstr ""
"Pindahkan `wishlist bugs`_ tahun lalu ke Opinion/Wishlist untuk menghapus "
"kekacauan. Anda dapat menggunakan pesan berikut:"
msgid "New Feature Planning"
msgstr "Perencanaan Fitur Baru"
msgid ""
"New features are following a process, explained in the section :ref:"
"`newfeatures`. New features are less likely to be :ref:"
"`backported<backport>` to previous branches."
msgstr ""
"Fitur baru mengikuti proses, dijelaskan di bagian :ref:`newfeatures`. Fitur "
"baru cenderung menjadi :ref:`backported <backport>` ke branch sebelumnya."
msgid ""
"New features, breaking changes and other patches of note must include a "
"release note generated using `the reno tool`_. Please see the :ref:"
"`Documentation and Release Note Guidelines<documentation>` for more "
msgstr ""
"Fitur-fitur baru, memecah perubahan dan tambalan lain dari catatan harus "
"menyertakan catatan rilis yang dihasilkan menggunakan `the reno tool`_. "
"Silakan lihat :ref:`Documentation and Release Note "
"Guidelines<documentation>` untuk informasi lebih lanjut."
msgid ""
"No. Sometimes it is not even possible because you do not have the resources. "
"Looking at the code and tests often enables you to make an educated guess. "
"Citing your sources in a comment helps the discussion."
msgstr ""
"Tidak. Terkadang bahkan tidak mungkin karena Anda tidak memiliki sumber "
"daya. Melihat kode dan tes sering memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat dugaan "
"yang berpendidikan (educated guess). Mengutip sumber Anda dalam komentar "
"membantu diskusi."
msgid ""
"Now, all the functions are separated, and included into a branch independent "
"tooling, `osa_cli_releases`."
msgstr ""
"Sekarang, semua fungsi dipisahkan, dan dimasukkan ke dalam branch "
"independent tooling, `osa_cli_releases`."
msgid "OSA CLI tooling"
msgstr "OSA CLI tooling"
msgid ""
"On top of the normal cycle goals, a contributor can help the OpenStack-"
"Ansible development team by performing one of the following recurring tasks:"
msgstr ""
"Di atas sasaran siklus normal, kontributor dapat membantu tim pengembangan "
"OpenStack-Ansible dengan melakukan salah satu dari tugas berulang berikut:"
msgid ""
"Once the blueprint work is completed the author(s) can request a backport of "
"the blueprint work into a stable branch. Each backport will be evaluated on "
"a case by case basis with cautious consideration based on how the backport "
"affects any existing deployments. See the :ref:`backport` section for more "
msgstr ""
"Setelah pekerjaan cetak biru (blueprint) selesai penulis dapat meminta "
"backport pekerjaan cetak biru ke branch stabil. Setiap backport akan "
"dievaluasi berdasarkan kasus per kasus dengan pertimbangan yang hati-hati "
"berdasarkan pada bagaimana backport mempengaruhi setiap penyebaran yang ada. "
"Lihat bagian :ref:`backport` untuk informasi lebih lanjut."
msgid ""
"Once the initial convergence is working and the services are running, the "
"role development should focus on implementing some level of functional "
msgstr ""
"Setelah konvergensi awal bekerja dan layanan berjalan, pengembangan peran "
"harus fokus pada penerapan beberapa tingkat pengujian fungsional."
msgid ""
"Once the initial convergence is working and the services are running, the "
"role development should focus on implementing some level of functional "
"testing. See also :ref:`tempest-testing`."
msgstr ""
"Setelah konvergensi awal bekerja dan layanan berjalan, pengembangan peran "
"harus fokus pada penerapan beberapa tingkat pengujian fungsional. Lihat "
"juga :ref:`tempest-testing`."
msgid ""
"Only add a ``zuul.d`` folder when your role is imported into the openstack-"
"ansible namespace."
msgstr ""
"Hanya tambahkan folder ``zuul.d`` ketika peran Anda diimpor ke namespace "
"yang dimungkinkan openstack."
msgid "OpenStack-Ansible Bug Handling"
msgstr "OpenStack-Ansible Bug Handling"
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible has multiple forms of documentation with different intent."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible memiliki berbagai bentuk dokumentasi dengan maksud berbeda."
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible is not re-inventing the wheel, and tries to reuse as much "
"as possible existing roles. A bugfix for one of those repositories must be "
"handled to these repositories' maintainers."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible tidak menciptakan kembali roda, dan mencoba menggunakan "
"kembali sebanyak mungkin peran yang ada. Perbaikan bug untuk salah satu dari "
"repositori tersebut harus ditangani oleh pengelola repositori ini."
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible used to bump everything in a single script, which made it "
"hard to maintain, and was very branch specific. It made it hard for users to "
"consume either an update of the upstream shas, or to bump roles with their "
"own pace."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible digunakan untuk menabrak (bump) semuanya dalam satu skrip, "
"yang membuatnya sulit untuk dipelihara, dan sangat spesifik untuk branch. "
"Itu membuat sulit bagi pengguna untuk menggunakan update upstream shas, atau "
"untuk menabrak peran dengan kecepatan mereka sendiri."
msgid "Other OpenStack-Ansible conventions"
msgstr "Konvensi OpenStack-Ansible lainnya"
msgid "Our main repository, used by deployers. Uses the other repositories."
msgstr ""
"Repositori utama kami, digunakan oleh deployer. Menggunakan repositori "
msgid "Our release frequency is discussed in :ref:`reference_release`."
msgstr "Frekuensi rilis kami dibahas dalam :ref:`reference_release`."
msgid ""
"Our specifications repository follows the usual OpenStack and OpenStack-"
"Ansible guidelines for submitting code."
msgstr ""
"Repository spesifikasi kami mengikuti pedoman OpenStack dan OpenStack-"
"Ansible yang biasa untuk mengirim kode."
msgid "Participate in Forum sessions at the OpenStack Summits"
msgstr "Berpartisipasi dalam sesi Forum di OpenStack Summits"
msgid ""
"Participate in team sessions at the OpenStack Projects Team Gatherings (PTG)"
msgstr ""
"Berpartisipasi dalam sesi tim di OpenStack Projects Team Gatherings (PTG)"
msgid "Pass functional tests"
msgstr "Lulus tes fungsional"
msgid ""
"Patches should be focused on solving one problem at a time. If the review is "
"overly complex or generally large the initial commit will receive a \"**-2**"
"\" and the contributor will be asked to split the patch up across multiple "
"reviews. In the case of complex feature additions the design and "
"implementation of the feature should be done in such a way that it can be "
"submitted in multiple patches using dependencies. Using dependent changes "
"should always aim to result in a working build throughout the dependency "
"chain. Documentation is available for `advanced gerrit usage`_ too."
msgstr ""
"Patch harus difokuskan pada penyelesaian satu masalah pada satu waktu. Jika "
"ulasan terlalu rumit atau umumnya besar, komit awal akan menerima \"**-2**\" "
"dan kontributor akan diminta untuk membagi patch di beberapa ulasan. Dalam "
"hal penambahan fitur yang kompleks, desain dan implementasi fitur harus "
"dilakukan sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat diajukan dalam beberapa patch "
"menggunakan dependensi. Menggunakan perubahan dependen harus selalu "
"bertujuan untuk menghasilkan membangun kerja di seluruh rantai "
"ketergantungan. Dokumentasi juga tersedia untuk `advanced gerrit usage`_."
msgid ""
"Perform any other host preparation (such as the tasks performed by the "
"``bootstrap-aio.yml`` playbook). This includes any preparation tasks that "
"are particular to your service."
msgstr ""
"Lakukan persiapan host lainnya (seperti tugas yang dilakukan oleh playbook "
"``bootstrap-aio.yml``). Ini termasuk tugas persiapan apa pun yang khusus "
"untuk layanan Anda."
msgid "Periodic Work"
msgstr "Pekerjaan Berkala"
msgid ""
"Please be aware that any patch can be refused by the community if they don't "
"match the :ref:`codeguidelines`."
