Jesse Pretorius 74bebf5d57 Ensure AIO container_tech/install_method vars are namespaced
To ensure there are no clashes with the inventory and other uses
beyond the AIO bootstrap, we namespace the container_tech variable
and the install_method variable. This also allows us to use those
variables as the common base in all conditionals, rather than repeat
the use of the env var lookup here and there.

We also tidy up a bit of content in the user_variables.yml template and
the bootstrap-aio.yml playbook.

Finally, we remove the unnecessary specification of the
'bootstrap_host_scenario', 'install_method' and 'openstack_confd_entries'
variables in the playbook, given that they're now in the role defaults.

Change-Id: I5c276a2efed5e1b300fc72f2767abb008199571c
2018-11-23 12:36:06 +00:00

210 lines
7.9 KiB

# Copyright 2015, Rackspace US, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
## AIO user-space configuration options
# Scenario used to bootstrap the host
bootstrap_host_scenario: "{{ lookup('env','SCENARIO') | default('aio_lxc', true) }}"
# Boolean option to implement OpenStack-Ansible configuration for an AIO
# Switch to no for a multi-node configuration
bootstrap_host_aio_config: yes
# Path to the location of the bootstrapping configuration files
bootstrap_host_aio_config_path: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../etc/openstack_deploy"
# Path to the location of the scripts the bootstrap scripts use
bootstrap_host_aio_script_path: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../scripts"
# The user space configuration file names to use
bootstrap_host_user_variables_filename: "user_variables.yml"
bootstrap_host_user_secrets_filename: "user_secrets.yml"
# Paths to configuration file targets that should be created by the bootstrap
- /etc/openstack_deploy
- /etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d
- /etc/openstack_deploy/env.d
# The user variables template to use
bootstrap_user_variables_template: user_variables.aio.yml.j2
# Extra user variables files can be loaded into /etc/openstack_deploy by
# test scenarios. The dict uses scenario as the key to load a list of extra
# templates if necessary.
- src: user_variables_ceph.yml.j2
dest: user_variables_ceph.yml
- src: user_variables_congress.yml.j2
dest: user_variables_congress.yml
- src: user_variables_translations.yml.j2
dest: user_variables_translations.yml
- src: user_variables_barbican.yml.j2
dest: user_variables_barbican.yml
## Loopback volumes
# Sparse loopback disks are used for the containers if there is no secondary
# disk available to partition for btrfs. They are also used for Ceph, Cinder,
# Swift and Nova (instance storage).
# The size of the loopback volumes can be customized here (in gigabytes).
# Boolean option to deploy the loopback disk for Swap
bootstrap_host_loopback_swap: yes
# Size of the Swap loopback disk in gigabytes (GB).
bootstrap_host_loopback_swap_size: 4096
# Boolean option to deploy the loopback disk for Cinder
bootstrap_host_loopback_cinder: yes
# Size of the Cinder loopback disk in gigabytes (GB).
bootstrap_host_loopback_cinder_size: 1024
# Boolean option to deploy the loopback disk for Swift
bootstrap_host_loopback_swift: yes
# Size of the Swift loopback disk in gigabytes (GB).
bootstrap_host_loopback_swift_size: 1024
# Boolean option to deploy the loopback disk for Nova
bootstrap_host_loopback_nova: yes
# Size of the Nova loopback disk in gigabytes (GB).
bootstrap_host_loopback_nova_size: 1024
# Boolean option to deploy the loopback disk for machines
bootstrap_host_loopback_machines: yes
# Size of the machines loopback disk in gigabytes (GB).
bootstrap_host_loopback_machines_size: 128
# Boolean option to deploy the loopback disk for btrfs
bootstrap_host_loopback_btrfs: yes
# Size of the btrfs loopback disk in gigabytes (GB).
bootstrap_host_loopback_btrfs_size: 1024
# Boolean option to deploy the loopback disk for btrfs
bootstrap_host_loopback_zfs: yes
# Size of the btrfs loopback disk in gigabytes (GB).
bootstrap_host_loopback_zfs_size: 1024
