OpenStack Proposal Bot a3fccfdadd Imported Translations from Zanata
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Change-Id: I55ccb802d49eed216b7a1d6b4a71828fa48afa2a
2021-02-01 07:40:16 +00:00

2686 lines
106 KiB

# suhartono <>, 2018. #zanata
# Andreas Jaeger <>, 2019. #zanata
# suhartono <>, 2019. #zanata
# suhartono <>, 2020. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: openstack-ansible\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-01-28 16:24+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-06 04:31+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: suhartono <>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian\n"
"Language: id\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.3\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
msgid ""
"1. Persistent proxy configuration is a standard practice and network clients "
"on the target hosts will be able to access external resources after "
msgstr ""
"1. Konfigurasi proxy yang persisten adalah praktik standar dan klien "
"jaringan pada host target akan dapat mengakses sumber daya eksternal setelah "
msgid ""
"1. The default configuration file suggests setting a persistent proxy "
"configuration on all target hosts and defines a persistent ``no_proxy`` "
"environment variable which lists all hosts/containers' management addresses "
"as well as the load balancer internal/external addresses."
msgstr ""
"1. File konfigurasi default menyarankan pengaturan konfigurasi proxy yang "
"persisten pada semua host target dan mendefinisikan variabel lingkungan "
"``no_proxy`` persisten yang mencantumkan alamat manajemen semuahosts/"
"containers' serta alamat internal/external penyeimbang beban."
msgid "10"
msgstr "10"
msgid "16GB RAM"
msgstr "16GB RAM"
msgid ""
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msgid ""
"2. An alternative method applies proxy configuration in a transient manner "
"during the execution of Ansible playbooks and defines a minimum set of "
"management network IP addresses for ``no_proxy`` that are required for the "
"playbooks to succeed. These proxy settings do not persist after an Ansible "
"playbook run and the completed deployment does not require them in order to "
"be functional."
msgstr ""
"2. Metode alternatif menerapkan konfigurasi proksi secara sementara selama "
"pelaksanaan Ansible playbooks dan menetapkan sekumpulan alamat IP jaringan "
"manajemen minimum untuk ``no_proxy`` yang diperlukan agar playbook berhasil. "
"Pengaturan proksi ini tidak bertahan setelah Playbook yang dijalankan "
"dijalankan dan penerapan yang lengkap tidak mengharuskannya untuk berfungsi."
msgid ""
"2. The deployer must ensure that a persistent proxy configuration has "
"complete coverage of all OpenStack management network host/containers' IP "
"addresses in the ``no_proxy`` environment variable. It is necessary to use a "
"list of IP addresses, CIDR notation is not valid for ``no_proxy``."
msgstr ""
"2. Penyebar harus memastikan bahwa konfigurasi proxy yang persisten memiliki "
"cakupan lengkap dari semua alamat IP host/containers jaringan manajemen "
"OpenStack dalam variabel lingkungan ``no_proxy``. Anda perlu menggunakan "
"daftar alamat IP, notasi CIDR tidak valid untuk ``no_proxy``."
msgid "20"
msgstr "20"
msgid ""
"3. Transient proxy configuration guarantees that proxy environment variables "
"will not persist, ensuring direct communication between services on the "
"OpenStack management network after deployment. Target host network clients "
"such as ``wget`` will not be able to access external resources after "
msgstr ""
"3. Konfigurasi proxy sementara menjamin bahwa variabel lingkungan proxy "
"tidak akan bertahan, memastikan komunikasi langsung antara layanan di "
"jaringan manajemen OpenStack setelah penyebaran. Klien jaringan host target "
"seperti ``wget`` tidak akan dapat mengakses sumber daya eksternal setelah "
msgid "30"
msgstr "30"
msgid ""
"4. The maximum length of ``no_proxy`` should not exceed 1024 characters due "
"to a fixed size buffer in the ``pam_env`` PAM module. Longer environment "
"variables will be truncated during deployment operations and this will lead "
"to unpredictable errors during or after deployment."
msgstr ""
"4. Panjang maksimum ``no_proxy`` tidak boleh melebihi 1024 karakter karena "
"buffer ukuran tetap dalam modul PAM ``pam_env``. Variabel lingkungan yang "
"lebih lama akan terpotong selama operasi penyebaran dan ini akan menyebabkan "
"kesalahan tak terduga selama atau setelah penyebaran."
msgid "50GB free disk space on the root partition"
msgstr "Ruang disk kosong 50GB pada partisi root"
msgid "8 CPU Cores"
msgstr "8 CPU Cores"
msgid "8 vCPU's"
msgstr "8 vCPU's"
msgid ""
"80GB free disk space on the root partition, or 60GB+ on a blank secondary "
"disk. Using a secondary disk requires the use of the "
"``bootstrap_host_data_disk_device`` parameter. Please see `Building an AIO`_ "
"for more details."
msgstr ""
"80GB ruang kosong pada partisi root, atau 60GB + pada disk sekunder kosong. "
"Menggunakan disk sekunder membutuhkan penggunaan parameter "
"``bootstrap_host_data_disk_device``. Silakan lihat `Building an AIO`_ untuk "
"detail lebih lanjut."
msgid "8GB RAM"
msgstr "8GB RAM"
msgid ""
":dev_docs:`Configuring a homogeneous production environment <user/prod/"
msgstr ""
":dev_docs:`Configuring a homogeneous production environment <user/prod/"
msgid ":dev_docs:`Configuring a test environment <user/test/example.html>`"
msgstr ":dev_docs:`Configuring a test environment <user/test/example.html>`"
msgid ""
":dev_docs:`Configuring the inventory <reference/inventory/configure-"
msgstr ""
":dev_docs:`Configuring the inventory <reference/inventory/configure-"
msgid ""
":dev_docs:`Container networking architecture <reference/architecture/"
msgstr ""
":dev_docs:`Container networking architecture <reference/architecture/"
msgid ":dev_docs:`Production environment <user/prod/example.html>`"
msgstr ":dev_docs:`Production environment <user/prod/example.html>`"
msgid ""
":dev_docs:`Using provider network groups for a heterogeneous environment "
msgstr ""
":dev_docs:`Using provider network groups for a heterogeneous environment "
msgid "A ``compute_hosts`` group consisting of two compute hosts"
msgstr "Grup ``compute_hosts`` yang terdiri dari dua host komputasi"
msgid ""
"A ``network_hosts`` group consisting of three collapsed infrastructure/"
"network (control plane) hosts"
msgstr ""
"Grup ``network_hosts`` yang terdiri dari tiga host infrastructure/network "
"(control plane) yang diciutkan"
msgid ""
"A basic compute kit environment, with the Image (glance) and Compute (nova) "
"services set to use file-backed storage."
msgstr ""
"Lingkungan kit komputasi dasar, dengan layanan Image (glance) dan Compute "
"(nova) diatur untuk menggunakan penyimpanan file-backed."
msgid ""
"A single rabbitmq server backend (e.g. server or cluster) is the default "
"deployment for OSA. This broker messaging backend provides the queue "
"services for both RPC and Notification communications through its "
"integration with the oslo.messaging rabbit driver. The `oslo-messaging.yml`_ "
"file provides the default configuration to associate the oslo.messaging RPC "
"and Notify services to the rabbitmq server backend."
msgstr ""
"Backend server rabbitmq tunggal (misal server atau cluster) adalah "
"penyebaran default untuk OSA. Backend perpesanan broker ini menyediakan "
"layanan antrian untuk komunikasi RPC dan Notification melalui integrasinya "
"dengan oslo.messaging rabbit driver. File `oslo-messaging.yml`_ menyediakan "
"konfigurasi default untuk mengaitkan oslo.messaging RPC dan layanan Notify "
"ke backend server rabbitmq."
msgid ""
"A word of caution: the name of the Ceph alternative lib implementation "
"(ceph_alternative_lib) varies between Gnocchi versions."
msgstr ""
"Kata hati-hati: nama implementasi lib alternatif Ceph (ceph_alternative_lib) "
"bervariasi antara versi Gnocchi."
msgid "Absolute minimum server resources (currently used for gate checks):"
msgstr ""
"Sumber daya server minimum absolut (saat ini digunakan untuk pemeriksaan "
msgid "Add them also to your pipeline:"
msgstr "Tambahkan juga ke pipeline Anda:"
msgid "Adding S3 API support"
msgstr "Menambahkan dukungan S3 API"
msgid "Additional VLANs may be required for the following purposes:"
msgstr "VLAN tambahan mungkin diperlukan untuk tujuan berikut:"
msgid ""
"Additional options may be implemented by simply concatenating them with a "
"space between each set of options, for example:"
msgstr ""
"Opsi tambahan dapat diimplementasikan hanya dengan menggabungkannya dengan "
"spasi di antara setiap rangkaian opsi, misalnya:"
msgid "Additional resources"
msgstr "Sumber daya tambahan"
msgid ""
"All public endpoints reside behind haproxy, resulting in the only "
"certificate management most environments need are those for haproxy."
msgstr ""
"Semua endpoint publik berada di belakang haproxy, sehingga satu-satunya "
"manajemen sertifikat yang paling dibutuhkan lingkungan adalah haproxy."
msgid ""
"All the upstream repositories used are defined in the ``openstack-ansible`` "
"integrated repository, in the ``playbooks/defaults/repo_packages`` folder."
msgstr ""
"Semua repositori hulu yang digunakan didefinisikan dalam repositori "
"terintegrasi ``openstack-ansible``, dalam folder ``playbooks/defaults/"
msgid ""
"All-in-one (AIO) builds are a great way to perform an OpenStack-Ansible "
"build for:"
msgstr ""
"Pembuatan All-in-one (AIO) adalah cara yang bagus untuk melakukan "
"pembangunan OpenStack-Ansible untuk:"
msgid ""
"Although AIO builds aren't recommended for large production deployments, "
"they're great for smaller proof-of-concept deployments."
msgstr ""
"Meskipun build AIO tidak direkomendasikan untuk penyebaran produksi besar, "
"mereka sangat bagus untuk penyebaran konsep-konsep yang lebih kecil."
msgid "Amazon S3"
msgstr "Amazon S3"
msgid ""
"An additional provider interface definition named ``physnet2`` using "
"different interfaces between hosts may resemble the following:"
msgstr ""
"Definisi antarmuka penyedia tambahan bernama ``physnet2`` menggunakan "
"antarmuka yang berbeda antar host dapat menyerupai yang berikut:"
msgid "Apply ansible-hardening"
msgstr "Menerapkan ansible-hardening"
msgid ""
"Architectural decisions by the deployer to isolate the OpenStack networks"
msgstr ""
"Keputusan arsitektur oleh penggelar untuk mengisolasi jaringan OpenStack"
msgid ""
"As the AIO includes all three cluster members of MariaDB/Galera, the cluster "
"has to be re-initialized after the host is rebooted."
msgstr ""
"Karena AIO mencakup ketiga anggota cluster MariaDB/Galera, cluster harus "
"diinisialisasi ulang setelah host di-reboot."
msgid "Bare metal systems with SSD storage: ~ 30-50 minutes"
msgstr "Sistem bare metal dengan penyimpanan SSD: ~ 30-50 menit"
msgid "Before creating custom groups, please review the following:"
msgstr "Sebelum membuat grup kustom, harap tinjau yang berikut:"
msgid "Before reading this document, please review the following scenario:"
msgstr "Sebelum membaca dokumen ini, silakan tinjau skenario berikut:"
msgid ""
"Before rebooting, in ``/etc/sysconfig/selinux``, make sure that "
"``SELINUX=enforcing``is changed to ``SELINUX=disabled``. SELinux enabled is "
"not currently supported in OpenStack-Ansible for CentOS/RHEL due to a lack "
"of maintainers for the feature."
msgstr ""
"Sebelum mem-boot ulang, di ``/etc/sysconfig/selinux``, pastikan bahwa "
"``SELINUX=enforcing``is changed to ``SELINUX=disabled``. SELinux yang "
"diaktifkan saat ini tidak didukung di OpenStack-Ansible untuk CentOS/RHEL "
"karena kurangnya pengelola untuk fitur ini."
msgid "Bootstrap Ansible and the required roles"
msgstr "Bootstrap Ansible dan role yang diperlukan"
msgid "Bootstrap the AIO configuration"
msgstr "Bootstrap konfigurasi AIO"
msgid "Building an AIO"
msgstr "Membangun AIO"
msgid ""
"But when your setup grows, gnocchi might slow down or block your ceph "
"installation. You might experience slow requests and stuck PGs in your Ceph. "
"As this might have multiple causes, take a look at the presentations linked "
"in the `Performance Tests for Gnocchi`_ section. They also include various "
"parameters which you might tune."
msgstr ""
"Tetapi ketika setup Anda tumbuh, gnocchi mungkin memperlambat atau memblokir "
"instalasi ceph Anda. Anda mungkin mengalami permintaan lambat dan terjebak "
"PG di Ceph Anda. Karena ini mungkin memiliki banyak penyebab, lihat "
"presentasi yang ditautkan di bagian `Performance Tests for Gnocchi`_ . "
"Mereka juga menyertakan berbagai parameter yang mungkin Anda tune."
msgid ""
"By default the AIO bootstrap scripts deploy a base set of OpenStack services "
"with sensible defaults for the purpose of a gate check, development or "
"testing system."
msgstr ""
"Secara default skrip bootstrap AIO menggunakan set dasar layanan OpenStack "
"dengan default yang masuk akal untuk tujuan pemeriksaan gerbang (gate "
"check), pengembangan atau sistem pengujian."
msgid "By default, OSA enables *only* the Swift API in radosgw."
msgstr "Secara default, OSA mengaktifkan *only* API Swift di radosgw."
msgid "CIDR"
msgstr "CIDR"
msgid "CPU/motherboard that supports `hardware-assisted virtualization`_"
msgstr "CPU/motherboard yang mendukung `hardware-assisted virtualization`_"
msgid "Ceilometer Changes"
msgstr "Perubahan Ceilometer"
msgid ""
"Ceilometer needs additional pip packages to talk to Ceph Rados Gateway. To "
"install it, edit the default ceilometer_pip_packages in your user_variables."