msgstr ""
"Perlu diketahui bahwa patch apa pun dapat ditolak oleh komunitas jika tidak "
"cocok :ref:`codeguidelines`."
msgid ""
"Please check our :ref:`bug report<bug_reporting>` and :ref:`bug "
"triage<bug_triage>` processes."
msgstr ""
"Silakan periksa :ref:`bug report <bug_reporting>` dan :ref:`bug triage "
"<bug_triage>` proses."
msgid ""
"Please have a look at a role like os_cinder, os_keystone, or os_neutron for "
"latest files."
msgstr ""
"Silakan lihat peran seperti os_cinder, os_keystone, atau os_neutron untuk "
"file terbaru."
msgid ""
"Please leave the **status** of an issue alone until someone confirms it or a "
"member of the bugs team triages it. While waiting for the issue to be "
"confirmed or triaged the status should remain as **New**."
msgstr ""
"Silakan tinggalkan **status** dari suatu masalah sendirian sampai seseorang "
"mengonfirmasi atau anggota dari tim bug melakukan triage (menetapkan derajat "
"urgensi). Sambil menunggu masalah untuk dikonfirmasi atau diprioritaskan, "
"status harus tetap sebagai **New**."
msgid ""
"Please look through :dev_docs:`Contributor Guidelines <contributor/"
"contribute.html>` page for more information about the process."
msgstr ""
"Silakan melihat halaman dev_docs:`Contributor Guidelines <contributor/"
"contribute.html>` untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang proses."
msgid ""
"Please note in-person attendance at PTG, Summit, mid-cycles, and other code "
"sprints is not a requirement to be a core reviewer. The team will do its "
"best to facilitate virtual attendance at all events. Travel is not to be "
"taken lightly, and we realize the costs involved for those who attend these "
msgstr ""
"Harap perhatikan kehadiran langsung di PTG, Summit, mid-cycles, dan kode "
"sprint lainnya bukanlah persyaratan untuk menjadi reviewer inti. Tim akan "
"melakukan yang terbaik untuk memfasilitasi kehadiran virtual di semua acara. "
"Perjalanan tidak bisa dianggap enteng, dan kami menyadari biaya yang harus "
"dikeluarkan untuk mereka yang menghadiri acara ini."
msgid ""
"Please note that branches before Stein will require cleanup of the YAML file "
"generated by new_releases, as it will contain ALL the roles and openstack-"
"ansible repo SHAs. We have decided to NOT tag the roles anymore, so you will "
"need to remove all the lines which are not relevant to the `openstack-"
"ansible` repository."
msgstr ""
"Harap dicatat bahwa branch sebelum Stein akan membutuhkan pembersihan file "
"YAML yang dihasilkan oleh new_releases, karena akan berisi ALL role dan "
"openstack-ansible repo SHA. Kami telah memutuskan untuk NOT menandai role "
"lagi, jadi Anda harus menghapus semua baris yang tidak relevan dengan "
"repositori `openstack-ansible`."
msgid ""
"Please reference the `Project Team Guide bugs reference_` for information "
"about bug status/importance and the life cycle of a bug."
msgstr ""
"Silakan referensi `Project Team Guide bugs reference_` untuk informasi "
"tentang bug status/importance dan siklus hidup bug."
msgid "Prioritize or reprioritize OpenStack-Ansible `confirmed bugs`_."
msgstr ""
"Prioritaskan atau prioritaskan ulang OpenStack-Ansible `confirmed bugs`_."
msgid "Project Onboarding"
msgstr "Onboarding Proyek"
msgid "Project Team Lead Duties"
msgstr "Project Team Lead Duties"
msgid "Project repositories"
msgstr "Repositori proyek"
msgid ""
"Pull requests submitted through GitHub will be ignored and closed without "
msgstr ""
"Permintaan penarikan yang diajukan melalui GitHub akan diabaikan dan ditutup "
"tanpa memperhatikan."
msgid ""
"Put together a service install playbook file for your role. This can also be "
"modeled from any existing service playbook that has similar dependencies to "
"your service (database, messaging, storage drivers, container mount points, "
"etc.). A common place to keep playbook files in a Galaxy role is in an "
"``examples`` directory off the root of the role. If the playbook is meant "
"for installing an OpenStack service, name it ``os-<service>-install.yml`` "
"and target it at the appropriate group defined in the service ``env.d`` "
"file. It is crucial that the implementation of the service is optional and "
"that the deployer must opt-in to the deployment through the population of a "
"host in the applicable host group. If the host group has no hosts, Ansible "
"skips the playbook's tasks automatically."
msgstr ""
"Menyatukan layanan menginstal file playbook untuk peran Anda. Ini juga dapat "
"dimodelkan dari buku pedoman layanan apa pun yang ada yang memiliki "
"dependensi serupa dengan layanan Anda (basis data, pengiriman pesan, driver "
"penyimpanan, titik pemasangan kontainer (container mount points), dll.). "
"Tempat umum untuk menyimpan file playbook di peran Galaxy adalah dalam "
"direktori ``examples`` dari root peran. Jika playbook dimaksudkan untuk "
"menginstal layanan OpenStack, beri nama ``os- <service> -install.yml`` dan "
"targetkan pada grup yang sesuai yang ditentukan dalam file layanan ``env."
"d``. Sangat penting bahwa implementasi layanan bersifat opsional dan bahwa "
"pemilik harus memilih untuk menggunakan penyebaran melalui populasi host di "
"grup host yang berlaku. Jika grup host tidak memiliki host, Ansible "
"melompati tugas playbook secara otomatis."
msgid ""
"Python coding conventions are tested using `PEP8`_, with the following "
"convention exceptions:"
msgstr ""
"Konvensi pengkodean python diuji menggunakan `PEP8`_, dengan pengecualian "
"konvensi berikut:"
msgid "Q"
msgstr "Q"
msgid "RST formatting conventions"
msgstr "Konvensi pemformatan RST"
msgid "Refactoring work must not be backported to a \"released\" branch."
msgstr "Pekerjaan refactoring tidak boleh di-backport ke branch \"released\"."
msgid ""
"Refactoring work should never include additional \"rider\" features. "
"Features that may pertain to something that was re-factored should be raised "
"as an issue and submitted in prior or subsequent patches."
msgstr ""
"Pekerjaan refactoring tidak boleh menyertakan fitur \"rider\" tambahan. "
"Fitur yang mungkin berkaitan dengan sesuatu yang difaktorkan ulang harus "
"dimunculkan sebagai masalah dan diajukan dalam patch sebelum atau sesudahnya."
msgid ""
"Refresh static elements in roles. For example, update a specific version of "
"the software packages."
msgstr ""
"Segarkan elemen statis dalam peran. Misalnya, perbarui versi tertentu dari "
"paket perangkat lunak."
msgid "Related-Bug: #bugnumber"
msgstr "Related-Bug: #bugnumber"
msgid "Release Notes"
msgstr "Catatan Rilis"
msgid ""
"Release notes are generated using `the reno tool`_. Release notes must be "
"written with the following guidelines in mind:"
msgstr ""
"Catatan rilis dihasilkan menggunakan `the reno tool`_. Catatan rilis harus "
"ditulis dengan pedoman berikut dalam pikiran:"
msgid ""
"Release notes are generated using the `the reno tool`_ and compiled into "
"HTML using Sphinx."
msgstr ""
"Catatan rilis dihasilkan menggunakan `the reno tool`_ dan dikompilasi ke "
"dalam HTML menggunakan Sphinx."
msgid "Release notes building"
msgstr "Catatan rilis bangunan"
msgid "Release notes may be built locally by executing:"
msgstr "Catatan rilis dapat dibuat secara lokal dengan mengeksekusi:"
msgid "Releasing"
msgstr "Releasing"
msgid ""
"Reported bugs need confirmation, prioritization, and ensure they do not go "
"stale. If you care about OpenStack stability but are not wanting to actively "
"develop the roles and playbooks used within the OpenStack-Ansible project, "
"consider contributing in the area of bug triage."