# Boolean option to deploy the OSD loopback disks and cluster UUID for Ceph
bootstrap_host_ceph: "{{ (bootstrap_host_scenario == 'ceph') | bool }}"
# Size of the Ceph OSD loopbacks
bootstrap_host_loopback_ceph_size: 1024
# Ceph OSDs to create on the AIO host
- 'ceph1'
- 'ceph2'
- 'ceph3'
## Network configuration
# Default network IP ranges
mgmt_range: "172.29.236"
vxlan_range: "172.29.240"
storage_range: "172.29.244"
vlan_range: "172.29.248"
netmask: ""
# NICs
bootstrap_host_public_interface: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.interface }}"
# Utility paths
iptables: /sbin/iptables
ethtool: /sbin/ethtool
ip: /sbin/ip
iptables: /usr/sbin/iptables
ethtool: /usr/sbin/ethtool
ip: /usr/sbin/ip
iptables: /usr/sbin/iptables
ethtool: /sbin/ethtool
ip: /sbin/ip
bootstrap_host_iptables_path: "{{ bootstrap_host_network_utils[ansible_pkg_mgr]['iptables'] }}"
bootstrap_host_ethtool_path: "{{ bootstrap_host_network_utils[ansible_pkg_mgr]['ethtool'] }}"
bootstrap_host_ip_path: "{{ bootstrap_host_network_utils[ansible_pkg_mgr]['ip'] }}"
## Extra storage
# An AIO may optionally be built using a second storage device. If a
# secondary disk device to use is not specified, then the AIO will be
# built on any existing disk partitions.
# WARNING: The data on a secondary storage device specified here will
# be destroyed and repartitioned.
# Specify the secondary disk device to use. When the data disk is in use, no NOT
# set the full path to the device. IE: "/dev/xvde" should be "xvde".
bootstrap_host_data_disk_device: null
# Specify the default filesystem type
bootstrap_host_data_disk_fs_type: ext4
# Boolean value to force the repartitioning of the secondary device.
bootstrap_host_data_disk_device_force: no
# If the storage capacity on this device is greater than or equal to this
# size (in GB), the bootstrap process will use it.
bootstrap_host_data_disk_min_size: 50
# Set the data disk formats table. If the backing store is set to lvm the option
# the partition will not actually be formatted however for parted, ext2 is used.
machinectl: btrfs
zfs: zfs
btrfs: btrfs
xfs: xfs
dir: ext4
lvm: ext2
machinectl: '--metadata single --data single --mixed'
btrfs: '--metadata single --data single --mixed'
xfs: '-K -d agcount=64 -l size=128m'
ext4: '-O dir_index'
# Set the data disk mount options.
machinectl: "noatime,nodiratime,compress=lzo,commit=120,{{ (ansible_kernel is version_compare('4.5', '>=')) | ternary('space_cache=v2', 'space_cache') }}"
zfs: "defaults"
btrfs: "noatime,nodiratime,compress=lzo,commit=120,{{ (ansible_kernel is version_compare('4.5', '>=')) | ternary('space_cache=v2', 'space_cache') }}"
xfs: "noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,logbufs=8,logbsize=256k"
ext4: "noatime,nobh,barrier=0,data=writeback"
dir: "defaults"
lvm: "defaults"
swap: "%%"
bootstrap_host_data_disk2_fs: "{{ bootstrap_host_data_disk2_formats[((bootstrap_host_container_tech == 'nspawn') | ternary('btrfs', lxc_container_backing_store))] }}"
bootstrap_host_data_disk2_fs_mount_options: "{{ bootstrap_host_data_mount_options[((bootstrap_host_container_tech == 'nspawn') | ternary('btrfs', lxc_container_backing_store))] }}"
bootstrap_host_data_disk2_path: "{{ (lxc_container_backing_store == 'machinectl' or bootstrap_host_container_tech == 'nspawn') | ternary('/var/lib/machines', '/var/lib/lxc') }}"
### Optional Settings ###
# Specify the public IP address for the host.
# By default the address will be set to the ipv4 address of the
# host's network interface that has the default route on it.
# Set the install method for the deployment. Options are ['source', 'distro']
bootstrap_host_install_method: "{{ lookup('env', 'INSTALL_METHOD') | default('source', true) }}"
# Set the container technology in service. Options are nspawn and lxc.
bootstrap_host_container_tech: "{{ (bootstrap_host_scenario is search('nspawn')) | ternary('nspawn', 'lxc') }}"
# Set the lxc backing store for the job
lxc_container_backing_store: dir