"yml file:"
msgstr ""
"Ceilometer membutuhkan paket pip tambahan untuk berbicara dengan Ceph Rados "
"Gateway. Untuk menginstalnya, edit ceilometer_pip_packages default dalam "
"file user_variables.yml Anda:"
msgid "Ceph (preferred)"
msgstr "Ceph (preferred)"
msgid "Ceph Changes"
msgstr "Ceph Changes"
msgid "Ceph as metric storage"
msgstr "Ceph sebagai penyimpanan metrik"
msgid "Ceph production example"
msgstr "Contoh produksi Ceph"
msgid ""
"Change the subject data of any self-signed certificate by using "
"configuration variables. The configuration variable for each service is "
"formatted as ``<servicename>_ssl_self_signed_subject``. For example, to "
"change the SSL certificate subject data for HAProxy, adjust the ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` file as follows:"
msgstr ""
"Ubah data subjek dari sertifikat yang ditandatangani sendiri dengan "
"menggunakan variabel konfigurasi. Variabel konfigurasi untuk setiap layanan "
"diformat sebagai ``<servicename>_ssl_self_signed_subject``. Misalnya, untuk "
"mengubah data subjek sertifikat SSL untuk HAProxy, sesuaikan file ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` sebagai berikut:"
msgid ""
"Configure the ```` script used to install Ansible and "
"Ansible role dependencies on the deployment host to use a proxy by setting "
"the environment variables ``HTTPS_PROXY`` or ``HTTP_PROXY``."
msgstr ""
"Konfigurasikan skrip ```` yang digunakan untuk "
"menginstal dependensi role Ansible dan Ansible pada host deployment untuk "
"menggunakan proxy dengan mengatur variabel lingkungan ``HTTPS_PROXY`` atau "
msgid "Considerations when proxying TLS traffic"
msgstr "Pertimbangan saat mem-proxy lalu lintas TLS"
msgid ""
"Copy your SSL certificate, key, and CA certificate files to the deployment "
msgstr "Salin file sertifikat SSL, kunci, dan CA Anda ke host penyebaran."
msgid "Create containers for Zookeeper:"
msgstr "Buat container untuk Zookeeper:"
msgid "Custom Groups"
msgstr "Grup Kustom"
msgid ""
"Custom inventory groups can be created to assist in segmenting hosts beyond "
"the built-in groups provided by OpenStack-Ansible."
msgstr ""
"Grup inventaris kustom dapat dibuat untuk membantu mensegmentasi host di "
"luar grup built-in yang disediakan oleh OpenStack-Ansible."
msgid ""
"Declare Ceph Rados Gateway as object-store in your ceilometer.conf file by "
"adding this to your user_variables.yml file:"
msgstr ""
"Deklarasikan Ceph Rados Gateway sebagai object-store di file ceilometer.conf "
"Anda dengan menambahkan ini ke file user_variables.yml Anda:"
msgid ""
"Define the group and its members in a corresponding file in ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/conf.d/``. The following is an example of a group named "
"``custom2_hosts`` defined in ``/etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/custom2_hosts."
"yml`` consisting of a single member, ``compute2``:"
msgstr ""
"Tentukan grup dan anggotanya dalam file yang sesuai di ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/conf.d/``. Berikut ini adalah contoh grup yang bernama "
"``custom2_hosts`` didefinisikan dalam ``/etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/"
"custom2_hosts.yml`` terdiri dari satu anggota, ``compute2``:"
msgid ""
"Deployers can configure the script to source Ansible from an alternate Git "
"repository by setting the environment variable ``ANSIBLE_GIT_REPO``."
msgstr ""
"Deployer dapat mengkonfigurasi skrip ke sumber Ansible dari repositori Git "
"alternatif dengan mengatur variabel lingkungan ``ANSIBLE_GIT_REPO``."
msgid ""
"Deployers can configure the script to source Ansible role dependencies from "
"alternate locations by providing a custom role requirements file and "
"specifying the path to that file using the environment variable "
msgstr ""
"Deployer dapat mengonfigurasi skrip ke sumber dependensi role Ansible dari "
"lokasi alternatif dengan memberikan file persyaratan role khusus dan "
"menentukan jalur ke file tersebut menggunakan variabel lingkungan "
msgid "Deployment configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurasi penempatan (deployment)"
msgid "Deployment host proxy configuration for bootstrapping Ansible"
msgstr "Konfigurasi proxy host deployment untuk bootstrapping Ansible"
msgid ""
"Deployment of certificates using LetsEncrypt has been validated for "
"openstack-ansible using Ubuntu Bionic. Other distributions should work but "
"are not tested."
msgstr ""
"Penyebaran sertifikat menggunakan LetsEncrypt telah divalidasi untuk "
"openstack-ansible menggunakan Ubuntu Bionic. Distribusi lain harus berfungsi "
"tetapi tidak diuji."
msgid ""
"Deployments may encounter limited external connectivity for a number of "
msgstr ""
"Deployment dapat menemui konektivitas eksternal terbatas karena sejumlah "
msgid ""
"Differences in network interface names may be the result of a difference in "
"drivers and/or PCI slot locations."
msgstr ""
"Perbedaan nama antarmuka jaringan mungkin merupakan akibat dari perbedaan "
"dalam driver dan/atau lokasi slot PCI."
msgid "Distribution specific packages"
msgstr "Paket khusus distribusi"
msgid ""
"Each host will require the correct network bridges to be implemented. The "
"following is the ``/etc/network/interfaces`` file for ``infra1`` using a "
"single bond."
msgstr ""
"Setiap host akan membutuhkan jembatan jaringan yang benar untuk "
"diimplementasikan. Berikut ini adalah file ``/etc/network/interfaces`` untuk "
"``infra1`` menggunakan satu ikatan."
msgid ""
"Each host will require the correct network bridges to be implemented. The "
"following is the ``/etc/network/interfaces`` file for ``infra1`` using "
"multiple bonded interfaces."
msgstr ""
"Setiap host akan membutuhkan jembatan jaringan yang benar untuk "
"diimplementasikan. Berikut ini adalah file ``/etc/network/interfaces`` untuk "
"``infra1`` menggunakan banyak antarmuka terikat."
msgid ""
"Each host will require the correct network bridges to be implemented. The "
"following is the ``/etc/network/interfaces`` file for ``infra1``."
msgstr ""
"Setiap host akan membutuhkan jembatan jaringan (network bridge) yang benar "
"untuk diimplementasikan. Berikut ini adalah file ``/etc/network/interfaces`` "
"untuk ``infra1``."
msgid "Environment customizations"
msgstr "Kustomisasi lingkungan"
msgid "Environment layout"
msgstr "Tata letak lingkungan"
msgid "Example internet dependencies"
msgstr "Contoh ketergantungan internet"
msgid "Example repositories to mirror (Ubuntu target hosts):"
msgstr "Contoh repositori ke mirror (host target Ubuntu):"
msgid "Execute the following commands and scripts as the root user."
msgstr "Jalankan perintah dan skrip berikut sebagai pengguna root."
msgid "External connectivity required to be via HTTP or SOCKS proxies"
msgstr "Konektivitas eksternal diperlukan melalui proxy HTTP atau SOCKS"
msgid "External provider networks for Floating IPs and instances"
msgstr "Jaringan penyedia eksternal untuk Floating IP and instance"
msgid "File (default)"
msgstr "File (default)"
msgid "Finally, run the playbooks by executing:"
msgstr "Akhirnya, jalankan playbook dengan mengeksekusi:"
msgid "Firewall rules which block external connectivity"
msgstr "Aturan firewall yang memblokir konektivitas eksternal"
msgid ""
"For a ceph environment, you can run the ``cinder-volume`` in a container. To "
"do this you will need to create a ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/cinder.yml`` "
"file with the following content:"
msgstr ""
"Untuk lingkungan ceph, Anda dapat menjalankan ``cinder-volume`` dalam sebuah "
"container. Untuk melakukan ini, Anda perlu membuat file ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/env.d/cinder.yml`` dengan konten berikut:"
msgid ""
"For added trust in highly secure environments, you can provide your own SSL "
"certificates, keys, and CA certificates. Acquiring certificates from a "
"trusted certificate authority is outside the scope of this document, but the "
"`Certificate Management`_ section of the Linux Documentation Project "
"explains how to create your own certificate authority and sign certificates."
msgstr ""
"Untuk kepercayaan tambahan di lingkungan yang sangat aman, Anda dapat "
"memberikan sertifikat SSL, kunci, dan sertifikat CA Anda sendiri. Memperoleh "
"sertifikat dari otoritas sertifikat tepercaya berada di luar ruang lingkup "
"dokumen ini, tetapi bagian `Certificate Management`_ dari Linux "
"Documentation Project menjelaskan cara membuat otoritas sertifikat Anda "
"sendiri dan menandatangani sertifikat."
msgid ""
"For each pod, a group will need to be defined containing all hosts within "
"that pod."
msgstr ""
"Untuk setiap pod, sebuah grup harus didefinisikan berisi semua host dalam "
"pod itu."
msgid "For example to install ansible version 2.5.0:"
msgstr "Misalnya untuk menginstal ansible version 2.5.0:"
msgid ""
"For example, if you want to override ``glance`` repository with your own, "
"you need to define the following:"
msgstr ""
"Misalnya, jika Anda ingin mengganti repositori ``glance`` dengan milik Anda "
"sendiri, Anda perlu mendefinisikan yang berikut:"
msgid ""
"For in-depth technical information, see the :dev_docs:`OpenStack-Ansible "
"Reference <reference/index.html>`."
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi teknis mendalam, lihat :dev_docs:`OpenStack-Ansible "
"Reference <reference/index.html>`."
msgid ""
"For information on how to contribute, extend or develop OpenStack-Ansible, "
"see the :dev_docs:`Contributors Guide <contributor/index.html>`."
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi tentang cara berkontribusi, perluas atau kembangkan "
"OpenStack-Ansible, lihat :dev_docs:`Contributors Guide <contributor/index."
msgid ""
"For information on how to deploy your OpenStack-Ansible cloud, refer to the :"
"deploy_guide:`Deployment Guide <index.html>` for step-by-step instructions "
"on how to deploy the OpenStack packages and dependencies on your cloud using "
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi tentang cara menggunakan cloud OpenStack-Ansible Anda, "
"lihat :deploy_guide: `Deployment Guide <index.html>` untuk petunjuk langkah-"
"demi-langkah tentang cara menggunakan paket OpenStack dan dependensi pada "
"cloud Anda menggunakan OpenStack-Ansible ."
msgid ""
"For information on how to manage and operate OpenStack-Ansible, see the see "
"the :dev_docs:`Operations Guide <admin/index.html>`."
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi tentang cara mengelola dan mengoperasikan OpenStack-Ansible, "
"lihat lihat :dev_docs:`Operations Guide <admin/index.html>`."
msgid ""
"For larger or complex environments a dedicated deployment host allows the "
"most suitable proxy configuration to be applied to both deployment and "
"target hosts."
msgstr ""
"Untuk lingkungan yang lebih besar atau kompleks, host deployment khusus "
"(dedicated) memungkinkan konfigurasi proxy yang paling cocok untuk "
"diterapkan pada host deployment maupun host target."
msgid ""
"For more ideas how to tune your Gnocchi stack, take a look at these "
msgstr ""
"Untuk lebih banyak ide bagaimana menyetel tumpukan (stack) Gnocchi Anda, "
"lihat presentasi ini:"
msgid ""
"For more information about the available fields in the certificate subject, "
"see the OpenSSL documentation for the `req subcommand`_."
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang bidang yang tersedia dalam subjek "
"sertifikat, lihat dokumentasi OpenSSL untuk `req subcommand`_."
msgid ""
"For more information about the security configurations, see the `security "
"hardening role`_ documentation."
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang konfigurasi keamanan, lihat dokumentasi "
"`security hardening role`_ ."
msgid ""
"For more information on how to properly configure network interface files "
"and OpenStack-Ansible configuration files for different deployment "
"scenarios, please refer to the following:"
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang cara mengkonfigurasi dengan benar file "
"antarmuka jaringan dan file konfigurasi OpenStack-Ansible untuk berbagai "
"skenario penggunaan, silakan merujuk ke yang berikut:"
msgid ""
"For network agent and container networking toplogies, please refer to the "
msgstr ""
"Untuk agen jaringan dan toplogi jaringan kontainer, silakan merujuk ke yang "
msgid ""
"For the default AIO scenario, the AIO configuration preparation is completed "
"by executing:"
msgstr ""
"Untuk skenario AIO default, persiapan konfigurasi AIO akan selesai dengan "
msgid ""
"For this environment you do not need the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d`` "
"folder as the defaults set by OpenStack-Ansible are suitable."
msgstr ""
"Untuk lingkungan ini Anda tidak perlu folder ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env."