msgstr ""
"Bug yang dilaporkan perlu konfirmasi, prioritas, dan memastikan bug tidak "
"basi. Jika Anda peduli tentang stabilitas OpenStack tetapi tidak ingin "
"secara aktif mengembangkan peran dan buku pedoman yang digunakan dalam "
"proyek OpenStack-Ansible, pertimbangkan untuk berkontribusi dalam bidang bug "
msgid "Reporting a Bug"
msgstr "Melaporkan Bug"
msgid "Repository purpose"
msgstr "Tujuan repositori"
msgid "Repository type or name"
msgstr "Jenis atau nama repositori"
msgid "Review patch submissions actively and consistently"
msgstr "Tinjau pengiriman patch secara aktif dan konsisten"
msgid "Review process"
msgstr "Proses peninjauan"
msgid "Role development maturity"
msgstr "Kematangan perkembangan peran"
msgid "Roles functional or scenario testing"
msgstr "Peran pengujian fungsional atau skenario"
msgid "Running tests locally"
msgstr "Menjalankan tes secara lokal"
msgid ""
"Search for in the `OpenStack-Ansible Launchpad project`_ for the feature "
msgstr "Cari di `OpenStack-Ansible Launchpad project`_ untuk permintaan fitur."
msgid "Secrets"
msgstr "Rahasia"
msgid "See also our :ref:`user-overrides` page."
msgstr "Lihat juga halaman kami :ref:`user-overrides`."
msgid ""
"See also the `OpenStack developers getting started page`_. and our :ref:"
"`contributor guidelines<contributing>` before hacking."
msgstr ""
"Lihat juga `OpenStack developers getting started page`_. dan kami :ref:"
"`contributor guidelines<contributing>` sebelum meretas."
msgid "See also the `working on bugs`_ section of the openstack documentation."
msgstr ""
"Lihat juga bagian `working on bugs`_ section dari dokumentasi openstack."
msgid "See also the `zuul user guide`_."
msgstr "Lihat juga `zuul user guide`_."
msgid "See our :ref:`supported-distros` page."
msgstr "Lihat halaman kami :ref:`supported-distros`."
msgid ""
"Send a thank you note to all the contributors through the mailing lists. "
"They deserve it."
msgstr ""
"Kirim catatan terima kasih kepada semua kontributor melalui milis. Mereka "
"layak mendapatkannya."
msgid ""
"Send an email to the openstack-discuss list with the `list of bugs to "
"triage`_ during the week. A new bug marked as *Critical* or *High* must be "
"treated in priority."
msgstr ""
"Kirim email ke daftar openstack-discuss dengan `list of bugs to triage`_ "
"selama seminggu. Bug baru yang ditandai sebagai *Critical* atau *High* harus "
"diperlakukan sebagai prioritas."
msgid ""
"Should only be touched if it is a Blocker/Gating issue. If it is, please set "
"to **High**, and only use **Critical** if you have found a bug that can take "
"down whole infrastructures. Once the importance has been changed the status "
"should be changed to **Triaged** by someone other than the bug creator."
msgstr ""
"Hanya harus disentuh jika itu adalah masalah Blocker/Gating. Jika ya, setel "
"ke **High**, dan hanya gunakan **Critical** jika Anda telah menemukan bug "
"yang dapat menghapus seluruh infrastruktur. Begitu pentingnya telah diubah, "
"status harus diubah menjadi **Triaged** oleh orang lain selain pencipta bug."
msgid ""
"Since then, the OpenStack-Ansible has agreed to provide more metadata "
"necessary for releasing into the openstack-ansible code tree. This allowed "
"the tooling for releasing to be more flexible, and lighter, over time."
msgstr ""
"Sejak itu, OpenStack-Ansible telah setuju untuk memberikan lebih banyak "
"metadata yang diperlukan untuk rilis ke openstack-ansible code tree. Ini "
"memungkinkan perangkat untuk rilis menjadi lebih fleksibel, dan lebih "
"ringan, seiring waktu."
msgid "So You Want to Contribute..."
msgstr "Jadi Anda Ingin Berkontribusi ..."
msgid "Some roles have extra tests, like neutron, defined in ``tox.ini``."
msgstr ""
"Beberapa peran memiliki tes tambahan, seperti neutron, yang didefinisikan "
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"
msgid "Steps to reproduce the problem if possible."
msgstr "Langkah-langkah untuk mereproduksi masalah jika memungkinkan."
msgid ""
"Submit your code for review, with its necessary documentation and release "
msgstr ""
"Kirim kode Anda untuk ditinjau, dengan dokumentasi yang diperlukan dan "
"catatan rilis."
msgid "Submit your role for review."
msgstr "Kirim peran Anda untuk ditinjau."
msgid "Submitting a specification"
msgstr "Mengirimkan spesifikasi"
msgid "Supported distributions"
msgstr "Distribusi yang didukung"
msgid "Tags and tags conventions"
msgstr "Konvensi tag dan tag"
msgid ""
"Tags are assigned based on the relevance of each individual item. Higher "
"level includes (for example in the ``tasks/main.yml``) need high level tags. "
"For example, ``*-config`` or ``*-install``. Included tasks can have more "
"detailed tags."
msgstr ""
"Tag diberikan berdasarkan relevansi masing-masing item. Level yang lebih "
"tinggi termasuk (misalnya dalam ``tasks/main.yml``) perlu tag tingkat "
"tinggi. Misalnya, ``*-config`` or ``*-install``. Tugas yang disertakan "
"dapat memiliki tag yang lebih detail."
msgid "Task Tracking"
msgstr "Pelacakan Tugas (Task Tracking)"
msgid "Task files conventions"
msgstr "Konvensi file tugas"
msgid "Test the role on a new machine, using our provided scripts."
msgstr "Uji peran pada mesin baru, menggunakan skrip yang disediakan kami."
msgid ""
"Test your new scenario with a new machine. See also the :ref:"
"`devel_and_testing` page."
msgstr ""
"Uji skenario baru Anda dengan mesin baru. Lihat juga halaman :ref:"
msgid "Testing"
msgstr "Testing"
msgid "Testing a new role with an AIO"
msgstr "Menguji peran baru dengan AIO"
msgid "Testing may be done locally by executing:"
msgstr "Pengujian dapat dilakukan secara lokal dengan menjalankan:"
msgid "Tests conventions"
msgstr "Tes konvensi"
msgid "The **OpenStack-Ansible roles** repositories"
msgstr "Repositori **OpenStack-Ansible roles**"
msgid "The **ops** repository"
msgstr "Repositori **ops**"
msgid "The **specs** repository"
msgstr "Repositori **specs**"
msgid "The **tests repository**"
msgstr "The **tests repository**"
msgid ""
"The :deploy_guide:`Deployment Guide <index.html>` intends to help deployers "
"deploy OpenStack-Ansible for the first time."
msgstr ""
"The :deploy_guide:`Deployment Guide <index.html>` bermaksud untuk membantu "
"para deployer menggunakan OpenStack-Ansible untuk pertama kalinya."
msgid ""
"The :dev_docs:`Operations Guide <admin/index.html>` provide help on how to "
"manage and operate OpenStack-Ansible."
msgstr ""
"The :dev_docs:`Operations Guide <admin/index.html>` memberikan bantuan "
"tentang cara mengelola dan mengoperasikan OpenStack-Ansible."
msgid ""
"The :dev_docs:`User Guide <user/index.html>` intends to provide user stories "
"on how to do specific things with OpenStack-Ansible."
msgstr ""
"The :dev_docs:`User Guide <user/index.html>` bermaksud untuk memberikan "
"kisah pengguna tentang cara melakukan hal-hal spesifik dengan OpenStack-"
msgid ""
"The :ref:`bug_triage` will classify if this new feature requires a spec or "
msgstr ""
":ref:`bug_triage` akan mengklasifikasikan jika fitur baru ini memerlukan "
"spesifikasi atau tidak."
