conf: prometheus: rules: nodes: groups: - name: nodes.rules rules: - alert: prom_exporter_node_unavailable expr: absent(node_uname_info) for: 10m labels: severity: warning annotations: description: node exporter is not collecting metrics or is not available for past 10 minutes title: node exporter is not collecting metrics or is not available - alert: node_filesystem_full_80percent expr: sort(node_filesystem_free{fstype =~ "xfs|ext[34]"} < node_filesystem_size{fstype =~ "xfs|ext[34]"} * 0.2) / 1024 ^ 3 for: 5m labels: severity: page annotations: description: '{{$labels.alias}} device {{$labels.device}} on {{$labels.mountpoint}} got less than 10% space left on its filesystem.' summary: '{{$labels.alias}}: Filesystem is running out of space soon.' - alert: node_filesystem_full_in_4h expr: predict_linear(node_filesystem_free{fstype =~ "xfs|ext[34]"}[1h], 4 * 3600) <= 0 for: 5m labels: severity: page annotations: description: '{{$labels.alias}} device {{$labels.device}} on {{$labels.mountpoint}} is running out of space of in approx. 4 hours' summary: '{{$labels.alias}}: Filesystem is running out of space in 4 hours.' - alert: node_filedescriptors_full_in_3h expr: predict_linear(node_filefd_allocated[1h], 3 * 3600) >= node_filefd_maximum for: 20m labels: severity: page annotations: description: '{{$labels.alias}} is running out of available file descriptors in approx. 3 hours' summary: '{{$labels.alias}} is running out of available file descriptors in 3 hours.' - alert: node_load1_90percent expr: node_load1 / ON(alias) count(node_cpu{mode="system"}) BY (alias) >= 0.9 for: 1h labels: severity: page annotations: description: '{{$labels.alias}} is running with > 90% total load for at least 1h.' summary: '{{$labels.alias}}: Running on high load.' - alert: node_cpu_util_90percent expr: 100 - (avg(irate(node_cpu{mode="idle"}[5m])) BY (alias) * 100) >= 90 for: 1h labels: severity: page annotations: description: '{{$labels.alias}} has total CPU utilization over 90% for at least 1h.' summary: '{{$labels.alias}}: High CPU utilization.' - alert: node_ram_using_90percent expr: node_memory_MemFree + node_memory_Buffers + node_memory_Cached < node_memory_MemTotal * 0.1 for: 30m labels: severity: page annotations: description: '{{$labels.alias}} is using at least 90% of its RAM for at least 30 minutes now.' summary: '{{$labels.alias}}: Using lots of RAM.' - alert: node_swap_using_80percent expr: node_memory_SwapTotal - (node_memory_SwapFree + node_memory_SwapCached) > node_memory_SwapTotal * 0.8 for: 10m labels: severity: page annotations: description: '{{$labels.alias}} is using 80% of its swap space for at least 10 minutes now.' summary: '{{$labels.alias}}: Running out of swap soon.' - alert: node_high_cpu_load expr: node_load15 / on(alias) count(node_cpu{mode="system"}) by (alias) >= 0 for: 1m labels: severity: warning annotations: description: '{{$labels.alias}} is running with load15 > 1 for at least 5 minutes: {{$value}}' summary: '{{$labels.alias}}: Running on high load: {{$value}}' - alert: node_high_memory_load expr: (sum(node_memory_MemTotal) - sum(node_memory_MemFree + node_memory_Buffers + node_memory_Cached)) / sum(node_memory_MemTotal) * 100 > 85 for: 1m labels: severity: warning annotations: description: Host memory usage is {{ humanize $value }}%. Reported by instance {{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }}. summary: Server memory is almost full - alert: node_high_storage_load expr: (node_filesystem_size{mountpoint="/"} - node_filesystem_free{mountpoint="/"}) / node_filesystem_size{mountpoint="/"} * 100 > 85 for: 30s labels: severity: warning annotations: description: Host storage usage is {{ humanize $value }}%. Reported by instance {{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }}. summary: Server storage is almost full - alert: node_high_swap expr: (node_memory_SwapTotal - node_memory_SwapFree) < (node_memory_SwapTotal * 0.4) for: 1m labels: severity: warning annotations: description: Host system has a high swap usage of {{ humanize $value }}. Reported by instance {{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }}. summary: Server has a high swap usage - alert: node_high_network_drop_rcv expr: node_network_receive_drop{device!="lo"} > 3000 for: 30s labels: severity: warning annotations: description: Host system has an unusally high drop in network reception ({{ humanize $value }}). Reported by instance {{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} summary: Server has a high receive drop - alert: node_high_network_drop_send expr: node_network_transmit_drop{device!