"d`` karena standar yang ditetapkan oleh OpenStack-Ansible cocok."
msgid ""
"For this environment, if you want to use the same IP address for the "
"internal and external endpoints, you will need to ensure that the internal "
"and public OpenStack endpoints are served with the same protocol. This is "
"done with the following content:"
msgstr ""
"Untuk lingkungan ini, jika Anda ingin menggunakan alamat IP yang sama untuk "
"endpoint internal dan eksternal, Anda harus memastikan bahwa endpoint "
"OpenStack internal dan publik dilayani dengan protokol yang sama. Ini "
"dilakukan dengan konten berikut:"
msgid ""
"For this environment, implement the load balancer on the infrastructure "
"hosts. Ensure that keepalived is also configured with HAProxy in ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` with the following content."
msgstr ""
"Untuk lingkungan ini, terapkan penyeimbang beban pada host infrastruktur. "
"Pastikan keepalived juga dikonfigurasi dengan HAProxy di ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` dengan konten berikut."
msgid ""
"For this environment, the ``cinder-volume`` runs in a container on the "
"infrastructure hosts. To achieve this, implement ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env."
"d/cinder.yml`` with the following content:"
msgstr ""
"Untuk lingkungan ini, ``cinder-volume`` berjalan dalam container di host "
"infrastruktur. Untuk mencapainya, terapkan ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/"
"cinder.yml`` dengan konten berikut:"
msgid ""
"For this example environment, we configure a HA load balancer. We implement "
"the load balancer (HAProxy) with an HA layer (keepalived) on the "
"infrastructure hosts. Your ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` must "
"have the following content to configure haproxy, keepalived and ceph:"
msgstr ""
"Untuk contoh lingkungan ini, kami mengonfigurasi penyeimbang beban HA. Kami "
"menerapkan load balancer (HAProxy) dengan layer HA (keepalived) pada host "
"infrastruktur. ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` Anda harus "
"memiliki konten berikut untuk mengonfigurasi haproxy, keepalived, dan ceph:"
msgid "For understanding security design, please see :ref:`security-design`."
msgstr "Untuk memahami desain keamanan, silakan lihat :ref:`security-design`."
msgid ""
"Full compute kit with the Telemetry service (ceilometer) included, with Ceph "
"configured as a storage back end for the Image (glance), and Block Storage "
"(cinder) services"
msgstr ""
"Kit komputasi lengkap dengan layanan Telemetri (ceilometer) disertakan, "
"dengan Ceph dikonfigurasi sebagai storage back end untuk layanan Image "
"(glance), dan Block Storage (cinder)"
msgid ""
"Full compute kit with the Telemetry service (ceilometer) included, with NFS "
"configured as a storage back end for the Image (glance), and Block Storage "
"(cinder) services"
msgstr ""
"Kit komputasi lengkap dengan layanan Telemetry (ceilometer) disertakan, "
"dengan NFS dikonfigurasikan sebagai ujung belakang penyimpanan (storage back "
"end) untuk layanan Image (glance), dan Block Storage (cinder)"
msgid ""
"Full compute kit with the Telemetry service (ceilometer) included, with NFS "
"configured as a storage backend for the Image (glance), and Block Storage "
"(cinder) services"
msgstr ""
"Compute kit lengkap dengan layanan Telemetri (ceilometer) disertakan, dengan "
"NFS dikonfigurasikan sebagai backend penyimpanan untuk layanan Image "
"(glance), dan Block Storage (cinder)"
msgid "GPG keys for package validation"
msgstr "Kunci GPG untuk validasi paket"
msgid "Generating and regenerating self-signed certificates"
msgstr ""
"Membuat dan membuat ulang sertifikat yang ditandatangani sendiri (self-"
"signed certificate)"
msgid "HAProxy example"
msgstr "Contoh HAProxy"
msgid ""
"Here is a basic diagram that attempts to illustrate what the resulting AIO "
"deployment looks like."
msgstr ""
"Berikut ini adalah diagram dasar yang mencoba untuk menggambarkan apa yang "
"dihasilkan penyebaran AIO yang dihasilkan."
msgid ""
"Here is an example test environment for a working OpenStack-Ansible (OSA) "
"deployment with a small number of servers."
msgstr ""
"Berikut ini adalah contoh lingkungan pengujian untuk penyebaran OpenStack-"
"Ansible (OSA) yang berfungsi dengan sejumlah sedikit server."
msgid "High security environments where no external connectivity is permitted"
msgstr ""
"Lingkungan keamanan tinggi di mana tidak ada konektivitas eksternal diizinkan"
msgid "Host name"
msgstr "Host name"
msgid "Host network configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurasi jaringan host"
msgid ""
"Hosts in the ``network_hosts`` group will map ``physnet1`` to the ``ens1f0`` "
"interface, while hosts in the ``compute_hosts`` group will map ``physnet1`` "
"to the ``ens2f0`` interface. Additional provider mappings can be established "
"using the same format in a separate definition."
msgstr ""
"Host di grup ``network_hosts`` akan memetakan ``physnet1`` ke antarmuka "
"``ens1f0``, sementara host di grup ``compute_hosts`` akan memetakan "
"``physnet1`` ke antarmuka ``ens2f0`` . Pemetaan penyedia tambahan dapat "
"dibuat menggunakan format yang sama dalam definisi yang terpisah."
msgid "Hybrid messaging deployment with qdrouterd server"
msgstr "Deployment perpesanan hibrid dengan server qdrouterd"
msgid "Hybrid messaging example"
msgstr "Contoh perpesanan hibrid"
msgid "IP assignments"
msgstr "IP assignments"
msgid ""
"If the 'metal' and 'aio' key words are used together, horizon will not be "
"deployed because haproxy and horizon will conflict on the same listening "
msgstr ""
"Jika kata kunci 'metal' dan 'aio' digunakan bersama-sama, horizon tidak "
"akan digunakan karena haproxy dan horizon akan konflik pada port "
"mendengarkan yang sama."
msgid ""
"If this is the case you can specify an alternate path which does not have "
"this mount option set:"
msgstr ""
"Jika ini adalah kasus Anda dapat menentukan jalur alternatif yang tidak "
"memiliki opsi mount ini diatur:"
msgid ""
"If you are installing with limited connectivity, please review the "
"*Installing with limited connectivity* appendix in the :deploy_guide:"
"`Deployment Guide <index.html>` before proceeding."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda menginstal dengan konektivitas terbatas, silakan tinjau lampiran "
"*Installing with limited connectivity* dalam :deploy_guide:`Deployment Guide "
"<index.html>` sebelum melanjutkan."
msgid ""
"If your environment does not have ``eth0``, but instead has ``p1p1`` or some "
"other interface name, ensure that all references to ``eth0`` in all "
"configuration files are replaced with the appropriate name. The same applies "
"to additional network interfaces."
msgstr ""
"Jika lingkungan Anda tidak memiliki ``eth0``, tetapi sebaliknya memiliki "
"``p1p1`` atau nama antarmuka lainnya, pastikan bahwa semua referensi ke "
"``eth0`` di semua file konfigurasi diganti dengan nama yang sesuai. Hal yang "
"sama berlaku untuk antarmuka jaringan tambahan."
msgid ""
"In OSA, the deployment of disparate messaging backends is completely "
"transparent to the OpenStack services. By managing the inventories for the "
"messaging servers, a hybrid messaging configuration will be created. The "
"instantiation of the qdrouterd server role in the qdrouterd_host_group will "
"automatically setup the oslomsg_rpc* variables to use this messaging "
"backend. No additional configuration is required. The result is that RPC "
"services will communicate via the amqp (V1.0 protocol) driver and the Notify "
"services will communicate via the rabbit driver. The separation and use of "
"different messaging backends can provide increased scale and resiliency."
msgstr ""
"Di OSA, penyebaran backend perpesanan yang berbeda sepenuhnya transparan "
"untuk layanan OpenStack. Dengan mengelola inventaris untuk server "
"perpesanan, konfigurasi perpesanan hibrid akan dibuat. Instansiasi peran "
"server qdrouterd di qdrouterd_host_group akan secara otomatis mengatur "
"variabel oslomsg_rpc * untuk menggunakan backend perpesanan ini. Tidak "
"diperlukan konfigurasi tambahan. Hasilnya adalah bahwa layanan RPC akan "
"berkomunikasi melalui driver amqp (V1.0 protocol) dan layanan Notify akan "
"berkomunikasi melalui rabbit driver. Pemisahan dan penggunaan berbagai "
"backend perpesanan dapat memberikan peningkatan skala dan ketahanan."
msgid ""
"In addition to this basic configuration, there are other network clients on "
"the target hosts which may be configured to connect via a proxy. For example:"
msgstr ""
"Selain konfigurasi dasar ini, ada klien jaringan lain pada host target yang "
"dapat dikonfigurasi untuk terhubung melalui proxy. Sebagai contoh:"
msgid ""
"In addition, it is necessary to configure easy_install to use an alternative "
"index. easy_install is used instead of pip to install anything listed under "
"setup_requires in during wheel builds. See"
msgstr ""
"Selain itu, perlu untuk mengkonfigurasi easy_install untuk menggunakan "
"indeks alternatif. easy_install digunakan sebagai ganti pip untuk menginstal "
"apa pun yang terdaftar di bawah setup_requires di selama pembuatan "
"roda (wheel builds), Lihat"
msgid ""
"In order for all the services to run, the host must be prepared with the "
"appropriate disks partitioning, packages, network configuration and "
"configurations for the OpenStack Deployment."
msgstr ""
"Agar semua layanan berjalan, host harus dipersiapkan dengan partisi disk, "
"paket, konfigurasi jaringan dan konfigurasi yang tepat untuk OpenStack "
msgid ""
"In order to configure the deployment to use an alternative index, create the "
"file `/etc/pip.conf` with the following content and ensure that it resides "
"on all hosts in the environment."
msgstr ""
"Untuk mengkonfigurasi penyebaran menggunakan indeks alternatif, buat file `/"
"etc/pip.conf` dengan konten berikut dan pastikan bahwa itu berada di semua "
"host di lingkungan."
msgid ""
"In particular, the ``ceph-rgw-install.yml`` playbook (which includes ``ceph-"
"rgw-keystone-setup.yml``) will deploy radosgw to any ``ceph-rgw`` hosts, and "
"create a corresponding Keystone ``object-store`` service catalog entry. The "
"service endpoints do contain the ``AUTH_%(tenant_id)s`` prefix just like in "
"native Swift, so public read ACLs and temp URLs will work just like they do "
"in Swift."
msgstr ""
"Secara khusus, playbook ``ceph-rgw-install.yml`` (yang mencakup ``ceph-rgw-"
"keystone-setup.yml``) akan menyebarkan radosgw ke host ``ceph-rgw`` apa pun, "
"dan membuat entri katalog layanan Keystone ``object-store`` yang sesuai. "
"Endpoint layanan memang berisi awalan ``AUTH_%(tenant_id)s`` seperti di "
"Swift asli, jadi ACL yang dibaca publik dan URL temp akan berfungsi sama "
"seperti yang ada di Swift."
msgid ""
"In this example environment, infrastructure/network nodes hosting L2/L3/DHCP "
"agents will utilize an interface named ``ens1f0`` for the provider network "
"``physnet1``. Compute nodes, on the other hand, will utilize an interface "
"named ``ens2f0`` for the same ``physnet1`` provider network."
msgstr ""
"Dalam contoh lingkungan ini, infrastructure/network node hosting agen L2/L3/"
"DHCP akan menggunakan antarmuka bernama ``ens1f0`` untuk jaringan penyedia "
"``physnet1``. Compute nodes, di sisi lain, akan menggunakan antarmuka "
"bernama ``ens2f0`` untuk jaringan penyedia ``physnet1`` yang sama."
msgid ""
"In this section, you will find user stories and examples relevant to "
"deploying OpenStack-Ansible."
msgstr ""
"Di bagian ini, Anda akan menemukan kisah pengguna dan contoh yang relevan "
"dengan penggunaan OpenStack-Ansible."
msgid ""
"Initial host deployment is outside the scope of OpenStack-Ansible and the "
"deployer must ensure a minimum set of proxy configuration is in place, in "
"particular for the system package manager."
msgstr ""
"Deployment host awal berada di luar ruang lingkup OpenStack-Ansible dan "
"deployer harus memastikan set minimum konfigurasi proxy sudah ada, khususnya "
"untuk manajer paket sistem."
msgid ""
"Installing directly from git is also supported. For example, from the tip of "
"Ansible development branch:"
msgstr ""
"Menginstal langsung dari git juga didukung. Misalnya, dari ujung branch "
"pengembangan Ansible:"
msgid "Installing with limited connectivity"
msgstr "Menginstal dengan konektivitas terbatas"
msgid ""
"Instead, the usual overrides mechanism can take place, and you can define "
"these 3 variables in a ``user_*.yml`` file. See also the :ref:`user-"
"overrides` page."
msgstr ""
"Sebagai gantinya, mekanisme penggantian yang biasa dapat terjadi, dan Anda "
"dapat mendefinisikan 3 variabel ini dalam file ``user_*.yml``. Lihat juga "
"halaman :ref:`user-overrides`."