msgid "The OpenStack Infrastructure automated tests"
msgstr "OpenStack Infrastructure menguji secara otomatis"
msgid ""
"The OpenStack-Ansible community communicates a lot through IRC, in the "
"#openstack-ansible channel, on freenode. This channel is logged, and its "
"logs are published on http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-"
msgstr ""
"Komunitas OpenStack-Ansible berkomunikasi banyak melalui IRC, di saluran "
"#openstack-ansible, di freenode. Saluran ini dicatat, dan lognya diterbitkan "
"pada http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-ansible/."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack-Ansible community communicates in the #openstack-ansible IRC "
"channel hosted on freenode. This channel is logged, and its logs are "
"published on http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-ansible/."
msgstr ""
"Komunitas OpenStack-Ansible berkomunikasi dalam kanal IRC # openstack-"
"ansible yang dihosting di Freenode. Saluran ini dicatat, dan log-nya "
"diterbitkan di http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-ansible/."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack-Ansible integrated repo also has an extra documentation "
"building process, to build the deployment guide."
msgstr ""
"Repo terintegrasi OpenStack-Ansible juga memiliki proses pembangunan "
"dokumentasi tambahan, untuk membangun panduan penyebaran."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack-Ansible project has different kinds of git repositories, each "
"of them with specific use cases, and different sets of practices."
msgstr ""
"Proyek OpenStack-Ansible memiliki berbagai jenis repositori git, masing-"
"masing dengan kasus penggunaan khusus, dan serangkaian praktik yang berbeda."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack-Ansible project has recurring tasks that need attention, like "
"releasing, or other code duties. See our page :ref:`Periodic "
msgstr ""
"Proyek OpenStack-Ansible memiliki tugas berulang yang perlu perhatian, "
"seperti melepaskan, atau tugas kode lainnya. Lihat halaman kami :ref:"
"`Periodic work<periodicwork>`."
msgid ""
"The `OpenStack-Ansible Core Reviewer Team`_ is responsible for many aspects "
"of the OpenStack-Ansible project. These include, but are not limited to:"
msgstr ""
"The `OpenStack-Ansible Core Reviewer Team`_ bertanggung jawab atas banyak "
"aspek dari proyek OpenStack-Ansible. Ini termasuk, tetapi tidak terbatas "
msgid ""
"The ``releasenotes`` build argument only tests committed changes. Ensure "
"your local changes are committed before running the ``releasenotes`` build."
msgstr ""
"Argumen build ``releasenotes`` hanya menguji perubahan yang dilakukan. "
"Pastikan perubahan lokal Anda dilakukan sebelum menjalankan build "
msgid "The `defaults/main.yml` file"
msgstr "File `defaults/main.yml`"
msgid "The `vars/<platform specific>.yml` file"
msgstr "File `vars/<platform specific> .yml`"
msgid ""
"The `vars/<platform specific>.yml` is the place where distribution specific "
"content will be stored. For example, this file will hold the package names, "
"repositories urls and keys, file paths, service names/init scripts."
msgstr ""
"`Vars/<platform specific> .yml` adalah tempat penyimpanan konten spesifik "
"distribusi. Sebagai contoh, file ini akan menyimpan nama paket, url dan "
"kunci repositori, path file, nama layanan / skrip init."
msgid "The `vars/main.yml` file"
msgstr "File `vars/main.yml`"
msgid ""
"The `vars/main.yml` is always included. It contains generic variables that "
"aren't meant to be changed by a deployer. This includes for example static "
"information that aren't distribution specific (like aggregation of role "
"internal variables for example)."
msgstr ""
"`Vars/main.yml` selalu disertakan. Ini berisi variabel generik yang tidak "
"dimaksudkan untuk diubah oleh sebuah deployer. Ini termasuk misalnya "
"informasi statis yang tidak spesifik distribusi (seperti agregasi variabel "
"peran internal misalnya)."
msgid ""
"The bug triage meeting is probably a good time for people with bug "
"supervisors rights to also prioritize bugs per importance (on top of "
"classifying them on status)."
msgstr ""
"Rapat triage bug mungkin merupakan saat yang tepat bagi orang-orang dengan "
"hak pengawas bug untuk juga memprioritaskan bug per kepentingan (di atas "
"mengklasifikasikan mereka berdasarkan status)."
msgid ""
"The conventions for writing tests are described in the :ref:`tests` page."
msgstr "Kebiasaan menulis tes dijelaskan di halaman :ref:`tests` "
msgid ""
"The convergence may involve consuming other OpenStack-Ansible roles (For "
"example: **galera_server, galera_client, rabbitmq_server**) in order to "
"ensure that the appropriate infrastructure is in place. Re-using existing "
"roles in OpenStack-Ansible or Ansible Galaxy is strongly encouraged."
msgstr ""
"Konvergensi dapat melibatkan penggunaan peran OpenStack-Ansible lainnya "
"(Misalnya: **galera_server, galera_client, rabbitmq_server**) untuk "
"memastikan bahwa infrastruktur yang sesuai sudah ada. Menggunakan kembali "
"peran yang ada di OpenStack-Ansible atau Ansible Galaxy sangat dianjurkan."
msgid ""
"The dependencies for OpenStack-Ansible are updated through the use of ``osa "
"releases bump_upstream_shas``. This script updates the project's pinned "
"SHAs, located in the `repo_packages folder`, based on their "
"``_git_track_branch`` value."
msgstr ""
"Dependency untuk OpenStack-Ansible diperbarui melalui penggunaan ``osa "
"releases bump_upstream_shas``. Skrip ini memperbarui SHA yang disematkan "
"(pinned) proyek, yang terletak di `repo_packages folder`, berdasarkan nilai "
"``_git_track_branch`` mereka."
msgid ""
"The description clearly states or describes the original problem or root "
"cause of the problem."
msgstr ""
"Deskripsi dengan jelas menyatakan atau menjelaskan masalah asli atau akar "
"penyebab masalah."
msgid "The description clearly states the expected outcome of the user action."
msgstr ""
"Deskripsi dengan jelas menyatakan hasil yang diharapkan dari tindakan "
msgid "The following convention is used:"
msgstr "Konvensi berikut digunakan:"
msgid ""
"The in-depth technical information is located in the :dev_docs:`OpenStack-"
"Ansible Reference <reference/index.html>`."
msgstr ""
"Informasi teknis mendalam terletak di :dev_docs:`OpenStack-Ansible Reference "
msgid ""
"The integrated repo functional test is using the ``scripts/gate-check-commit."
"sh`` script, which receives arguments from the zuul run playbook definition."
msgstr ""
"Tes fungsional repo terintegrasi menggunakan skrip ``scripts/gate-check-"
"commit.sh``, yang menerima argumen dari definisi playbook zuul run."
msgid ""
"The integration repository contains at least one job which passes the "
"Temptest testing framework."
msgstr ""
"Repositori integrasi berisi setidaknya satu pekerjaan yang melewati kerangka "
"pengujian Tempest."
msgid ""
"The list of supported distributions can be found in the :deploy_guide:"
"`Deployment Guide <deploymenthost.html>`"
msgstr ""
"Daftar distribusi yang didukung dapat ditemukan di Internet :deploy_guide:"
"`Deployment Guide <deploymenthost.html>`"
msgid ""
"The necessary steps for bootstrapping the operating system have to be "
"documented in the :deploy_guide:`Deployment Guide <index.html>`."
msgstr ""
"Langkah - langkah yang diperlukan untuk bootstrap sistem operasi harus "
"didokumentasikan dalam :deploy_guide:`Deployment Guide <index.html>`."
msgid ""
"The next community meeting should discuss about role deprecation, and if no "
"contributor comes forward to fix the role, periodic testing will be turned "
"off, and the role will move to an ``unmaintained`` state."
