{{/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */}} {{/* (aostapenko) rounds cpu limit in any permissible format to integer value (min 1) "100m" -> 1 "1100m" -> 1 "10900m" -> 10 0.3 -> 1 5.4 -> 5 */}} {{- define "get_erlvm_scheduler_num" -}} {{- $val := . | toString -}} {{- if regexMatch "^[0-9]*m$" $val -}} {{- $val = div (float64 (trimSuffix "m" $val)) 1000 -}} {{- end -}} {{/* NOTE(aostapenko) String with floating number does not convert well to int */}} {{- $val | float64 | int | default 1 -}} {{- end -}} {{- if .Values.manifests.statefulset }} {{- $envAll := . }} {{- $rcControllerName := printf "%s-%s" $envAll.Release.Name "rabbitmq" }} {{ tuple $envAll "rabbitmq" $rcControllerName | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_pod_rbac_serviceaccount" }} {{- $protocol := "http" }} {{- if $envAll.Values.manifests.certificates }} {{- $protocol = "https" }} {{- end }} --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: {{ $rcControllerName | quote }} namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: Role name: {{ $rcControllerName | quote }} subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: {{ $rcControllerName | quote }} namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: Role metadata: name: {{ $rcControllerName | quote }} namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} rules: - apiGroups: - "" - extensions - batch - apps verbs: - get - list resources: - services - endpoints --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet metadata: name: {{ $rcControllerName | quote }} annotations: {{ tuple $envAll | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.release_uuid" }} labels: {{ tuple $envAll "rabbitmq" "server" | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_metadata_labels" | indent 4 }} spec: serviceName: {{ tuple "oslo_messaging" "internal" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.hostname_short_endpoint_lookup" }} replicas: {{ $envAll.Values.pod.replicas.server }} podManagementPolicy: "Parallel" selector: matchLabels: {{ tuple $envAll "rabbitmq" "server" | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_metadata_labels" | indent 6 }} template: metadata: labels: {{ tuple $envAll "rabbitmq" "server" | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_metadata_labels" | indent 8 }} annotations: {{ tuple $envAll | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.release_uuid" | indent 8 }} configmap-bin-hash: {{ tuple "configmap-bin.yaml" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.hash" }} configmap-etc-hash: {{ tuple "configmap-etc.yaml" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.hash" }} secret-rabbit-admin-hash: {{ tuple "secret-rabbit-admin.yaml" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.hash" }} secret-erlang-cookie-hash: {{ tuple "secret-erlang-cookie.yaml" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.hash" }} {{ dict "envAll" $envAll "podName" "rabbitmq" "containerNames" (list "init" "rabbitmq-password" "rabbitmq-cookie" "rabbitmq-perms" "rabbitmq") | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_mandatory_access_control_annotation" | indent 8 }} spec: {{ dict "envAll" $envAll "application" "server" | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_pod_security_context" | indent 6 }} serviceAccountName: {{ $rcControllerName | quote }} affinity: {{ tuple $envAll "rabbitmq" "server" | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_pod_anti_affinity" | indent 8 }} nodeSelector: {{ $envAll.Values.labels.server.node_selector_key }}: {{ $envAll.Values.labels.server.node_selector_value | quote }} initContainers: {{ tuple $envAll "rabbitmq" list | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_entrypoint_init_container" | indent 8 }} - name: rabbitmq-password {{ tuple $envAll "rabbitmq_init" | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.image" | indent 10 }} {{ tuple $envAll $envAll.Values.pod.resources.server | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_resources" | indent 10 }} {{ dict "envAll" $envAll "application" "server" "container" "rabbitmq_password" | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_container_security_context" | indent 10 }} command: - /tmp/rabbitmq-password-hash.py env: - name: RABBITMQ_ADMIN_USERNAME valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: {{ printf "%s-%s" $envAll.Release.Name "admin-user" | quote }} key: RABBITMQ_ADMIN_USERNAME - name: RABBITMQ_ADMIN_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: {{ printf "%s-%s" $envAll.Release.Name "admin-user" | quote }} key: RABBITMQ_ADMIN_PASSWORD - name: RABBITMQ_DEFINITION_FILE value: "{{ index $envAll.Values.conf.rabbitmq "management.load_definitions" }}" volumeMounts: - name: pod-tmp mountPath: /tmp - name: rabbitmq-data mountPath: /var/lib/rabbitmq - name: rabbitmq-bin mountPath: /tmp/rabbitmq-password-hash.py subPath: rabbitmq-password-hash.py readOnly: true - name: rabbitmq-cookie {{ tuple $envAll "rabbitmq" | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.image" | indent 10 }} {{ tuple $envAll $envAll.Values.pod.resources.server | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_resources" | indent 10 }} {{ dict "envAll" $envAll "application" "server" "container" "rabbitmq_cookie" | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_container_security_context" | indent 10 }} command: - /tmp/rabbitmq-cookie.sh volumeMounts: - name: pod-tmp mountPath: /tmp - name: rabbitmq-bin mountPath: /tmp/rabbitmq-cookie.sh subPath: rabbitmq-cookie.sh readOnly: true - name: rabbitmq-data mountPath: /var/lib/rabbitmq - name: rabbitmq-erlang-cookie mountPath: /var/run/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie subPath: erlang_cookie