# Generated by confd filter calico_pools { calico_aggr(); custom_filters(); {{`{{range ls "/v1/ipam/v4/pool"}}`}}{{`{{$data := json (getv (printf "/v1/ipam/v4/pool/%s" .))}}`}} if ( net ~ {{`{{$data.cidr}}`}} ) then { accept; } {{`{{end}}`}} reject; } {{`{{$network_key := printf "/bgp/v1/host/%s/network_v4" (getenv "NODENAME")}}`}}{{`{{$network := getv $network_key}}`}} filter calico_ipip { {{`{{range ls "/v1/ipam/v4/pool"}}`}}{{`{{$data := json (getv (printf "/v1/ipam/v4/pool/%s" .))}}`}} if ( net ~ {{`{{$data.cidr}}`}} ) then { {{`{{if $data.ipip_mode}}`}}{{`{{if eq $data.ipip_mode "cross-subnet"}}`}} if ( from ~ {{`{{$network}}`}} ) then krt_tunnel = ""; {{`{{/* Destination in ipPool, mode is cross sub-net, route from-host on subnet, do not use IPIP */}}`}} else krt_tunnel = "{{`{{$data.ipip}}`}}"; {{`{{/* Destination in ipPool, mode is cross sub-net, route from-host off subnet, set the tunnel (if IPIP not enabled, value will be "") */}}`}} accept; } {{`{{else}}`}} krt_tunnel = "{{`{{$data.ipip}}`}}"; {{`{{/* Destination in ipPool, mode not cross sub-net, set the tunnel (if IPIP not enabled, value will be "") */}}`}} accept; } {{`{{end}}`}} {{`{{else}}`}} krt_tunnel = "{{`{{$data.ipip}}`}}"; {{`{{/* Destination in ipPool, mode field is not present, set the tunnel (if IPIP not enabled, value will be "") */}}`}} accept; } {{`{{end}}`}} {{`{{end}}`}} accept; {{`{{/* Destination is not in any ipPool, accept */}}`}} }