msgstr ""
"Pertemuan komunitas berikutnya harus membahas tentang penghentian peran, dan "
"jika tidak ada kontributor yang muncul untuk memperbaiki peran tersebut, "
"pengujian berkala akan dimatikan, dan peran tersebut akan pindah ke keadaan "
msgid ""
"The provided information should be totally self-contained. External access "
"to web services/sites should not be needed."
msgstr ""
"Informasi yang disediakan harus benar-benar lengkap (self-contained). Akses "
"eksternal ke layanan / situs web tidak diperlukan."
msgid ""
"The role documentation (for example, the `keystone role documentation`_) "
"intends to explain all the options available for the role and how to "
"implement more advanced requirements. To reduce duplication, the role "
"documentation directly includes the role's default variables file which "
"includes the comments explaining the purpose of the variables. The long hand "
"documentation for the roles should focus less on explaining variables and "
"more on explaining how to implement advanced use cases."
msgstr ""
"Dokumentasi peran (misalnya, dokumentasi peran `keystone`_) bermaksud untuk "
"menjelaskan semua opsi yang tersedia untuk peran dan bagaimana menerapkan "
"persyaratan yang lebih maju. Untuk mengurangi duplikasi, dokumentasi peran "
"secara langsung menyertakan file variabel default peran yang mencakup "
"komentar yang menjelaskan tujuan variabel. Dokumentasi lama untuk peran "
"harus kurang fokus pada menjelaskan variabel dan lebih pada menjelaskan "
"bagaimana menerapkan kasus penggunaan lanjutan."
msgid ""
"The role documentation must include a description of the mandatory "
"infrastructure (For example: a database and a message queue are required), "
"variables (For example: the database name and credentials) and group names "
"(For example: The role expects a group named ``foo_all`` to be present and "
"it expects the host to be a member of it) for the role's execution to "
msgstr ""
"Dokumentasi peran harus menyertakan uraian tentang infrastruktur wajib "
"(Sebagai contoh: diperlukan database dan antrian pesan), variabel (Misalnya: "
"nama basis data dan kredensial) dan nama grup (Misalnya: Peran mengharapkan "
"grup bernama ``foo_all`` untuk hadir dan mengharapkan host untuk menjadi "
"anggota itu) agar eksekusi peran berhasil."
msgid ""
"The role implementation should be done in such a way that it is agnostic "
"with regards to whether it is implemented in a container, or on a physical "
"host. The test infrastructure may make use of containers for the separation "
"of services, but if a role is used by a playbook that targets a host, it "
"must work regardless of whether that host is a container, a virtual server, "
"or a physical server. The use of containers for role tests is not required "
"but it may be useful in order to simulate a multi-node build out as part of "
"the testing infrastructure."
msgstr ""
"Implementasi peran harus dilakukan sedemikian rupa sehingga agnostik "
"sehubungan dengan apakah itu diimplementasikan dalam container, atau pada "
"host fisik. Infrastruktur pengujian dapat menggunakan container untuk "
"pemisahan layanan, tetapi jika peran digunakan oleh buku pedoman yang "
"menargetkan host, ia harus berfungsi terlepas dari apakah host itu adalah "
"container, server virtual, atau server fisik. Penggunaan container untuk uji "
"peran tidak diperlukan tetapi mungkin berguna untuk mensimulasikan multi-"
"node yang dibangun sebagai bagian dari infrastruktur pengujian."
msgid ""
"The tests in the openstack infrastructure are triggered by jobs defined in "
"each repo ``zuul.d`` folder."
msgstr ""
"Pengujian dalam infrastruktur openstack dipicu oleh pekerjaan yang "
"ditentukan dalam setiap folder ``zuul.d``."
msgid ""
"The tests repository is the location for common code used in the integrated "
"repo and role repos tests."
msgstr ""
"Repositori tes adalah lokasi untuk kode umum yang digunakan dalam repo "
"terintegrasi dan tes repositori peran."
msgid "The triaging process is explained here below."
msgstr "Proses triaging dijelaskan di bawah ini."
msgid "The variables files in a role are split in 3 locations:"
msgstr "File variabel dalam sebuah peran dibagi dalam 3 lokasi:"
msgid ""
"The variables with lower priority should be in the `defaults/main.yml`. This "
"allows their overriding with group variables or host variables. A good "
"example for this are default database connection details, default queues "
"connection details, or debug mode."
msgstr ""
"Variabel dengan prioritas lebih rendah harus dalam `defaults/main.yml`. Ini "
"memungkinkan pengesampingannya dengan variabel grup atau variabel host. "
"Contoh yang baik untuk ini adalah detail koneksi database default, detail "
"koneksi antrian default, atau mode debug."
msgid ""
"There should be no difference between running tests in the openstack "
"infrastructure, versus running locally."
msgstr ""
"Seharusnya tidak ada perbedaan antara menjalankan tes dalam infrastruktur "
"openstack, dibandingkan menjalankan secara lokal."
msgid ""
"They have made a long-term, recurring time investment to improve the project."
msgstr ""
"Mereka telah melakukan investasi jangka panjang dan berulang untuk "
"meningkatkan proyek."
msgid "They share responsibility in the project's success in its `mission`_."
msgstr ""
"Mereka berbagi tanggung jawab dalam keberhasilan proyek dalam `mission`_."
msgid ""
"They spend their time doing what needs to be done to ensure the project's "
"success, not necessarily what is the most interesting or fun."
msgstr ""
"Mereka menghabiskan waktu melakukan apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk "
"memastikan keberhasilan proyek, tidak harus apa yang paling menarik atau "
msgid "They value a healthy, vibrant, and active developer and user community."
msgstr ""
"Mereka menghargai komunitas pengembang dan pengguna yang sehat, bersemangat, "
"dan aktif."
msgid ""
"This can be done using the ``new-release`` command, and then editing the SHA "
"used for openstack-ansible. See also `new_releases page`_ for an explanation "
"of this command."
msgstr ""
"Ini dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan perintah ``new-release``, dan "
"kemudian mengedit SHA yang digunakan untuk openstack-ansible. Lihat juga "
"`new_releases page`_ untuk penjelasan tentang perintah ini."
msgid "This can do multiple things:"
msgstr "Ini dapat melakukan banyak hal:"
msgid ""
"This document should help you understand how to contribute to OpenStack-"
msgstr ""
"Dokumen ini akan membantu Anda memahami bagaimana berkontribusi pada "
msgid ""
"This doesn't patch the ``global-requirements-pins``, as this should be a "
"manual operation. See the :ref:`cycle-checklist` to know when to bump the "
msgstr ""
"Ini tidak mem-patch ``global-requirements-pins``, karena ini harus operasi "
"manual. Lihat :ref:`cycle-checklist` untuk mengetahui kapan harus menabrak "
"pin persyaratan global."
msgid "This folder contains at least the following files:"
msgstr "Folder ini mengandung setidaknya file-file berikut:"
msgid "This guide may be built locally by executing:"
msgstr "Panduan ini dapat dibuat secara lokal dengan menjalankan:"
msgid ""
"This repository contains all the information concerning large bodies of work "
"done in OpenStack-Ansible, split by cycle."
msgstr ""
"Repositori ini berisi semua informasi mengenai kumpulan besar pekerjaan yang "
"dilakukan di OpenStack-Ansible, dibagi berdasarkan siklus."
msgid ""
"This repository is an incubator for new projects, each project solving a "
"particular operational problem. Each project has its own folder in this "
msgstr ""
"Repositori ini adalah inkubator untuk proyek baru, masing-masing proyek "
"menyelesaikan masalah operasional tertentu. Setiap proyek memiliki foldernya "
"sendiri di repositori ini."
msgid ""
"This tooling can then be called using ``osa releases``. Each subcommand "
"contains help by default."
msgstr ""
"Tooling ini kemudian dapat dipanggil menggunakan ``osa releases``. Setiap "
"subcommand mengandung bantuan secara default."
msgid ""
"This wishlist bug has been open a year without any activity. I am moving "
"this to \"Opinion / Wishlist\". This is an easily-obtainable queue of older "
"requests. This bug can be reopened (set back to \"New\") if someone decides "
"to work on this."
