Matt Thompson 11db7e8b49 More horizon changes
This commit does the following:

- changes /static alias and COMPRESS_ROOT to
  {{ install_lib_dir }}/static/ (since this is where collectstatic
  writes to)
- removes bundled and copies it out from {{ git_dest }}
- runs compress --force as per Issue #108 fixed in
- removes some symlinks we drop in v9.0.0 since having those in place
  cause collectstatic to fail
- remove chown of {{ install_lib_dir }}/openstack_dashboard and
  {{ install_lib_dir }}/horizon since Apache should only be writing to
  {{ install_lib_dir }}/static/
- restrict Directory directive to
  {{ install_lib_dir }}/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/ since nothing Apache
  shouldn't need any further access under
  {{ install_lib_dir }}/openstack_dashboard/w
- remove all Options from {{ install_lib_dir }}/static Directory
  directive since those shouldn't be necessary
2014-10-10 14:02:50 +01:00
2014-08-26 18:08:15 -05:00
2014-10-10 14:02:50 +01:00