msgid "Integrate radosgw into your Telemetry"
msgstr "Integrasikan radosgw ke dalam Telemetri Anda"
msgid "Integration with Ceph"
msgstr "Integrasi dengan Ceph"
msgid ""
"Internet access via the router address on the Management Network"
msgstr ""
"Akses internet melalui alamat router di Management Network"
msgid ""
"It is `possible` to perform AIO builds within a virtual machine for "
"demonstration and evaluation, but your virtual machines will perform poorly "
"unless nested virtualization is available. For production workloads, "
"multiple nodes for specific roles are recommended."
msgstr ""
"Sangat mungkin untuk melakukan build AIO di dalam mesin virtual untuk "
"demonstrasi dan evaluasi, tetapi mesin virtual Anda akan berkinerja buruk "
"kecuali jika tersedia virtualisasi bersarang. Untuk beban kerja produksi, "
"beberapa node untuk role tertentu direkomendasikan."
msgid ""
"It is important to note that the proxy server should only be used to access "
"external resources, and communication between the internal components of the "
"OpenStack deployment should be direct and not through the proxy. The "
"``no_proxy`` environment variable is used to specify hosts that should be "
"reached directly without going through the proxy. These often are the hosts "
"in the management network."
msgstr ""
"Penting untuk dicatat bahwa server proxy hanya boleh digunakan untuk "
"mengakses sumber daya eksternal, dan komunikasi antara komponen internal "
"dari penyebaran OpenStack harus langsung dan tidak melalui proxy. Variabel "
"lingkungan ``no_proxy`` digunakan untuk menentukan host yang harus dijangkau "
"langsung tanpa melalui proxy. Ini sering adalah host di jaringan manajemen."
msgid ""
"It is possible to also do this (and change other defaults) during the "
"bootstrap script initial execution by changing the SCENARIO environment "
"variable before running the script. The key word 'aio' will ensure that a "
"basic set of OpenStack services (cinder, glance, horizon, neutron, nova) "
"will be deployed. The key words 'lxc' and 'nspawn' can be used to set the "
"container back-end, while the key word 'metal' will deploy all services "
"without containers. In order to implement any other services, add the name "
"of the conf.d file name without the `.yml.aio` extension into the SCENARIO "
"environment variable. Each key word should be delimited by an underscore. "
"For example, the following will implement an AIO with barbican, cinder, "
"glance, horizon, neutron, and nova. It will set the cinder storage back-end "
"to ceph and will make use of LXC as the container back-end."
msgstr ""
"Dimungkinkan juga untuk melakukan ini (dan mengubah default lainnya) selama "
"eksekusi awal skrip bootstrap dengan mengubah variabel lingkungan SCENARIO "
"sebelum menjalankan skrip. Kata kunci 'aio' akan memastikan bahwa "
"serangkaian dasar layanan OpenStack (cinder, glance, horizon, neutron, nova) "
"akan digunakan. Kata-kata kunci 'lxc' dan 'nspawn' dapat digunakan untuk "
"mengatur back-end container, sedangkan kata kunci 'metal' akan menyebarkan "
"semua layanan tanpa container. Untuk menerapkan layanan lain, tambahkan nama "
"nama file conf.d tanpa ekstensi `.yml.aio` ke dalam variabel lingkungan "
"SCENARIO. Setiap kata kunci harus dibatasi oleh garis bawah. Sebagai contoh, "
"berikut ini akan menerapkan AIO dengan barbican, cinder, glance, horizon, "
"neutron, dan nova. Ini akan mengatur back-end penyimpanan cinder ke ceph dan "
"akan menggunakan LXC sebagai back-end container."
msgid "LXC container images"
msgstr "Image kontainer LXC"
msgid "LetsEncrypt certificates"
msgstr "Sertifikat LetsEncrypt"
msgid "Management IP"
msgstr "Management IP"
msgid "Management Network"
msgstr "Management Network"
msgid ""
"Many network configuration examples assume a homogenous environment, where "
"each server is configured identically and consistent network interfaces and "
"interface names can be assumed across all hosts."
msgstr ""
"Banyak contoh konfigurasi jaringan mengasumsikan lingkungan yang homogen, di "
"mana setiap server dikonfigurasi secara identik dan nama antarmuka dan "
"antarmuka jaringan yang konsisten dapat diasumsikan di semua host."
msgid ""
"Many packages used to run OpenStack are installed using `pip`. We advise "
"mirroring the PyPi package index used by `pip`. A deployer can choose to "
"actively mirror the entire upstream PyPi repository, but this may require a "
"significant amount of storage. Alternatively, a caching pip proxy can be "
"used to retain local copies of only those packages which are required."
msgstr ""
"Banyak paket yang digunakan untuk menjalankan OpenStack diinstal menggunakan "
"`pip`. Kami menyarankan untuk mencerminkan indeks paket PyPi yang digunakan "
"oleh `pip`. Deployer dapat memilih untuk secara aktif mencerminkan seluruh "
"repositori PyPi hulu, tetapi ini mungkin memerlukan sejumlah besar "
"penyimpanan. Atau, proxy pip caching dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan salinan "
"lokal hanya dari paket-paket yang diperlukan."
msgid ""
"Many playbooks and roles in OpenStack-Ansible retrieve dependencies from the "
"public Internet by default. The example configurations assume that the "
"deployer provides a good quality Internet connection via a router on the "
"OpenStack management network."
msgstr ""
"Banyak buku pedoman dan peran di OpenStack-Ansible mengambil dependensi dari "
"Internet publik secara default. Contoh konfigurasi mengasumsikan bahwa "
"deployer menyediakan koneksi Internet berkualitas baik melalui router pada "
"jaringan manajemen OpenStack."
msgid ""
"Many software packages are installed on Ubuntu hosts using `.deb` packages. "
"Similar packaging mechanisms exist for other Linux distributions. We advise "
"mirroring the repositories that host these packages."
msgstr ""
"Banyak paket perangkat lunak yang diinstal pada host Ubuntu menggunakan "
"paket `.deb`. Mekanisme pengemasan serupa ada untuk distribusi Linux "
"lainnya. Kami menyarankan untuk mencerminkan (mirroring) repositori yang "
"meng-host paket-paket ini."
msgid "Messaging transport"
msgstr "Transportasi pengiriman pesan"
msgid "Most Python network modules"
msgstr "Sebagian besar modul jaringan Python"
msgid ""
"Multiple Network Interface Cards (NIC) configured as bonded pairs for each "
msgstr ""
"Multiple Network Interface Cards (NIC) dikonfigurasikan sebagai pasangan "
"berikat untuk setiap host"
msgid ""
"Multiple Network Interface Cards (NIC) used as provider network interfaces "
"that vary between hosts"
msgstr ""
"Multiple Network Interface Cards (NIC) digunakan sebagai antarmuka jaringan "
"penyedia yang bervariasi antar host"
msgid "Multiple interfaces or bonds"
msgstr "Berbagai antarmuka atau ikatan (bond)"
msgid "NFS Storage"
msgstr "NFS Storage"
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Network"
msgid "Network CIDR/VLAN assignments"
msgstr "Penetapan CIDR/VLAN jaringan"
msgid "Network architectures"
msgstr "Arsitektur jaringan"
msgid "Network configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurasi jaringan"
msgid "Network interfaces"
msgstr "Antarmuka jaringan"
msgid ""
"Next switch the applicable branch/tag to be deployed from. Note that "
"deploying from the head of a branch may result in an unstable build due to "
"changes in flight and upstream OpenStack changes. For a test (for example, "
"not a development) build it is usually best to checkout the latest tagged "
msgstr ""
"Selanjutnya, pindahkan branch/tag yang berlaku untuk dikerahkan. Perhatikan "
"bahwa penerapan dari kepala cabang (head of a branch) dapat mengakibatkan "
"pembangunan yang tidak stabil karena perubahan dalam flight dan perubahan "
"OpenStack di hulu. Untuk tes (misalnya, bukan pengembangan) membangunnya "
"biasanya lebih baik untuk memeriksa versi tag terbaru."
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr "Notifikasi"
msgid ""
"Notify communications are an asynchronous exchange from notifier to "
"listener. The messages transferred typically correspond to information "
"updates or event occurrences that are published by an OpenStack service. The "
"listener need not be present when the notification is sent as notify "
"communications are temporally decoupled. This decoupling between notifier "
"and listener requires that the messaging backend deployed for notifications "
"provide message persistence such as a broker queue or log store. It is "
"noteworthy that the message transfer is unidirectional from notifier to "
"listener and there is no message flow back to the notifier."
msgstr ""
"Memberitahu komunikasi adalah pertukaran asinkron dari notifier ke listener. "
"Pesan yang ditransfer biasanya berkaitan dengan pembaruan informasi atau "
"kejadian acara yang diterbitkan oleh layanan OpenStack. Pendengar tidak "
"perlu hadir ketika pemberitahuan dikirim karena pemberitahuan komunikasi "
"dipisahkan sementara. Decoupling antara notifier dan listener ini "
"mensyaratkan bahwa backend perpesanan yang digunakan untuk notifikasi "
"memberikan ketekunan pesan seperti broker queue atau log store. Perlu "
"dicatat bahwa transfer pesan adalah searah dari notifier ke listener dan "
"tidak ada pesan yang mengalir kembali ke notifier."
msgid "Now you can set up Zookeeper as coordination backend for Gnocchi:"
msgstr ""
"Sekarang Anda dapat mengatur Zookeeper sebagai backend koordinasi untuk "
msgid ""
"Once the number of hosts/containers in a deployment reaches a certain size, "
"the length of ``no_proxy`` will exceed 1024 characters at which point it is "
"mandatory to use the transient proxy settings which only requires a subset "
"of the management network IP addresses to be present in ``no_proxy`` at "
"deployment time."
msgstr ""
"Setelah jumlah hosts/containers dalam penyebaran mencapai ukuran tertentu, "
"panjang ``no_proxy`` akan melebihi 1024 karakter di mana pada saat itu wajib "
"menggunakan pengaturan proxy sementara yang hanya memerlukan sebagian dari "
"alamat IP jaringan manajemen untuk hadir dalam ``no_proxy`` pada waktu "
msgid ""
"Once the playbooks have fully executed, it is possible to experiment with "
"various settings changes in ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` and "
"only run individual playbooks. For example, to run the playbook for the "
"Keystone service, execute:"
msgstr ""
"Setelah playbook sepenuhnya dieksekusi, adalah mungkin untuk bereksperimen "
"dengan berbagai perubahan pengaturan di ``/etc/openstack_deploy/"
"user_variables.yml`` dan hanya menjalankan playbook individu. Misalnya, "
"untuk menjalankan pedoman untuk layanan Keystone, laksanakan:"
msgid "One NFS storage device"
msgstr "Satu perangkat penyimpanan NFS"
msgid "One Network Interface Card (NIC) for each host"
msgstr "Satu Network Interface Card (NIC) untuk setiap host"
msgid "One compute host (8 vCPU, 8 GB RAM, 60 GB HDD)"
msgstr "Satu host komputasi (8 vCPU, 8 GB RAM, 60 GB HDD)"
msgid "One infrastructure (control plane) host (8 vCPU, 8 GB RAM, 60 GB HDD)"
msgstr "Satu host infrastruktur (control plane) (8 vCPU, 8 GB RAM, 60 GB HDD)"
msgid "One log aggregation host"
msgstr "Satu host agregasi log"
msgid ""
"One solution to possible performance problems is to use an incoming measure "
"storage for your gnocchi installation. The `supported storage systems`_ are:"
msgstr ""
"Salah satu solusi untuk masalah kinerja yang mungkin terjadi adalah dengan "
"menggunakan penyimpanan ukuran masuk untuk instalasi gnocchi Anda. The "
"`supported storage systems`_ adalah:"
msgid "OpenStack Swift"
msgstr "OpenStack Swift"
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible gives you the option of deploying radosgw as a drop-in "
"replacement for native OpenStack Swift."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible memberi Anda opsi untuk menyebarkan radosgw sebagai "
"pengganti drop-in untuk OpenStack Swift asli."
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible provides two distinct mechanisms for configuring proxy "
"server settings:"
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible menyediakan dua mekanisme berbeda untuk mengonfigurasi "
"pengaturan server proxy:"
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible relies upon Ansible Galaxy to download Ansible roles when "
"bootstrapping a deployment host. Deployers may wish to mirror the "
"dependencies that are downloaded by the ```` script."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible mengandalkan Ansible Galaxy untuk mengunduh role Ansible "
"saat bootstrapping a deployment host. Penyebar mungkin ingin mencerminkan "
"dependensi yang diunduh oleh skrip ````."
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible relies upon community built LXC images when building "
"containers for OpenStack services. Deployers may choose to create, maintain, "
"and host their own container images. Consult the ``openstack-ansible-"
"lxc_container_create`` role for details on configuration overrides for this "
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible bergantung pada image LXC buatan komunitas saat membuat "
"container untuk layanan OpenStack. Deployer dapat memilih untuk membuat, "
"memelihara, dan meng-host image kontainer mereka sendiri. Konsultasikan role "
"``openstack-ansible-lxc_container_create`` untuk detail konfigurasi override "
"untuk skenario ini."
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible requires several other repositories to install specific "
"components such as Galera and Ceph."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible membutuhkan beberapa repositori lain untuk menginstal "
"komponen tertentu seperti Galera dan Ceph."
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible supports a number of different network architectures, and "
"can be deployed using a single network interface for non-production "
"workloads or using multiple network interfaces or bonded interfaces for "
"production workloads."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible mendukung sejumlah arsitektur jaringan yang berbeda, dan "
"dapat digunakan menggunakan antarmuka jaringan tunggal untuk beban kerja non-"
"produksi atau menggunakan beberapa antarmuka jaringan atau antarmuka terikat "
"untuk beban kerja produksi."