msgstr ""
"Bug wishlist ini telah dibuka setahun tanpa aktivitas apa pun. Saya "
"memindahkan ini ke \"Opini / Wishlist\". Ini adalah antrian permintaan lama "
"yang mudah diperoleh. Bug ini dapat dibuka kembali (disetel kembali ke \"New"
"\") jika seseorang memutuskan untuk mengerjakan ini."
msgid ""
"To facilitate the development and tests implemented across all OpenStack-"
"Ansible roles, a base set of folders and files need to be implemented. A "
"base set of configuration and test facilitation scripts must include at "
"least the following:"
msgstr ""
"Untuk memfasilitasi pengembangan dan pengujian yang diterapkan di semua "
"peran OpenStack-Ansible, sekumpulan folder dan file perlu diimplementasikan. "
"Sepasang skrip konfigurasi dan fasilitasi uji dasar harus mencakup "
"setidaknya yang berikut:"
msgid ""
"To help triaging bugs, one person of the bug team can be on \"bug skimming "
msgstr ""
"Untuk membantu triaging bug, satu orang dari tim bug dapat aktif \"bug "
"skimming duty\"."
msgid ""
"To meet these needs developers must submit :ref:`code "
"comments<codecomments>`, documentation (see also the :ref:`documentation "
"locations section<docslocations>`) and :ref:`release notes<reno>` with any "
"code submissions."
msgstr ""
"Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ini, pengembang harus menyerahkan :ref:`code "
"comments <codecomments>`, dokumentasi (lihat juga :ref:`documentation "
"locations section<docslocations>`) dan :ref:`release notes <reno>` dengan "
"pengiriman kode apa pun ."
msgid "To run a functional test named \"calico\", execute:"
msgstr "Untuk menjalankan tes fungsional bernama \"calico\", jalankan:"
msgid "To run a functional test of the role, execute:"
msgstr "Untuk menjalankan tes fungsional peran, jalankan:"
msgid ""
"To test the integrated repo, follow the :deploy_guide:`Deployment Guide "
msgstr ""
"Untuk menguji repo terintegrasi, ikuti :deploy_guide:`Deployment Guide "
msgid "Unfreeze of master."
msgstr "Melarutkan (unfreeze) master."
msgid "Update ``global-requirements-pins``"
msgstr "Update ``global-requirements-pins``"
msgid "Updating OpenStack-Ansible roles"
msgstr "Updating OpenStack-Ansible roles"
msgid ""
"Updating the roles to their latest version per branch is done through ``osa "
"releases bump_roles $gitbranchname``."
msgstr ""
"Updating role ke versi terbaru mereka per branch dilakukan melalui ``osa "
"releases bump_roles $gitbranchname``."
msgid "Updating upstream SHAs"
msgstr "Updating upstream SHAs"
msgid ""
"Usage of the \">\" and \"|\" operators should be limited to Ansible "
"conditionals and command modules such as the Ansible ``shell`` or "
msgstr ""
"Penggunaan \">\" dan \"|\" operator harus dibatasi pada modul kondisional "
"dan modul perintah yang mungkin seperti ``shell`` atau ``command`` yang "
msgid ""
"Use the topic ``create-<branchname>`` (e.g: ``create-stein``) for future "
msgstr ""
"Gunakan topik ``create-<branchname>`` (misal: ``create-stein``)untuk "
"referensi di masa mendatang."
msgid ""
"Usually not. This bug report has an inconsistent state though. If a bug "
"report has an assignee, it should be In Progress and have an importance set."
msgstr ""
"Biasanya tidak. Laporan bug ini memiliki kondisi yang tidak konsisten. Jika "
"laporan bug memiliki orang yang ditunjuk, itu harus dalam Progress dan "
"memiliki set penting."
msgid "Variable files conventions"
msgstr "Konvensi file variabel"
msgid "Voting"
msgstr "Pemungutan suara"
msgid ""
"We follow openstack guidelines for the `code reviewing <https://docs."
"openstack.org/project-team-guide/review-the-openstack-way.html>`_ process."
msgstr ""
"Kami mengikuti pedoman openstack untuk proses `code reviewing <https://docs."
"openstack.org/project-team-guide/review-the-openstack-way.html>` _."
msgid "We track our tasks in Launchpad"
msgstr "Kami melacak tugas kami di Launchpad"
msgid ""
"Weekly meetings are held in our IRC channel. The schedule and logs can be "
"found on http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/"
"#OpenStack_Ansible_Deployment_Meeting. Next meeting agenda can be found on "
"our `Meetings wiki page <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/openstack-"
msgstr ""
"Pertemuan mingguan diadakan di saluran IRC kami. Jadwal dan log dapat "
"ditemukan di http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/"
"#OpenStack_Ansible_Deployment_Meeting. Agenda pertemuan berikutnya dapat "
"ditemukan di kami `Meetings wiki page <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/"
msgid ""
"Weekly meetings are held in our IRC channel. The schedule and logs can be "
"found on http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/"
"#OpenStack_Ansible_Deployment_Meeting. The agenda for the next meeting can "
"be found on our `Meetings wiki page <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/"
msgstr ""
"Pertemuan mingguan diadakan di saluran IRC kami. Jadwal dan log dapat "
"ditemukan di http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/"
"#OpenStack_Ansible_Deployment_Meeting. Agenda untuk pertemuan berikutnya "
"dapat ditemukan di kami `Meetings wiki page <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/"
msgid "What is a bug triage"
msgstr "Apa itu bug triage"
msgid ""
"What is the best status to close a bug report if its issue cannot be "
msgstr ""
"Apa status terbaik untuk menutup laporan bug jika masalahnya tidak dapat "
msgid "What is the goal of the bug skimming duty?"
msgstr "Apa tujuan dari tugas pencarian sekilas kesalahan bug?"
msgid ""
"When a cherry-pick is modified in any way, the changes made and the reasons "
"for them must be explicitly expressed in the commit message."
msgstr ""
"Ketika cherry-pick dimodifikasi dengan cara apa pun, perubahan yang "
"dilakukan dan alasannya harus dinyatakan secara eksplisit dalam pesan komit."
msgid ""
"When cherry-picking a commit from one branch to another the commit message "
"should be amended with any files that may have been in conflict while "
"performing the cherry-pick operation. Additionally, cherry-pick commit "
"messages should contain the original commit *SHA* near the bottom of the new "
"commit message. This can be done with ``cherry-pick -x``. Here's more "
"information on `Submitting a change to a branch for review`_."
msgstr ""
"Ketika cherry-picking commit dari satu branch ke yang lain, pesan komit "
"harus diubah dengan file yang mungkin ada konflik saat melakukan operasi "
"cherry-pick. Selain itu, pesan komit pilihan cherry harus mengandung komit "
"asli *SHA* di dekat bagian bawah pesan komit baru. Ini bisa dilakukan dengan "
"``cherry-pick -x``. Berikut informasi lebih lanjut tentang `Submitting a "
"change to a branch for review`_."
msgid ""
"When creating tasks and other roles for use in Ansible please create them "
"using the YAML dictionary format."
msgstr ""
"Saat membuat tugas dan peran lain untuk digunakan di Ansible, buat tugas "
"menggunakan format kamus YAML."
msgid ""
"When submitting a bug, or working on a bug, please ensure the following "
"criteria are met:"
msgstr ""
"Saat mengirimkan bug, atau mengerjakan bug, pastikan kriteria berikut "
msgid ""
"When the patches to update SHAs and roles have landed, you can propose the "
"parent SHA as a release in the releases repo."
msgstr ""
"Ketika patch untuk memperbarui SHA dan peran telah mendarat (roles have "
"landed), Anda dapat mengusulkan induk SHA sebagai rilis di repo rilis."
msgid ""
"Where possible the documentation in OpenStack-Ansible should steer clear of "
"trying to explain OpenStack concepts. Those explanations belong in the "
"OpenStack Manuals or service documentation and OpenStack-Ansible "
"documentation should link to those documents when available, rather than "
"duplicate their content."