="lo"} > 3000 for: 30s labels: severity: warning annotations: description: Host system has an unusally high drop in network transmission ({{ humanize $value }}). Reported by instance {{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} summary: Server has a high transmit drop - alert: node_high_network_errs_rcv expr: node_network_receive_errs{device!="lo"} > 3000 for: 30s labels: severity: warning annotations: description: Host system has an unusally high error rate in network reception ({{ humanize $value }}). Reported by instance {{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} summary: Server has unusual high reception errors - alert: node_high_network_errs_send expr: node_network_transmit_errs{device!="lo"} > 3000 for: 30s labels: severity: warning annotations: description: Host system has an unusally high error rate in network transmission ({{ humanize $value }}). Reported by instance {{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} summary: Server has unusual high transmission errors - alert: node_network_conntrack_usage_80percent expr: sort(node_nf_conntrack_entries{job="node-exporter"} > node_nf_conntrack_entries_limit{job="node-exporter"} * 0.8) for: 5m labels: severity: page annotations: description: '{{$labels.instance}} has network conntrack entries of {{ $value }} which is more than 80% of maximum limit' summary: '{{$labels.instance}}: available network conntrack entries are low.' - alert: node_entropy_available_low expr: node_entropy_available_bits < 300 for: 5m labels: severity: page annotations: description: '{{$labels.instance}} has available entropy bits of {{ $value }} which is less than required of 300' summary: '{{$labels.instance}}: is low on entropy bits.' - alert: node_hwmon_high_cpu_temp expr: node_hwmon_temp_crit_celsius*0.9 - node_hwmon_temp_celsius < 0 OR node_hwmon_temp_max_celsius*0.95 - node_hwmon_temp_celsius < 0 for: 5m labels: severity: page annotations: description: '{{$labels.alias}} reports hwmon sensor {{$labels.sensor}}/{{$labels.chip}} temperature value is nearly critical: {{$value}}' summary: '{{$labels.alias}}: Sensor {{$labels.sensor}}/{{$labels.chip}} temp is high: {{$value}}' - alert: node_vmstat_paging_rate_high expr: irate(node_vmstat_pgpgin[5m]) > 80 for: 5m labels: severity: page annotations: description: '{{$labels.alias}} has a memory paging rate of change higher than 80%: {{$value}}' summary: '{{$labels.alias}}: memory paging rate is high: {{$value}}' - alert: node_xfs_block_allocation_high expr: 100*(node_xfs_extent_allocation_blocks_allocated_total{job="node-exporter", instance=~"*"} / (node_xfs_extent_allocation_blocks_freed_total{job="node-exporter", instance=~"*"} + node_xfs_extent_allocation_blocks_allocated_total{job="node-exporter", instance=~"*"})) > 80 for: 5m labels: severity: page annotations: description: '{{$labels.alias}} has xfs allocation blocks higher than 80%: {{$value}}' summary: '{{$labels.alias}}: xfs block allocation high: {{$value}}' - alert: node_network_bond_slaves_down expr: node_net_bonding_slaves - node_net_bonding_slaves_active > 0 for: 5m labels: severity: page annotations: description: '{{ $labels.master }} is missing {{ $value }} slave interface(s).' summary: 'Instance {{ $labels.instance }}: {{ $labels.master }} missing {{ $value }} slave interface(s)' - alert: node_numa_memory_used expr: 100*node_memory_numa_MemUsed / node_memory_numa_MemTotal > 80 for: 5m labels: severity: page annotations: description: '{{$labels.alias}} has more than 80% NUMA memory usage: {{ $value }}' summary: '{{$labels.alias}}: has high NUMA memory usage: {{$value}}' - alert: node_ntp_clock_skew_high expr: abs(node_ntp_drift_seconds) > 2 for: 5m labels: severity: page annotations: description: '{{$labels.alias}} has time difference of more than 2 seconds compared to NTP server: {{ $value }}' summary: '{{$labels.alias}}: time is skewed by : {{$value}} seconds' - alert: node_disk_read_latency expr: (rate(node_disk_read_time_ms[5m]) / rate(node_disk_reads_completed[5m])) > 40 for: 5m labels: severity: page annotations: description: '{{$labels.device}} has a high read latency of {{ $value }}' summary: 'High read latency observed for device {{ $labels.device }}' - alert: node_disk_write_latency expr: (rate(node_disk_write_time_ms[5m]) / rate(node_disk_writes_completed[5m])) > 40 for: 5m labels: severity: page annotations: description: '{{$labels.device}} has a high write latency of {{ $value }}' summary: 'High write latency observed for device {{ $labels.device }}'