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible supports the use of a multiple interfaces or sets of "
"bonded interfaces that carry traffic for OpenStack services and instances."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible mendukung penggunaan beberapa antarmuka atau set antarmuka "
"terikat yang membawa lalu lintas untuk layanan dan instance OpenStack."
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Ansible supports the use of a single interface or set of bonded "
"interfaces that carry traffic for OpenStack services as well as instances."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Ansible mendukung penggunaan antarmuka tunggal atau serangkaian "
"antarmuka terikat yang membawa lalu lintas untuk layanan OpenStack dan juga "
msgid "Other OpenStack services"
msgstr "Layanan OpenStack lainnya"
msgid "Other proxy configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurasi proxy lainnya"
msgid "Overlay Network"
msgstr "Jaringan overlay"
msgid "Overriding Ansible version"
msgstr "Mengganti versi Ansible"
msgid "Overriding other upstream projects source code"
msgstr "Mengganti kode sumber proyek hulu (upstream) lainnya"
msgid ""
"Overriding the default Ansible version is not recommended, as each branch of "
"OpenStack-Ansible has been built with the a specific Ansible version in "
"mind, and many Ansible changes are neither backwards nor forward compatible."
msgstr ""
"Meng-override versi Ansible default tidak disarankan, karena setiap branch "
"dari OpenStack-Ansible telah dibangun dengan mempertimbangkan versi Ansible "
"yang spesifik, dan banyak perubahan Ansible tidak kompatibel maju ataupun "
"mundur (backwards nor forward)"
msgid ""
"Overriding the role file has been explained in the reference guide, on the :"
"ref:`extend_osa_roles` section."
msgstr ""
"Mengganti file role telah dijelaskan dalam panduan referensi, pada bagian :"
msgid "Overriding the roles"
msgstr "Mengesampingkan role"
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Ikhtisar"
msgid "POD 1 Management Network"
msgstr "POD 1 Management Network"
msgid "POD 1 Storage Network"
msgstr "POD 1 Storage Network"
msgid "POD 1 Tunnel (VXLAN) Network"
msgstr "POD 1 Tunnel (VXLAN) Network"
msgid "POD 2 Management Network"
msgstr "POD 2 Management Network"
msgid "POD 2 Storage Network"
msgstr "POD 2 Storage Network"
msgid "POD 2 Tunnel (VXLAN) Network"
msgstr "POD 2 Tunnel (VXLAN) Network"
msgid "POD 3 Management Network"
msgstr "POD 3 Management Network"
msgid "POD 3 Storage Network"
msgstr "POD 3 Storage Network"
msgid "POD 3 Tunnel (VXLAN) Network"
msgstr "POD 3 Tunnel (VXLAN) Network"
msgid "POD 4 Management Network"
msgstr "POD 4 Management Network"
msgid "POD 4 Storage Network"
msgstr "POD 4 Storage Network"
msgid "POD 4 Tunnel (VXLAN) Network"
msgstr "POD 4 Tunnel (VXLAN) Network"
msgid ""
"Perform all SSL certificate configuration in ``/etc/openstack_deploy/"
"user_variables.yml`` file. Do not edit the playbooks or roles themselves."
msgstr ""
"Lakukan semua konfigurasi sertifikat SSL dalam file ``/etc/openstack_deploy/"
"user_variables.yml``. Jangan mengedit playbook atau role itu sendiri."
msgid "Performance Tests for Gnocchi"
msgstr "Tes Kinerja untuk Gnocchi"
msgid ""
"Please note, for this glance example, that you do not need to edit the "
"``playbooks/defaults/repo_packages/openstack_services.yml`` file."
msgstr ""
"Harap perhatikan, untuk contoh glance ini, bahwa Anda tidak perlu mengedit "
"file ``playbooks/defaults/repo_packages/openstack_services.yml``."
msgid "Practice A: Mirror internet resources locally"
msgstr "Praktek A: sumber daya internet mirror secara lokal"
msgid "Practice B: Proxy access to internet resources"
msgstr "Praktek B: Akses proxy ke sumber daya internet"
msgid "Prepare the host"
msgstr "Siapkan host"
msgid "Production environment"
msgstr "Lingkungan produksi"
msgid "Provider network groups"
msgstr "Grup jaringan penyedia"
msgid ""
"Proxying TLS traffic often interferes with the clients ability to perform "
"successful validation of the certificate chain. Various configuration "
"variables exist within the OpenStack-Ansible playbooks and roles that allow "
"a deployer to ignore these validation failures. Find an example ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` configuration below:"
msgstr ""
"Proxy traffic TLS seringkali mengganggu kemampuan klien untuk melakukan "
"validasi rantai sertifikat secara sukses. Berbagai variabel konfigurasi ada "
"di dalam playbook dan role OpenStack-Ansible yang memungkinkan deployer "
"untuk mengabaikan kegagalan validasi ini. Temukan contoh konfigurasi ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` di bawah:"
msgid "Python package repositories"
msgstr "Repositori paket Python"
msgid "Python packages"
msgstr "Paket python"
msgid "Quickstart: AIO"
msgstr "Quickstart: AIO"
msgid "RPC"
msgstr "RPC"
msgid "RabbitMQ example"
msgstr "Contoh RabbitMQ"
msgid "Rebooting an AIO"
msgstr "Mem-boot ulang AIO"
msgid "Rebuilding an AIO"
msgstr "Membangun kembali AIO"
msgid ""
"Recent changes to OSA enables deployers to define provider networks that "
"apply to particular inventory groups and allows for a heterogeneous network "
"configuration within a cloud environment. New groups can be created or "
"existing inventory groups, such as ``network_hosts`` or ``compute_hosts``, "
"can be used to ensure certain configurations are applied only to hosts that "
"meet the given parameters."
msgstr ""
"Perubahan terbaru pada OSA memungkinkan pengerahkan untuk menentukan "
"jaringan penyedia yang berlaku untuk kelompok inventaris tertentu dan "
"memungkinkan untuk konfigurasi jaringan yang heterogen dalam lingkungan "
"cloud. Grup baru dapat dibuat atau grup inventaris yang ada, seperti "
"``network_hosts`` atau `` compute_hosts``, dapat digunakan untuk memastikan "
"konfigurasi tertentu hanya diterapkan pada host yang memenuhi parameter yang "
msgid "Recommended server resources:"
msgstr "Sumber daya server yang direkomendasikan:"
msgid "Redis"
msgstr "Redis"
msgid "Redis as measure storage"
msgstr "Redis sebagai ukuran penyimpanan"
msgid ""
"Refer to `global_environment_variables:` and "
"`deployment_environment_variables:` in the example `user_variables.yml` for "
"details of configuring persistent and transient proxy environment variables."
msgstr ""
"Rujuk ke `global_environment_variables:` dan "
"`deployment_environment_variables:` dalam contoh `user_variables.yml` untuk "
"detail konfigurasi variabel lingkungan proxy yang persisten dan sementara."
msgid "Reference Diagram for an AIO Build"
msgstr "Referensi Diagram untuk AIO Build"
msgid ""
"Regenerating self-signed certificates replaces the existing certificates "
"whether they are self-signed or user-provided."
msgstr ""
"Regenerasi sertifikat yang ditandatangani sendiri menggantikan sertifikat "
"yang ada apakah ditandatangani sendiri atau disediakan oleh pengguna."
msgid ""
"Review the `bootstrap-host role defaults`_ file to see various configuration "
"options. Deployers have the option to change how the host is bootstrapped. "
"This is useful when you wish the AIO to make use of a secondary data disk, "
"or when using this role to bootstrap a multi-node development environment."
msgstr ""
"Tinjau `strstrstrap-host role defaults`_ file untuk melihat berbagai opsi "
"konfigurasi. Deployer memiliki opsi untuk mengubah cara host ditopang "
"bootstrap. Ini berguna ketika Anda ingin AIO menggunakan disk data sekunder, "
"atau ketika menggunakan peran ini untuk bootstrap lingkungan pengembangan "
msgid "Routed environment example"
msgstr "Contoh lingkungan yang diarahkan"
msgid "Run playbooks"
msgstr "Jalankan playbook"
msgid "Run the following to bootstrap Ansible and the required roles:"
msgstr ""
"Jalankan berikut ini untuk bootstrap Ansible dan peran (role) yang "
msgid "Run the playbook for that service."
msgstr "Jalankan playbook untuk layanan itu."
msgid "Securing services with SSL certificates"
msgstr "Mengamankan layanan dengan sertifikat SSL"
msgid "Security settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan keamanan"
msgid ""
"See `Setting up apt-get to use a http-proxy <"
msgstr ""
"Lihat `Setting up apt-get to use a http-proxy <"
msgid ""
"See the :deploy_guide:`Deployment Guide <index.html>` for a more detailed "
"break down of how to implement your own configuration rather than to use the "
"AIO bootstrap."
msgstr ""
"Lihat :deploy_guide:`Deployment Guide <index.html>` untuk perincian yang "
"lebih rinci tentang bagaimana menerapkan konfigurasi Anda sendiri daripada "
"menggunakan bootstrap AIO."
msgid "Self-service project/tenant networks for instances"
msgstr "Jaringan project/tenant self-service untuk instance"
msgid "Self-signed certificates"
msgstr "Sertifikat yang ditandatangani sendiri (self-signed certificate)"
msgid ""
"Self-signed certificates are generated for each service during the first run "
"of the playbook."
msgstr ""
"Sertifikat yang ditandatangani sendiri dibuat untuk setiap layanan selama "
"menjalankan pertama dari playbook."
msgid ""
"Self-signed certificates enable you to start quickly and encrypt data in "
"transit. However, they do not provide a high level of trust for highly "
"secure environments. By default, self-signed certificates are used in "
"OpenStack-Ansible. When self-signed certificates are used, certificate "
"verification is automatically disabled."
msgstr ""
"Sertifikat yang ditandatangani sendiri memungkinkan Anda untuk memulai "
"dengan cepat dan mengenkripsi data dalam perjalanan. Namun, mereka tidak "
"memberikan tingkat kepercayaan yang tinggi untuk lingkungan yang sangat "
"aman. Secara default, sertifikat yang ditandatangani sendiri digunakan di "
"OpenStack-Ansible. Ketika sertifikat yang ditandatangani sendiri digunakan, "
"verifikasi sertifikat dinonaktifkan secara otomatis."
msgid "Setting subject data for self-signed certificates"
msgstr "Menyetel data subjek untuk sertifikat yang ditandatangani sendiri"
msgid ""
"Should an existing AIO environment need to be reinstalled, the most "
"efficient method is to destroy the host operating system and start over. For "
"this reason, AIOs are best run inside of some form of virtual machine or "
"cloud guest."
msgstr ""
"Jika lingkungan AIO yang ada perlu diinstal ulang, metode yang paling "
"efisien adalah menghancurkan sistem operasi host dan memulai kembali. Untuk "
"alasan ini, AIO paling baik dijalankan di dalam beberapa bentuk mesin "
"virtual (virtual machine) atau cloud guest."
msgid "Single interface or bond"
msgstr "Antarmuka tunggal atau rangkaian"
msgid ""
"So even if you only want to override the ``_git_install_branch`` for a "
"repository, you should also define the ``_git_repo`` variable in your user "
msgstr ""
"Jadi, bahkan jika Anda hanya ingin mengganti ``_git_install_branch`` untuk "
"repositori, Anda juga harus mendefinisikan variabel ``_git_repo`` dalam "
"variabel pengguna Anda."
msgid ""
"So first of all setup a redis server/cluster, e.g. with this `ansible "
"role`_. Next, you have to configure Gnocchi with OpenStack-Ansible to use "
"the Redis Cluster as incoming storage:"
msgstr ""
"Jadi, pertama-tama, atur redis server/cluster, mis. dengan `ansible role`_. "
"ini. Selanjutnya, Anda harus mengkonfigurasi Gnocchi dengan OpenStack-"
"Ansible untuk menggunakan Redis Cluster sebagai penyimpanan yang masuk:"
msgid ""
"Some networks have no routed access to the Internet, or require certain "
"traffic to use application specific gateways such as HTTP or SOCKS proxy "
msgstr ""
"Beberapa jaringan tidak memiliki akses terarah ke Internet, atau memerlukan "
"lalu lintas tertentu untuk menggunakan gateway khusus aplikasi seperti "
"server proxy HTTP atau SOCKS."
msgid ""
"Sometimes it may be useful to destroy all the containers and rebuild the "
"AIO. While it is preferred that the AIO is entirely destroyed and rebuilt, "
"this isn't always practical. As such the following may be executed instead:"
msgstr ""
"Kadang-kadang mungkin berguna untuk menghancurkan semua kontainer dan "
"membangun kembali AIO. Meskipun lebih disukai bahwa AIO sepenuhnya "
"dihancurkan dan dibangun kembali, ini tidak selalu praktis. Karena itu, hal-"
"hal berikut dapat dieksekusi sebagai gantinya:"
msgid "Source code repositories"
msgstr "Repositori kode sumber"
msgid "Source overriding examples"
msgstr "Contoh menimpa sumber"
msgid ""
"Specify the path to your SSL certificate, key, and CA certificate in the ``/"
"etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` file."