msgstr ""
"Bila memungkinkan, dokumentasi di OpenStack-Ansible harus menghindari "
"mencoba menjelaskan konsep OpenStack. Penjelasan-penjelasan itu termasuk "
"dalam Manual OpenStack atau dokumentasi layanan dan dokumentasi OpenStack-"
"Ansible harus terhubung ke dokumen-dokumen itu jika tersedia, daripada "
"menduplikasi konten mereka."
msgid ""
"While everyone is encouraged to review changes, members of the core reviewer "
"team have the ability to +2/-2 and +W changes to these repositories. This is "
"an extra level of responsibility not to be taken lightly. Correctly merging "
"code requires not only understanding the code itself, but also how the code "
"affects things like documentation, testing, upgrade impacts and interactions "
"with other projects. It also means you pay attention to release milestones "
"and understand if a patch you are merging is marked for the release, "
"especially critical during the feature freeze."
msgstr ""
"Sementara setiap orang didorong untuk meninjau perubahan, anggota tim "
"peninjau inti memiliki kemampuan untuk +2/-2 dan +W perubahan pada "
"repositori ini. Ini adalah tingkat tanggung jawab ekstra untuk tidak "
"dianggap enteng. Menggabungkan kode dengan benar membutuhkan tidak hanya "
"memahami kode itu sendiri, tetapi juga bagaimana kode mempengaruhi hal-hal "
"seperti dokumentasi, pengujian, peningkatan dampak dan interaksi dengan "
"proyek lain. Ini juga berarti Anda memperhatikan rilis tonggak (milestone) "
"dan memahami jika patch yang Anda gabungkan ditandai untuk rilis, terutama "
"penting selama pembekuan fitur."
msgid ""
"While this script is primarily developed and maintained for use in OpenStack-"
"CI, it can be used in other environments."
msgstr ""
"Walaupun skrip ini dikembangkan dan dipelihara untuk digunakan di OpenStack-"
"CI, skrip ini dapat digunakan di lingkungan lain."
msgid "Work on the role files, following our :ref:`code_rules`."
msgstr "Kerjakan file peran, ikuti kami :ref:`code_rules`."
msgid "Working on bug fixes"
msgstr "Bekerja pada perbaikan bug"
msgid "Working on new features"
msgstr "Mengerjakan fitur baru"
msgid ""
"Write good commit messages. We follow the OpenStack \"`Git Commit Good "
"Practice`_\" guide. if you have any questions regarding how to write good "
"commit messages please review the upstream OpenStack documentation."
msgstr ""
"Tulis pesan komit yang baik. Kami mengikuti panduan OpenStack \"`Git Commit "
"Good Practice`_\" . jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang cara menulis pesan "
"komit yang baik, silakan tinjau dokumentasi OpenStack hulu."
msgid "Writing style"
msgstr "Gaya menulis"
msgid "YAML formatting"
msgstr "Pemformatan YAML"
msgid ""
"You can check the current PyPI pins that are used in openstack-ansible "
"repository by running ``osa releases check_pins``. This will display a "
"table, showing the current pin in OSA, and what is available upstream on "
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat memeriksa pin PyPI saat ini yang digunakan dalam repositori yang "
"dimungkinkan openstack dengan menjalankan ``osa releases check_pins``. Ini "
"akan menampilkan tabel, menunjukkan pin saat ini di OSA, dan apa yang "
"tersedia di hulu di PyPI."
msgid ""
"You can follow examples from other roles, making the appropriate "
"modifications being sure that group labels in ``env.d`` and ``conf.d`` files "
"are consistent."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat mengikuti contoh dari peran lain, membuat modifikasi yang sesuai "
"memastikan bahwa label grup dalam file ``env.d`` dan ``conf.d`` konsisten."
msgid "You can install the latest version of this tooling by running:"
msgstr "Anda dapat menginstal versi terbaru dari alat ini dengan menjalankan:"
msgid ""
"You can review roles which may be currently in development by checking our "
"`specs repository`_ and `unmerged specs`_ on review.openstack.org. If you do "
"not find a spec for the role, propose a blueprint/spec. See also :ref:"
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat meninjau peran yang saat ini sedang dalam pengembangan dengan "
"memeriksa `specs repository`_ dan `unmerged specs`_ kami di review.openstack."
"org. Jika Anda tidak menemukan spek untuk peran tersebut, usulkan blueprint/"
"spec. Lihat juga :ref:`specs`."
msgid ""
"You found an issue and want to make sure we are aware of it? You can do so "
"on `Launchpad <https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible>`_."
msgstr ""
"Anda menemukan masalah dan ingin memastikan kami mengetahuinya? Anda bisa "
"melakukannya `Launchpad <https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible>`_."
msgid ""
"``.gitignore``: A standard git configuration file for the repository which "
"should be pretty uniform across all the repositories. This must be copied "
"from the ``openstack-ansible-tests`` repository and will be automatically be "
"overridden by our proposal bot should any change happen."
msgstr ""
"``.gitignore``: File konfigurasi git standar untuk repositori yang "
"seharusnya cukup seragam di semua repositori. Ini harus disalin dari "
"repositori ``openstack-ansible-tests`` dan akan secara otomatis diganti oleh "
"bot proposal kami jika terjadi perubahan."
msgid ""
"``.gitreview``: A standard file configured for the project to inform the "
"``git-review`` plugin where to find the upstream gerrit remote for the "
msgstr ""
"``.gitreview``: File standar yang dikonfigurasi untuk proyek untuk "
"menginformasikan kepada plugin ``git-review`` di mana menemukan remote "
"gerrit hulu untuk repositori."
msgid ""
"``<role name>-overrides.yml``. This var file is automatically loaded by our "
"shell script in our `tests repository`_."
msgstr ""
"``<role name>-overrides.yml``. File var ini secara otomatis dimuat oleh "
"skrip shell kami di `tests repository`_."
msgid "``Complete``"
msgstr "``Complete``"
msgid "``Incubated``"
msgstr "``Incubated``"
msgid ""
"``README.rst``, ``LICENSE``, ``CONTRIBUTING.rst``: A set of standard files "
"whose content is self-explanatory."
msgstr ""
"``README.rst``, ``LICENSE``, ``CONTRIBUTING.rst``: Satu set file standar "
"yang isinya cukup jelas."
msgid "``Retired``"
msgstr "``Retired``"
msgid "``Unmaintained``"
msgstr "``Unmaintained``"
msgid ""
"``Vagrantfile``: A configuration file to allow a developer to easily create "
"a test virtual machine using `Vagrant`_. This must automatically execute "
"``run_tests.sh``. This must be copied from the ``openstack-ansible-tests`` "
"repository and will be automatically be overridden by our proposal bot "
"should any change happen."
msgstr ""
"``Vagrantfile``: File konfigurasi untuk memungkinkan pengembang membuat "
"mesin virtual pengujian dengan mudah menggunakan `Vagrant`_. Ini harus "
"secara otomatis menjalankan ``run_tests.sh``. Ini harus disalin dari "
"repositori ``openstack-ansible-tests`` dan akan secara otomatis diganti oleh "
"bot proposal kami jika terjadi perubahan."
msgid ""
"``ansible-role-requirements.yml``. This should be fairly straightforward: "
"this file contains all the roles to clone before running your role. The "
"roles' relative playbooks will have to be listed in the ``test.yml`` file. "
"However, keep in mind to NOT re-invent the wheel. For example, if your role "
"needs keystone, you don't need to create your own keystone install playbook, "
"because we have a generic keystone install playbook in the `tests "
msgstr ""
"``ansible-role-requirements.yml``. Ini harus cukup mudah: file ini berisi "
"semua peran yang harus dikloning sebelum menjalankan peran Anda. Buku "
"pedoman relatif peran harus dicantumkan dalam file ``test.yml``. Namun, "
"perlu diingat untuk NOT menciptakan kembali roda (wheel). Misalnya, jika "
"peran Anda memerlukan keystone, Anda tidak perlu membuat playbook instal "
"keystone Anda sendiri, karena kami memiliki playbook instal keystone generik "
"dalam `tests repository`."