readOnly: true {{- if $envAll.Values.volume.chown_on_start }} - name: rabbitmq-perms {{ tuple $envAll "rabbitmq" | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.image" | indent 10 }} {{ tuple $envAll $envAll.Values.pod.resources.server | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_resources" | indent 10 }} {{ dict "envAll" $envAll "application" "server" "container" "rabbitmq_perms" | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_container_security_context" | indent 10 }} command: - chown - -R - "rabbitmq:" - /var/lib/rabbitmq volumeMounts: - name: pod-tmp mountPath: /tmp - name: rabbitmq-data mountPath: /var/lib/rabbitmq {{- end }} containers: - name: rabbitmq {{ tuple $envAll "rabbitmq" | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.image" | indent 10 }} {{ tuple $envAll $envAll.Values.pod.resources.server | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_resources" | indent 10 }} {{ dict "envAll" $envAll "application" "server" "container" "rabbitmq" | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_container_security_context" | indent 10 }} command: - /tmp/rabbitmq-start.sh ports: - name: {{ printf "%s" $protocol }} protocol: TCP containerPort: {{ tuple "oslo_messaging" "internal" $protocol . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.endpoint_port_lookup" }} - name: amqp protocol: TCP containerPort: {{ tuple "oslo_messaging" "internal" "amqp" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.endpoint_port_lookup" }} - name: clustering protocol: TCP containerPort: {{ add (tuple "oslo_messaging" "internal" "amqp" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.endpoint_port_lookup") 20000 }} env: - name: MY_POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.name - name: MY_POD_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.podIP - name: RABBITMQ_USE_LONGNAME value: "true" - name: RABBITMQ_NODENAME value: "rabbit@$(MY_POD_NAME).{{ tuple "oslo_messaging" "internal" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.hostname_fqdn_endpoint_lookup" }}" - name: K8S_SERVICE_NAME value: {{ tuple "oslo_messaging" "internal" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.hostname_short_endpoint_lookup" }} - name: K8S_HOSTNAME_SUFFIX value: ".{{ tuple "oslo_messaging" "internal" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.hostname_fqdn_endpoint_lookup" }}" - name: RABBITMQ_ERLANG_COOKIE value: "{{ $envAll.Values.endpoints.oslo_messaging.auth.erlang_cookie }}" - name: PORT_HTTP value: "{{ tuple "oslo_messaging" "internal" $protocol . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.endpoint_port_lookup" }}" - name: PORT_AMPQ value: "{{ tuple "oslo_messaging" "internal" "amqp" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.endpoint_port_lookup" }}" - name: PORT_CLUSTERING value: "{{ add (tuple "oslo_messaging" "internal" "amqp" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.endpoint_port_lookup") 20000 }}" {{- if ne (.Values.conf.feature_flags | default "") "default" }} - name: RABBITMQ_FEATURE_FLAGS value: "{{ .Values.conf.feature_flags }}" {{- end }} readinessProbe: initialDelaySeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 10 exec: command: - /tmp/rabbitmq-readiness.sh livenessProbe: initialDelaySeconds: 60 timeoutSeconds: 10 exec: command: - /tmp/rabbitmq-liveness.sh lifecycle: preStop: exec: command: - rabbitmqctl - stop_app volumeMounts: - name: pod-tmp mountPath: /tmp - name: rabbitmq-data mountPath: /var/lib/rabbitmq - name: rabbitmq-bin mountPath: /tmp/rabbitmq-start.sh subPath: rabbitmq-start.sh readOnly: true - name: rabbitmq-bin mountPath: /tmp/rabbitmq-readiness.sh subPath: rabbitmq-readiness.sh readOnly: true - name: rabbitmq-bin mountPath: /tmp/rabbitmq-liveness.sh subPath: rabbitmq-liveness.sh readOnly: true - name: rabbitmq-etc mountPath: /etc/rabbitmq/enabled_plugins subPath: enabled_plugins readOnly: true - name: rabbitmq-etc mountPath: /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf subPath: rabbitmq.conf readOnly: true - name: rabbitmq-etc mountPath: /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf subPath: rabbitmq-env.conf readOnly: true {{- if .Values.manifests.config_ipv6 }} - name: rabbitmq-etc mountPath: /etc/rabbitmq/erl_inetrc subPath: erl_inetrc readOnly: true {{- end }} {{ dict "enabled" $envAll.Values.manifests.certificates "name" $envAll.Values.secrets.tls.oslo_messaging.server.internal "path" "/etc/rabbitmq/certs" | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.tls_volume_mount" | indent 12 }} volumes: - name: pod-tmp emptyDir: {} - name: rabbitmq-bin configMap: name: {{ printf "%s-%s" $envAll.Release.Name "rabbitmq-bin" | quote }} defaultMode: 0555 - name: rabbitmq-etc configMap: name: {{ printf "%s-%s" $envAll.Release.Name "rabbitmq-etc" | quote }} defaultMode: 0444 - name: rabbitmq-erlang-cookie secret: secretName: {{ printf "%s-%s" $envAll.Release.Name "erlang-cookie" | quote }} defaultMode: 0444 {{ dict "enabled" $envAll.Values.manifests.certificates "name" $envAll.Values.secrets.tls.oslo_messaging.server.internal | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.tls_volume" | indent 8 }} {{- if not $envAll.Values.volume.enabled }} - name: rabbitmq-data {{- if .Values.volume.use_local_path.enabled }} hostPath: path: {{ .Values.volume.use_local_path.host_path }} type: DirectoryOrCreate {{- else }} emptyDir: {} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if $envAll.Values.volume.enabled }} volumeClaimTemplates: - metadata: name: rabbitmq-data spec: accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"] resources: requests: storage: {{ $envAll.Values.volume.size }} storageClassName: {{ $envAll.Values.volume.class_name }} {{- end }} {{ end }}