msgstr ""
"Tentukan path ke sertifikat SSL, kunci, dan sertifikat CA Anda di file ``/"
msgid "Standard deployment of rabbitmq server"
msgstr "Penerapan standar server rabbitmq"
msgid ""
"Start by cloning the OpenStack-Ansible repository and changing into the "
"repository root directory:"
msgstr ""
"Mulailah dengan menggandakan repositori OpenStack-Ansible dan mengubah ke "
"direktori root repositori:"
msgid ""
"Static routes are added to allow communication between the Management, "
"Tunnel, and Storage Networks of each pod. The gateway address is the first "
"usable address within each network's subnet."
msgstr ""
"Rute statis ditambahkan untuk memungkinkan komunikasi antara Management, "
"Tunnel, dan Storage Network setiap pod. Alamat gateway adalah alamat yang "
"dapat digunakan pertama dalam setiap subnet jaringan."
msgid ""
"Static routes are added to allow communication of provider networks between "
msgstr ""
"Rute statis ditambahkan untuk memungkinkan komunikasi jaringan penyedia "
"antar pod."
msgid "Storage IP"
msgstr "Storage IP"
msgid "Storage Network"
msgstr "Storage Network (jaringan penyimpanan)"
msgid "Switch port configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurasi port switch"
msgid "Systems with traditional hard disks: ~ 90-120 minutes"
msgstr "Sistem dengan hard disk tradisional: ~ 90-120 menit"
msgid ""
"Target and deployment hosts can be configured to reach public internet "
"resources via HTTP or SOCKS proxy server(s). OpenStack-Ansible may be used "
"to configure target hosts to use the proxy server(s). OpenStack-Ansible does "
"not provide automation for creating the proxy server(s)."
msgstr ""
"Host target dan penyebaran dapat dikonfigurasikan untuk mencapai sumber daya "
"internet publik melalui server proxy HTTP atau SOCKS. OpenStack-Ansible "
"dapat digunakan untuk mengonfigurasi host target untuk menggunakan server "
"proxy. OpenStack-Ansible tidak menyediakan otomatisasi untuk membuat server "
msgid "Telemetry with Gnocchi, Ceph and Redis example"
msgstr "Telemetry dengan contoh Gnocchi, Ceph dan Redis"
msgid "Test environment example"
msgstr "Contoh lingkungan uji"
msgid ""
"The CIDRs and VLANs listed for each network are examples and may be "
"different in your environment."
msgstr ""
"CIDR dan VLAN yang terdaftar untuk setiap jaringan adalah contoh dan mungkin "
"berbeda di lingkungan Anda."
msgid ""
"The HAProxy ansible role supports using LetsEncrypt to automatically deploy "
"trusted SSL certificates for the public endpoint. Each HAProxy server will "
"individually request a LetsEncrypt certificate."
msgstr ""
"Peran HAProxy yang didukung mendukung penggunaan LetsEncrypt untuk secara "
"otomatis menggunakan sertifikat SSL tepercaya untuk public endpoint. Setiap "
"server HAProxy secara individual akan meminta sertifikat LetsEncrypt."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack-Ansible reference architecture segments traffic using VLANs "
"across multiple network interfaces or bonds. Common networks used in an "
"OpenStack-Ansible deployment can be observed in the following table:"
msgstr ""
"Referensi arsitektur OpenStack-Ansible mengelompokkan lalu lintas "
"menggunakan VLAN di beberapa antarmuka jaringan atau obligasi. Jaringan umum "
"yang digunakan dalam penyebaran OpenStack-Ansible dapat diamati pada tabel "
msgid ""
"The RPC is intended as a synchronous exchange between a client and server "
"that is temporally bracketed. The information transferred typically "
"corresponds to a request-response pattern for service command invocation. If "
"the server is not present at the time the command is invoked, the call "
"should fail. The temporal coupling requires that the messaging backend "
"deployed support the bi-directional transfer of the request from caller to "
"server and the associated reply sent from the server back to the caller. "
"This requirement can be satisfied by a broker queue or a direct messaging "
"backend server."
msgstr ""
"RPC dimaksudkan sebagai pertukaran sinkron antara klien dan server yang "
"sementara diberi tanda kurung. Informasi yang ditransfer biasanya sesuai "
"dengan pola request-response untuk permintaan perintah layanan. Jika server "
"tidak ada pada saat perintah dipanggil, panggilan akan gagal. Penggabungan "
"temporal mensyaratkan bahwa backend pesan yang digunakan mendukung transfer "
"dua arah permintaan dari pemanggil ke server dan balasan terkait yang "
"dikirim dari server kembali ke pemanggil. Persyaratan ini dapat dipenuhi "
"oleh antrian broker atau server backend perpesanan langsung."
msgid ""
"The `OpenStack Security Guide`_ recommends providing secure communication "
"between various services in an OpenStack deployment. The OpenStack-Ansible "
"project currently offers the ability to configure SSL certificates for "
"secure communication between services:"
msgstr ""
"`OpenStack Security Guide`_ merekomendasikan untuk menyediakan komunikasi "
"yang aman antara berbagai layanan dalam penyebaran OpenStack. Proyek "
"OpenStack-Ansible saat ini menawarkan kemampuan untuk mengonfigurasi "
"sertifikat SSL untuk komunikasi aman antara layanan:"
msgid ""
"The ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` file defines the "
"environment layout."
msgstr ""
"File ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` mendefinisikan tata "
"letak lingkungan."
msgid ""
"The ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` file defines the global "
"overrides for the default variables."
msgstr ""
"File ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` mendefinisikan global "
"override untuk variabel default."
msgid ""
"The ``Management Network``, also referred to as the ``container network``, "
"provides management of and communication between the infrastructure and "
"OpenStack services running in containers or on metal. The ``management "
"network`` uses a dedicated VLAN typically connected to the ``br-mgmt`` "
"bridge, and may also be used as the primary interface used to interact with "
"the server via SSH."
msgstr ""
"``Management Network``, juga disebut sebagai ``container network``, "
"menyediakan manajemen dan komunikasi antara infrastruktur dan layanan "
"OpenStack yang berjalan dalam container atau pada metal. ``Management "
"network`` menggunakan VLAN khusus yang biasanya terhubung ke jembatan ``br-"
"mgmt``, dan juga dapat digunakan sebagai antarmuka utama yang digunakan "
"untuk berinteraksi dengan server melalui SSH."
msgid ""
"The ``Overlay Network``, also referred to as the ``tunnel network``, "
"provides connectivity between hosts for the purpose of tunnelling "
"encapsulated traffic using VXLAN, GENEVE, or other protocols. The ``overlay "
"network`` uses a dedicated VLAN typically connected to the ``br-vxlan`` "
msgstr ""
"``Overlay Network``, juga disebut sebagai ``tunnel network``, menyediakan "
"konektivitas antar host untuk tujuan tunneling lalu lintas terenkapsulasi "
"menggunakan VXLAN, GENEVE, atau protokol lainnya. ``Overlay network`` "
"menggunakan VLAN khusus yang biasanya terhubung ke jembatan ``br-vxlan``."
msgid ""
"The ``Storage Network`` provides segregated access to Block Storage from "
"OpenStack services such as Cinder and Glance. The ``storage network`` uses a "
"dedicated VLAN typically connected to the ``br-storage`` bridge."
msgstr ""
"``Storage Network`` menyediakan akses terpisah ke Block Storage dari layanan "
"OpenStack seperti Cinder dan Glance. ``Storage network`` menggunakan VLAN "
"khusus yang biasanya terhubung ke jembatan ``br-storage``."
msgid ""
"The ``ansible-hardening`` role is applicable to physical hosts within an "
"OpenStack-Ansible deployment that are operating as any type of node, "
"infrastructure or compute. By default, the role is enabled. You can disable "
"it by changing the value of the ``apply_security_hardening`` variable in the "
"``user_variables.yml`` file to ``false``:"
msgstr ""
"Role ``ansible-hardening`` berlaku untuk host fisik dalam penyebaran "
"OpenStack-Ansible yang beroperasi sebagai semua jenis node, infrastruktur, "
"atau komputasi. Secara default, role diaktifkan. Anda dapat menonaktifkannya "
"dengan mengubah nilai variabel ``apply_security_hardening`` dalam file "
"``user_variables.yml`` menjadi ``false``:"
msgid ""
"The ```` script installs Ansible, and uses a variable "
"``ANSIBLE_PACKAGE`` to describe which version to install."
msgstr ""
"Skrip ```` menginstal Ansible, dan menggunakan variabel "
"``ANSIBLE_PACKAGE`` untuk menjelaskan versi mana yang akan diinstal."
msgid ""
"The ``container_interface`` parameter is only necessary when Neutron agents "
"are run in containers, and can be excluded in many cases. The "
"``container_bridge`` and ``container_type`` parameters also relate to "
"infrastructure containers, but should remain defined for legacy purposes."
msgstr ""
"Parameter ``container_interface`` hanya diperlukan ketika agen Neutron "
"dijalankan dalam kontainer, dan dapat dikecualikan dalam banyak kasus. "
"Parameter ``container_bridge`` dan ``container_type`` juga terkait dengan "
"kontainer infrastruktur, tetapi harus tetap ditentukan untuk tujuan legacy."
msgid ""
"The ``py_pkgs lookup`` will ignore all _git_ variables unless the "
"``_git_repo`` variable is present."
msgstr ""
"The ``py_pkgs lookup`` akan mengabaikan variabel all _git_ kecuali variabel "
"``_git_repo`` ada."
msgid ""
"The bootstrap script is pre-set to pass the environment variable "
"``BOOTSTRAP_OPTS`` as an additional option to the bootstrap process. For "
"example, if you wish to set the bootstrap to re-partition a specific "
"secondary storage device (``/dev/sdb``), which will erase all of the data on "
"the device, then execute:"
msgstr ""
"Skrip bootstrap telah ditetapkan sebelumnya untuk meneruskan variabel "
"lingkungan ``BOOTSTRAP_OPTS`` sebagai opsi tambahan untuk proses bootstrap. "
"Misalnya, jika Anda ingin mengatur bootstrap untuk mempartisi ulang "
"perangkat penyimpanan sekunder khusus (``/dev/sdb``), yang akan menghapus "
"semua data pada perangkat, kemudian jalankan:"
msgid ""
"The custom group can then be specifed when creating a provider network, as "
"shown here:"
msgstr ""
"Grup kustom kemudian dapat ditentukan saat membuat jaringan penyedia, "
"seperti yang ditunjukkan di sini:"
msgid ""
"The default openstack-ansible installation configures gnocchi to use a file "
"as storage backend. When you already have a pre-installed ceph, you can use "
"this as backend for gnocchi. This documentation will guide you how to set up "
"gnocchi to use your ceph as storage backend."
msgstr ""
"Instalasi openstack-ansible default mengkonfigurasi gnocchi untuk "
"menggunakan file sebagai backend penyimpanan. Ketika Anda sudah memiliki "
"ceph pra-instal, Anda dapat menggunakan ini sebagai backend untuk gnocchi. "
"Dokumentasi ini akan memandu Anda cara mengatur gnocchi untuk menggunakan "
"ceph sebagai backend penyimpanan."
msgid ""
"The deployer must decide which of these approaches is more suitable for the "
"target hosts, taking into account the following guidance:"
msgstr ""
"Penyebar harus memutuskan pendekatan mana yang lebih cocok untuk host "
"target, dengan mempertimbangkan panduan berikut:"
msgid "The following CIDR and VLAN assignments are used for this environment."
msgstr "Penetapan CIDR dan VLAN berikut digunakan untuk lingkungan ini."
msgid "The following CIDR assignments are used for this environment."
msgstr "Penugasan CIDR berikut digunakan untuk lingkungan ini."
msgid "The following configuration describes the layout for this environment."
msgstr "Konfigurasi berikut menjelaskan tata letak untuk lingkungan ini."
msgid ""
"The following diagram demonstates how a custom group can be used to further "
"segment hosts:"
msgstr ""
"Diagram berikut menunjukkan bagaimana grup kustom dapat digunakan untuk host "
"segmen lebih lanjut:"
msgid ""
"The following diagram demonstates servers with different network interface "
msgstr ""
"Diagram berikut menunjukkan server dengan nama antarmuka jaringan yang "
msgid "The following diagram demonstrates hosts using a single bond:"
msgstr "Diagram berikut menunjukkan host menggunakan ikatan tunggal:"
msgid "The following diagram demonstrates hosts using a single interface:"
msgstr "Diagram berikut menunjukkan host menggunakan antarmuka tunggal:"
msgid "The following diagram demonstrates hosts using multiple bonds:"
msgstr "Diagram berikut menunjukkan host menggunakan beberapa ikatan:"
msgid "The following diagram demonstrates hosts using multiple interfaces:"
msgstr "Diagram berikut menunjukkan host menggunakan beberapa antarmuka:"
msgid ""
"The following example provides a good reference for switch configuration and "
"cab layout. This example may be more that what is required for basic setups "
"however it can be adjusted to just about any configuration. Additionally you "
"will need to adjust the VLANS noted within this example to match your "
msgstr ""
"Contoh berikut memberikan referensi yang baik untuk konfigurasi switch dan "
"tata letak cab. Contoh ini mungkin lebih dari apa yang diperlukan untuk "
"pengaturan dasar namun dapat disesuaikan dengan konfigurasi apa pun. Selain "
"itu Anda perlu menyesuaikan VLANS yang tercantum dalam contoh ini agar "
"sesuai dengan lingkungan Anda."