msgid ""
"``bindep.txt``: The binary requirements that must be installed on the host "
"the tests are executed on for the Python requirements and the tox execution "
"to work. This must be copied from the ``openstack-ansible-tests`` repository "
"and will be automatically be overridden by our proposal bot should any "
"change happen."
msgstr ""
"``bindep.txt``: Persyaratan biner yang harus diinstal pada host pengujian "
"dijalankan untuk persyaratan Python dan eksekusi toks agar berfungsi. Ini "
"harus disalin dari repositori ``openstack-ansible-tests`` dan akan secara "
"otomatis diganti oleh bot proposal kami jika terjadi perubahan."
msgid ""
"``deprecations``: If a variable has been deprecated (ideally using the "
"deprecation filter), then it should be communicated through notes in this "
"section. Note that if a variable has been removed entirely then it has not "
"been deprecated and the removal should be noted in the ``upgrade`` section."
msgstr ""
"``deprecations``: Jika suatu variabel telah ditinggalkan (idealnya "
"menggunakan filter penghentian), maka itu harus dikomunikasikan melalui "
"catatan di bagian ini. Perhatikan bahwa jika suatu variabel telah dihapus "
"seluruhnya maka itu tidak ditinggalkan dan penghapusan harus dicatat di "
"bagian ``upgrade`` ."
msgid ""
"``docs/`` and ``releasenotes/`` folders need to be exist and be properly "
msgstr ""
"Folder ``docs/`` dan ``releasenotes/`` perlu ada dan dikonfigurasikan dengan "
msgid ""
"``features``: This should inform the deployer briefly about a new feature "
"and should describe how to use it either by referencing the variables to set "
"or by referring to documentation."
msgstr ""
"``features``: Ini harus memberi tahu penyebar secara singkat tentang fitur "
"baru dan harus menjelaskan cara menggunakannya dengan merujuk variabel yang "
"akan diatur atau dengan merujuk pada dokumentasi."
msgid ""
"``group_vars`` and ``host_vars``. These folders will hold override the "
"necessary files for testing. For example, this is where you override the IP "
"addresses, IP ranges, and ansible connection details."
msgstr ""
"``group_vars`` dan ``host_vars``. Folder ini akan menahan override file yang "
"diperlukan untuk pengujian. Misalnya, ini adalah tempat Anda mengganti "
"alamat IP, rentang IP, dan detail koneksi yang dimungkinkan."
msgid ""
"``inventory``. A static inventory for role testing. It's possible some roles "
"have multiple inventories. See for example the neutron role with its "
"``lxb_inventory``, ``calico_inventory``."
msgstr ""
"``inventory``. Inventaris statis untuk pengujian peran. Mungkin saja "
"beberapa peran memiliki banyak inventaris. Lihat misalnya peran neutron "
"dengan ``lxb_inventory``, ``calico_inventory``."
msgid ""
"``issues``: This should inform the deployer about known issues. This may be "
"used when fixing an issue and wanting to inform deployers about a workaround "
"that can be used for versions prior to that which contains the patch that "
"fixes the issue. Issue notes should specifically make mention of what "
"versions of OpenStack-Ansible are affected by the issue."
msgstr ""
"``issues``: Ini harus memberi tahu penyebar tentang masalah yang diketahui. "
"Ini dapat digunakan saat memperbaiki masalah dan ingin memberi tahu penyebar "
"tentang solusi yang dapat digunakan untuk versi sebelum yang berisi patch "
"yang memperbaiki masalah. Catatan masalah harus secara khusus menyebutkan "
"versi OpenStack-Ansible apa yang dipengaruhi oleh masalah ini."
msgid ""
"``run_tests.sh``: A script for developers to execute all standard tests on a "
"suitable host. This must be copied from the ``openstack-ansible-tests`` "
"repository and will be automatically be overridden by our proposal bot "
"should any change happen."
msgstr ""
"``run_tests.sh``: Script untuk pengembang untuk menjalankan semua tes "
"standar pada host yang sesuai. Ini harus disalin dari repositori ``openstack-"
"ansible-tests`` dan akan secara otomatis diganti oleh bot proposal kami jika "
"terjadi perubahan."
msgid ""
"``setup.cfg`` and ``setup.py``: Information about the repository used when "
"building artifacts."
msgstr ""
"``setup.cfg`` dan ``setup.py``: Informasi tentang repositori yang digunakan "
"saat membuat artefak."
msgid ""
"``test-requirements.txt``: The Python requirements that must be installed "
"when executing the tests."
msgstr ""
"``test-requirements.txt``: Persyaratan Python yang harus diinstal ketika "
"menjalankan tes."
msgid ""
"``test.yml`` (\"super\" playbook acting as test router to sub-playbooks)"
msgstr ""
"``test.yml`` (\"super\" playbook bertindak sebagai router uji untuk sub-"
msgid ""
"``tox.ini``: The lint testing, documentation build, release note build and "
"functional build execution process for the role's gate tests are all defined "
"in this file."
msgstr ""
"``tox.ini``: Pengujian serat, pembuatan dokumentasi, rilis rilis dan proses "
"eksekusi pembangunan fungsional untuk tes gerbang peran semuanya ditentukan "
"dalam file ini."
msgid ""
"``upgrade``: This should inform the deployer about changes which may affect "
"them when upgrading from a previous major or minor version. Typically, these "
"notes would describe changes to default variable values or variables that "
"have been removed."
msgstr ""
"``upgrade``: Ini harus memberi tahu penyebar tentang perubahan yang dapat "
"memengaruhi mereka saat memutakhirkan dari versi mayor atau minor "
"sebelumnya. Biasanya, catatan ini akan menjelaskan perubahan nilai variabel "
"default atau variabel yang telah dihapus."
msgid ""
"and use jinja templating, this is very difficult to achieve. It is still "
"considered a preference and should be a goal to improve readability, within "
msgstr ""
"dan menggunakan jinja templating, ini sangat sulit untuk dicapai. Itu masih "
"dianggap preferensi dan harus menjadi tujuan untuk meningkatkan keterbacaan, "
"dengan alasan."
msgid ""
"as templates and use jinja templating, this will often fail. This test is "
"reasonably safely ignored as the syntax error will be identified when "
"executing the resulting script."
msgstr ""
"sebagai templat dan menggunakan templat jinja, ini akan sering gagal. Tes "
"ini diabaikan dengan aman karena kesalahan sintaksis akan diidentifikasi "
"ketika menjalankan skrip yang dihasilkan."
msgid "https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible"
msgstr "https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible"
msgid "https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ansible"
msgstr "https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ansible"
msgid "https://github.com/evrardjp/ansible-keepalived"
msgstr "https://github.com/evrardjp/ansible-keepalived"
msgid "https://github.com/logan2211/ansible-resolvconf"
msgstr "https://github.com/logan2211/ansible-resolvconf"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "https://github.com/openstack/ansible-config_template"
msgstr "https://github.com/openstack/ansible-config_template"
msgid "https://github.com/openstack/ansible-hardening"
msgstr "https://github.com/openstack/ansible-hardening"
msgid "https://github.com/openstack/ansible-role-systemd_mount"
msgstr "https://github.com/openstack/ansible-role-systemd_mount"
msgid "https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible"
msgstr "https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible"
msgid "https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-ops"
msgstr "https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-ops"
msgid "https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance"
msgstr "https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance"
msgid "https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova"
msgstr "https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova"
msgid "https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-specs"
msgstr "https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-specs"
msgid "https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-tests"
msgstr "https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-tests"
msgid "https://github.com/willshersystems/ansible-sshd"
msgstr "https://github.com/willshersystems/ansible-sshd"
msgid "or"
msgstr "atau"
msgid "where #bugnumber refers to a Launchpad issue."
msgstr "di mana #bugnumber merujuk ke masalah Launchpad."