#!/usr/bin/python import re import os import subprocess # nosec import json MON_REGEX = r"^\d: ([0-9\.]*):\d+/\d* mon.([^ ]*)$" # kubctl_command = 'kubectl get pods --namespace=${NAMESPACE} -l component=mon,application=ceph -o template --template="{ {{"}}"}}range .items{{"}}"}} \\"{{"}}"}}.metadata.name{{"}}"}}\\": \\"{{"}}"}}.status.podIP{{"}}"}}\\" , {{"}}"}}end{{"}}"}} }"' if int(os.getenv('K8S_HOST_NETWORK', 0)) > 0: kubectl_command = 'kubectl get pods --namespace=${NAMESPACE} -l component=mon,application=ceph -o template --template="{ {{"{{"}}range \$i, \$v := .items{{"}}"}} {{"{{"}} if \$i{{"}}"}} , {{"{{"}} end {{"}}"}} \\"{{"{{"}}\$v.spec.nodeName{{"}}"}}\\": \\"{{"{{"}}\$v.status.podIP{{"}}"}}\\" {{"{{"}}end{{"}}"}} }"' else: kubectl_command = 'kubectl get pods --namespace=${NAMESPACE} -l component=mon,application=ceph -o template --template="{ {{"{{"}}range \$i, \$v := .items{{"}}"}} {{"{{"}} if \$i{{"}}"}} , {{"{{"}} end {{"}}"}} \\"{{"{{"}}\$v.metadata.name{{"}}"}}\\": \\"{{"{{"}}\$v.status.podIP{{"}}"}}\\" {{"{{"}}end{{"}}"}} }"' monmap_command = "ceph --cluster=${NAMESPACE} mon getmap > /tmp/monmap && monmaptool -f /tmp/monmap --print" def extract_mons_from_monmap(): monmap = subprocess.check_output(monmap_command, shell=True) # nosec mons = {} for line in monmap.split("\n"): m = re.match(MON_REGEX, line) if m is not None: mons[m.group(2)] = m.group(1) return mons def extract_mons_from_kubeapi(): kubemap = subprocess.check_output(kubectl_command, shell=True) # nosec return json.loads(kubemap) current_mons = extract_mons_from_monmap() expected_mons = extract_mons_from_kubeapi() print("current mons: %s" % current_mons) print("expected mons: %s" % expected_mons) removed_mon = False for mon in current_mons: if not mon in expected_mons: print("removing zombie mon %s" % mon) subprocess.call(["ceph", "--cluster", os.environ["NAMESPACE"], "mon", "remove", mon]) # nosec removed_mon = True elif current_mons[mon] != expected_mons[mon]: # check if for some reason the ip of the mon changed print("ip change detected for pod %s" % mon) subprocess.call(["kubectl", "--namespace", os.environ["NAMESPACE"], "delete", "pod", mon]) # nosec removed_mon = True print("deleted mon %s via the kubernetes api" % mon) if not removed_mon: print("no zombie mons found ...")