msgid ""
"The following host name and IP address assignments are used for this "
msgstr "Nama host dan alamat IP berikut digunakan untuk lingkungan ini."
msgid ""
"The groups ``network_hosts`` and ``compute_hosts`` are pre-defined groups in "
"an OpenStack-Ansible deployment."
msgstr ""
"Grup ``network_hosts`` dan ``compute_hosts`` adalah grup yang sudah "
"ditentukan sebelumnya dalam penyebaran OpenStack-Ansible."
msgid ""
"The http-01 type challenge is used by certbot to deploy certificates so it "
"is required that the public endpoint is accessible directly on the internet."
msgstr ""
"Tantangan jenis HTTP-01 digunakan oleh certbot untuk menyebarkan sertifikat "
"sehingga diperlukan titik akhir publik yang dapat diakses langsung di "
msgid ""
"The installation process will take a while to complete, but here are some "
"general estimates:"
msgstr ""
"Proses instalasi akan memakan waktu cukup lama untuk diselesaikan, tetapi "
"berikut adalah beberapa perkiraan umum:"
msgid ""
"The list above is intentionally not exhaustive. Additional variables may "
"exist within the project and will be named using the `*_validate_certs` "
"pattern. Disable certificate chain validation on a case by case basis and "
"only after encountering failures that are known to only be caused by the "
"proxy server(s)."
msgstr ""
"Daftar di atas sengaja tidak lengkap. Variabel tambahan mungkin ada dalam "
"proyek dan akan dinamai menggunakan pola `* _validate_certs`. Nonaktifkan "
"validasi rantai sertifikat berdasarkan kasus per kasus dan hanya setelah "
"mengalami kegagalan yang diketahui hanya disebabkan oleh server proxy."
msgid ""
"The next step is to bootstrap Ansible and the Ansible roles for the "
"development environment."
msgstr ""
"Langkah selanjutnya adalah untuk bootstrap Ansible dan peran Ansible untuk "
"lingkungan pengembangan."
msgid ""
"The optionally deployed files in ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d`` allow the "
"customization of Ansible groups. This allows the deployer to set whether the "
"services will run in a container (the default), or on the host (on metal)."
msgstr ""
"File yang disebarkan secara opsional di ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d`` "
"memungkinkan kustomisasi grup Ansible. Ini memungkinkan deployer untuk "
"mengatur apakah layanan akan berjalan dalam container (default), atau pada "
"host (on metal)."
msgid ""
"The options below are not mutually exclusive and may be combined if desired."
msgstr ""
"Opsi di bawah ini tidak eksklusif satu sama lain dan dapat digabungkan jika "
msgid ""
"The oslo.messaging drivers provide the transport integration for the "
"selected protocol and backend server. The following table summarizes the "
"supported oslo.messaging drivers and the communication services they support."
msgstr ""
"Driver oslo.messaging menyediakan integrasi transportasi untuk protokol dan "
"server backend yang dipilih. Tabel berikut merangkum driver oslo.messaging "
"yang didukung dan layanan komunikasi yang didukungnya."
msgid ""
"The oslo.messaging library is part of the OpenStack Oslo project that "
"provides intra-service messaging capabilities. The library supports two "
"communication patterns (RPC and Notify) and provides an abstraction that "
"hides the details of the messaging bus operation from the OpenStack services."
msgstr ""
"The oslo.messaging library adalah bagian dari proyek OpenStack Oslo yang "
"menyediakan kemampuan pengiriman pesan intra-service. Library mendukung dua "
"pola komunikasi (RPC dan Notify) dan menyediakan abstraksi yang "
"menyembunyikan detail operasi bus perpesanan dari layanan OpenStack."
msgid ""
"The oslo.messaging library supports a messaging `transport plugin`_ "
"capability such that RPC and Notify communications can be separated and "
"different messaging backend servers can be deployed."
msgstr ""
"oslo.messaging library mendukung kemampuan `transport plugin`_ perpesanan "
"sehingga komunikasi RPC dan Notify dapat dipisahkan dan berbagai server "
"backend perpesanan dapat digunakan."
msgid ""
"The playbook deploys your user-provided SSL certificate, key, and CA "
"certificate to each RabbitMQ container."
msgstr ""
"Playbook menyebarkan sertifikat SSL, kunci, dan sertifikat CA yang "
"disediakan pengguna ke setiap container RabbitMQ."
msgid ""
"The process is identical for the other services. Replace `rabbitmq` in the "
"preceding configuration variables with `horizon`, `haproxy`, or `keystone`, "
"and then run the playbook for that service to deploy user-provided "
"certificates to those services."
msgstr ""
"Prosesnya identik untuk layanan lain. Ganti `rabbitmq` dalam variabel "
"konfigurasi sebelumnya dengan `horizon`, `haproxy`, atau `keystone`, dan "
"kemudian jalankan playbook untuk layanan itu untuk menggunakan sertifikat "
"yang disediakan pengguna ke layanan tersebut."
msgid ""
"The reason of this failure might be resulting from a noexec mount flag used "
"for the filesystem associated with /tmp which you can check by running the "
"following command:"
msgstr ""
"Alasan kegagalan ini mungkin disebabkan oleh flag mount noexec yang "
"digunakan untuk filesystem yang terkait dengan /tmp yang dapat Anda periksa "
"dengan menjalankan perintah berikut:"
msgid ""
"The required changes are described in the documentation of Ceilometer. This "
"is just a sum up. In your ceph.conf add:"
msgstr ""
"Perubahan yang diperlukan dijelaskan dalam dokumentasi Ceilometer. Ini "
"hanyalah sebuah ringkasan. Di ceph.conf Anda tambahkan:"
msgid "The required user and credentials is created by this command:"
msgstr "Pengguna dan kredensial yang diperlukan dibuat oleh perintah ini:"
msgid ""
"The telemetry (and in consequence accounting) for radosgw as object-storage "
"will not work out of the box. You need to change different parts of your "
"OpenStack and Ceph setup to get it up and running."
msgstr ""
"Telemetri (dan sebagai konsekuensinya akuntansi) untuk radosgw sebagai "
"object-storage tidak akan bekerja di luar kotak. Anda perlu mengubah "
"berbagai macam bagian dari pengaturan OpenStack dan Ceph Anda untuk "
msgid ""
"The variables to set which provide the path on the deployment node to the "
"certificates for HAProxy configuration are:"
msgstr ""
"Variabel yang akan ditetapkan yang menyediakan jalur pada deployment node ke "
"sertifikat untuk konfigurasi HAProxy adalah:"
msgid ""
"The |current_release_formal_name| release is only compatible with Debian 10 "
"(buster), Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver), Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) and "
"CentOS 8."
msgstr ""
"The | current_release_formal_name | rilis hanya kompatibel dengan Debian 10 "
"(buster), Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver), Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) dan "
"CentOS 8."
msgid ""
"Then, in `/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`, configure the "
"deployment to copy these files from the host into the container cache image."
msgstr ""
"Kemudian, di `/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`, konfigurasikan "
"penyebaran untuk menyalin file-file ini dari host ke dalam image cache "
msgid "Then, run the playbook to apply the certificates:"
msgstr "Kemudian, jalankan playbook untuk menerapkan sertifikat:"
msgid ""
"There are situations where a deployer want to override sources with its own "
msgstr ""
"Ada situasi di mana seorang deployer ingin menimpa sumber dengan fork "
msgid ""
"There are three steps to running an AIO build, with an optional first step "
"should you need to customize your build:"
msgstr ""
"Ada tiga langkah untuk menjalankan build AIO, dengan langkah pertama "
"opsional jika Anda perlu menyesuaikan build Anda:"
msgid ""
"These lists are intentionally not exhaustive and equivalents will be "
"required for other Linux distributions. Consult the OpenStack-Ansible "
"playbooks and role documentation for further repositories and the variables "
"that may be used to override the repository location."
msgstr ""
"Daftar ini sengaja tidak lengkap dan setara akan diperlukan untuk distribusi "
"Linux lainnya. Konsultasikan playbook OpenStack-Ansible dan dokumentasi role "
"untuk repositori lebih lanjut dan variabel yang dapat digunakan untuk "
"mengganti lokasi repositori."
msgid ""
"These tools and their underlying libraries are used by Ansible itself and "
"the OpenStack-Ansible playbooks, so there must be a proxy configuration in "
"place for the playbooks to successfully access external resources."
msgstr ""
"Alat-alat ini dan pustaka-pustaka yang mendasarinya digunakan oleh Ansible "
"sendiri dan playbook OpenStack-Ansible, sehingga harus ada konfigurasi proxy "
"yang ada agar playbook dapat mengakses sumber daya eksternal dengan sukses."
msgid ""
"These variables behave a little differently than standard ansible "
"precedence, because they are also consumed by a custom lookup plugin."
msgstr ""
"Variabel ini berperilaku sedikit berbeda dari presedensi ansible standar, "
"karena mereka juga dikonsumsi oleh plugin pencarian kustom (custom lookup "
msgid ""
"This chapter contains information to configure specific security settings "
"for your OpenStack-Ansible cloud."
msgstr ""
"Bab ini berisi informasi untuk mengonfigurasi pengaturan keamanan spesifik "
"untuk cloud yang dimungkinkan oleh OpenStack Anda."
msgid ""
"This chapter gives case-by-case examples on how to override the default "
msgstr ""
"Bab ini memberikan contoh kasus per kasus tentang cara mengganti sumber "
msgid ""
"This diagram is not to scale and is not even 100% accurate, this diagram was "
"built for informational purposes only and should **ONLY** be used as such."
msgstr ""
"Diagram ini tidak untuk skala dan bahkan tidak 100% akurat, diagram ini "
"dibangun hanya untuk tujuan informasi dan seharusnya **ONLY** digunakan "
"seperti itu."
msgid "This example environment has the following characteristics:"
msgstr "Lingkungan contoh ini memiliki karakteristik sebagai berikut:"
msgid ""
"This example will focus on the deployment of both OpenStack-Ansible and its "
"Ceph cluster."
msgstr ""
"Contoh ini akan fokus pada penyebaran OpenStack-Ansible dan cluster Ceph-nya."
msgid ""
"This is an example production environment for a working OpenStack-Ansible "
"(OSA) deployment with high availability services."
msgstr ""
"Ini adalah contoh lingkungan produksi untuk penyebaran OpenStack-Ansible "
"(OSA) yang berfungsi dengan layanan ketersediaan tinggi."
msgid "This is done by executing the following:"
msgstr "Ini dilakukan dengan mengeksekusi yang berikut:"
msgid ""
"This section describes an example production environment for a working "
"OpenStack-Ansible (OSA) deployment with high availability services and using "
"the Ceph backend for images, volumes, and instances."
msgstr ""
"Bagian ini menjelaskan contoh lingkungan produksi untuk penyebaran OpenStack-"
"Ansible (OSA) yang berfungsi dengan layanan ketersediaan tinggi (high "
"availability) dan menggunakan backend Ceph untuk image, volume, dan instance."
msgid ""
"This section describes an example production environment for a working "
"OpenStack-Ansible (OSA) deployment with high availability services where "
"provider networks and connectivity between physical machines are routed "
"(layer 3)."
msgstr ""
"Bagian ini menjelaskan contoh lingkungan produksi untuk penyebaran OpenStack-"
"Ansible (OSA) yang berfungsi dengan layanan ketersediaan tinggi di mana "
"jaringan penyedia dan konektivitas antara mesin fisik dialihkan (layer 3)."
msgid ""
"This section provides an overview of hybrid messaging deployment concepts "
"and describes the necessary steps for a working OpenStack-Ansible (OSA) "
"deployment where RPC and Notify communications are separated and integrated "
"with different messaging server backends (e.g. rabbitmq and qdrouterd)."
msgstr ""
"Bagian ini memberikan gambaran umum tentang konsep penyebaran perpesanan "
"hibrida dan menjelaskan langkah-langkah yang diperlukan untuk penerapan "
"OpenStack-Ansible (OSA) yang berfungsi di mana komunikasi RPC dan Notify "
"dipisahkan dan diintegrasikan dengan berbagai server backend perpesanan "
"(misal rabbitmq dan qdrouterd)"
msgid "Three Ceph OSD storage hosts"
msgstr "Tiga host penyimpanan Ceph OSD"
msgid "Three infrastructure (control plane) hosts"
msgstr "Tiga host infrastruktur (control plane)"
msgid "Three infrastructure (control plane) hosts with ceph-mon containers"
msgstr "Tiga host infrastruktur (control plane) dengan kontainer ceph-mon"
msgid ""
"To add OpenStack Services over and above the bootstrap-aio default services "
"for the applicable scenario, copy the ``conf.d`` files with the ``.aio`` "
"file extension into ``/etc/openstack_deploy`` and rename then to ``.yml`` "
"files. For example, in order to enable the OpenStack Telemetry services, "
"execute the following:"
msgstr ""
"Untuk menambahkan OpenStack Service di atas dan di atas layanan default "
"bootstrap-aio untuk skenario yang berlaku, salin file ``conf.d`` dengan "
"ekstensi file `` .aio`` ke ``/etc/openstack_deploy`` dan ganti nama kemudian "
"ke file ``.yml``. Misalnya, untuk mengaktifkan layanan Telemetri OpenStack, "
"jalankan yang berikut:"
msgid ""
"To add any global overrides, over and above the defaults for the applicable "
"scenario, edit ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml``. In order to "
"understand the various ways that you can override the default behaviour set "
"out in the roles, playbook and group variables, see :ref:`user-overrides`."
msgstr ""
"Untuk menambahkan global override, melebihi dan di atas default untuk "
"skenario yang berlaku, edit ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml``. "
"Untuk memahami berbagai cara agar Anda dapat menimpa perilaku default yang "
"ditetapkan dalam variabel role, playbook, dan grup, lihat :ref:`user-"
msgid ""
"To configure easy_install to use an alternative index, create the file `/"
"root/.pydistutils.cfg` with the following content."
msgstr ""
"Untuk mengonfigurasi easy_install agar menggunakan indeks alternatif, buat "
"file `/root/.pydistutils.cfg` dengan konten berikut."
msgid ""
"To deploy certificates with LetsEncrypt, add the following to ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` to enable the letsencrypt function in "
"the haproxy ansible role, and to create a new backend service called "
"``letsencrypt`` to service http-01 challenge requests."
msgstr ""
"Untuk menggunakan sertifikat dengan LetsEncrypt, tambahkan berikut ini ke ``/"
"etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` untuk mengaktifkan fungsi "
"letsencrypt dalam peran yang dimungkinkan haproxy, dan untuk membuat layanan "
"backend baru yang disebut ``letsencrypt`` ke layanan HTTP- 01 permintaan "
msgid ""
"To deploy user-provided certificates for RabbitMQ, copy the certificates to "
"the deployment host, edit the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` "
"file and set the following three variables:"
msgstr ""
"Untuk menggunakan sertifikat yang disediakan pengguna untuk RabbitMQ, salin "
"sertifikat ke host penyebaran, edit file ``/etc/openstack_deploy/"
"user_variables.yml`` dan tetapkan tiga variabel berikut:"
msgid ""
"To force a self-signed certificate to regenerate with every playbook run, "
"set the appropriate regeneration option to ``true``. For example, if you "
"have already run the ``haproxy`` playbook, but you want to regenerate the "
"self-signed certificate, set the ``haproxy_ssl_self_signed_regen`` variable "
"to ``true`` in the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` file:"
msgstr ""
"Untuk memaksa sertifikat yang ditandatangani sendiri untuk dibuat ulang "
"dengan setiap kali playbook dijalankan, setel opsi regenerasi yang sesuai ke "
"``true``. Misalnya, jika Anda sudah menjalankan playbook ``haproxy``, tetapi "
"Anda ingin membuat ulang sertifikat yang ditandatangani sendiri, setel "
"variabel ``haproxy_ssl_self_signed_regen`` ke ``true`` di file ``/etc/"
msgid ""
"To force a self-signed certificate to regenerate, you can pass the variable "
"to ``openstack-ansible`` on the command line:"
msgstr ""
"Untuk memaksa sertifikat yang ditandatangani sendiri untuk dibuat ulang, "
"Anda bisa meneruskan variabel ke ``openstack-ansible`` pada baris perintah:"
msgid ""
"To generate a new self-signed certificate for a service, you must set the "
"``<servicename>_ssl_self_signed_regen`` variable to true in one of the "
"following ways:"
msgstr ""
"Untuk menghasilkan sertifikat yang ditandatangani sendiri untuk layanan, "
"Anda harus mengatur variabel ``<servicename>_ssl_self_signed_regen`` menjadi "
"true dengan salah satu cara berikut:"
msgid "To get your credentials, execute:"
msgstr "Untuk mendapatkan kredensial Anda, laksanakan:"
msgid "Tunnel (VXLAN) Network"
msgstr "Tunnel (VXLAN) Network"
msgid "Tunnel (VxLAN) IP"
msgstr "Tunnel (VxLAN) IP"
msgid "Two compute hosts"
msgstr "Dua host komputasi"
msgid ""
"Typically these tools read environment variables containing proxy server "
"settings. These environment variables can be configured in ``/etc/"
"environment`` if required."
msgstr ""
"Biasanya alat ini membaca variabel lingkungan yang berisi pengaturan server "
"proxy. Variabel lingkungan ini dapat dikonfigurasi dalam ``/etc/"
"environment`` jika diperlukan."
msgid "Unreliable or low bandwidth external connectivity"
msgstr "Konektivitas eksternal bandwidth rendah atau tidak dapat diandalkan"
msgid "Upstream Ubuntu repositories to mirror for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS:"
msgstr "Repositori Ubuntu upstream untuk mirror untuk Ubuntu 18.04 LTS:"
msgid ""
"Use the following process to deploy user-provided SSL certificates in "
msgstr ""
"Gunakan proses berikut untuk menggunakan sertifikat SSL yang disediakan "
"pengguna di OpenStack-Ansible:"
msgid "User Guide"
msgstr "Panduan pengguna"
msgid "User variables"
msgstr "User variables (variabel pengguna)"
msgid "User-provided certificates"
msgstr "User-provided certificate (sertifikat yang disediakan pengguna)"
msgid "Using radosgw as a drop-in replacement for Swift"
msgstr ""
"Menggunakan radosgw sebagai pengganti (drop-in replacement) untuk Swift"
msgid "VLAN"
msgstr "VLAN"
msgid "Virtual machines with SSD storage: ~ 45-60 minutes"
msgstr "Mesin virtual dengan penyimpanan SSD: ~ 45-60 menit"
msgid ""
"We recommend you set your ``/etc/environment`` variables with proxy settings "
"before launching any scripts or playbooks to avoid failure."
msgstr ""
"Kami menyarankan Anda mengatur variabel ``/etc/environment`` Anda dengan "
"pengaturan proxy sebelum meluncurkan skrip atau playbook apa saja untuk "
"menghindari kegagalan."
msgid ""
"When building an AIO on a new server, it is recommended that all system "
"packages are upgraded and then reboot into the new kernel:"
msgstr ""
"Ketika membangun AIO di server baru, disarankan agar semua paket sistem "
"ditingkatkan dan kemudian reboot ke kernel baru:"
msgid ""
"When creating a custom group, first create a skeleton in ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/env.d/``. The following is an example of an inventory "
"skeleton for a group named ``custom2_hosts`` that will consist of bare metal "
"hosts, and has been created at ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/custom2_hosts."
msgstr ""
"Saat membuat grup kustom, pertama buat kerangka (skeleton) di ``/etc/"
"openstack_deploy/env.d/``. Berikut ini adalah contoh inventory skeleton "
"untuk grup bernama ``custom2_hosts`` yang akan terdiri dari host bare metal, "
"dan telah dibuat di ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/custom2_hosts.yml``."
msgid ""
"When deploying with OpenStack-Ansible, you can either use self-signed "
"certificates that are generated during the deployment process or provide SSL "
"certificates, keys, and CA certificates from your own trusted certificate "
"authority. Highly secured environments use trusted, user-provided "
"certificates for as many services as possible."
msgstr ""
"Saat menggunakan dengan OpenStack-Ansible, Anda bisa menggunakan sertifikat "
"yang ditandatangani sendiri yang dihasilkan selama proses penyebaran atau "
"memberikan sertifikat SSL, kunci, dan sertifikat CA dari otoritas sertifikat "
"tepercaya Anda sendiri. Lingkungan yang sangat aman menggunakan sertifikat "
"terpercaya, user-provided (disediakan pengguna) untuk sebanyak mungkin "
msgid ""
"When running OpenStack-Ansible in network environments that block internet "
"connectivity, we recommend the following set of practices and configuration "
"overrides for deployers to use."
msgstr ""
"Saat menjalankan OpenStack-Ansible di lingkungan jaringan yang memblokir "
"konektivitas internet, kami menyarankan serangkaian praktik dan konfigurasi "
"yang ditimpa untuk digunakan oleh deployers."
msgid ""
"When you deployed Gnocchi on multiple servers to distribute the work, add "
"Zookeeper as coordination backend. To setup Zookeeper, you can use `this "
"ansible role`_."
msgstr ""
"Saat Anda menggunakan Gnocchi di beberapa server untuk mendistribusikan "
"pekerjaan, tambahkan Zookeeper sebagai backend koordinasi. Untuk mengatur "
"Zookeeper, Anda dapat menggunakan `this ansible role`_."
msgid ""
"When your Swift installation uses Ceph as backend, the only one left for "
"this setup is Redis."
msgstr ""
"Ketika instalasi Swift Anda menggunakan Ceph sebagai backend, satu-satunya "
"yang tersisa untuk pengaturan ini adalah Redis."
msgid ""
"Within defined provider networks, ``address_prefix`` is used to override the "
"prefix of the key added to each host that contains IP address information. "
"This should usually be one of either ``container``, ``tunnel``, or "
"``storage``. ``reference_group`` contains the name of a defined pod group "
"and is used to limit the scope of each provider network to that group."
msgstr ""
"Dalam jaringan penyedia yang ditentukan, ``address_prefix`` digunakan untuk "
"mengganti awalan kunci yang ditambahkan ke setiap host yang berisi informasi "
"alamat IP. Ini biasanya salah satu dari ``container``, ``tunnel``, atau "
"``storage``. ``reference_group`` berisi nama grup pod yang ditentukan dan "
"digunakan untuk membatasi ruang lingkup setiap jaringan penyedia ke grup itu."
msgid ""
"You also have to configure Ceilometer to actually query radosgw. When your "
"ceilometer isn't configured to poll everything, add these pollsters to your "
"polling.yml file:"
msgstr ""
"Anda juga harus mengonfigurasi Ceilometer untuk benar-benar meminta radosgw. "
"Ketika ceilometer Anda tidak dikonfigurasikan untuk melakukan polling "
"segalanya, tambahkan pollster ini ke file polling.yml Anda:"
msgid "You also have to install additional packages:"
msgstr "Anda juga harus menginstal paket tambahan:"
msgid ""
"You also have to install additional pip/distro packages to use the redis "
msgstr ""
"Anda juga harus menginstal paket pip/distro tambahan untuk menggunakan redis "
msgid ""
"You can apply security hardening configurations to an existing environment "
"or audit an environment by using a playbook supplied with OpenStack-Ansible:"
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat menerapkan konfigurasi pengerasan keamanan untuk lingkungan yang "
"ada atau mengaudit lingkungan dengan menggunakan playbook yang disediakan "
"dengan OpenStack-Ansible:"
msgid "You have to add some pip packages to your gnocchi setup:"
msgstr "Anda harus menambahkan beberapa paket pip ke pengaturan gnocchi Anda:"
msgid ""
"You may also want to add the ``rgw_dns_name`` option if you want to enable "
"bucket hostnames with the S3 API."
msgstr ""
"Anda mungkin juga ingin menambahkan opsi ``rgw_dns_name`` jika Anda ingin "
"mengaktifkan nama host bucket dengan API S3."
msgid ""
"You may choose to operate and maintain mirrors of OpenStack-Ansible and "
"OpenStack dependencies. Mirrors often provide a great deal of risk "
"mitigation by reducing dependencies on resources and systems outside of your "
"direct control. Mirrors can also provide greater stability, performance and "
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat memilih untuk mengoperasikan dan memelihara mirror dependensi "
"OpenStack-Ansible dan OpenStack. Mirror sering kali memberikan banyak "
"mitigasi risiko dengan mengurangi ketergantungan pada sumber daya dan sistem "
"di luar kendali langsung Anda. Mirror juga dapat memberikan stabilitas, "
"kinerja, dan keamanan yang lebih besar."
msgid ""
"You may want to enable the default radosgw S3 API, in addition to the Swift "
"API. In order to do so, you need to override the ``ceph_conf_overrides_rgw`` "
"variable in ``user_variables.yml``. Below is an example configuration "
msgstr ""
"Anda mungkin ingin mengaktifkan radosgw S3 API default, selain Swift API. "
"Untuk melakukannya, Anda perlu mengganti variabel "
"``ceph_conf_overrides_rgw`` dalam ``user_variables.yml``. Berikut ini "
"cuplikan contoh konfigurasi:"
msgid ""
"You might encounter an error while running the Ansible bootstrap script when "
"building some of the Python extensions (like pycrypto) which says:"
msgstr ""
"Anda mungkin mengalami kesalahan saat menjalankan skrip bootstrap Ansible "
"saat membuat beberapa ekstensi Python (seperti pycrypto) yang mengatakan:"
msgid "Zookeeper for coordination"
msgstr "Zookeeper untuk koordinasi"
msgid "``apt-get`` proxy configuration"
msgstr "konfigurasi proxy ``apt-get``"
msgid "`curl`"
msgstr "`curl`"
msgid "`openstack`"
msgstr "`openstack`"
msgid "`wget`"
msgstr "`wget`"
msgid "a development environment"
msgstr "lingkungan pengembangan"
msgid "a simple lab deployment"
msgstr "penyebaran laboratorium sederhana"
msgid "an overview of how all of the OpenStack services fit together"
msgstr "gambaran umum tentang bagaimana semua layanan OpenStack cocok bersama"
msgid "bionic"
msgstr "bionic"
msgid "bionic-updates"
msgstr "bionic-updates"
msgid "compute1"
msgstr "compute1"
msgid "compute2"
msgstr "compute2"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "infra1"
msgstr "infra1"
msgid "infra2"
msgstr "infra2"
msgid "infra3"
msgstr "infra3"
msgid "lb_vip_address"
msgstr "lb_vip_address"
msgid "log1"
msgstr "log1"
msgid "osd1"
msgstr "osd1"
msgid "osd2"
msgstr "osd2"
msgid "osd3"
msgstr "osd3"
msgid "oslo.messaging library"
msgstr "oslo.messaging library"
msgid "storage1"
msgstr "storage1"